First Clover Guild Character Q&A (Uh, is there any better title than this? Heheh...)

Warning: Please Write all entries into a text editor, refresh the page, then COPY and PASTE into this rentry page to avoid overwriting others' entries.

The rules are simple: Ask a question to whatever character and that said character will answer that question in the new thread... like a time capsule? (What the hell is that analogy!?) The characters (or should the author of said characters) has the right to refuse any question they wish not to answer, and uh, keep that in mind if they skipped it over and please show common courtesy. Umm... you can answer it right away... I guess but frankly, I would prefer this to be done in one sitting so in case there's like repeated questions or whatever... but well, it's your call.
Answers should be provided in greentext (>) below the question. Please preappend your character's name if answering a non-individual question.

Sample (Do not delete, please)

Character name (<- If it already exist just write the new question on top of the previous question. For example I write the name KFC, that's dir- actually I know you guys aren't dumbasses why am I typing down this in depth tutorial)
-Sample 1
-Sample 2 (These are questions... just imagine those are question, yes?)
-Sample 3

"General Questions" as in, anyone can answer that particular question, and "Pair or More Questions" is for more than one character like I want to ask a question to Team Cozy about something or I wanna ask Ross and KFC a question and yada yada.... I think that's all. Maybe. Tell me if I did... Oh yeah, edit code is clover

Individual Questions


What's your favorite food? Or, your favorite dish to cook?

I stopped having a "favorite food" decades ago. But I do have an affinity for anything aged, be it cheese or preserves.

What do you miss most about your old restaurant?

Oh, definitely my late precious collection of imported kitchen utensils. Nobody makes a frying pan like the Sand Continent!

You've got to assemble a crew of 6 sous chefs to prepare a buffet. Who do you bring?

I have rather unpleasant opinions on most people in this vile excuse for an establishment, but if a blade was held to my head, that chespin fellow, that togetic fellow that keeps organizing my pantry without my permission, KFC, that ribombee fellow, (not that strange girlfriend of his, however) the guild nurse (truth be told I have not seen her leave her office in ages,) and my faithful Ronald, bless his moronic heart.

What's the most outlandish meal request you've received from a guild member?

I'm still trying to decipher what "Spyro Sub" means ever since I found it in my suggestion box. I have a stack of papers in my room where I keep track of the various human jargon I hear with the help of a few guildmates, but I suspect they are withholding information from me.


I'm flattered, but I must reject your advances.

I think we let you cook long enough. What are you cooking?

Do not ask questions you are not prepared for the answers to.



What's with the maid dress in the janitors closet?

What? There's no such thing! ※While the author has an interest in that sort of stuff, Lliam has no interest in that sort of thing. (Trying my best to resist writing such a thing is hard already, fwehh...)

Is there anything missing from the guild you'd like to get your hands on?

As a matter of fact, I was looking for several items before coming to Capim town, and I'm still looking for them, albeit at a slower pace as I got busy with being guildmaster and all... Those items are very important to me. On the one hand, I have to find them on my own, but on the other hand, the journey's over once I complete them...

Aside from Cyndaquil (for obvious reasons) are there any guild recruits who've caused problems for you or rubbed you the wrong way?

They haven't exactly caused any problems... yet, but the closest would be Kiyo's group. I felt something's off with them on our first encounter. But regardless, I let them join the guild as they seemed to have no malicious intent... Actually, that's not true; I mean, they are not there to cause a ruckus, if that makes sense. Later that day, I wrote a letter to Her about their background. She told me some things about them, and I got the gist of it... I think. And despite that, I decided to keep them and tell no one as they seemed to be skilled in their crafts, and if shit does hit the fan, I could just hand them over as a scapegoat for a deal/exchange for the guild's safety... But I'm hoping it doesn't come to resorting to doing that... Anyway, as of now, I'm just paranoid about what they would do and what their goal is.

When are we getting a hot spring?

