Hello I'm Kay, recently with my actions I have hurt a lot of my friends and people I have known since quotev.
this is my first time making something like this,and I hope it will be my last for everyones sake,not just my own
The first thing I will adress was what happened with me and Ethan. Me and Ethan dated for around a year, around the halfway mark I began to grow tired,and frustrated with the relationship. The relationship began to drain me of all my energy and I began to simply ignore ethan as my feelings for them died down, I should have broken up with them but I didn't I kept the relationship going because I did not want to hurt them. I realize now that I hurt them deeply and I should not have dragged on a loveless relationship because I felt I could hurt them. The loveless relationship hurt them more then if I would have broken it off earlier, I also should not had flirted woth other people,it was wrong to do that even if it was just playfully, I would also like to Apolgize to Andy I Made wrongful assumptions that you knew of my polyamory that I was already in a relationship, I hurt not only you but Ethan with that assumption, I should have told you of my relationship and that I was in a polyamory. To Ethan, I am sorry, I should have broken up with you sooner, you deserve much better and I know you can do better, I wish you only the best, and I hope your situation gets better.
Concerning me saying FP
I did not know it was a BPD term at the time of use, I have heard it my whole life to describe a friend you are close to or a best friend. I apolgize and will do my research before I use a term next time that I do not know the context around. I apologize sincerly for using the term and I will never use it again. I will never use any term before researching it again.
Finally to Ysopa
I am sorry to both you and Ethan for the persona shipping it wasn't right and I should have made sure everyone was comfortable regarding that. That fanfic I also should have never written, especially since I am a minor. I also should not had been hostile regarding you ignoring me, I projected my own trauma onto you thinking you'd get mad at me for feeling ignored. I also should have expressed that I felt my intreasts were ignored for yours when talking. I also should have never made fun of your intreasts or F/os. That was wrong of me and I should have kept it to myself. when you got a boyfriend and began to talk to me less I felt abandoned and put aside,which I should have clarified to you how I felt so we could have fixed our friendship instead of me festering all my jealousy and hate. I should have told you I felt ignored and put aside when it came to my intreasts so we could have resolved it. I should not have tried to distance myself from you I should have tried to resolve my problems with you by communicating with you. I also should have respected you and synnove friendships and closeness,
To mangoberries I am sorry For all those jokes and comments about redson and not just that but my un-modding joke. I said it in a moment of anger and frustration, Im sorry if I ever made you uncomfortable.
My closing regards and statements (+ the minion thing)
The day I told taco I was scared of them was because They shittalked my comfort media (minions) when I spoke about it they immedately began to slander it, I was upset because that day I had a horrible day and was having a breakdown. I Like the minions because its the only media me and my parents can bond over but I should not have been so sensetive and said such a stupid request of 'hey can you stop talking about my comfort media like that.' it was stupid and everyone has a right to their own opinion.
My final sorry is to all my friends I hurt, I brought that Quotev like mindest to plurk when I should not have. I'm sorry if I made anyone angry,upset,or sick with any of my comments. I will be taking a full break from most points of online contact for the sake of my mental health so I can learn to communicate with others clearly and not project my truama onto situations where it is nothing alike what has happened to me before. I need time to think to myself,fix my mental health, and get better social skills. I will mainly be taking a break from plurk as it serverly impacted my mental health and I need time to heal and better myself as a person. I understand if you don't respect me or see me as a friend anymore after this, Thank you for reading.