Asset Store

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  • Textures can be exported by applying to default brushes and exporting
  • This Rentry is for asset store items purchased with clippies and GOLD only
  • Manual Rentry format is ****|[]()|[DL]()|![]() or you can use the userscript to format for you

Auto Actions

Name Store Link DL Thumbnail Notes
Cyber Tetanus AutoAction 1984908 DL
Cleanup Auto Action Ver.2 1996747 DL
neon auto-action 1921588 DL
Embroidery atmosphere auto action ((ver.2) 1984493 DL
Wool-ify 1987583 DL
Add handwriting-style thickness (auto action) 2002256 DL
Retro processing filter 1687209 DL
One Button Light Light on the border (One Button Lightㆍ경계에 빛) 1997046 DL
One Button color ㆍ automatic color ring (One Button Colorㆍ自動カラーリング) 1911958 DL
MZ Pink Corrected (MZ 핑크 보정(updated)) 1895113 DL
Check for omissions auto action (塗り漏れ確認オートアクション) 2066727 DL
Title Logo Decoration [vol.2] (タイトルロゴ装飾【vol.2】) 2071454 DL
Shadow Correction Auto Action (그림자 보정 오토액션) 1969487 DL
Quick Shadow Generation (빠른 그림자 생성) 2062877 DL
Auto-shade 1973874 DL
Magical re-color Auto Action 2061822 DL
Light blurring (빛 번짐) 1990343 DL
레트로 하프톤(retro halftone) (레트로 하프톤(retro halftone)) 2072598 DL
Anime Filter Autoaction 2067182 DL
Change the color taste in a single shot (一発で色味を変える) 1931270 DL
Remove BlackBackground to make the background black background transparent (圖去黑色背景 黒い背景を透明にする Remove BlackBackground) 1968567 DL
Boundary Correction Actions (境界修正アクション集) 2054643 DL
For flat paint with a single shot (一発で境界色付け平塗り用) 1882590 DL
For the boundary coloring thickness with a single shot (一発で境界色付け厚塗り用) 1882645 DL
Retro Filters by wskg 2027720 DL
Dot picture-style processing auto action (ドット絵風加工オートアクション) 1952873 DL
13 Gradients and 16 Auto Actions (13 그라데이션과 16개의 오토액션) 2097252 DL
Watercolor style auto action+α (水彩風オートアクション+α) 2109947 DL
One Button Shadowshadow on the border (One Button Shadowㆍ경계에 그림자) 2010752 DL
Change line color autoaction (선색 변경 오토액션) 1789118 DL




A solid pen with a deep depth (ありえん深みのあるベタペン) 1773193 40 GOLD/40 CLIPPY DL Manga Crosshatching
The terrible hatch pen (ありえん凄みのあるハッチペン) 1852751 60 GOLD/ 60 CLIPPY DL Manga Crosshatching Needs update
The terrible hatch pen (ありえん凄みのあるハッチペン) 1938898 100 GOLD DL Manga Crosshatching
A solid pen with a terrible (ありえん凄みのあるベタペン) 1916194 40 GOLD/ 40 CLIPPY DL Manga Crosshatching
Solid pen with impossible weight (ありえん重みのあるベタペン) 1922222 40 GOLD/ 40 CLIPPY DL Manga Crosshatching
Hoarse Betta eraser for Pandemonium (修羅場用かすれベタ消し) 1691265 20 GOLD/ 20 CLIPPY DL Manga Crosshatching
This is a very deep hatch pen. (ありえん深みのあるハッチペン) 1798846 40 GOLD/ 40 CLIPPY DL Manga Crosshatching
A hatch pen with a heavy weight (ありえん重みのあるハッチペン) 1894699 80 GOLD/ 80 CLIPPY DL Manga Crosshatcing Needs update
A hatch pen with a heavy weight (ありえん重みのあるハッチペン) 1938902 100 GOLD DL Manga Crosshatching
Gauze pen with impossible weight (ありえん重みのあるガーゼペン) 1875808 60 GOLD/ 60 CLIPPY DL Manga Crosshatching
Gauze pen with a deep depth (ありえん深みのあるガーゼペン) 1872642 60 GOLD/ 60 CLIPPY DL Manga Crosshatching
Pandemonium Shambles Pen (修羅場用修羅場ペン) 1778290 40 GOLD/ 40 CLIPPY DL Manga Crosshatching
All out for the pandemonium pen (修羅場用すべザラペン) 1820131 20 GOLD/ 20 CLIPPY DL Manga Crosshatching
A parallel line with an impossible depth (ありえん深みのある万線) 1885587 300 GOLD DL Manga Crosshatching
A noisy, deep noise (ありえん深みのあるノイズ) 1781825 100 GOLD DL Manga Crosshatching
A piece of the carnage pen (修羅場用すべカケペン) 1819549 20 GOLD/ 20 CLIPPY DL Manga Crosshatching
Dot Gradepen for the carnage (修羅場用ドットグラデペン) 1972786 100 GOLD DL Manga Tone
Strawberry anko pen (苺あんここペン) 2127215 100 GOLD / 100 CLIPPY DL Lineart