Well, can you? Getting hot springs takes quite a lot of work and a lotta money, and maintaining them would require some manpower, which we obviously don't have, so... never. Unless ya cover all the costs, then be my guest~.

Has there ever been a non-humon interested in joining the guild that you had to turn down?

None. All are welcome to join~, as they might give some useful insight about the Pokemon World! I mean, they might have some uses should any situation arise... I mean, the more, the merrier the guild gets, douncha agree~? Kyukyukyu


Is there anything else missing from your bedroom? Or is it max comfy?

Some comfy chairs could be nice. Some extra blankets to string up along the walls to turn our room into one big blanket fort would be sweet as well.

Besides Wooper, who do you trust most in the guild? Alternatively, who are you most afraid of?

Even if he's almost blabbed to the entire guild about that one..."situation" once, Toge's covered for Wooper and I and snuck a life-saving Blast Wand into my bag.
The guildmaster seems a little too secretive. Something's definitely up with him, but things haven't been too bad yet.

Did you ever tell Wooper or any other native that this universe was a game in the human world?

I nearly slipped and told Wooper the truth, but I opted to tell him that Pokemon only existed in fables. A little lie like that won't hurt him.

What other ideas do you have for new combined attacks with Wooper? Would you consider throwing your partner at the enemies a combined attack?

You mean other than "hold Wooper in my vines and have him shoot different things?" Outside of that and holding enemies still with my vines, I got no ideas. Throwing Wooper is something I'd never even consider doing, what if he got hurt?!


I know you hold humans in high esteem, but has there been a time where you've felt let down by a human or a time where a human hasn't lived to your expectations?

It might sound unthinkable, but Chespin himself let me down once. He forced us to flee from a Beedrill when we were trying to get pillows and blankets for the guild! He eventually worked up the courage to fight it, but that was the only time I've ever been disappointed in him.
Other than that, I thought all humans were brave and smart, but then I met Cyndaquil. Are there really a lot of humans like him?

What ideas do you have for new combined attacks with Chespin? What would you think if your partner threw you at the enemies & called it a "new technique"?

I could freeze the ground with my Ice Beam, and then Chespin could slingshot himself onto it and do a sliding Headbutt on a far away bad guy! But Chespin's still too afraid of ice...
I wouldn't really like it if Chespin threw me without talking about the technique ahead of time, but he'd never do that! Besides, what would throwing me accomplish?


You look like you could use a hug. Do you like hugs?

(A hug right about now would feel nice... But what if it feels too nice and makes me break down and cry!?) "...I-I'm fine, b-but thank y-you... A-And y-yes, hugs c-can be nice..."

What do you do for fun? It's not just organization, is it?

(I really have just spent the past few weeks organizing stuff, huh? I guess I must find that fun. I also enjoy hanging out with Team Cozy and other friends like Elm.) "... B-Being with f-friends is f-fun. B-But cleaning up t-the guild h-has taken up m-most of my t-time... A-A lot of my o-old interests a-aren't possible t-to pursue i-in this w-world."

Have you ever killed anyone? Do you plan to?

"Wh-What?! N-No, never! I-I might've h-hurt some p-people before... b-but I've never k-killed anyone!" (I did always have to stop Dewott from taking things too far whenever we fought other outlaws or exploration teams. I can only hope he hasn't added murder to his list of crimes since I've left him.)

I know you have a penchant for getting into very enthuiastic rants, but has that ever gotten you into any bother before?

(If you consider everyone around you trying to find the quickest way to escape you a bother, then yes.) "...Y-Yeah, s-sometimes. O-One time s-someone knocked m-me out to sh-shut me up..." (Also I accidently leaked vital secrets about Team Cozy, but I shouldn't mention that.)


If you couldn't bring your Ampharos mentor, who would you bring into a mystery dungeon?

"Exploring with Mr. Ampharos is really fun! He's teaching me everything about being an Explorer and an Electric type, but since he doesn't consider himself a part of the Guild and doesn't really wanna join, I... can't really go out to any old dungeon on my own, so really, I'd be happy to go with anybody who'd take me!"

