Character Sheet Template

Just a template made to help with creating, connecting, and archiving known characters. View this template in edit mode and copypaste the section below into your own rentry, and begin filling in your character!

Remember that if you plan on using the character in a story which has not been finished yet, and you do not want to spoil things, consider making yourself a separate rentry which you fill to its fullest, and publish an incomplete one, or do not publish the rentry at all, just use it as an online note for yourself!

remember to save your edit code!

Character Name

Link to a picture of the character or link to a relevant image or Picture of character, or other relevant image

Aliases: Known aliases of the character. Not only in-universe, but also out of universe
Sex: Sex of the character, if applicable.
Race or Species: Is the character a member of which race or species?
Lifespan: At what approximate year was the character born? at what approximate year did they die, if they have yet died?
Location(s): The places the character would call home, and places the character visited often, or places they were influential in. Can be vague, e.g., "indie continent", "Niji Empire", etc.

Native Culture: the culture the character was born into, or was taught to follow as a child
Secondary Culture(s): Cultures whose aspects the character has adopted over the years.
Main Religion: What, if any, is the main faith of the character?
Secondary Religions: What other faiths or religious / superstitious ideologies the character follows?
Native Language(s): The languages the character learned from their parents or caretakers as a child. The character ought to be fluent in these languages, unless they have suffered memory loss or something similar.
Known Languages: Languages the character has been taught or languages they have learnt over their life. They may or may not be fluent in these languages, but for them to be listed they should at least be on a conversational level.

Parents: Who are the known biological parents and/or the caretakers of the character?
Siblings: Who are the known biological or adopted siblings of the character?
Primary Spouse(s): With whom did the character get married, and with whom did they have their children?
Partners: With whom has the character been in long term romantic or sexual relationships with? If the character has had a harem, the members of said harem go here.
Children: Who are the known biological or adopted children of the character?
Others: Are there any other characters that were of familial role to the character? Include a mention of what type of role they took!

Friendly Factions: Factions and non-character entities that the character was a part of or an ally of.
Friends: Other characters that have been allies or friends of the character.
Followers: Other characters that were allies of the character, but from a position of less power. E.g., Students, worshippers, servants, employees.
Hostile Factions: Factions that were enemies of the character, or factions the character was hostile towards.
Enemies: Other characters that were enemies of the character.
Rivals: Other characters that were rivals of the character. Do note that rival does not necessarily mean an enemy.
Acquaintances: Other notable characters this character has met. This section is meant to assist with (hopefully) creating a network of characters within the setting.

Occupation: What did the character do for a living?

What skills does your character have? Are they particularly strong or intelligent? Are they charming or cunning? Do they have any supernatural abilities?

Write here a short description of the character. Stuff like approximate or relative height (Shorter or taller than X, "average deadbeat", etc. You can be precise too if you want to), General shape (skeletal, thin, delicate, normal, muscular, ripped af, fat, obese etc), hair color, eye color, skin color, noticeable scars, tattoos, piercings, etc.

Notable personality traits:
Write here a list or any kind of description of notable personality traits of the character, both good and bad.

What sort of philosophical ideas, or past traumatic lessons, is the character affected by? How are they affected by them? These can be extremely vague.

Dreams and Goals:
What does the character strive to achieve? What are their known goals? What does the character think achieving would make them happy or content?

Does your character have any known fears, from normal ones such as arachnophobia, to memories of past events or traumas that still haunt them?

Are there things your character is especially interested in? Games, areas of science, literary genres, hobbies, etc.

Things your character likes. This prompt is very vague, so answer however many you think are relevant. E.g., animals they find especially cute, their favourite food, their favourite book, a foreign city they found astonishingly beautiful, their favourite local brothel, etc

The same as above, but for things they dislike. E.g., creatures they find disgusting, food thay cannot stand, etc etc

Does your character have any notable habits? Do they pray every morning? Do they consume certain psychedelic substances? Do they have vocal tics? Do they have superstitious rituals? Are they addicts? To what?

Does your character at any point during their story suffer from a debilitating wound, or from some sort of a chronic illness that greatly affects them?

Is your character wealthy? Are they in possession of any special or notable items?

Write some history for the character here, if you have any.


What is your plan for the character as the writer? Where will they go, who will they meet, how will they meet their end, etc?

What is your character's role in your stories?

Are there any fictional or historical or real life characters or events that have affected the creation of your character or served as inspirations for them? Are there any characters or persons that are very similar to your character?

Writing notes:
Add here any other notes you would like to give to those who want to write about the character, or add notes for yourself to reference when writing about the character

In what stories does your character make a canonical or important appearance in?
Name of the story
Name of another story

Pub: 08 Jul 2022 16:05 UTC
Edit: 22 Sep 2022 15:49 UTC
Views: 1448