Starting and ending thick brush (入り抜き厚塗りブラシ) 1787741 10 CLIPPY DOWNLOAD Lineart, Digital Painting
Watercolor Brushes (水彩っぽブラシ) 1844080 10 CLIPPY DOWNLOAD Digital Painting
A brush that adds an emo look to color (色にエモみを足すブラシ) 1847997 10 CLIPPY DOWNLOAD Digital Painting
The brush. (あんよブラシ) 1881151 10 CLIPPY DOWNLOAD Texture, Digital Painting
Drew Kai (えのぐせっと改) 1895073 10 CLIPPY DOWNLOAD Watercolor Painting
A marker (Aマーカー) 1926675 10 CLIPPY DOWNLOAD Marker, Digital Painting
Fluffy Oysters Set (ふんわりおえかきセット) 1971710 10 CLIPPY DOWNLOAD Digital Painting
Shireru Pen & Betta Moderately (程よく掠れるペン&ベタ) 1983621 10 CLIPPY DOWNLOAD Manga Crosshatching
TA Watercolor Crayon (TA水彩クレヨン) 2005354 10 CLIPPY DOWNLOAD Texture, Digital Painting
Line pencil (線画鉛筆) 2133099 10 CLIPPY DOWNLOAD Lineart



GATAS PENCIL(S) 1968429 20 CLIPPY DL Sketching
WINWIN Post-Process!♥︎ 1935838 10 CLIPPY DL FX (Night-like auto action)
★Engelé Flat - 2SET★ 1935638 20 CLIPPY DL Digital painting
PLOP Pencils★ 1936785 10 CLIPPY DL Sketching
PLOP! Paint★彡 1951870 20 CLIPPY DL Digital painting
Nov22★Brush Set 1962302 10 CLIPPY DL Lineart, Digital painting
sl33py✿brush 1980638 20 CLIPPY DL Digital painting
Nardo! Pencil 1983282 10 CLIPPY DL Sketching
T00N! Line + Color 1984291 20 CLIPPY DL Lineart, Digital Painting
♥︎ dotties pencil 1998919 20 CLIPPY DL Texture, Digital painting
Andy ♥︎ Pencil 2005653 20 CLIPPY DL Sketching
・ d0ttie!tones brushes [v2] ・ 2010200 10 CLIPPY DL Half-Tone
Tinong!♥Brush Set 1965421 20 CLIPPY DL Digital painting



Cross-hatching Gray! A Cachegra with a miscellaneous look (グレーをカケアミにする!雑みのあるカケグラ) 1979507 DL
Cross-hatching Gray! Wavy Cachegra (グレーをカケアミにする!波線カケグラ) 1988597 DL
Cross-hatching Gray! Square Cachegra (グレーをカケアミにする!四角のカケグラ) 1988789 DL
Cross-hatching Gray! Cross Hatchgrade (グレーをカケアミにする!クロスハッチグラデ) 1994357 DL
Make Gray a sketch! Sketch Gradation (グレーを点描にする!点描グラデ) 1994762 DL
Make gray an animal pattern! Turing pattern grade (グレーを動物柄にする!チューリングパターングラデ) 2057811 DL
Make gray cross-hatching! Nawakakegrade (グレーをカケアミにする!縄カケグラデ) 2074599 DL
Make gray cross-hatching! Thick miscellaneous kakegura (グレーをカケアミにする!太めの雑いカケグラ) 2076546 DL
Make gray cross-hatching! Rough-looking kakegura (グレーをカケアミにする!雑な感じのカケグラ) 2076547 DL
Make gray cross-hatching! Short line hatch grade (グレーをカケアミにする!短め線のハッチグラデ) 2089482 DL
Brush Archive Vol. 1 (ブラシアーカイブvol.1) 1984550 DL
Brush Archives vol.2 (ブラシアーカイブvol.2) 2095405 DL
Brush Archives vol.3 (ブラシアーカイブvol.3) 2147670 DL
Brush Archives vol.4 (ブラシアーカイブvol.4) 2147671 DL
Brush Archives vol.5 (ブラシアーカイブvol.5) 2147672 DL



