


a little about me before i go on with the byi!
Im nonbinary and i prefer gender neutral terms, im disabled and have fixations, im autistic and experience verbal shutdowns. i love genshin and other games too although genshin my main game, i play on North america server and watch and listen to a wide variety of things dont be afraid to ask! i have a very strong emotional attachment to genshin, more specifically being Lynette, shes a major copinglink/otherheart for me.

i have a hard time with tones expecially if we dont talk often so if you think your words can be taken another way please use tone tags!

i tend to be a logical thinker however that doesnt mean im not sensative sometimes! if you use overly hateful jokes or say things like “i hate you” or “your annoying” , "no one cares" , "who asked?" , "no one asked" , "stupid" , "stfu" as a joke EXPECIALLY if we arent close i will feel hurt.

TW Ahead . . . dont use jokes like (ky$ or km$) around me, thats triggering and will make me uncomfy!

i can go quiet when im thinking so please be patient with me, if i do go quiet that doesnt necessarily mean im not paying attention or dont want to !

im a very honest and straightforward person so when i do put slash srs or slash gen that is my truest to honest answer please do not take it differently as i try my best to avoid that.

i do get very sucked into my interests/fixations and characters i like such as the Fontaine siblings + Arle or my special interests i do happen to yap about characters or things im fixated on but if it gets too much please do kindly tell me and i will do my best to tone it down/gen, if i talk about it often or inthusastically it doesnt mean im not interested in your topics i just have a hard time talking in general so its easy for me to grasp a topic that im very familiar with/srs

i do make jokes alot and am overall silly so if you ever dont understand what i mean just ask ! dont be afraid to, and please dont feel bad about it, i myself have to often ask things when i dont fully get them so i understand.

if you feel hurt or upset at me at all please please PLEASE tell me, if you feel bothered by me or something i said just please do tell me honestly, if you do knowing myself i will genuinely try to fix it or help it, im not the best at talking nor reading signals and i realize that but i would want to fix a problem i have with you i dont like to have conflict with people plus i care about if others are bothered by me\srs

i have social anxiety / anxiety in general and sometimes shutdown on talking when i feel overwhelmed as i can feel overwhelmed easily, sometimes i may be quiet or talk very little although that does not mean i dont enjoy company, i also have memory issues so even if i do care abt things my memorys just awful and i forget shit all the time and i promise if i forget something it isnt anything personal/srs please be patient with me again and note that when speaking to me.

like the last paragraph i experience verbal shutdowns and am verbalflux, i lose the ability to speak/type sometimes and it can feel very uncomfortable for me to do so, i am an autistic person who has the ability to speak so for this reason i try to do my best to refrain from using terms like "nonverbal" because i dont want people who experience year long periods of being nonverbal and cant talk to be ignored or buried, ive recently seen (as of when this was updated on my rentry) high support needs autistic people reaching out and asking autistic people with the ability to speak to stop using nonverbal to describe themselves. i believe we need to lower our voices for the people in our community who are most often ignored, and be open to changing the way we describe ourselves to be more inclusive and accommodating.

overall though ik i overexplain alot but dont be afraid to send me a message whether on ponytown or discord unless i have a dni in my name/status! i promise im not scary im very ridiculous and a goofy goober at heart

(random note, you will most likely hear me say things like “HELP” “STOP” “STOPIT” “GETOUT” “BYE” “GOODBYE” "PLS" "PLEASE" but thats not at all serious it just means im laughing or what u said is funny)

Lets go back!


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Pub: 26 Aug 2024 06:26 UTC
Edit: 24 Sep 2024 07:06 UTC
Views: 186