- Developer : Yeehaw Games | PATREON
- Engine : RPGM || (RPG MAKER MV)
Written by : @Mr. YC_Progr


Changelog List:

Changelog v0.1.7 Public

  • Added direct input from keyboard for desktop releases. Now, you can directly type in your character’s name or the gallery code with your keyboard. The previous input scheme is still working if you prefer it. Proper mobile implementation is trickier, but I’ll see what I can do before the v0.1.8 release.
  • Fixed a problem with the first stages of the main quest incorrectly counting the seduced mongirls. Now, these are properly credited towards completion right after the encounter with them.
  • Fixed a lot of typos and grammar thanks to Nobody.
  • Fixed a problem with the day – night cycle not working properly in some cases. Please report these to me if you’ll encounter anything like it.
  • Changed the confirm sound effect you heard with each “Enter” hit to a more subtle one.
  • Changed map geometry in first exploration zones to limit hovering over the edge cosmetic issue.
  • Adjusted the credits section. Some nicknames were too long and were cut off before.
  • Adjusted the first stages of the main quest. It was possible to skip a step in the sequence.
  • Fixed some extra animations like blinking getting stuck and not playing during Spine2D H scenes.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the menu button to pop up during H scenes on mobile devices.

Changelog v0.1.7

New Features and Activities:

  • Added an option to switch story scenes like Catarina’s to animation-only. This is an option and you still can view the full scene if you choose to do so. The choice is per scene playthough, not global.
  • Added an optional quest line where you’ll encounter one of the familiar faces if you played my other games. Just visit the bar after progressing the main quest far enough.
  • Bar management overhaul. I had to rework a lot of inner logic, but now you can manage girls through an equipment-like menu. Will be extra handy to have with the upcoming upgrades to the bar and associated activities. You don’t need to actually do anything, your active girls will resume working in the new system once you’ll visit your camp.

Small fixes and Improvements:

  • Fixed a problem with vanished and misplaced HP bars for some enemies. Namely, the skeleton and bear encounters.
  • Fixed a bug that crashed the game if you tried to delete a saved game. This change won’t affect any of your current saves, just remove the problem in the future release. At the moment, you can safely overwrite saves without any problems.
  • Fixed a problem that sometimes showed Android/mobile buttons in desktop releases.
  • Fixed a problem with lighting during some camps returns.
  • Fixed a pack of typos and grammar stuff both in dialogues and H scenes.
  • Fixed an incorrect height level in the new player’s house zone. Now, you can’t walk over the roof or trees.
  • Removed an option to back out from the main combat menu and see the greyed-out option to escape. Since there’s no escape from encounters, it was redundant and could cause misunderstandings.
  • Changed the gallery screen a bit. Now, it has some free space at the bottom for easier arrow tapping on mobile devices. Since all elements of the gallery screen are tied together, I couldn’t just increase the arrow’s hitbox. So, this will be a temporary fix until I will think of something else.
  • Turned off all background sounds, including nature sounds during the safe puzzle in exploration zones.
  • Fixed a bug that cut off all background sounds if you declined a stranger’s offer to play the coin game with him.
  • Fixed a pair of jump points in exploration zones that were obscured by overhanging objects like trees. No logic/jump changes, just visual stuff.
  • Fixed a black screen if you hit the escape button during bunny’s pose selection in the evening/home visit.
  • Fixed double-playing sound in Catarina’s cowgirl scene.
  • Werewolf no longer talks while her mouth is busy during H scenes.

Pub: 17 Jan 2024 12:01 UTC
Edit: 17 Jan 2024 12:09 UTC
Views: 492