Sixteen brushes for making manga/comics (漫画用ブラシ16種セット) 1553510 500 GOLD/1,000 CLIPPY DL Lineart, manga/comics
Six+two brushes for making manga/comics (漫画用ブラシ6種+@) 1608799 200 GOLD/300 CLIPPY DL Lineart, manga/comics
Six grainy binary brushes for making manga/comics (かすれ二値とか漫画用6種) 1710913 300 GOLD/600 CLIPPY DL Lineart, manga/comics
Nine grainy binary brushes for making manga/comics (かすれ系漫画用ブラシ9種)) 1790788 500 GOLD DL Lineart, manga/comics
Two binary brushes for drawing & typography (めかすれペン&筆セット) 1897230 300 GOLD/500 CLIPPY DL Lineart, manga/comics, typography
Mekariruwii's three brushes for lines & coloring (線画も塗りもいける めか筆圧ペンセット) 2029375 500 GOLD/550 CLIPPY DL Lineart, digital painting
Mekariruwii's other three brushes for lines & coloring (めかカラー用これがあればいけるペンセット) 2034395 500 GOLD/600 CLIPPY DL Lineart, digital painting
Meka Diamond Transparent Watercolor (めかダイヤ透明水彩) 2092938 500 GOLD/600 CLIPPY DL Digital painting
Faded triangular transparent watercolor (めかすれ三角透明水彩) 2128443 500 GOLD/500 CLIPPY DL Digital painting



Trembling Brush (震え-顫抖) 1871329 10 CLIPPY DL Manga/comics FX (Trembling)
Trembling Brush Collection (震え集-顫抖集) 1871369 40 CLIPPY DL Manga/comics FX (Trembling)
Light Effect (光效果) 1919647 10 CLIPPY DL FX (Bokeh)
Shadows and Lights Brush (時短明暗境界線色) 1980682 10 CLIPPY DL Defining shadows and lights
Better Sharpen 1999216 10 CLIPPY DL FX (Sharpen)
Quick Screentones (時短スクリーントーン) 2001814 30 CLIPPY DL Applying screentones quickly
【PRO version】Easy Manga Background 2004145 50 CLIPPY DL Giving 3D assets/photographs a hand-drawn feel for use in manga/comics
Extract Lines 2005447 50 CLIPPY DL Extracting&seperating lines and color
Reverse Fill 2009905 50 CLIPPY DL Inverting color
Thinner Lines 2010099 50 CLIPPY DL Making lines thinner
Add color on the terminator 2011252 50 CLIPPY DL Tonal correction of/through shadows
Better Pattern Blending 2011445 50 CLIPPY DL Making patterns look more belonging
Add color on the edges of the shadow 2011527 50 CLIPPY DL Tonal correction of/through shadows
Easy Metallic Color 2012600 200 CLIPPY DL FX (Metal)
Better Line Color 2014174 10 CLIPPY DL Tonal correction of lines
Easy Holographic Color 2015274 100 CLIPPY DL FX (Holograph)
Grain & Vignetting 2015276 200 CLIPPY DL FX (Grain, vignette)
Easy Color Fill 2015538 10 CLIPPY DL Filling in color
Better Glow Effect 2015672 200 CLIPPY DL FX (Glow)
Easy Add Sewing Thread 2026219 10 CLIPPY DL Fabrics
Easy Balloon&Frame Border Tool 2040715 10 CLIPPY DL Manga/comics



Glitch Effect Brushes 1835958 10 CLIPPY DL FX (Glitch)
Glitch Brushes 3 1892357 10 CLIPPY DL FX (Glitch)
Eyeshadow Brushes 1964556 30 CLIPPY DL Eye shadow glitter
Glitch Brushes 4 1980501 10 CLIPPY DL FX (Glitch)
Distortion Brushes 1 1984067 10 CLIPPY DL FX (Distortion)
Distortion Brushes 2 1984069 10 CLIPPY DL FX (Distortion)
Noise Brushes 1 1991235 10 CLIPPY DL FX (Noise)
Noise Brushes 2 1993279 10 CLIPPY DL FX (Noise)
Noise Brushes 3 1993969 10 CLIPPY DL FX (Noise)
CRT / LED Effects - Default Edition 2018285 100 CLIPPY DL FX (CRT, LED)
CRT / LED Effects - BW Edition 2023115 100 CLIPPY DL FX (CRT, LED)
CRT / LED Effects - Horror Edition 2030665 100 CLIPPY DL FX (CRT, LED)



