I'm a decorator! Not a hoarder.

Notice: I've had this URL since 2022! It is safe from being reclaimed.

Trades are closed.

I've lost all trust in the URL trading community. For reasons such as:

  • People stealing URLs via going to Support
  • People abusing the URL claim system
  • People reclaiming in-use URLs
  • People scamming others
  • People manipulating others for URLs

Additionally, people sending me hate / death / rape threats over URLs... Really?

As such, I've chosen to remove myself from the URL trading community. I won't come back until you guys learn to act.
Do not ask if a URL is for trade, I just put the reasons for why I don't trade!

Top divider

Top lace 1 Bow pixel Top lace 2

Main graphic of Deren, by me Langxi's URL Collection Heart and Bow pixel
Rose Heart pixel Read guidelines before trading
GuidelinesContactIn use
ᴮ = Gifted by my bestie
♡ = Personal favorite
Do not offer on my favorites.

Bottom lace 1 Bow pixel Bottom lace 2

Chocolate Heart pixelWords

Chocolate Bar pixelMedia

Heart mirror pixelMusic

Bottom Divider

Pub: 26 Jan 2023 15:08 UTC
Edit: 16 Aug 2024 22:10 UTC
Views: 17254