Amagasaki Massacre

First of Shishanogatsu, Year 3571 (23 of July, 1137)

At the port of Amagasaki, lived ~1400 Kyo worshippers who refused to abide by the Imperial Decree to Expel the Heretics. They claimed that they were not participants in the heresy that Prince Akechi crusaded against for many years before, and furthermore believed it was their divine right to live within the Empire.

They were a relatively new community within the port, but one that had always caused problems since their arrival some 40 years prior. They had smuggled in contraband, violently attacked locals, and had only 2 years before caused a great controversy when one of them had raped the daughter of a local politician only to get off free because of the flaws within the legal system and bribery.

But the town soon found that its ruler had changed from the direct rule of the Shogun to the Higuchi Domain. The Daimyo of Higuchi, a zealous hothead by the name of Fusanosuke Higuchi, had specifically requested this "fief" from the Shogun as a reward for his continued loyalty. Amagasaki was a prosperous city after all, and the Shogun needed to make sure the Higuchi remained loyal to him in his struggles against the rebels.

The Higuchi were one of the few Domains that were armed with modern weapons and had a tradition of brutality and warfare that comes from their Kami, Deron herself. Fusanosuke, when he received word that his request that the city was now granted to him was rumored to have remarked "Excellent, and may the bloodshed of the blasphemers that live there now begin..."

He wasn't joking at all when he quickly led 500 of his modern infantry and 4 cannons to the city to take "care" of the infestation that had plague the poor citizens of Amagasaki for too long. On his way, he was greeted by one of the Kyocels who tried to bribe him like he had done with the Shoguns into turning a blind eye. But while Fusanosuke was many things, he was also incorruptible, and he was so offended by this that he had the fool tied to a cannon and summarily executed on the spot.

It was the First of Shishanogatu when the Daimyo made his presence known in the port by quickly ordering it closed off as his men formed a perimeter around the Kyocel Quarters. He quickly issued a proclamation to the cretins and thieves stating their crimes out loud for all to hear and giving them their sentence on the spot.

"You shall all perish. Every last one of you will be butchered from your oldest man to your youngest babe. The Kami sometimes need assistance in this task, and Deron-sama has designated me to carry this out. Prepare to meet your sickly, cowardly Kami!"

As soon as he was done ready, explosive shot and rifle fire was shot into the Kyocel Quarter. A great fire was started as the Higuchi Infantry poured in and showed no mercy. Families were locked up in their houses, which were then set ablaze becoming their tombs. Infants were bayonetted against the wall, and the elderly were thrown from the second floor to their deaths. Many men were lined up against walls and shot. No mercy was shown, and even some of the local Amagasaki joined in the killings against their hated neighbors. By the time the clock hit midnight, not one single Kyo heretic was left alive. All of them were slain, and their entire quarter was burnt down. The house of worship to Kyo was turned into a public toilet before it too was destroyed.

The message was clear: In the Higuchi Domain, there was no place for those deemed to be heretics of any sort. They would be all butchered the same way as the Kyocels at Amagasaki.

Pub: 12 Mar 2023 01:37 UTC
Edit: 12 Mar 2023 02:14 UTC
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