Name Store Link DL Thumbnail Notes
Ink to paint (ぬるインク)) 1716215 DL
Sleeves decoration Brushes (袖装飾ブラシ) 1740921 DL
Horror wind Erosion Brush (ホラー風侵蝕ブラシ)) 1741340 DL
Sleeves Decorative Brush 2 (袖装飾ブラシ 2) 1742281 DL
Drawing Pen Set 2 (線画ペンセット 2) 1742998 DL
Seashell Decoration Brushes (貝殻装飾ブラシ) 1744942 DL
Shorter illustration processing auto action set (時短イラスト加工オートアクションセット) 1747707 DL
Easy Writing Brush Set (簡単ライティングブラシセット)) 1756692 DL
Ink Set Vol. 3 (ぬるインクset vol.3) 1800183 DL
Return blood and bloodstained brush set Renewal (返り血・血染めブラシセット Renewal)) 1807284 DL
Bloody effect Brush Set renewal (血まみれ効果ブラシセット renewal) 1813752 DL
Hair Add pen Set renewal (髪追加ペンセット renewal) 1818259 DL
Glitter Blur Brush Set (きらめきブラーブラシセット) 1820628 DL
Sewing Wound Brush Set Renewal (縫い傷ブラシセット renewal)) 1823712 DL
Retro Chip Brush Set Renewal (レトロチップブラシセット renewal) 1829430 DL
Eye Color Pallet Set ver. 2.0 (瞳カラーパレットセット ver.2.0)) 1830945 DL
Flower rains Brush Set (花降らしブラシセット) 1855012 DL
Scene skin color palette Set Renewal (シーン別肌色パレットセット renewal) 1865052 DL
Neon Circle Material Set (ネオンサークル素材セット) 1869433 DL
Light Effect Brush Set renewal (光効果ブラシセット renewal) 1870274 DL
Marble Texture Material Set (マーブルテクスチャ素材セット) 1873427 DL
Rain Snow Brush Set (雨雪ブラシセット)) 1878867 DL
Twinkle Light Brush Set Renewal (きらめきライトブラシセット renewal) 1881187 DL
Classic Simple Frame Set (クラシックシンプルフレームセット) 1882615 DL
Jewel-like prism set renewal (宝石風プリズムセット renewal) 1894389 DL
Simple brush set of dove and feather (鳩と羽根のシンプルブラシセット) 1895237 DL
Material set after Halo (後光輪素材セット) 1898087 DL
Glitch wind Action set ver. 2.0 (グリッチ風加工アクションセット ver.2.0) 1905800 DL
Ruffle Brush Set (フリルブラシセット)) 1907840 DL
Ink Set Vol. 4 (ぬるインクset vol.4)) 1913587 DL
Eye Color Palette Set Vol. 2 (瞳カラーパレットセット vol.2) 1918989 DL
Cut Flower Brush Set Vol. 1 (切り花ブラシセット vol.1) 1932421 DL
Marble Texture Material Set Vol. 2 (マーブルテクスチャ素材セット vol.2) 1936110 DL
Butterfly Flyer Brush Set (蝶々ちらしブラシセット)) 1940848 DL
Window Water Drop Brush Set (窓際水滴ブラシセット) 1941663 DL
Noise Texture Set (ノイズテクスチャセット) 1944716 DL
Drawing Pen Set Vol. 3 (線画ペンセット vol.3) 1947713 DL
Japanese pattern Material Set (和柄素材セット) 1950602 DL
Denim style texture material set ver.1.2 (デニム風質感素材セット ver.1.2) 1956191 DL
Sparkling Crystal Piece Brush set (きらめく結晶片ブラシセット) 1962772 DL
Bubble Brush Set (シャボンブラシセット) 1972758 DL
Flame effect Material set ver. 2.0 (炎エフェクト素材セット ver.2.0) 1975923 DL
Fireworks Brush Set (花火ブラシセット) 1981231 DL
Cyber-style material set (サイバー風素材セット) 1982246 DL
Thunder effect Material set ver. 2.0 (雷エフェクト素材セット ver.2.0)) 1983393 DL
Bullet Brush Set (弾丸ブラシセット) 1985765 DL
Light material set through the window (窓越しの光素材セット) 1987915 DL
Flower Brush Set Vol. 2 (切り花ブラシセット vol.2) 2005078 DL
Dramatic filter Set (ドラマチックフィルターセット) 2007295 DL
Lens flare Wind Tool Set (レンズフレア風ツールセット) 2011230 DL
Easy direction Hand Brush set ver. 2.0 (簡単演出 手ブラシセットver.2.0)) 2013640 DL
Cloud Brush Set ver. 2.0 (雲ブラシセット ver.2.0) 2014719 DL
Seaview Brush Set (海の景色ブラシセット) 2018342 DL Missing auto action, needs update
Bloody brush set for color (カラー向け血みどろブラシセット)) 2033442 DL
Smoke Brush Set Ver.2.0 (煙霧ブラシセット ver.2.0) 2035201 DL
Cyber Wind Line Toolset (サイバー風ラインツールセット)) 2044843 DL
Crack image material set (ひび割れ画像素材セット) 2053441 DL
Sunlight Effect Material Set (木漏れ日エフェクト素材セット) 2063745 DL
Glass Rose Brush Set (ガラスローズブラシセット) 2076732 DL
Gold Glitter Material Set (ゴールドグリッター素材セット) 2082193 DL
Yuru Retro Deco Material Set vol.2 (ゆるレトロデコ素材セット vol.2)) 2085364 DL
A transparent cloth brush that feels good (なんかいい感じになる透け布ブラシ) 2087209 DL
Noise Texture Set vol.2 (ノイズテクスチャセット vol.2) 2090124 DL
Twinkle Light Brush Set vol.2 (きらめきライトブラシセット vol.2) 2093538 DL
Grunge Halftone Texture Set (グランジハーフトーンテクスチャセット) 2098523 DL
Mini Deco Brush Set (ミニデコブラシセット) 2100676 DL
Plant silhouette material set (植物シルエット素材セット) 2102950 DL
Soft Grade Heart Set (ソフトグラデハートセット) 2104553 DL
Two-color printing style processing auto action (2色刷り風加工オートアクション) 2108492 DL
Hand drawn tulip brush (手描きチューリップブラシ) 2112796 DL
Hand Painted Smoke Brush Set (手描き煙ブラシセット) 2133264 DL
Antique Style Pattern Set (アンティーク風パターンセット) 2138978 DL



