Amughar Crystalbud - The Demonic Fairy Reaper and The White Beast of Dolce

=Harahel v0.7.13=
Race: [Reaper], [Mazoku], [Fairy]
Sex: [Male]
Hair: [White]
Eyes: [Crimson]
Skin: [Ghostly]
Face: [Androgynous]
Height: [Average]
Bust: [Flat]
Hips: [Plain]
Butt: [Smol]
Fitness: [Fit]
F.M.S.U.: [Nosebleed], [Ranma], [Magnum Dong], [Love Nectar], [Indestructible Ahoge], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Breeding Season], [Katawa x2], [Patches], [Buckets Of Cum], [Fluid Druid], [Everhard], [Everwet]
G.R.M.: [Bio-Immortal], [Tasty Fate], [Horns], [Monster Mash x2], [Demon Core], [Wings], [Claws], [Aqua Affinity], [Doublethink], [Divergence], [Pain Zero], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Seraph x2], [Arithmomania], [Undead], [Regeneration], [Vampire], [Kyuu], [Vampire Lord], [Blood Overdrive], [Unusual Eyes], [Ubermensch]
U.T.T.: [Fertile Fields], [Porn Physics], [Pron Studio], [Contortionist], [Excalibur]
Spawn Point: [LOST]
Player Count: [10,000 People]
Afterlife: [Mastema - Arbiter of Sanctuary]
Afterlife Timer: [1 Year]
Death Mods: [Chosen], [Corrupted Vision], [Aww Shit], [Afterlife Tourist], [Dual Citizen], [Reincarnation], [Convenient Backstory], [Imōto Apocalypto], [A Most Terrible Fate], [Remuneration], [Here We Go Again]
Banes: [Chūni Overdose], [Fate Dynamo], [Chūni Deluxe], [Damsel], [Conspicuous], [Lamia Curse], [Sexual Harassment], [Lightweight], [Femininity], [Masculinity], [Calamity Magnet], [Dankest Dungeons], [Reap What You Sow], [Off With A Bang], [Mark Of Failure], [Continental EXTACY], [Just Passin’ Through], [Medal Of Honor], [Masochist], [Ahegao]
Boons: [Darkvision], [Hush Money], [HUD], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Status], [Tasty Prof], [ERABE], [Dr. Frankenstein], [Permanence], [Max Charisma], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [Soul Split], [Wisdom Incarnate], [Great Sage], [Otome], [Nuru Nuru~], [VooDoo], [JuJu], [Sensory Overdose], [Flavour Flay], [Final Journey], [Unbreakable Mind], [Talk To Me], [Divine Intervention], [Man Portions], [Ooga Booga], [Remote Capture]
Items: [Servant], [Riftgate Licence], [Soulbound], [Senketsu], [Shabetta], [Automotive Prosthesis x2], [Infinity Bag], [A Home], [A Manor], [Tab Leet], [Switch], [Concentrated Blood Vial]
Strength 3
Agility 4
Endurance 3
Durability 3
Combat 5
Bardism 2
Strategy 4
Charisma 4
Arcane 4
Elemental 3
Light 3
Dark 3
Sex 3

Fuck you User rella, you goddamn thief.

Nola Yuki - The Impenetrable and Honest Snowcat Ogre

Race: [Oni], [Yuki Onna], [Neko]
Sex: [Female]
Face: [Girly]
Height: [Average]
Bust: [Large]
Hips: [Thicc]
Butt: [Large]
Fitness: [Buff]
F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Arka Tanks x3], [Semen Demon], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Breeding Season], [Indestructible Ahoge], [Localized Regen], [Love Nectar], [Dick Destroyer], [Nosebleed]
G.R.M.: [Phantom], [Kyuu], [Horns], [Undead], [Bio-Immortal], [Regeneration], [Vampire], [Vampire Lord], [Arithmomania], [Monster Mash x2], [Blood Overdrive], [Demon Core], [Claws], [Pain Zero], [Mushi], [Sleigh Beggy], [Tasty Fate], [Aqua Affinity], [Ubermensch]
U.T.T.: [Perfect Pussy], [Fertile Fields], [Porn Physics], [Back Support], [Divine Pregnancy], [Contortionist], [Mr Clean], [Void of Corruption], [Tamed Shark ], [Long Tongue], [World Clean]
Spawn Point: [LOST]
Banes: [Nyaa], [Fate Dynamo], [Ahegao], [Dere Dere], [Chūni Deluxe], [Conspicuous], [Sexual Harassment], [Lightweight], [Femininity], [Masculinity], [The Fool], [Calamity Magnet], [Dankest Dungeons], [Rose of Thorns], [Reap What You Sow], [Off With A Bang], [Mark Of Failure], [Continental EXTACY], [Medal Of Honor], [Bestial], [Just Passin’ Through], [Vulgar], [Masochist]
Boons: [Hush Money], [Darkvision], [Tasty Prof], [Dr. Frankenstein], [Permanence], [Max Charisma], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [Age Shift], [Nuru Nuru~], [Ooga Booga], [VooDoo], [JuJu], [Super Seducer], [Flavour Flay], [Sensory Overdose], [Talk To Me], [Torpor], [Unbreakable Will], [Relative Realism]
Strength 4
Agility 5
Endurance 4
Durability 5
Combat 3
Smithing 3
Cooking 1
Charisma 4
Arcane 1
Elemental 3
Dark 1
Sex 3

