SEPHIROTH Any pronouns + Adult + System caretaker

I am the head of a subsystem consisting of 10 others, the majority of which shall not have individual pages to reduce redundancy. However ones to take note of are Yazoo, Kadaj and Loz who you are likely to also see frequently.

It is important to state that I am the primary alter of this system that you shall be interacting with at the moment, please take note of this.
I speak and type in a manner considered formal. Clarification on tone is often given; however, I will elaborate if requested.

Additionally, do not make baseless assumptions about me based on my source; the ways in which I do or do not connect to it are irrelevant to most. So do not bother bringing it up. Thank you for your time.

Pub: 28 Aug 2024 17:05 UTC
Edit: 13 Nov 2024 20:40 UTC
Views: 29