Adventure Mode guide

What is Adventure mode?

Adventure mode is a new game mode that allows you send girls off to explore and bring back a new type of equipment called EX equipment, to strengthen your girls. This mode is unlocked after clearing Main Story 18-1. They can also bring back some additional resources, but the main appeal here is to grab the equips that give your units extra stats. They can also bring back memory pieces of the specific unit you send. Read on for more information.

Sending units on Adventures

  1. Go to the adventure mode main menu
  2. Click on the map at the bottom left (or the world node you want)
  3. Pick any of the 5 options to farm
  4. Select 10 units to send on an adventure (Read below for more info)
  5. Set them for how many times you want them to run it (1 to 5)
  6. You're done, check back later

The Quest Menu tile will display a red diamond notification on the Adventure mode menu once a team has returned from fully clearing the set amount of adventures. You can easily send the same team back out on the same adventure once they've returned by clicking the blue button and setting how many times they go again.

Setting up adventure teams

When setting up your adventure teams, there are a few key points to consider:

  • Only the first 3 units selected will have a chance at bringing you back memory pieces
  • Standard adventure time is 12 hours per 1 adventure
  • Your selected team must meet the power requirement (For world 1, it's 100,000)
  • The higher your team's combined total power is, the faster they will return from exploration (Up to a reduced 2 hours per adventure)
  • A unit can only be put into 1 team
  • You can only have a maximum of 3 teams sent out at once

Time reduction Tickets

While doing Adventure mode, you may notice that you're collecting these golden tickets. These actually allow you to lower the overall adventure time for a team. 1 ticket = 1 hour reduced and you can use 36 per day. This can be split any way you see fit, whether it be all 36 on a single team, 12 per team and so on. You can use these before sending a team out, or during their adventure if you forget to do so.


Once units return from adventure, they may trigger an event that you can interact with on the Adventure map. These are just small scenes where a unit will retrieve an item for you, usually an equip for the normal event. This is based on individual adventures, not just the full bulk sent ones. The red Diamond appears when a team fully completes their assigned adventure(s). So if you send them out for 60 hours, you won't get a notification icon until the entire thing is done.

Ideally, you should check this every day in order to not reach the cap of 6 events total.

Pink Events

Some events that have pink-ish text can trigger a gamble event, where you choose between two options. These usually involve gambling on getting a higher amount of the resource vs getting a very low amount (Ex. 40% chance for 3 CB EX equips vs 60% for 1 CB EX equip, or just taking the 100% 2 CB Ex).

Blue Events

Events with Blue text will trigger a conversation and will give certain rewards.

  • 100 Gold EXP Pots
  • 20 Hearts
  • 50 Cakes
  • 1 single pull gacha ticket
  • 100 Gold equipment upgrade shards
  • Rupees 10000
  • Mana
  • Divine Stones

Memory events

Your party may bring you back a picture, which is a nice piece of art for the guilds in the game. Currently, there are 21 existing memory art pieces. You can get duplicates, so results may vary on how quickly you can gather them all. These also give equipment when they're brought back, so even a dupe image can help you out in that regard. Unfortunately, you cannot use the Memory event art pieces on your home screen.

EX Equipment

EX Equips are extra stats that each unit can equip and obtain. There is no rank system with these equips, you simply slot them in and they add stats. In addition, these equips are removable and can be shifted around to different units.

EX Equip bonuses

Currently, Gold and Pink EX equips have unique skills applied to characters. For a full list of these, please refer to this google spreadsheet. Please note that skills are currently only available on non-CB EX Equips.

EX Equip types

There are currently two categories of EX equipment: Normal and Clan Battle. CB equips have the CB icon at the top left of the icon, while Normal equips have "EX" written in that spot instead. Normal equips cannot be used to equip in the CB slot, but CB equips CAN be used in the normal slot. As of August 2023, CB now has Weapon, Armor & Accessory equips to farm for all types of characters.

After using a unit with a CB EX equip, the game will know that the particular CB EX equip has been used in that day. This means you cannot remove it and give it to another unit for another hit.

Here is a table of the current rarity availability:

Rarity CB Normal
Bronze Yes Yes
Silver Yes Yes
Gold Yes Yes
Pink No Yes

Type of Equip:

Equipment CB Normal
Weapon Yes Yes
Armor Yes Yes
Accessory Yes Yes

Upgrading & Refining EX Equips

Kind of like the GBF weapon system, just on a smaller and simplified scale. Your equipment starts at level 1 and can be upgrade up to 3 initially by feeding them any sort of EX equipment or the strengthening points received from adventure mode. Using equipment to level up this way will refund you some EX shop coins based on type (Weapon, Armor, Accessory . To unlock levels 4 and 5 for the Equips, you'll need a dupe of the equip to refine with, per level. So if you want 1 unit to have a level 5 weapon, you need at least 3 copies per unit.

Automatic scrapping of Adventure mode returns

Since you can only hold up to 1500 EX equips, you can set up rules to auto-sell any unwanted items you collect. To do this, go to Adventure Mode > Menu > Coin Icon. This will take you to the menu you see in the image below. In the example, it is set up to auto-sell anything that is a weapon or armor and is Bronze (1) or Silver (2) rarity. You can obviously modify this to your liking, down to the type of EX equip you want to omit/add to these rules.

Bulk selling unwanted items

If you've already accumulated a ton of items and wish you could get rid of them, or just want to quickly trade in stuff to get coins, you're in luck - You can bulk-sell them. From the main menu, navigate to Menu > Item > EX Equipment > Click the top right button. Now you can click on any item to start bulk selling them, up to 50 per batch. You can also use white button to set up rules for items you want to be batch selected to be sold, similar to the explanation above.


EX Equip Shop

As mentioned above, you can obtain EX Equip shop coins through various methods like using them to level up weapons, events or from adventures themselves. There are 3 categories of coins that can be exchanged for equips matching in the EX Equipment shop - Weapon, Armor & Accessory. There is a limit of 3 per month available in the store, with no option to reset it like the Dungeon shop as an example. The store will reset at the end of every month by itself.

Fuck the explanation, what should I farm?

Farm World 3 and check which ones fit the needs you have. You cannot get accessories from World 1 and cannot get armor from World 2.

Pub: 01 Jan 2023 21:59 UTC
Edit: 10 Aug 2023 23:40 UTC
Views: 1481