Polaris - The Divergent Clone who became a Doublethink


Kochab - Wisdom Incarnate Soul Split


Harahel Obtained Items and Loot


  • Shellphone - Made by Domitian. "A complex enchanted device that sits in the ear, it is the cutting edge of spatial communications technology. Talk privately with anyone in Harahel. It creates two portals upon use, one near your mouth or other speaking orifice, and one in your ear. With this new method, you can talk to a single person, or even an entire 'room' of people!"
  • Black Revolver - Made by Aurelia. "A single-shot revolver that can hold up to six shots. By infusing Arka into the gun, it changes the type of bullet fired."
  • White Revolver - Made by Aurelia. "An autorevolver with a three-round burst that can hold up to six shots. Has the same functionality as the Black Revolver but with less power and accuracy."

Weasel Island:

  • Lobster Armor
  • Large diamond
  • Phoenix Call - A one-time favor from "The Phoenix of Weasel Island" and the woman named Anqa. Will rain fire on a life-threatening threat to Amughar when called...and then Anqa may hit on him.

Conosa Casino and Resort:

Hellgate 1 and 2:

VALUE: ???

  • Devil Arm Ahriman
  • Appearance – Appears as a mask that somewhat resembles Ahriman’s image. When worn, Winged Armor can appear that grants immense power over the Arcane and the Dark.
  • Functions: Devil Arm Ahriman can switch between two forms Mask Mode and Armor Mode. When in Armor Mode, the wearer is able conjure up fast but not very powerful Dark tendrils that can restrain and attack opponents or slow, but powerful Arcane tentacles. It is also possible for the Armor to turn into Tentacles to latch on to objects or people, sort of like a built-in whip. When in Mask Mode, the user gains the ability to use a weaker version of Hell’s Call (which would deal moderate to severe damage depending on how specific the restriction is) along with the ability to Remove Debuffs from themself and Remove Buffs from their opponents. (This Buff Removal would be on sight. All buffs would be removed from one opponent if focused. However, the User may also spread the effect out but the trade-off would be not all buffs being removed.) The wearer also gains increased endurance in both modes to reflect the Demon King level of Endurance that Ahriman once had...though not to the same degree. (0.5 increase in Mask Mode. Full Tier increase in Armor Mode, Two Tier increase in Demon Mode...not like it matters much since Demon Mode does not last long.)
  • Final Move: Catastrophe is a weaker version of the attack known as Apocalypse. The Devil Arm turns into a Third Mode known as Demon Mode in which the Armor and Mask appear on the user. The User can slam their arms down onto the ground causing it the surface to crack open. Incredibly powerful pink beams with emerge from the cracks, erupting for massive damage. As a downside…the move will drain the Devil Arm rendering it inert for the quite some time and massively reduce the user’s Arka reserves as well for a while. Another downside overall would be the personality bleedover as Ahriman still wishes to seize control.
  • Frost Flower - A Flower made from the Cold Demonic energy of two Frosts. Can serve as an incredibly powerful ingredient, material, or even a weapon in its own right. By channeling Arka through it, a blast of pure cold fires forward akin to pollen blowing in a hurricane.
  • Pendant of Persistence - A Pendant that allows a form of self-hypnosis when wearing it, driving the wearer to their goal, no matter the cost.

Underwater Dungeon:

  • Scimitar of the Sea (1) - A sword that can shoot water strong enough to cut steel up to 30ft away. Can also produce water on command.
  • Marking Arrows (30) - One-Time-Use Arrows that inflict [Marks of Failure] that last 12 hours.
  • [Nine Sage Saber]: A sword that can duplicate itself, creating up to eight copies. These copies can be mentally controlled and fly through the air, but the Arka cost of activating that part of the ability is high, due to flaws within the enchantment that would be difficult to fix. Furthermore, to get the most out of it, it would require T4 Combat, though others could use it to lesser effect.


