A Lose Collection of Audio Logs in Preparation for the Bakery

NOTICE: If anyone reads this please tell /vtwbg/. #WorldExploringSanalite (me) has been IP ranged from 4chan. I don't know what happened but my ISP has been blocked from posting on 4chan. Without a pass I will be unable to post on 4chan in the foreseeable future. I'm sorry but this is the only way I know I can tell /vtwbg/ what happened. I don't know if my ISP cares enough to negotiate with 4chan. But I won't be able to post any new links or updates to 4chan until the ban expires. Which might be permanent.


This document is currently a work in progress and will undergo changes in the following days. I will announce when the document changes are done.

Earl's First Audio Log

Its been a year since the raids on N.A.S.A. I remember seeing Kirby Village being razed to the ground. After Sana's graduation party the barbarians came. The security forces fended them off as long as they could. But without the station's support Kirby Village fell to ashes. One thing was clear. N.A.S.A's higher ups had no intention of salvaging settlements outside of the colony. Whatever hope I had for settling this world burned with the village.

I decided that I would spend the remainder of my days in my dorm. There was no point living outside of the station. Its not that the risk is too great. But the idiot normalfags can't give up their comforts to live. I suppose I'll just indulge in these comforts then. At least until I get fed up enough to end it. Unfortunately my accounts have been banned from many of the station networks because of my support for the old principal. I stopped going out. I still work out in my dorm via VR setup because I hate getting fat. Still I put on a few kilos anyway. I don't want to deal with what is suppose to be my home. My folks have been nagging me to go outside. What's outside? The station square? I can't actually go outside where I want to go. I get people asking about me. I just ignore them. No need to ruin their social standing with my crap score.

I don't understand why I'm required to write a journal. This is pointless! I'm going to fap then sleep. Fuck this.

A Recorded Argument

“Oi! Wanker! I'm kicking you out of the dorm!?”

“Huh? What!? NO YOU WON'T!!! GET OUT!!!”

“No YOU get out. You have a job now you fat slop.”

“What bloody job, cunt!? I didn't apply for anything!?”

“Fucking securities here to drag your ass to someplace south if I don't getcha.”

“You wot mate?”

“You won the grand prize! Something about a design contest last year where you submitted a bakery blueprint or whatever.”

“That was a job application? Fucking hell! I red the terms.”

“They wanna use that bakery in another country. And they want you to be in charge of building it.”

“...I don't fuckin' know how to build shit mate. They're asking for a bloody disaster.”

“Well you don't get to choose. Pack your shit and get out before the cops bash down the door.”

“Fuck you!”

“No fuck you for being a useless loafer! You have a duty now. Get to it!”

“Alright! Fine. I'm fucking leaving. I wanted to transfer to another dorm anyway.”

Matilda's Lament

Poor lil' Earl. I pity him. He lost his hopes and dreams the day of the raid. He needs this as much as I do. Still I understand what Earl's going through. Even though Charlie and I didn't stay together I miss him. I remember seeing Charlie bring his tray of famous sweet wheat bread to the rack while I was kneading dough. Then I heard a loud gunshot. I was dragged out of the kitchen by Haley and Jack who volunteered in the kitchen. I waited at the station with the women and children as the men geared up to shoot down the raiding bastards. I was hoping that Charlie would be alright. He wasn't a fighting man but damn it he had the spirit of one. And then the next morning... I... They found him. I was happy to see Charlie again I couldn't wait. I went straight to medical to see if he was alright. The clerk pointed me to the morgue.

That gun shot I heard. That was when he-

[Matilda sobs for the rest of the recording.]

Reporting to the Boss

Alright so it looks like I have some good news and bad news for the boss. Good news; bad news. Make of it as you will. N.A.S.A will no longer be overseeing the bakery. Good thing too because Jonny Mattock turned the bloody station into a facist police state. Good riddance to N.A.S.A's meddling I say. Now the bad news is obvious. We're no longer going to be receiving supplies as part of the bakery deal. What this means is if we want to import our famous wheat then we'll need to spend profits to buy more. I've already made preparations to use Horton's caravan as a third party vendor. Horton's got a juicy deal with the boneheads by selling off our extra rations. His caravan already rides through Hooman territory. And since we're on the edge he'll stop by us for easy supplies.

Now we can't rely on Horton's caravan to supply us with wheat for the rest of the year. N.A.S.A's been very frugal about exports. So we will have to rely on local supply. For some dumb nicker reason we're moving to the mountains. Climate's good but the soil's too poor for a decent wheat crop. Rye and barley's good though. We'll have to try out local recipes to see what else we can make there. Ah fuck! I gotta hurry up with this delivery.

Wheaty's Update

Pan pan! Update on the bakery pan!

[Static noises.]


Hoo boy laddie! Sit down 'n listen to ol' Wheaty aight! I got a list tah readin'. Teh bake'rie is done. Almost. They needin' some more shi'h and stone to slap together mate aight! Yah I said shite. Wattle'n'daub's what it called. Lookin' up! Bake'rie's just be needin' some grills, a flue, and thermometers 'long with other met'ils we can make. So we can'n starh operae'shins righ away laddie. We needin' tah bring thuh met'ils and cement them. Lease we be arrivin' in early spring tah start. Updatin' done!

[Static noises.]

Pan pan!

Accountant's Log

Phew! Preparations are just about done. With our current rovers we can carry personnel and equipment to the mountain town in about three days. Fortunately the load is much lighter than we expected. Most of the cargo is pre-made glass windows, iron grills, cement mixtures, and people. Horton's company is going to be in charge of delivering the wheat, sugar, and spices. I don't really like that Horton has stocks in the business but that's the price to pay for cheaper fares. This Earl kid who designed the bakery's got me worried. I swear I could smell through his spacesuit. I told him to take a sanitation shower before the meeting. Matilda's already got a wicked menu of goods. She's hoping to expand the menu with local ingredients once she tastes them. We got Wheaty the bread dog. An old classic friend. He'll keep the calendar and schedules in check. Lenna's a bit shy but her brothers are like soldiers. Just hope they don't get drunk and impregnate some native girls by accident. Shame Mac's not coming with us. He say's he's done traveling but really Mac's going to be voted in as Principal next election. As for me as long as I can count the money I'll be fine. Not sure how I'm going to pull off half my tasks without a computer. I did take a crash course in paper accounting. I just need to know the local's system and language to bend the tax costs a little. Eh-heh-heh-heh.

Earl's Last Audio Recording

So... This is going to be my last audio recorded journal I guess. I'm leaving N.A.S.A for the Republic of Owl. I even got the tattoo that'll help me breath the dust without my spacesuit. So mum, dad, I love you. And I'll miss you. I have a dream to chase and I can't stay here. Here's a toast to a new life in a young alien world!

---End of logs.
Pub: 30 Apr 2023 03:30 UTC
Edit: 23 Jun 2023 23:27 UTC
Views: 108