I know you don't ship your fellow guildmates, but HYPOTHETICALLY, if you DID, what's your HYPOTHETICAL OTP?

"Eeeeh?! I... I can't do that...!! W-Well, as long as you promise not to tell anybody... I guess if I was forced into a life or death situation where I HAD to make that clear... W-Well, there's Team Cozy, and they're totally kyuuute, but they're so kyuuute that something like that feels too filthy for their cuteness! Hmm... I guess my ideal pairing would be some kinda handsome, sadistic Pokemon with somebody like Kris or the Guildmaster...? T-They could force them to wear totally kyuuuuute outfits, and then they'd lean in and kabedon them against the wall, and then they'd cup a paw beneath their chins... a-and... and then... a-and then...!"
Before she can even finish, poor Pikachu's face explosively turns red, to the point there's steam coming out of her head as she dizzily falls backwards. She's fainted!

Is there anyone in the guild you don't get along with?

"I dunno... It's not like I really know anybody enough to assume something like that? It wouldn't really be fair to judge my fellow guildmates like that, and I really wanna get along with everybody, y'know...?"


How's the gym at the guild? Is it up to your standards?

It's pretty spacious, and there's actual equipment to train with. So, it's already a noticeable improvement over what I had to make do with before. I wouldn't mind if it was outdoors, though.

Is there anyone you'd like to train against?

That Sneasel sounds a lot like me; she loves fighting, and wants to get stronger. I'd like the chance to spar with her. Same goes for that Combusken, too.

Are you looking forward to evolving?

Being taller, stronger, and having actual hands and arms again would be nice, but... I think one transformation is enough for me, for now. The idea of it happening again makes me a little nervous.

Who spots you at the gym??

Nobody. I keep to myself, unless Furret gets someone to talk to us. Though, I probably should get a spotter in case of another "Rock Tomb" incident, and I overdo it again.

How many different ribbons and bows do you wear?

Too many to count... I don't know where Furret gets all of them from. Bandanas, scarves, bows, you name it, she's probably made me wear one. It seems like almost every day she has some new little accessory for me to put on. I say "for me" to put on, though really, it's all up to her, as she's the one with the hands, here. She's a real handful when it comes to making me wear stuff... (Though, I don't try to stop her from doing it. In fact... don't laugh, but... I kinda like it...)


By your taste, how's the fashion at the guild? What would you change?

I love all the cute little accessories that everyone always wears around here, and those clover badges are super high quality! Although... I can't help but feel that the other guild members don't have that same... "passion for fashion", that I do, y'know? Except for that "Cassie" girl and her friends, they're so stylish!


How's the dungeon diving been going? Do you wish you could be doing more administrative work instead?

It's going...great... Besides that business with Apple Woods, nothing but smooth sailing! Our rift mission went off without a hitch, besides getting a little lost in the desert! It's nice to get out every once in a while, but I'm much better suited for desk work.

How do you relax?

I usually read in the library. Booze isn't allowed on the premises, and there aren't any porn magazines in this world, so it's usually pretty quiet.

Are the rumors about your plump rear true?

Why do people keep asking me this? It's hard to get a good look at myself without mirrors, so you'd probably know better than me. All I can say is that I've never felt any pain from sitting on hard surfaces after coming here.


Do you peek at pokemon in the shower, even though they're just as naked as always?

Don't tell Phanpy, but yes! It's all about context. You're getting a glimpse of something personal, something special. The native members don't usually care, since they're used to being naked all of the time, but you gotta be careful with the former humans.

Have you written any smut yourself, or do you get it commissioned?

I've spent plenty of time fantasizing, and I've tried writing down some notes to make my own smut, but between the post nut-clarity and the many distractions in the guild, I've never written a finished smut story. I tried to find someone I could commission, but none of the other guild members took up my offer.

Let's hear it from an expert. Are traps gay?