  • Tatetess - A sword forged from the battle that nearly claimed Tess's life. Named after a Spirit of Wind that unites and brings peace along with one of Amughar's closest friends. A beautiful longsword that can channel Dark Arka.
  • Shining Armor - A beautiful silver chestpiece created by the Fox Brigade. Has a Sun with six wings on the center and can create a bright flash of Light Arka around him. Cooldown of 30 minutes between use!
  • Experimental Blood Vials - A gift from the self-proclaimed Arbiter of Romance. Numbered Vials of special blood with unknown effects that should only be used in an emergency.
  • Sunsphere - An amber orb that is warm to the touch created by Alice the Pixie. It can simulate the effects of the sun without the downsides of killing him. It floats!
  • Book of Love - Inside is the 10 inch thick "Book of Love" by the Arbiter of Romance with a note. "It's become clear to me that you know nothing of women nor their hearts. For this reason, I have written a comprehensive guide on how to conduct yourself when in a relationship."
  • A Sketch - A currently half-finished sketch of Amughar from Eden.
  • Gate Key - A small key, a ground down blank that will fit in most any lock, bearing the inscription, "Auld Lang Syne" on one side and "Where paths that have an affinity for each other intersect, the whole world looks like home," on the other. A Gift from Domitian. One side leads to a bungalow located in northern Nocturne, a tranquil river flowing by. Inside are basic furnishings, a few bottles of wine that are best described as grotesquely expensive, and a painting, as if from memory, of a pixie, a minotaur, and a purple eyed fellow with white hair. A single note besides it reads, "A memory is a precious thing." The other side leads to an office with a fine, though spartan desk and chair. A single, cool light illuminated the dark wood and light carpet, casting the slate colored walls. A bottle of fine whisky was set there alongside brandy in a crystal decanter. Two other doors than the one the one entered went through were there, each marked with a different word. One saying "Friends", the other saying "Family". Opening the first door would lead to Morning Dew Guildhall, the second door would lead to Crystalbud Orphanage.
  • Bicorn Horn - A rare gift from Selene Von Traumte Rose. A drinking horn in miniature, it's rough surface looking almost like it was carved out of rock. A small stopper made of wood keeps it's contents sealed. Occasionally, small bursts of violet-blue lightning crackle on it's surface. Filled with enchanted incoagulable blood, that will greatly enhance the healing of the undead though it's expensive enough that it apparently only know it works on vampires it also includes blessings from Selene and alchemical enhacements from the Von Traumte Rose family. Provides a 60 second boost to physical stats after drinking it.
  • Basket of Sex Toys - It's...a basket of sex toys. From a divine messenger of Mastema even...I'd have thought it was Onoskelis.


  • Cock Ring of Divorcing - What does it do? Well, you see, if you wear this cock ring your cum will become poisonous...venomous? poisonous? The point is your jizz will become a dangerous fluid. If you finish in either of your partner's mouths, she will die. And don't let Arc hear the next part, the butt is fair game too, so destroy that boy pussy and kill your lover. The perfect item for any assassin.
  • A Black Lotus Card - Legendary Dungeon Master Drop. Once consumed you can change your next 3 spells for ANY spell of ANY school of magic of the same tier or weaker. Simple yet, powerful and One Use Only.


  • Adalinda's Gift - Inside was a copy of a map. It detailed the border of Nocturne and was marked with years worth of information. Pointing out safe paths of egress and more perilous ones that would hide travelers. Dangerous creatures and plant life were marked as well. With the map were pages of annotations written in many hands. Detailing the most common routes taken by search parties, the best places to stop to rest or hide, and how to bribe or deal with the various tribes or intelligent creatures along these paths.
  • Snake's Gift - "Dear Amughar, I know you have a lot of friends so here is a gift to help you keep track of your social life." Inside the box was a book. The book also came with a quill pen and an inkwell. "The book will help you write down notes about your friends and keep track of any dates." There was also a clockword parrot inside the box. "The clockwork parrot can magically attach to the book and it will sqauwk out reminders so you don't forget any special dates or social events."


  • Journal - A magic journal given to him by a certain princess. Has a tracking enchantment attached to it and an alarm if opened by someone without permission. The Royal Seal of Xares can be seen on the front.
  • Random Assortment of Cool Things - Random objects that he found interesting, basic weapons and ammunition, etc.
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Pub: 02 Aug 2021 07:25 UTC
Edit: 12 Apr 2024 17:07 UTC
Views: 816