(1) basic dnf criteria applies to you. (2) we dont share mutuals. (3) you demonise any mental illness. (4) youre not system safe. (5) youre a self-proclaimed “empath”. (6) you arent going to interact with me. (7) you are sixteen or younger. (7) you are pro ship.
(1) i use tone indicators when tone is ambiguous. (2) i am system safe. (3) i am critical of my interests and consume media critically. (4) i am pro self dx with extensive research. (5) i actively reclaim anti gay and anti trans slurs. (6) i have npd and post about it and do not tolerate people that bash on pwnpd. (7) for accessibility purposes i do not censor words.
(1) if we have never interacted before, do not make kys jokes at or about me. (2) do not insult me—jokingly or not. (3) if we arent close, please do not like my negative posts, call me slurs, or make sexual jokes or comments about me. (4) please ask before venting to me. (5) only close friends and partners can call me pet names and save pictures of me (if unsure, ask permission). (6) please interact with posts of my art, layouts, and pictures of me. (7) i love post about my partners fic parts a lot and dont like people gushing about them in response to those posts.