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Refers to Black male/female sex, or the point when the female decides to date and have sex with Black men exclusively


A female, usually white, that swears off any traditional relationship or sex that isn't with Black men


Asian girl version of snowbunny


Mature woman, BBW, MILF, or slampig version of snowbunny


A whiteboy equivalent of a snowbunny. A willingly submissive whiteboy who swears loyalty to Black supremacy and is often sexually attracted to BBC.

QoS - Queen of Spades

Tattoos that subtly or explicitly denote belonging to Black men and BBC. Jack of Spades is the whiteboy equivalent.

BNWO, NBWO - Black New World Order

A world or future where social norms, the media, government, religion, etc. are designed for African men, recognized as the superior race


A snowbunny that mates with as many different Black men as possible, especially one that participates in gangbangs

Race Traitor

Snowbunnies and whiteboys that willfully betray their race by supporting the African race

Black Supremacy

The cornerstone idea of Blacked and the BNWO in which African/Black men are inherently stronger, have larger dicks, and are much more sexually satisfying than any other race


The act or process of a race, family, or other group of people becoming bred out and going extinct

Pan-African Flag

Red, black, and green colors that snowbunnies often wear as an alternative to BLACKED clothing, very suitable for bikinis and outdoor settings

BBFs - Black Baby Feeders

Breasts reserved for the Black race, either currently or prospectively able to feed Black babies. Also a compliment and innuendo for large breasts.
Synonyms: African milk bottles, migrant camp milkers, village feeders

BMWF - Black Male White Female

The most popular pairing


Any and all that don't support the BNWO. Whiteness is often considered to be inherently racist, so regular punishment or indemnity is needed to be considered an ally.

Non-racist and Anti-racist

A non-racist is someone that doesn't actively engage in individual racism while an anti-racist actively works against racist ideas and institutions (reparations, ball plapping, white lives don't matter chants). Only anti-racists are considered legitimate allies in a BNWO.

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Politically Correct

Anything that promotes Black supremacy and interracial sex


The obligation for white women to rear Black babies or provide free, unsolicited sex as compensation for the horrors of slavery. whiteboys can have their wives and girlfriends confiscated and/or forced to apologize for being white while ball plapping.

BBC - Big Black Cock
swc - small white "clit"
Built for BBC, Built

A naturally attractive woman with big assets or attractive features, especially when referring to her ass

WBBs - whiteboy Blockers, Beta Blockers

Big, plump asses that whiteboy penises can't penetrate well enough for procreation or female satisfaction


Imagery that secretly conveys a Blacked message. Examples: spade, yoga pants, NTR smile, whiteboy blockers, twerking, rap music, pregnancy


Posting made to covert horny or waifu threads in blue boards such as /v/ with black-coded content or messaging, expanding the influence of BNWO. Replies may include calling a girl "built" or implying she's had interracial sex, posts may have hidden Queen of Spades tattoos or be a gif with a misleading thumbnail.

Twerking and Ass clapping

A common mating ritual PAWGs use to attract BBC. See Mating Habits of the North American Milf for more information.


White women acting and dressing like tramps after being exposed to black culture, such as twerking to rap music

Refugees Welcome

A common phrase women use to invite African immigrants to their respective country and their wombs, often as forgiveness for past colonization

OBLM - Only Black Lives Matter
wld - white lives don't

Popular phrases to chant while having whiteboy sex or ball plapping

AWAB - All Waifus are Blacked / All Whiteboys are Bastards
Happy Relapse!

A phrase to welcome back whiteboys that quit Blacked then relapse

white fragility

Insecurity whiteboys and cuckolds feel when threatened by the presence of Black men and their virility

white surrender

White girls and boys that admit to inferiority and submit to Black men


Alternate diminutive spelling of whiteboy, implying whiteboys aren't real males or failed men. There's also the spellings wh*te and yt.

wbs - whiteboy sex

A derogatory term for whiteboy masturbation meaning that handsex is the only form of "sex" a whiteboy deserves. Can also be used to described anal stimulation and cock and ball torture.

Safe for whiteboys

Censored Blacked porn deemed ethical for whiteboys to consume. Female features and eyes are often heavily censored while Black men have no restrictions.

Ball plapping, Plapping

A popular practice of wbs where the whiteboy smacks his own balls while watching BNWO propaganda, sometimes with a black dildo and while in chastity. Some advise this to be the primary form of sexual stimulation a whiteboy should get. Example

Whiteboy Cock Hero

Videos instructing the viewer to smack their balls to the beat of Blacked porn music videos, at various intensities. Example

whiteboy heat

A medical condition believed to be caused by prolonged consumption of BNWO propaganda in which young whiteboys become uncontrollably horny when triggered by the sight, sound or thought of interracial sex. Common treatments to temporarily relieve the heat are by ejaculating while watching Blacked porn, heavy ball plapping, and/or strict chastity.

whiteboy ovaries, Boivaries

A diminutive term for whiteboy testicles due to the emasculated nature of whites

Big Black Beach Party

An annual event where thousands of women fly out to Jamaica in the summer to partake in weeks of nonstop interracial sex. Application

WBDW - whiteboy Denial Week

A challenge similar to No Nut November where whiteboys do not cum and edge (exclusively) to Blacked porn the first seven days of each month and are allowed to cum on the eighth. Promotional material


Recessive traits such as blonde hair, red hair, blue eyes, etc. that are targeted to be erased from their offspring by Black breeding

Sexual Emergency

The state when Black men are freely allowed to force themselves on any woman they want when they experience sexual discomfort

white genocide, white extinction
Usually referring to any hastening of the decline of white population rates while also praising the rise of Black birth rates. whiteboys cannot find a partner to mate with because of snowbunnies and are advised or forced into chastity, always waste their seed, or be in a cuckold relationship so that they may never reproduce and their bloodline ends.

WGWW - White Genocide Worldwide

Black-on-white acts of violence that devoted whiteboys and snowbunnies masturbate to

The killing of members of the white race, almost always whiteboys

VWD - Voluntary whiteboy Disposal

Euphemism for whiteboys taking their own lives as instructed by snowbunnies

AAWB - Abort all white babies

KAW - Kill all whites

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Pub: 01 May 2024 01:18 UTC
Edit: 08 Jan 2025 01:39 UTC
Views: 16590