If a 'Vee lies in a cave and noone is there to call it out, does it still count as a lie?
"Aaahh~ Gotta love that fresh floor two air." Chai notes as she steps out from the last stair. It's the same air as ever, but Chai was feeling quite the adrenaline rush after her previous victory. No time like the present, Chai decides to seek out the nearest wild Pokemon she can find and challenges it to a fight.
Surprisingly, Chai once again comes out on top. "Maybe I'm actually unstoppable?" She notes to herself pridefully. "Well..." She looks over herself, "Without an Oran berry, I should probably still be careful.."
Deciding to let her natural recovery do it's job, Chai sneaks around the rest of the floor, searching for the stairs and any items that might be laying around, avoiding further fighting.
"What a total bust of a floor.. There's barely any loot here at all! What kind of dungeon is this?!" She complains as she finds the next set of stairs, deciding to take a small break. "I guess a half eaten Oran berry isn't too bad of a yield...." She notes. "Proobably shouldn't have shoved that in my bag though.." She looks to the pouch on her side, insides now slightly stained with blue. "Well.. it'll.. add character." Besides, it was shoved in the corner of a barely used room back at the guild anyway, so she's sure noone will mind.
Chai noses the pouch open, feeling a bit peckish. "I wonder how much time has passed..." It was hard to tell in the dungeon, what with the lack of sunlight and constantly repeating corridors. A few hours, she reckons? While taking out one of the apples that she'd brought from her pouch, Chai feels something stiff on her nose. "Hm?"
What she initially thought was the bottom of the bag seems to have shifted slightly, revealing a tiny book. Chai takes it out, hopeful for some entertainment in this dull cave. Unfortunately for her, the pages are all blank.
"Bleeeh, seriously? Who puts a blank book in a bag? Unless it's like, a diary or something.." Her own paw writing was... subpar, to say the least. Still, an empty book presented an opportunity. "And I do have that half-eaten Oran..."
Oooh, but what if this is a long dungeon? I should probably keep some food, shouldn't I? But I do still have another apple, and I've totally been kicking ass so far...
"Well, why not? This way, I'll totally impress everyone when I get back and my writing is all straight and stuff!" Chai, riding the high of her few previous victories, starts eating her apple and opens the book to the first page, shoving her other paw in the Oran berry for colour.
"Hmm... Let's see... What to write, what to write?..." Chewing her apple, Chai thinks aloud. "I've only gotten through two floors.. And coming here wasn't even intentional, but that'd be no fun to write at all... Hmm... Oh, I've got it!"
Dear Diary, Today I fell down a big hole.
It's chill though. No sweat, really. I mean, sure, I was practically swarmed by wild Pokemon, but they don't stand a chance against me! I'm probably going through these floors at record pace!
My name? Chai, master explorer.
If you're reading this, it probably means something has happened to me. If so, be careful!
From one professional to another, I suggest you ration your food properly. The dungeon seems scarce for resources at the early floors.
I'll be writing down my observations in this diary. Do read ahead so you don't get caught by surprise.
Okay fine, I may have taken some... creative liberties, but it's not like anyone would know. Besides, if any rookie finds this they're gonna be toootally paranoid, and that would be hilarious. Maybe I should just leave the rest of the book blank? Oooh that'd be a great prank.
...But no, I'd rather practice my writing. And doodling can be pretty fun too!
Yaaawn.... "On the topic of fun... A nap sounds great right about now..." Stashing the book back into the pouch, Chai tosses the now eaten apple to the ground, and starts heading down the stairs. A perfect place for a nap.