Call-out about Cross and Error

To start this off I will give you a few heads up before I begin along with letting you know who I am talking about.

This is Cross(or Astral), the friend of the pedophile who has been defending him.

crossskin Crossroblox

And this is their pedophile friend, Error. Their discord seems to have been banned or theyve abandoned their account so I cannot provide it, and they are no longer on Ponytown, but I will still be covering what they have done.


Error has groomed Nightmare/Lynx, and yes, Nightmare has done toxic things, but that does not mean I will not defend him from pedos and pedo defenders.

You may not like Nightmare for who he is, but that does not mean his situation is invalid.

And if you say that he deserved it because of what he's done, I hope you never interact with me.

Every victim's story is valid, even if they've done wrong things in the past.

What Nightmare has done should not be looked at right now, I have already covered it and will not be going through it a second time.

I am not defending Nightmare's actions, but I will be defending him from this situation because he did not deserve what has happened to him.

I will not sugarcoat anything and I will give honest opinions on everything.

I may become unprofessional at some points because I cannot control my anger as easily when it comes to these things.

I will not have people defending pedophiles and letting them off free.

Everything I'm going to provide will hopefully be in chronological order.

I will first provide evidence of Error showing pedophilic behavior, grooming and also harassing people. (None of this is in chronological order, but it still provides all the context needed.)

















Also being mad over DID systems. proof10



This Error IRL/Kin has displayed clear behaviour of pedophilia and harassment. He has also had a crush on Nightmare/Lynx who at the time was only 12 years old while Error was 17.

With all this proof, I just have one question. If you saw all of this and you were friends with the pedophile, would you still defend them? Sane people would say no, if you say yes.. Do not worry, you can go right to jail, maybe you'll be roomates with your pedo friend.

Now onto Cross, the one who is defending the pedophile. And, Cross, if you are reading this, I have a lot to say to you. Especially knowing you're still on ponytown.


Starting off very strong with Cross immediately becoming defensive the moment they realize who Mel is speaking about.


"My friend is miserable and traumatized" How do you think the actual victims feel? You think Nightmare/Lynx isn't traumatized from what Error has done? You think he feels fine and happy after being groomed and harassed?? What about the people Error harassed over small things?? Telling people to kill themselves?? How do you think they feel? Oh, but no, poor wittle pwecious pedo Error is soooo twaumatized after hawassing and gwooming Nightmare. πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί

Just because you have been friends with them for a long time and they've been kind to you does not mean they have treated everybody else with that kindness. You will never ever see every single side of a person, no matter how close you are. You only saw one side of Error, the other sides of Error are evverything that I have shown.

"They barely have anyone to speak to" Maybe because they're a pedophile, harasser, homophobe, transphobe?? Ever thought of that?

"Nightmare has a piss kink!" Piss kink this, piss kink that. Is this really the most important thing? No, what's important is that your friend is a pedo and so much more. Sorry, did Nightmare piss on you or something? No? Then shut up about it. Yes, the information is weird at first, even uncomfortable for some people, but if the person isn't shoving it down your throat then shut up.

"My friend has lost so many people" Hm, I wonder why, dear, I just can't put my finger on why they'd lose people... Oh, if only there were some explanation.... /Sar


Nightmare does not like proshippers. When I was still friends with Nightmare, we found out our mutual friend was liking proshipper art and following proshippers. We immediately dropped the friend and Nightmare was even uncomfortable talking to the person ever again.

Also, anybody can accidentally have a proshipper's art as a pfp. Not everyone will know that somebody is a proshipper at first. It could have been an accident and Nightmare couldn't have known it was a proshipper who drew the art. If he knew, that's a different story. But, I do not know if he knew or not. Even if he liked a proshipper's art, he has now changed, he isn't comfortable with proshippers. People can change for the better.


Hey, I have a fun fact: Did you know a joke is no longer a joke if nobody is laughing and people are uncomfortable?

Just because somebody hides what they say behind the excuse that it's a "joke" does not make it any less problematic. The way you excuse and defend the pedophile by claiming they were joking shows how you're just invalidating the victim. You are no better than Eror at this point. Do you invalidate every victim like this? I would not be surprised if you do.

Also who the hell makes a sexual joke towards a 12 year old as a 17 year old? That's right, folks, pedophiles.


"They weren't 18 at the time" And that makes everything they've done okay? No. They were one year away from being an adult. A 17 year old should know better than this.

And telling people to "kill themselves" all the time is fine because they are joking? Do you know that genuinely makes people uncomfortable and a lot of people struggle with suicidal tendencies? You do realize if the person you tell to kill themselves, jokingly or not, actually goes through with it that you will be held accountable? You are aiding in somebody's suicide, no matter if you're joking or not.


You want to defend this as well? The fact your pedo friend sent r34 or Nightmare and Error and said "us?" To a TWELVE YEAR OLD. Oh, sorry, was Error still joking? I guess we can joke about anything these days! Do you want to say that him grooming Nightmare was a big fat joke, as well? Want to invalidate Nightmare's situation by saying it was all a joke?

proof 7

"Nightmare is serious bad news" I am aware, but you know who's even bigger bad news? THE PEDOPHILE YOU'RE DEFENDING.


I know you did not just pull the autism excuse card out. I'm neurodivergent, but you don't see me doing what Error was doing. Just because somebody is autistic doesn't mean they can't actually understand when they go too far or that what they're doing is wrong. You say that him being autistc is not an excuse, but then why bring it up then??

