A framework for the Candy Crusade.

What is the Candy Crusade?

The Candy Crusade is a movement involving military, political, economic, and cultural expansion with the goal of establishing the Candy Kingdom as a power capable of supporting and defending their foreign allies on an international level. The Candy Crusade seeks to promote monarchies on a global level by instituting foreign embassies capable of defending their allies and expanding the operational capacity of the Candy Kingdom, in addition to monarchist support, the Candy Crusade aims to establish contact and support to proponents of Pink Womanism while making favorable contacts with those who are deemed to display honorable behavior befitting of an ally of the Candy Kingdom. The Candy Crusade seeks primarily to return land deemed to be the rightful territory of the Himedom to the Himedom either through negotiation or force.
This expansion would sometimes involve the occupation of foreign soil and the institution of substates made to answer to the Himedom through royal representatives and may or may not involve conflict both initiated and defensive.
The Candy Crusade will use lunaito resources whenever possible and will refrain from calling upon the aid of their foreign allies in the fledgling years of this movement, however once the Candy Kingdom is able to secure itself and the territories bordering it, foreign aid of willing allies will be accepted in the crusade. One major plan of the Candy Crusade is the planting of Candy Kingdom chuubanite into foreign soil in order to begin growing new candy crops and produce additional unique resources for the Candy Kingdom, chuubanite and candy manufacturers would be installed and given a wide operational range to experiment with.

Part 1: War with /hlgg/, The Brittlebread War.

Current Phase:



Capturing the assets and territorial holdings of House Brittlebread and its respective vassal houses. This change in hands would result in the acquisition of land from /hlgg/ to the Candy Kingdom held by the Stadtholder (Lord Hasterkin Brittlebread) of the region bordering the Candy Kingdom. In addition, the Candy Kingdom hopes to recover the crown of Himemori Rukori, the Hime Vessel of the Rukori Era whose crown is believed to have been stolen by the ancestor of Lord Brittlebread who used it in order to gain land and lordship in /hlgg/ after fleeing the Candy Kingdom.

Land Claims:

to be specificed once /hlgg/ government and additional Stadtholders are formalized. Current claims outlined here.

Lunaitos planned to be involved:

Knight Grand Marshall Janeli Bunaros

High Marshalls Dragos Tiptono and Lynnito Vyre

Knight Commanders Rukori Bunuru and Dandoro Tefflestan

Descriptions of personality traits and battle tendencies to follow.

Military Capacity of the Candy Kingdom:


Military Capacity of Stadtholder Brittlebread:


Estimation of War:

Battles depict both sides in different winning and losing scenarios, in particular, depictions of Lunaito forces on the battlefield would depict the difficulty and change of strategy that would result from luknight infantry attacking musket infantry. In terms of the Brittlebread forces, under estimation of the power of lunaito armor, shields, archers, and cavalry would lead to initial conflicts showcasing how a nation with medieval technology would still be able to stand on the same ground as modern nations and that tactics and strategies that a nation might use for one enemy cannot be used for all enemies in certain cases. This is not to say that lunaitos can overwhelm the power of the musket easily, lunaitos would struggle primarily with getting their units into the proper positions that would allow them to use their powerful cavalry and foot soldiers.

Pub: 24 Nov 2022 18:20 UTC
Edit: 24 Nov 2022 18:41 UTC
Views: 109