How to create/restore a NAND backup

It is highly recommended to create a NAND backup before you start using your CFW setup.
You can make a NAND backup through two methods:

  • Switch Method
    • This is the recommended method.
  • PC Method
    • This method is recommended for those who have a small SD card and are unable to create a NAND backup due to their SD card storage size.

Before you begin, please ensure that you know how to launch payloads on your device by reading this guide.

Switch Method

What you'll need:

Creating a NAND backup:

  1. Extract into your SD card.
  2. Boot into Hekate.
  3. Press on the Tools tab.
  4. Pick the Backup eMMC option.
  5. Pick the eMMC RAW GPP option.
  6. Once done, press Close, and then pick Backup eMMC again.
  7. Pick the eMMC BOOT0 & BOOT1 option.
  8. Once done, press Close and shut down your Switch.

Your backup will now be in your backup folder inside of your SD card.
It is recommended that you move your backup folder somewhere on your PC, or on a cloud storage.

Restoring a NAND backup:

Make sure your backup folder is in the root of your SD card with your NAND backup inside of it.

  1. Move all the files and folders inside of your /backup/xxxxxxxx/ folder to your /backup/xxxxxxxx/restore/ folder.
  2. Boot into Hekate.
  3. Press on the Tools tab.
  4. Pick the Restore eMMC option.
  5. Pick the eMMC RAW GPP option.
  6. Once done press Close and go back to the Restore eMMC option.
  7. Pick eMMC BOOT0 & BOOT1.
  8. Once done, press Close and reboot your Switch.

PC Method

What you'll need:

Creating a NAND backup:

  1. Create a folder on your PC named Backup.
  2. Extract to your desktop.
  3. Extract to your SD card.
  4. Boot into Hekate.
  5. Connect your Switch to your PC.
  6. Select the Tools tab.
  7. Select USB Tools.
  8. Select eMMC RAW GPP.
  9. Launch NxNandManager.
  10. Select File and select Open drive.
  11. Select eMMC GPP hekate.
  12. Select FULL DUMP select the Backup folder you made as the target folder.
  13. Once the progress bar says RAWNAND dumped & verified close the window and disconnect your Switch.
  14. In Hekate, select Close and select Backup eMMC.
  15. Select eMMC BOOT0 & BOOT1.
  16. Once done, select Close and go back to the Tools tab.
  17. Select USB Tools and select SD Card.
    • You will now have access to your SD card.
  18. On your SD card, copy your /backup/xxxxxxxx/ folder your Backup folder on your PC:
Restoring a NAND backup:

  1. Launch into Hekate.
  2. Connect your Switch to your PC.
  3. Select the Tools tab.
  4. Select USB Tools.
  5. Ensure that the Read-Only option is set to OFF.
  6. Select eMMC RAW GPP.
  7. Launch NxNandManager.
  8. Select File and select Open drive.
  9. Select eMMC GPP hekate.
  11. Select RAWNAND.bin from your Backup folder on your PC.
  12. Select Yes.
  13. Once done, disconnect your Switch.
  14. Pick SD Card in Hekate and connect your Switch to your PC.
    • You will now have access to your SD card.
  15. Copy your /backup/xxxxxxxx/ folder to your backup folder on your PC.
  16. Move all the files and folders inside of your /backup/xxxxxxxx/ folder to your /backup/xxxxxxxx/restore/ folder.
  17. Disconnect your Switch, select Close go back to the Tools tab.
  18. Select Restore eMMC and select eMMC BOOT0 & BOOT1.
  19. Once done, you may boot back into your Switch.

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Pub: 17 Mar 2021 12:52 UTC
Edit: 25 Jan 2023 09:53 UTC
Views: 270086