Algebralian Apperication

About Admin/Veridis

  • Algebralian Lover /p
  • She/They/He
  • Uses tone indicators.
  • Actually Autistic

Types Of Content

  • Tag this account to send you algebralian comforts. (Ex. @AlgebralianApp Four)
  • Posting positive tweets related to algebralians.
  • Informing users positive things algebralians say about them.
  • Retweets other tweets related to algebralians.
  • X Week
    • Third week of September.
    • Makes tweets related to X.

Before You Follow

  • This account has no connection with JackandJellify/the Huang twins.
  • I am just a mere OSC member.
  • This is a fan account.
  • Please DM me if any of my tweets are problematic or I am following someone problematic.
  • Just DM to submit anything.
  • I think Six and Nine are QPPs (and not siblings).
  • Four is my highest QP f/o.

Do Not Interact

Submission Rules

  • You must be 13 or older to request anything.
  • You can request to anonymous.
  • Submissions must be SFW.
  • No ships. (Platonic friendships or QPRs are okay.)
  • No insensitive content.
Pub: 03 Sep 2022 19:02 UTC
Edit: 14 Apr 2023 15:54 UTC
Views: 897