An age old question. One of the questions philosophers will be debating until the end of time, like: 'Do we have free will?', 'Is man naturally good?', and 'What doth life?' I'm not foolish enough to pretend to have the definitive answer, despite my many hours of research on the subject. Instead, I'll impart to you these words of wisdom: as long as he's cute, it doesn't matter. They may call you gay, but know you walk the path of righteousness. Follow your heart. Follow your dick.

when is your official SEXOOOOOOOO tier list coming out?

There's been a lot of demand for this, and I'm happy to announce the release of the first official Cyndaquil SEXO tierlist right here, right now

I know you're very uhh, passionate about your craft, but is there anything that even you wouldn't try hit on?

As much as I would love to say no, I am but a mortal man. If I ever encountered a real Legendary Pokemon, I would have to seriously consider the possibility of being vaporized before I could win them over. Still might try, if they're hot enough.

Do you like vore?

I never really got into anything that I couldn't actually do, besides Pokemon, when I was a human. I guess it's possible now considering my new stature, but I'd like to live to coom another day, thank you very much.


Are there any upsides to being a torchic?

The fire breathing is nice. A Torchic body is also much more resiliant than a human body. If any of us were human, we'd probably be dead several times over.

How do you feel about Wooper, a fellow armless guildmate?

It's strange, seeing someone used to not having any arms. I've tried asking him for help with using my new body, but everything just comes naturally to him. He's aggressively cheery too, which I find a little off-putting.

I know you've struggled with your new body, but has there been a time where it's come in handy?

It's useful all of the time in dungeons, considering the other fire type on our team refuses to fight.


Do you regret getting banned from the Blue Claw Inn? Where do you get your drinks now?

It's always sad having to say goodbye, especially when I just wanted to show off a cool trick... There are other bars around Capim Town, and sometimes I go barhopping with Cyndaquil! I drink at the bar while Cyndaquil goes around and hits on the other patrons until we get kicked out. Then we find another bar and do it all over again! It's pretty fun, but Phanpy and Torchic refuse to join.

Do you have a preference for what alcohol you drink, or do you just drink what's available?

I like to bring stronger stuff on missions, since I can carry more drinks worth of alcohol that way. I also really liked that fancy wine Beast uses in the kitchen. I still sneak some of that stuff out at night.

You are given the choice to take two guildmons, that aren't part of Team OnlyPhans, out for a few drinks. Who do you take and why?

Gus and Toge. Both of them seem like they like to spend their time alone, but with a little bit of social lubricant, I'm sure we'd all become great friends!


Have any of your pranks backfired or blown up in your face?

One morning I noticed Chespin was oversleeping, so I placed a bit of ice on his forehead. He woke up screaming and it was funny as hell at first, but then I learned about his traumatic experiences with ice. I apologized to him with my face on the floor and he forgave me, but I still felt like an S-Rank asshole.

Were you religious prior to becoming a pokemon?

Nah. I did somewhat believe in the existence of a God, but I didn't pray or did anything that could be considered religious. That being said, I can only see this whole isekai situation as a miracle, so I do a simple prayer thanking Arceus about once a week in my room. I don't know if Arceus is the one who sent me or the others here, but I figure that if it wasn't him then he has to know who is responsible for that and can relay the prayer to them. Still, I'm not sure if a simple weekly prayer would be enough to consider me as religious.
Wait a minute... If you're asking me that then you must have known about my praying habit already! HOW DID YOU KNOW?! Do you have a camera hiddeninmyroomandOHGODYOUMUSTHAVESEENEVERYEMBARRASSINGTHINGIDIDTHEREAND-

Now that you're a ghost, is there anything you fear?

