How To: Simple IK Penis Rig

Guide by Cerbskies

6 / 28 / 2023

Blender v3.5
Diffeomorphic v1.7.0

Other Guides:

I get asked about this quite a bit. Its honestly nothing special but I hope it helps you out fam.
I will use the futa Test Model from previous tutorials for simplicitys sake.

NOTE: All you need is an armature with a string of bones. Same concept applies to any armature.


  • Select your Armature.
  • Switch to Edit Mode.
  • Add > Single Bone.
  • Name it something you will remember or easily identifiable. I named my penis.CONTROL. Its just how I name things.


  • Rotate the bone and align it with the tip like so.
  • This bone will be the IK target or what the penis bones will follow.


  • Switch to pose mode.
  • Select your penis tip bone, or whatever bone is at the end of your chain.
  • Select its bone constraints tab, if you see a "limit rotation modifier" you can delete it, unless you want to limit your rotation (I never do).
  • Select the Inverse Kinematics Modifier.
  • Pick the target (the armatuer your bone is in)
  • Pick the bone (the bone you want your penis tip to follow, this case your CONTROL bone)
  • IF your entire chain or body pops forward, DONT PANIC.
  • You just need to specify how many bones that hog between her legs has. This case, 7.

NOTE: Think of the chain like a snake. That bone youre adding modifiers to is the snake head, and the CONTROL bone is what its looking at.


  • Youve just made an IK bone chain.
  • Now you can move your CONTROL bone and that dirty snake will follow.
  • Moving it closer towards the body will cause snake to flip, thats normal. We didnt specify a Pole Target Bone. (I never do).
  • Snake wont move with the body, thats also normal.
  • If you want to switch between animating with bare penis bones or with your IK, Lower the INFLUENCE or TOGGLE the eye.
  • Lowerings the Influence to 0 or Toggling the eye just turns off the IK and lets you mess with the bones like normal.

NOTE: I usually delete every Limit Modifier on the penis bones. This will make the bone turn from green to default grey (or whatever theme you are using). That just means it has no constraint modifier on it. Snake head stays yellow cause it has the IK.


  • To make the IK follow your body, you need to parent it to the Hips, OR Pelvis, OR Root, OR whatever you want it to move with.
  • Think of it like Medusa. You just rigged one of her snakes, those snakes follow her body now.

NOTE: Before parenting, I select Pose > Clear Transform > All whatever it is I am parenting. Good practice.

  • Same concept as before except this Bone Constraint is the CHILD OF modifier.
  • Target is the Armature that contains all this.
  • Bone is the Parent of your CONTROL bone, in this case HIPS.
  • Since Im using the Test Model, I enabled the torso layer so I can select the Hips.
  • Just like with the Inverse Kinematic Modifier, you can turn off the influence if you want your peen to follow the body or not.

NOTE: If after parenting, your CONTROL bone moves where its not supposed to, Cick SET INVERSE, that should align it properly.


NOTE: If you want to add more complexity to it like my Peener on smutbase (scaling and rotation), then continue onward.


  • Next, we will add Copy Rotation and Copy Scale Modifiers to the Base bone (Can be any bone really but I always start there).
  • Assign the values like before, select your target armature.
  • Then select the BONE you want to copy. You're telling that bone "Copy this other bones rotation and scale". This case, select your CONTROL bone.
  • This will let you scale and rotate your CONTROL bone and have youre entire penis copy it.

NOTE: This only works in POSE MODE. Edit mode doesnt follow constraints, its for editing bones and their parents (different from Child Of modifier).


  • Thats it, now do that same thing for every bone you want to the CONTROL bone to affect. This case, the penis bones excluding the CONTROL bone.
  • Its time consuming doing it one by one so we will just have every bone we want copy those modifiers.
  • Select the penis bones with the LAST bone being the bone you're gonna have them copy. This case, its that Base bone you set up prior.
  • Press CTRL + C
  • A "Copy Attributes" menu will popup.

NOTE: Think of it like "Everyone I just selected, I want you to copy THIS GUY" then you select the last bone and CTRL + C


  • If you did it right, every bone should be green again if they were grey prior like pic related.
  • Now you can shrink and rotate the CONTROL bone and the previous bones will follow.

  • You can adjust each bone modifiers INFLUENCE if you want the scale to taper, such as the base not scaling with the CONTROL rig completely.
  • Can even animate it if you wanted.


  • Youre basically done. Anything else is just fluff.
  • Last thing I like to do is select all the bones, CLEAR TRANSFORM > ALL
  • Then change the CONTROL bone into an orb in the viewport.


Pub: 29 Jun 2023 06:13 UTC
Edit: 04 Aug 2023 11:45 UTC
Views: 1478