Name Store Link DL Thumbnail Notes
Hakushi-chan Brush (hakushiうさちゃんブラシ) 1910168 DL
Even brush into (もにブラシ) 1919571 DL
■ Crayon Wind Brush Set □ (■クレヨン風ブラシセット□) 1997853 DL
Fluffy Pen Brush (ふわふわペンブラシ) 2031982 DL
Textured brush set (質感せんブラシセット) 2059371 DL



Name Store Link DL Thumbnail Notes
Taxe Watercolor Brush (Taxe 수채화브러쉬) 1750471 DL
Taxe Nameless Pencilset 1754229 DL
Taxe pink pencil + five-color pencil (Taxe 분홍연필+오색연필) 1772325 DL
Taxe Black Pencil (Taxe 흑색연필) 1773170 DL
Taxe 냔냔Pen 1817874 DL
Tax 냔투펜 (Taxe 냔투펜) 2081587 DL


Name Store Link DL Thumbnail Notes
Character Color brush (brush coating, thick coating) (キャラクター色塗りブラシ(ブラシ塗り~厚塗り)) 1905173 DL
Two kinds of flower brushes (2種類の花ブラシ) 1906037 DL
Wrinkle Brush for shorter clothes (時短用 服のシワブラシ) 1914330 DL
Zaku Brushes (ザクザクブラシ) 1930959 DL
Bright Border Brushes (ver. 2) (明るい境界ブラシ(Ver.2)) 1934048 DL
Sarah Pantyliner Pencil (サラふわ鉛筆) 1940013 DL
Yokan brushes (羊羹ブラシ) 1944592 DL
Texture Material Collection (テクスチャ素材集) 1959326 DL
Rustling brush (ガサガサブラシ) 2089264 DL
Sarazara brush (brush added) (さらザラブラシ(ブラシ追加)) 2095700 DL
Rough Round Brush (ざら丸ブラシ) 2125342 DL
Hand-drawn hatching brush (手描き風ハッチングブラシ) 2139858 DL


Pub: 05 Nov 2024 09:29 UTC
Edit: 12 Feb 2025 14:05 UTC
Views: 1099