- Developer : Incontinent Cell | PATREON
- Engine : UNITY-2D | (SIMULATOR-2D)
Written by : @Mr. YC_Progr






Changelog v0.87.11

  • Fixed a game breaking bug that caused item lists to break when resized causing selecting items sometimes breaking and making it impossible to open packages.

Changelog v0.87.10

  • Fixed a minor bug in itch.io request for game's version.
  • Modified WebGL template to maybe work on mobile devices. It might make it possible to play the game on IOS in the browser.
  • Made game do less requests to check if there's an update.(Only does it once per hour instead of everytime you enter the main menu).
  • Updated unity from 2021.3.25f1 to 2022.3.20f1(This might fix some issues, but might also cause some new ones).
  • Fixed some compression issues with sprite sheets.
  • Fixed a memory leak while playing some sounds. For example blackjack card sounds.
  • Fixed a bug in unity webgl loader that caused fullscreen alert to appear sometimes.
  • Optimized live2d raycasting during sex scenes.
  • New t-shirt and hoodie designs.
  • Updated code handing AGUI toy to work with AGUI World 3.0.1.
  • Fixed a bug that caused cum to not disappear on models that sex didn't end on.
  • Probably fixed a bug that caused swallow cum option appear when it shouldn't.
  • Fixed a bug that caused time to not pass after sleeping with bot.
  • Modified Melissa and Annalie Outside sprites to fit better with the rest of the game.
  • Probably fixed a bug that caused personality mods to not work on webgl.
  • Fixed some bugs related to room items.
  • Removed the limit of 50 past contracts.
  • Fixed some other minor shit.

Changelog v0.87.7

  • Decreased the rate at which easter egg personality modules appear.
  • Fixed a bug that caused game to break if bot switched position when in lead and player was kissing her and then player switched back to the previous position.
  • Fixed a bug that caused angry bot expression to not get removed.
  • Fixed a bug where the name of one of the color presets would not get localized.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Annalie to flicker when returning from the changing room.
  • Fixed a bug that would make richtext bleed over to following entries in the narration log.
  • Fixed a bug that caused sucking her right nipple to cause less pleasure.
  • Fixed a bug that caused her to look around before her AI was active.
  • Added throw away button back into the equipment view.
  • Modified the way game's zips are zipped to not have a folder inside, but itself contain all the files.
  • Removed repeating text in one of the events in the church after riots.
  • Made narration log name color match the one displayed on the textbox.
  • Made meeting landlord at the staircase when going out with bot rarer.
  • Made the game unequip all the missing modded items to not make her have bugged skin(Among other things).

Pub: 09 Jul 2024 03:53 UTC
Edit: 10 Jul 2024 04:27 UTC
Views: 332