You mean if becoming a Ghost-type made me develop a new fear similar to how Chespin is traumatized by ice? Hmm...
When the only attacks I knew were Ghost moves I was dreading facing a Normal-type in a dungeon. I did manage to solve that, but it was one hell of an embarrassing story (coming soon™).
Sometimes I get very angry when I get severely hurt. Like, “RIP AND TEAR” angry. It’s a boiling anger that I never experienced as a human, although it’s not like I ever got severely hurt back when I was one. It was scary at first, as it felt like I was gonna lose myself, but so far it has only helped me, so I don’t think hard about it and just embrace it! When I’m not with friends around, that is.
Maybe my biggest fear is that this is all a dream, and at any moment I will wake up back in the human world and slowly forget all that happened here. But no way that is going to happen, right? Hahaha!

Ok, that sounded really depressing. Uh…
Oh, right. I once thought about the horrifying possibility of me involuntarily activating my intangibility in my sleep and falling through the ground until I reached the magma in the planet’s core and got burned to death. I decided to not think about that again in order to preserve my sanity.


Besides thinking water will kill him, what's the funniest misconception Nick has had about this world?

{Pending - need to think of something funny enough.}

You're a bit bigger than the average Shinx, by the look of it--2'00" instead of 1'08". Because of that, did other Shinx treat you differently when you lived back home?

{Pending - working on this one.}


[If Amelia's first question was answered] Amelia's sharing embarassing stories about you! Are you going to take this sitting down? What's an embarrassing/silly mistake she's made?

{Pending - on writing this one.}

Do you get along with the other Vulpix at the guild? You probably share some things in common, right?

I mean, we haven't really interacted much - just one time. He seems nice enough, though.

So you never heard of the PMD series before meeting the other humons, huh? What did you think when you leanred about that game series?

It's ontologically confusing. What came first? Did someone make a video game about a world, or are we in a world created from the ideas of a video game? Are they even connected at all?
I find it weird that the series even exists. And it's not like I was just living under a rock this whole time: I feel like I would've known if the spinoff existed in the first place. Besides, Chunsoft...didn't those guys go bankrupt in the early 2000s? Well...I suppose it's not entirely surprising that some of these guys apparently come from different worlds. No more than any of the other surprises I've had to deal with in the past few months.
What I do know, though, is that this world is no less real than any other. There's absolutely no doubt about that.


Kaiji, your business seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?

A tough question, but a fair one. Anon, there's no single answer. Some customers respond to my integrity, others are more impressed with my incorruptability, still others by my determination to lower prices, and the Kecleon in town square can put THAT in their pipes and smoke it!

What's been your most successful scam?

Woah, buddy, I don't run "scams" here, they're ethically-creative financial endeavors. I'm not gonna entertain this loaded question, but I will take the opportunity to advertise my new Dungeon Insurance program, with a payment plan that can't be beat!

Have you ever flipped a coin so it landed on its edge?

I've gotten pretty good at flippin' coins, so I can basically do that on demand now.


-What was it like getting your ass slapped? Did it jiggle?

Kaiji put me in contact with a lawyer, and Kina and I are currently collecting evidence to submit a claim for workplace misconduct.

What was one of your most accurate predictions?

I know what you're trying to say, but I'll have you know my predictions are always accurate! ...I remember the old days, when Weston would use his psychic power to link my mind with Chansani's so she could paint out my predictions in incredible detail. ...I-I'm sorry, I can't talk anymore, I-I feel a headache coming on...

Are there any guild members aside from Kaiji you like to spend time with?

Booker's really nice! I guess I get along with him well because I know what it's like to feel defective and useless, since he can't fly, so we're always looking out for each other...
...w-wait, you're saying he can fly now? G-... g-good for him...

Have you considered getting a fake or prosthetic horn to replace your broken one? It couldn't give you the power to predict the future, but you might prefer the way it looks.



Have you ever gone too far teasing Booker?

C’mon, you’re really gonna make me talk about that? I mean, I know how to answer, but I really don’t wanna talk about it... alright, alright, stop pestering me. I’ll spill. See, thing is, one time, I kinda sorta pretended like I was... maybe gonna eat him. There, happy? What? You want more details? Well, if it’ll get you to leave me alone, I guess I can talk some more about it...

