Chrissy's tone tags!
By the way, this does not mean I created them. These are just the ones you would expect to see!
I use tone tags frequently. I like being able to make my tone known, and I like making sure what I say isn't misunderstood. It's nothing to do with you! I just genuinely feel like my tone is difficult to discern sometimes.
/silly : this basically means what it says on the tin. I'm being silly with you!
/j : joking! I'm joking with you. Kind of another form of being silly, haha.
/hj : half joking! I may be half serious, but this is pretty commonly used in still jokey contexts.
/lh : lighthearted! Pretty much what it says on the tin, I'm using this to lighten my tone!
/gen : genuine, could also mean genuine question if I'm asking a question!
/p : platonic! frequently used when being affectionate w friends, like when I say 'I love you' to my friends!
/aff : affectionate! pretty self explanatory, haha.
/lhj : lighthearted joke! I'm being lighthearted, on top of joking with you!
/pos : positive! usually used when saying something like "I'm gonna eat the colors" about someone's art or avatar, haha. But still, not frequently used.
/ref : making a reference! not as frequently used.
/amused : what it says on the tin! not as frequently used.
/funny : trying to be funny/making a joke! not as frequently used.
/s or /sar : sarcastic! not as frequently used.
/neg : negative. may be used when saying something where the negativity is hard to discern (from my point of view). rarely used.
/dir : directed. most likely not at the person I'm saying it to. for the most part, assume it may not be you, unless the thing I'm saying is about something you directly did. rarely used.
I may use these at some point in the future, but not currently. Ask me to use the /unreal one if need be!
/ndir : not directed! I would likely use this to say I'm not directing something mean or snarky at you.
/unreal : unreality! I may use this in the future when referencing 'the unreality', as I call it, since I experience dissociative symptoms!