When Frankie first met Starfire, she wasn’t sure how to feel about her. The alien princess’s bubbly and ditzy personality reminded her a bit too much of her bimbo counterpart, who incidentally was spending a suspicious amount of time in Bloo’s room lately. But she soon realized that the Tamaranean beauty was a lot of fun, even if her knowledge of Earth and its customs left a bit to be desired. Nothing that Frankie couldn’t handle, you don’t work with imaginary friends for so long and not develop a high tolerance for weirdness. This tournament definitely qualified (Seriously, where did they get the idea she constantly shat herself in public?) but on the whole it had been pretty enjoyable.

Now, she and Starfire were just minding their own business, taking a breather as the results were tallied. As much as she wanted to win, she wouldn’t be too upset if the teenage superhero were to come out on top. She knew that Starfire felt the same about her, in fact it seemed that nothing could darken her own particular brand of high energy sunshine. Starfire (real name Koriand’r, which Frankie
had always thought was just a spice) was just in the middle of explaining how her powers worked when the pair were approached by a massive crowd of green headed, question marked faced men who seemed to come out of nowhere. They were loud and mostly incoherent, some almost coming to blows as bizarrely others seemed to be making out. But through the din, she could make out demands being made towards her and her extra-terrestrial friend.

‘’Twerk for us!’’

‘’Yeah, we can’t decide between you unless you throw it back!’’

‘’How can I vote for somebody I haven’t seen clap their cheeks!?’’

Frankie was flustered by this, to put it mildly. She knew Anonymous (as this weird looking subspecies of humanity was known) took this Ms. /co/ thing pretty seriously and were horny 24/7, but she wasn’t expecting them to try to force her into a twerk off with Starfire! She was just about to tell them to go fuck themselves (which she knew most would take literally) when Starfire’s voice rang out.

‘’Ooh that sounds like the fun! Come friend Frankie, let us take part in the dance of the twerk!’’

Before she could even answer, Starfire pulled her clothes off, revealing that she was wearing nothing but a string bikini underneath (Was she prepared in case something like this was to happen?) and bent over, showing off her huge dumptruck ass to the appreciative roars and whistles of the observing anons. Suddenly, loud and boisterous rap music started to blare out of a boombox one of them was holding, which he had seemingly pulled out of thin air. Starfire began to twerk in earnest, her fat orange ass cheeks sounding like a thunderclap to Frankie’s reddening ears. She began to giggle, clearly enjoying this as much as the audience were.

Speaking of the anons, they all stared at her expectantly, clearly waiting for her to join in. After a moment’s hesitation, which felt like an eternity, she decided to do just that. Frankie needed votes to win and if this is what it took to get them then so be it. Besides, she couldn’t let Starfire carry this all on her back, or rather butt. Hurriedly stripping down to her bra and panties, she started shaking her money maker too, her ass might not have been quite as big as Starfire’s but she still had a very sizable and juicy rear end in her own right. It was like the two were applauding, mixing with the actual applause of the crowd to create a truly odd cacophony.

Frankie was embarrassed, but did her best to ignore them and focus on the task at hand, sweat beginning to bead down her brow as it did the same to the pale globes of her behind. Starfire for her part seemed unaffected by the exertion, her alien physiology and younger age giving her greater stamina than her human competitor. That, and the fact that she was enjoying this so much she was singing along to the rap music (Was Starfire dark enough to qualify for an N-word pass?) just made her even more determined to kick her admittedly fantastic looking derriere.

Moving things into overdrive, Frankie’s pale booty moved to the rhythm like it had a mind of its own, Starfire matching her in both speed and enthusiasm. The anons in the crowd were mesmerized, shouting encouragements and non sequiturs in equal abundance (Seriously, what the fuck was Sneed supposed to mean anyway?). She was getting tired, but she wasn’t about to give up either. Starfire shot her a smile, her face lit up with happiness as if she had just seen a puppy and wasn’t shaking her half naked ass for a crowd of slack jawed weirdos.

Frankie gave her a more sheepish one in return, which turned into an ''eep'' of surprise as she felt a cold liquid drizzle onto her sweaty ass cheeks. A grinning Anon was pouring baby oil onto her and Starfire, making their asses shine in the noonday sun. Frankie was flabbergasted, both from the act itself and the fact that that anon had been organized enough to do it in the first place. Starfire just took it in stride, her own ass meat seeming to glow even brighter due to her orange skin. Frankie decided to follow suit, after all it did help cool her off even as it made the staccato rhythm of her clapping cheeks even louder.

‘’Isn’t this the fun, friend Frankie?’’ Look at how happy we are making all our new friends!’’

‘’I have to admit, it is a pretty good workout! Although, I think ‘’horny’’ is a better adjective…’’

Starfire didn’t even blink at that, the words completely going over her head as the song finally came to an end. The pair stopped twerking, Frankie breathing heavily while Starfire seemed unaffected. Turning around (and trying to bite down the renewed embarrassment that she felt), Frankie shouted at the exuberant crowd of anonymous onlookers.

‘’Alright, you got your twerk off! Now, which of us did it best?’’

The anons began shouting over each other even louder than they did earlier, frothing at the mouth and their eyes filled with righteous indignation. Frankie had to strain to hear what was being said and when she did she raised her eyebrows in bemusement.

‘’Starfire won, anyone who says otherwise is a cuck!’’
‘’Are you trolling? Frankie obviously beat that alien bitch, her ass is pure goon fuel!’’

‘’You false flaggers are just trying to make both sides look bad, YWNBAW!’’

Frankie shook her head, disappointed but not surprised. Nothing ever made these anon’s happy, conflict was as much a part of their culture as shitting on Reddit. Though she had wasted time, she couldn’t be too mad at them. After all, she and Starfire really enjoyed themselves and she got to prove that she could go cheek to cheek, as it were, with the best of them. Starfire smiled at her, having already forgotten about the group of increasingly violent anons as they both got dressed.

‘’Friend Frankie, are you feeling the hunger? Shall we go eat of the cookies?’’

‘’Hell yeah I never say no to cookies, Starfire! Hopefully my Grandma still has some of hers leftover, I uh, apologize for what you’re gonna witness if she has…’’

As the two made their exit, Frankie did so with a spring in her step. Competitions were temporary but friendship (and cookies) were forever. Now if only she knew how long baby oil took to dry….

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Pub: 19 Sep 2024 22:52 UTC
Views: 142