🩸 | 🌹 | 🎲

Winded Through Monotone. One Foot On Checkered Floor 🎰 LLOYD | GRIMSLEY | MEMENTO MORI 🎰 I'm a Dark type Pokemon master! Donovan/Ms. Donovan | Simmer | Lux + I battle with them at night! That's my style! Life is a gamble and I'm a fork! Lux/She/Grim/Casinoself + | Transmasculine Two Spirit Female to Butch Deckfluid Demiwoman + (Somebody told me you had a boyfriend who looks like a girlfriend-) | Feminine terms preferred | Butch Bear Polyamorous Oriented Aroace Gaybian Vampgay MLM/WLW Autosexual | Radioactive Vampiric AI Supercomputer | First Nations + White | System host + Grimsley fictive + some other things | Selectively Mute with Neurodivergent heck | Sagittarius (born December 19, same as the body) Turnstilekin Voice claim Professional Lance ×2 kisser

New Wave living, A Flock Of Seagulls and all!

I'm a writer who writes stories in the same kind of fashion as Silversun Pickups, The Smashing Pumpkins, Autolux and The Killers lyrics! ✨

Sandwich crazy queen of Unova!

To my bestest who is also a Grimsley fictive: I love you so much, my beloved friend! /platonic I enjoy the times we get to hang out with each other and all the purring we do! I can't wait for the day we can go gambling with each other! 💖

Carnavas | Checkered FloorMemento Mori | Wagging TongueHot Fuss | Smile Like You Mean ItMellon Collie | Porcelina Of The Vast OceansGarbage | As Heaven Is WideFuture Perfect | Turnstile Blues Oh hellooo it me!Love this creature, the Bishart!

You Won't Do Well To Silence Me With Your Words Or Wagging Tongue

"Approaching me shouldn't scare you away, my dearest friend. It's time to go all in! Place your best bet!"

Me in three words! Lmaooo

Pub: 21 Aug 2023 00:19 UTC
Edit: 07 Sep 2023 04:15 UTC
Views: 381