- Developer : Beepbopdubi | PATREON
- Engine : UNITY | (UNITY-2D)
Written By : @Mr. YC_Progr





Changelogs List:

Changelog v0.3.6 | (31-March-2024)

  • Added Mary Story 4
  • Added 1 new position Eul Park pos 1
  • Added a notification that appears when opening the furniture tab without purchasing a basement
  • You can no longer call your partner to come over if you are in the basement
  • Your partner can now follow you into the basement and can stay in the house if they are not following you (Partner will still automatically leave once you leave the house)
  • Updated the credit page

Changelog v0.3.5 | 29-February-2024)

  • Added a new phone app: Thoughts
  • Added Sylvia Story 3
  • Added a cutscene in the park(night)
  • Added 4 new positions
    • Eul Arcade Pos 1
    • Sherryl Arcade Pos 1
    • Sherryl Park Pos 1
    • Caroline Park Pos 1
  • Added 2 new H-tube scene
  • Changed some dialogue when asking for Caitlyn’s number
  • Changed the font style for dialogues
  • Objects reversed in you basement no longer reverses the text in H-mode
  • Initiating H-scene Love chair on Eul will now have a proper dialogue
  • Veteran start now unlocks Sylvia Story 2
  • Fixed some NPC’s spawning incorrectly
  • Updated the credit page

Changelog v0.1.4 | (31-December-2022)

  • Added new feature H-mode Intimacy (works only in bed)
  • Added new dating minigame Massage
  • Added partner beach clothes (Except Caitlyn)
  • Added partner beach gifting dialogue (Except Caitlyn)
  • Added 11 new positions (Some are patreon only)
  • Added a new location beach side
  • Added a skip button on partner stories
  • Added H-mode Intimacy tutorial
  • Reworked how the map works (both asking for a date and opening the map)
  • Rescaled the map size
  • Redesigned the map
  • The beach is now a dateable area
  • Improved Main Menu background
  • Improved Mary pos 1 Bedroom
  • Improved Mary pos 5 Bedroom
  • Improved Eul pos 5 Bedroom
  • Improved Eul pos 2 Livingroom
  • Improved Eul pos 3 Bedroom
  • Changed Sherryl's Chibi eyes not using the correct color
  • Thief reduced hit from 5 to 3 in General store minigame
  • Climax reduced energy cost from 20 to 10

Changelog v0.1.0 | (30-November-2022)

  • Added Main Menu
  • Added Story Introduction
  • Added a total of 8 pos
  • Added Individual stories to each Partner
  • Added save and load system
  • All partners are now dateable
  • Mary's outfit has been reworked (affects dialogue face sprite)
  • Game is saved when progressing to next day
  • Energy is restored when progressing to next day
  • Gopher minigame set win to 2000
  • Gophers that are not whacked deducts score
  • Adjusted score added for some of the unique gophers
  • Added a tutorial for Gopher minigame
  • Added keyboard support for Gopher minigame
  • Added an indicator to when the date meter is full
  • Added an indicator to gift limit
  • You can no longer give the same gifts in a single date.
  • Losing in the Gopher minigame still adds points to the date meter but less
  • Added number of successful dates in the partner tab
  • Changed gaining hearts through dates to gaining hearts through finishing the partners story
  • Changed the dialogue background transparency to 0
  • General store minigame Rescaled
  • Can now toggle between bat mode on general store minigame by pressing Q
  • Eul's dialogue face sprite slightly changed
  • Added a shop in the Arcade
  • Reworked asking a date for Sherryl on the beach
  • Bedroom 3p now requires all partners max heart
  • Sherryl in beach H-mode now requires max heart
  • Cailtyn in Park H-mode now requires max heart
  • Improved the game tutorial
  • Improved Mary pos1 in Library
  • Improved Mary pos1 in Livingroom
  • Improved Mary pos3 in Livingroom
  • Leaving the shop minigame decreases your energy bar
  • Finishing the gopher minigame decreases your energy bar
  • Removed the cat in the bedroom :C
Pub: 29 Jan 2023 05:21 UTC
Edit: 13 Apr 2024 02:38 UTC
Views: 351