
Amahagene Himekō. (天鋼 姫鋼 : Sky Steel + Princess Steel), The Iron Storm Hero: Princess Blade

Himeko as she appears in the classroom:


Pro Hero (Battle, Rescue, Evacuation, Teacher) (-4 XP)

The Iron Storm Hero, Princess Blade

Career Modifiers: Popular, Top Hero, Awful Fanbase, Old Guard (-1 XP, -2 QP)

Technically isn't an active hero anymore, but prior to her retirement Himeko was the number 1 hero. This was a topic from ages ago however, as even the current #1 wasn't even born until after she retired. Nowadays, her fans are either the elderly who overexaggerate her deeds, diehard hero otakus who know her from books and old footage, or the occasional pervert who's taken a misguided interest in her appearance.

Costume: Skimp
Himeko in the hero costume she doesn't normally use anymore:

In her active hero days, she was quite fond of giving some fan service. Sadly, she doesn't really wear it anymore. It just doesn't give the same vibe the way she looks now.


General Modifiers: (Total: -8 XP)
Athletics (Free)

For a woman her age, Himeko is in good shape. This mostly means that she can stand around all day and doesn't need mid-day naps. (She takes naps anyway, sometimes even in class). Make no mistake that she can't keep up with teenagers in terms of physical fitness.

First Aid (Free)

Most associate her hero name with brilliant feats of combat, taking down evil villains and the like. Himeko was also a fairly active rescue hero. Her quirk is surprisingly useful for this kind of thing.

Public Relations (Free)

Himeko is an old hat in the Pro-Hero game and knows just how to play the part of a diligent and charismatic hero. Sadly, she refuses. She'd rather be blunt and coarse.

Tactics (Free)

Naturally, she's seen just about every scheme, quirk, and crime scene humanity has to throw at someone. She's no stranger to leadership positions either. Although... Her actual tactics might be just a bit outdated.

Sharpshooting x2 (-4 XP)

Once upon a time, Himeko was even more accurate with her quirk. Sadly, her reaction times just aren't what they used to be, nor is her eyesight.

Genius (Multi-tasking) (-4 XP)

Known to have been the kind of person that can carry on 3 conversations all at the same time, or even a 4th or 5th conversation if anyone knows sign language.

Disability (+2 XP)

It may not show, but Himeko is old and her end isn't far off. At best, a few years is all she has left. For all the terror of her quirk, the truth is that if someone landed a clean hit on her, she'd be severely injured. Even a random street punk could, in theory, break her bones with only a punch. Sometimes her condition can even deteriorate mid fight, leaving her vulnerable. This includes but is not limited too, low bone density, vertigo when traveling at moderate speeds,

Wealth (-1 XP)

A long time fan of supporting various charities, this current level of wealth is what was left after spending most of it. Himeko doesn't want to leave too much behind to spoil the younger generation, so she's happy to squander it all before she keels over.

Legacy (-2 XP)

The Amahagene family is an older clan of metalwork related quirks, with the main family expressly having sword related quirks. Most members have quirks and skillsets that lend themselves well to supporters, making them a rather famous brand name for support gear. The swords in particular are touted as being the best in the world, with designs varying from simple and elegant quirk enhanced steel to needless over-engineered machinery in the shape of a sword.

Quirk (Ver.2)

Quirk: Object Manipulation + Projection (Total: -14 QP, -3 XP)

Target: Narrow (Swords) (-1 QP)
Function: Movement (-1 QP)
Duration: Permanent (-1 QP)
Quantity: Variable (-2 QP)
Range: Long (-3 XP)
Material: Narrow Matter (Steel) (-2 QP)
Location: Fixed (Hands) (-1 QP)
Method: Materialization (-2 QP)
Control: Basic (-1 QP)
Extras: Tag, Weight Limit+ x3, Knowledge Limit (-1 QP)
Quirk Mods: Cosmetic Mutation ('Eternal Youth'), Quirk Refinement (Density), Quirk Definement x2 (Can only project swords & Can only manipulate swords made with projection), Versatile Quirk (-3 XP, +1 QP)

Description not yet written.

Quirk (Ver.1)

Quirk: Construct (-14 QP, -3 XP)

Material: Simple (Metal) (-1 QP)
Personality: Mirror (-1 QP)
Control: High (-1 QP)
Duration: Concentration (-2 QP)
Size: Large (-4 QP)
Range: Long (-3 XP)
Extras: Instance, Variable Size (-6 QP)
Quirk Mods: Cosmetic Mutation ('Eternal Youth'), Quirk Definement (???) (+1 QP)

Can form up to 100,000 normal sized katanas. If focused all on making a single katana, it could be as large as 40 meters. Although even forming countless miniature sabers is also possible. Each construct is capable of independent flight, even enabling flight by riding atop one.
Each construct possess a low level of intelligence and acts according to Himeko's personality and intentions, however, each saber can only 'detect' things in a short distance relative to it's size (a normal sized construct can see about 3 meters, an beyond that it only sees a blurry void). The constructs also possess some minor control over their form, enough to blunt or sharpen their edge.
Each construct is unusually heavy, to the point that it's unlikely for the material to be steel. In fact, it more closely resembles tungsten, making the katanas easier to shatter than a normal sword. In total, the weight of all her constructs is 400,000 kilograms, roughly equivalent to 11 fully loaded semi trucks.


A strange relic of the past that suddenly came out of retirement one day and decided she wanted to be a teacher. Did Himeko simply get bored of her retirement, or did she want to pass something on to the next generation in her final years? Perhaps it's a bit of both. Whatever the case, she abused her sonority and achievements to bulldoze her way into being a teacher.
Himeko is a very direct and unconventional teacher, with little respect for the schools rules. Unlike most teachers, she loves taking in the troublemakers and outcasts. In particular, her favorites are the ones brash enough to argue back and butt heads with her. She's less concerned with good grades, and more concerned with practical training, believing that hands on experience is far more valuable than mountains of textbooks and lectures (she'll still give normal homework and lectures too, of course- just less than normal). Students can expect frequent field trips, often funded by herself.
Himeko is a very thick skinned person, and will say exactly what she wants with no regard or tact. For example, if she pairs up students for a training exercise, she'll directly admit the pairings were made for her own entertainment, rather than being fair or random. She'll even say so when she had actual practical reasons for the pairings.

"Alright, kids. Granny here gets a bonus if you come out on top in the upcoming inter-class competition. But Granny doesn't need it... So... If we win, I'm using the bonus to throw a party for you. Pizza, pricy Sushi, you name it, I'll buy it... Why? Because I like you brats, I and want to see you work your little butts off and get rewarded for it. I don't need any other reason."

Himeko in her prime

Once upon a time... Himeko could pretend to pull a katana out of her chest. It was a fun gag, but she no longer has the assets required to do so.

Pub: 18 Jun 2023 01:42 UTC
Edit: 27 Feb 2024 13:37 UTC
Views: 199