"The hell do you want me to do about it?" Let me give you a list. β€’ Drop the friend. β€’ Make a call-out so people avoid said friend. β€’ Warn people about them. β€’ Stop defending them. β€’ Go to the victim and support them. β€’ Block the pedophile on everything.

"You want me to not dwfend my friend?" You are STILL calling him your friend after everything that had just been shown to you? You are CLEARLY fighting tooth and nail to defend that pedophile, don't even lie. And what kind of question is that?? Obviously, stop defending them.


After EVERYTHING you still have the audacity to say that they're sweet? Is telling people to kill themselves sweet? Is grooming people sweet? Is harassing people sweet?


I understand being overwhelmed, but honestly why are you avting a victim? You are not one. You know how you could have avoided putting yourself in the oberwhelming situation? All you had to do was not defend the pedophile and just drop them. It was so easy.


This is now more of a summary on everything. summary




Now onto a few things Cross has done besides defending the pedophile like their life depends on it.


Care to explain this one? Suicide baiting?



Why are you kink shaming Nightmare when you're barking and growling like you're into petplay/puppy play..? Yes, I understand Nightmare's kink is weirder than yours, but like.. do you get off at acting like a dog or something? Woof woof? Does my barking turn you on?

Also, have you considered the fact not everybody will be comfortable with you quite literally barking and growling at them, signaling that you're into them?


Update, they just gor worse. It is currently 3:39(CET), August 16th as of writing this. This is the information I have of Cross.


What the fuck is genuinely wrong with you?? Are you fucking mental?? You psychotic bitch. Just because Nightmare has done some shit doesn't make him less of a victim of a literal PEDO. "they ain't no victim" You are so fucking toxic it is unbelievable. The fact you say he isnt a victim still shows that you are most likely defending your friend. You are not fucking okay. You are so fucking disgusting, you fucking freak. You need your fucking internet taken away from you as soon as possible. I hope you never fucking come back to ponytown otherwise I will make sure everybody knows what you have fucking done. Nightmare IS a victim, wether you think so or not.


Killerthing (15:49, CET timezone, september 21st, 2023.) This is just.. embarrassing.. πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ Killer has been drawn without a jacket for years now, grow the fuck up. You dont own the concept of someone taking off an article of clothing. Go touch grass.

My final thoughts

You both need to get off the intnernet. Not only is your friend a pedophile, Cross, but you defended them and then you claimed you weren't defending them. Pick a side already.

You're upset that people are leaving you, maybe look back at what you've said and realize why they're leaving you. If I was your friend, I'd leave too. I thought you were a good person, Cross. I'm honestly disappointed.

And if you're asking yourself why I am getting involved when I don't know anybody, I'm doing it because I hate pedophiles and pedophile defenders. I've been groomed, I know what It's like. Victims need to be heard.

I've known Nightmare before, we were close. We may have left off on bad terms, but I do not care about that. He is a victim and I will never allow you or your pedophilic piece of shit friend invalidate his trauma and defend what they've done to him.

Error is nothing but a homophobe, transphobe and pedophile that needs to be eradicated or rot in a prison cell for the rest of their life. Their victims never deserved what they've done to them. Never. And the fact you defend them sickens me, you are no better than Error.

And something I've wanted to say for a while now. I have been waiting to do this and this will be very immature to me, but I do not care.

For my ending statement, this is being addressed to both of you, Error and Cross: Fuck you, fuck your thought process, fuck the country you live in, fuck the hole you crawled out of, fuck your life, fuck whoever allowed you to access the internet, fuck your pedo friend, fuck your lies, fuck whoever allowed you to have a phone, fuck your disrespectful ass, fuck your blind ass who defends pedophiles, fuck your victim play. The year is 2023, pedophilia will never ever be tolerated. Get the fuck off the internet, if I see you around I will not hesitate to alarm everyone in the area that a pedophile defender and or pedophile are nearby.

If I'd see you both in real life I'd slap you so hard your head would do a 360, maybe then it would he screwed on properly and you'll see what kind of toxicity you've brought into the world.

Get off the internet, defending pedophilia and being a pedophile is not cute. <3

If you aren't certain if you're speaking to Cross on ponytown or not, they always use a crown emoticon before their sentences. It usually looks like this: β•” ♕╝ Example message. This is just a very rough example of what it would look like, but it is similar to that.

Normally I would not do this, but since they've decided to say that Nightmare wasn't a victim, invalidate his situation and defend a pedophile... Their current discord user is this: user
Their user might change, who knows. Right now as of writing this it is 3:58(CET), August 16th. If you come by a later date and can't find their user, then they probably changed it.

September 29th, 14:55(CET timezome). We have recent proof of Astral. Astral has given shittiest apology, literally looks like a youtuber apology. πŸ’€ Also, can we talk about the fact you're still invalidating the victim just because he's a bad person? Bad person or not, Lynx is a victim, stop invalidating. You say you're trying to be a better person, but you're not. You're still a fucking disgusting asshole. Go back to the hole you crawled out of and stop trying to victim play, you got yourself into this mess. astral
Also, being in a shitty mood doesnt justify your actions. astral5

New info.

October 13th, Friday, 8:54, CET timezone. skin

Their discord is coffee addict as youve seen from other proof. Keep hiding, Astral, people will still find you, no matter what you do.

This entire rentry has been made by

Screenshots provided by Mel, Ink and Killer.

Pub: 15 Aug 2023 21:13 UTC
Edit: 13 Oct 2023 06:55 UTC
Views: 2505