How To: Quickly Blend Daz Genitals in Blender

Guide by Cerbskies

6 / 28 / 2023

Blender v3.5
Diffeomorphic v1.7.0

Other Guides:

NOTE: This assumes you've installed diffeomorphic properly in both Blender and Daz.

I recommend turning off Scene Lighting and Scene World when color matching in Blender.

If youve followed my previous Futalicious guide and enabled materials, you will notice the dick probably looks like below.
Dont worry. Aside from trying to match the color in Daz, you can do some quick changes in Blenders shader editor.

Make sure you have the model selected so you can see its materials and hop in Blenders shader editor.
Usually futalicious/dicktator are in Slot 15 and labeled Glans-1 so make sure you have your material slot changed.
Find the Node called "Futalicious Shell".

NOTE: Depending on your situation, you could adjust the shell slider to turn off the shell and reveal the texture underneath (most of the time its stretched). However I prefer baking it which I will show in another tutorial. For now, keep it at 0.5 -1.0 for simple blending.

Click the Node Expander icon (I dont know what its officially called). It will open a new Node Tree with its inner workings.

Adjust this Gamma Node to your liking.

You can also add a Hue Saturation Value Nodes and connect it to the base color node like below.
In this case I just eye-ball it till it looks good enough on the side screen.

NOTE: Keep in mind it wont look 100% blended because most of this needs to be matched in Daz. Dont worry, even if it matches 90%, people wont give a shit if its for animation. If you're doing it for renders you can just touch it up in photoshop. Easy.

DONE! Fuck with whatever settings you want. Adjust the futa shell more or tweak stuff. Experiment.

NOTE: Dont forget to save copies of your scene! You dont need them untill you do.

Those are just the basics to get it good enough for porno.

Like I said before, if you want it 100% blended, color match in Daz or bake the texture down.
However baking futalicious / dicktator textures is a bit tricky and requires an Addon (for me anyway).

I will show how to do that in another tutorial.

Pub: 29 Jun 2023 01:40 UTC
Edit: 04 Aug 2023 11:44 UTC
Views: 1268