AppleMusicDecrypt Setup Guide (Windows Only)


This guide is for educational purposes only. Use it responsibly and ensure you comply with all applicable laws and terms of service.

Now you can watch the tutorial on Youtube! (Old method) (Still works)

See the guide for Android devices here See the guide for Windows systems using WSL here


For more context on what this tutorial is about, visit the original repository.


  1. Launch CMD AS ADMIN
    Press Win + R, type cmd, press Enter.
  2. Enable Hyper-V
    Paste the following command into the console:
    dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V /all /norestart
  3. Reboot your system
    This step is obligatory.
    shutdown /r

Installation Steps

  1. Install Aria2 to download files using the command line
    Launch powershell AS ADMIN and paste this command:
    winget install --id=aria2.aria2  -e
  2. Install FFmpeg
    winget install --id=Gyan.FFmpeg  -e
  3. Download WSA Build with Magisk
    In the same powershell window paste this command:
    $url = "";$outputPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop";if (-not (Test-Path -Path $outputPath)) {New-Item -Path $outputPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null};Start-Process -FilePath "aria2c" -ArgumentList "-x16", "-s16", $url, "-d", $outputPath -Wait -PassThru > $null;Write-Host "File downloaded successfully to: $outputPath";$downloadedFile = Join-Path -Path $outputPath -ChildPath "";Write-Host $downloadedFile;Expand-Archive -Path $downloadedFile -DestinationPath $outputPath -Force;Write-Host "File extracted to: $outputPath";Remove-Item -Path $downloadedFile;Write-Host "$downloadedFile deleted!"
  4. Move the Extracted WSA Folder
    • Move the extracted WSA_2311.40000.5.0_x64_Release-Nightly-with-magisk-27.0.27000.-stable-NoGApps-RemovedAmazon folder to an easy-to-access path, such as the Documents folder.
    • Rename the folder to something simpler, like WSA.
  5. Run the Setup Script
    • Enter the renamed folder (WSA) and find the Run.bat file.
    • Run Run.bat as Administrator.
  6. Configure WSA
    • Close all Android windows and reopen it via the Windows search bar (Android Subsystem or Windows Subsystem for Android).
    • Go to Advanced settings and turn on Developer Mode.
  7. Install Platform Tools (ADB & Fastboot)
    • In the same powershell window:
      winget install --id=Google.PlatformTools -e
  8. Connect to Device Using ADB
    • Replace the IP with the one that appears inside the Developer Mode setting description toggle box.
      adb connect
    • It will show a pop-up to allow developer mode. Select "Allow".
  9. Install Required Tools
    • Install GPAC:
      winget install --id=GPAC.GPAC -e
    • Install 7zip:
      winget install -e --id 7zip.7zip
    • Install Bento4 MP4 Binaries:
      $url=""; $zipFilePath=Join-Path $env:TEMP ""; (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url,$zipFilePath); $extractPath=Join-Path $env:ProgramFiles "Bento4-SDK-1-6-0-641.x86_64-microsoft-win32"; Expand-Archive -Path $zipFilePath -DestinationPath $extractPath -Force; $nestedFolderPath=(Get-ChildItem $extractPath|Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName); $binPath=Join-Path $nestedFolderPath "bin"; Set-Location $binPath; $envPath=[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine"); $newPath=$envPath+";"+$binPath; [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path",$newPath,"Machine"); Remove-Item $zipFilePath; Write-Host "Installation done!"
  10. Download and Install Magisk Modules
    • Download the following Magisk Modules:
      $url1=""; $url2=""; $tempDir=Join-Path $env:TEMP "Downloads"; $outputDir="/storage/emulated/0/Download"; New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $tempDir|Out-Null; $file1=Join-Path $tempDir ""; $file2=Join-Path $tempDir ""; (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url1,$file1); (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url2,$file2); adb push $file1 $outputDir; adb push $file2 $outputDir; Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $tempDir; Write-Host "Files downloaded and pushed to $outputDir successfully!"
    • Open the Magisk App in the WSA, go to the Modules tab, click Install from storage, and install the modules located in the Downloads folder one by one (if a reboot prompt appears, click back in the top left corner).
    • Once all modules are installed, in the command prompt type:
      adb reboot
  11. Install Apple Music (3.6.0 Beta) (Arch x86_64)
    $url=''; $outputFile='apple_music.7z'; Start-BitsTransfer -Source $url -Destination $outputFile; $7zipExePath=Join-Path $env:PROGRAMFILES '7-Zip\7z.exe'; if(-not(Test-Path $7zipExePath)){Write-Host "7-Zip is not installed or not found in the default location. Please install 7-Zip in the default location or modify the script with the correct path."; return}; & $7zipExePath x $outputFile "-o$PWD" > $null; $baseApk=Get-ChildItem -Path '.' -Filter 'base.apk' -Recurse; $splitConfigApks=Get-ChildItem -Path '.' -Filter 'split_config*.apk' -Recurse; & adb install-multiple $baseApk.FullName $splitConfigApks.FullName; Remove-Item $outputFile; Remove-Item $baseApk.FullName; $splitConfigApks.FullName|Remove-Item
  12. Configure Apple Music
    • Once installed, open Apple Music, log in, and play a single song. This step is mandatory as it creates the access token to download songs.
  13. Download and Configure AppleMusicDecrypt
    • Download the AppleMusicDecrypt exe file from the artifacts tab on GitHub (select the latest workflow). Archived .exe, downloaded from
    • Extract the file and open the output folder.
    • Open config.toml and set your device port (found in developer settings as and paste it into the config.toml file.
    • Also change the "defaultStorefront" to your country code (e.g., "us" for the USA). To find your country code, search "apple music web" and click the web player; the URL contains

You can get you contrycode from here (Alpha 2)

  1. Run AppleMusicDecrypt

    • Run the main.exe file.

    This will launch the CLI, from where you can control and configure your downloads.


WorldObservationLog, zhaarey, Sorrow & itouakirai Tutorial made by 0daxelagnia

If eveything worked fine, ill kindly ask you to donate to my paypal here! Thank you and enjoy music!

Pub: 03 Jun 2024 20:02 UTC
Edit: 14 Jan 2025 00:46 UTC
Views: 42029
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