(1.) i genuinely suck at conversations so MY APOLOGIES IF I COME OFF AS DRY, AWKWARD OR WEIRD. i may also sometimes not answer !! ^.^"
(2.) I GET OVER EXICTED ABT THINGS I LIKE SO I MAY RAMBLE QUITE A BIT!! sooo, sorry if i annoy you >.<"
(3.) i am quite sensitive towards certain things so please keep in mind of that!! i also RLLY need tone tags! so, use those when talking to me!! : ) (mostly /j, /nsrs, /p, etc)
(4.)i get attatched very, very easily, so, i may come off as clingy ++ i have attachment issues so i may act posessive and jealous too without meaning it, so im sorry if that happens</33
(5.) i make suggestive jokes (though, very rarely n mostly irl.) that can include nsfw stuff and drugs so, please specify if you're not comfy w those :' )<33
(6.) i use these little things, "^__^, XD, : 3, : ), : D ++ etc." quite a lot !! <3 and i will NOT stop using them : 3
(7.)i can also be rude and sarcastic without knowing it, usually during a bad mood :' 33 ..apologies if do act this way towards you</3
(8.)i have memory issues so i may not remember most things !! :' b
(9.)my mood, feelings, and thoughts are ALLL over the place q.q
(10.)i also may get violent sometimes due to my anger and vent it out sometimes…+ also my violent tendencies and morbid thoughts cross over and blend a lot…:' (
(11.)i sometimes pick the behavior from my fav characters and act like them !! : 33
(12.) I VERY OFTENLY VENT. mostly bout (tw) sh, anger, dysphoria(spieces, body, etc…), violent thoughts(rarely).
(13.)i sometimes go inactive for a whole day or two mostly bcuz im not in the mood to int or have the energy 4 it : bb
(14.)i experience bouts of paranoia and can become skeptical and untrusting of others at times : ( </ 3
(15.) i sometimes type w a typing quirk ^__^
(16.) i also switch typing styles sooo. i can go frum rlly rlly silly!! to idk boring and srs sounding?? (even if im not.)

That's all!!! <33

Pub: 13 May 2024 01:29 UTC
Edit: 03 Jun 2024 05:16 UTC
Views: 270