Have you ever killed? If not, would you?

Huh? What kinda question is that? Planning to tattle to Magnezone if I say ‘yes’? Well, sorry to disappoint, but the answer’s no. Never killed another Pokemon—not an intelligent one, that is. See, here’s the thing... back home, there was this type of Pokemon we called wild Pokemon, kinda partway between ferals and intelligent ones like you and me. They acted like ferals but didn’t fade into smoke when killed, so we could hunt them for stuff like meat, bones, and pelts. I’ve killed plenty of those along with my tribemates, but I’ve never killed an intelligent Pokemon. Now for the other question: would I kill one? Not sure. We had rules against that sorta thing back home, but there were some cases where it was okay to kill, like if your life was in really serious danger. So I think I could kill if I had to protect myself or someone I cared about, like Booker. But aside from that... I’d rather not do it. I dunno, it... just feels kinda weird and wrong.

Is there anyone in the guild you'd like to spar with?

Can I say "everyone"? No? Alright... I totally wanna spar with Smith sometime. He seems like a cool guy, and I've gotta say I'm impressed with all the effort he puts into training. Also, I've had tons of fun sparring with Chespin and KFC before, and I'd love to do it again.

What exactly do you do when you "Go feral"?

You’re talking about my Berserker Form? That’s what we called it on the Island, but it’s another thing I hate talking about. Basically, it’s when my Dark-type energy goes out of control, which can happen in rare cases, like if I get super super stressed out. It lets me unleash some really strong Dark moves, but my Ice powers get weaker. Worst of all, the energy gets in my mind and makes me go crazy, so I just attack everything. I can even hurt my friends! I won’t stop fighting until I get knocked out or use enough energy to exhaust myself.
If you’ve never heard of it, that’s cuz the power is special to the people of the Island. We’ve got a legend back home that says an old Weavile chieftain once angered a powerful Pokemon and got cursed, and the curse spread to everyone on the Island. So everyone’s got the ability to go berserk, and we all get trained to control it when we’re kits, cuz we’ve gotta be careful to not go crazy and hurt our tribemates.
And in case you’re wondering: no, I haven’t used my Berserker Form since coming to this continent. Something similar happened when I was with Charm that one time, though. I went kinda feral because the dungeon messed with my mind. But based on how Charm described it to me, that wasn’t actually my Berserker Form. When I go berserk, I'm even more crazy and a lot stronger than what happened there. Anyway... I hope you and our other guildmates never have to see me use that power. I hope I never use it again, cuz if I’ve got friends nearby, they won’t be safe. And Booker’s always with me. So... you can see where I’m going with this.


What's the best and worst thing about being so small?

Well, picking the single worst thing is hard. I mean, there are a lot of problems with being tiny. But generally, I just hate how I’m so limited in this body. I move slowly because my legs are small, to the point where I have to run to keep up with someone casually walking. It’s impossible to reach things that aren’t basically at ground level already. And, of course, I always have to worry about getting squished or crushed somehow, like if someone grabs me too roughly, or if I end up on the floor and someone walks over without noticing me... ugh, I don’t want to think about it. It just makes me even more anxious than usual.
As for the best thing... to be honest, at first, I really thought there were no upsides to this. A Ribombee—especially a flightless one—seemed like a terrible Pokemon to get turned into. But then I realized... this situation has actually helped me bond with Sneasel. I rely on her for a lot, since I can’t really take care of myself anymore. Even though I hate being dependent like that, I think it’s helped us get a lot closer than we would otherwise. I just... really appreciate everything she does for me. I mean, with my predicament, I needed to find a good partner, someone who’d really help me out and not take advantage of me or bully me. I was so lucky to meet Sneasel. She may not be the friendliest Pokemon, and she may mess with me from time to time... but I couldn’t ask for a better partner.

Being so small allows you to rest atop other Pokemon. Is it comfy on Sneasel's head? Are there any other Guildmons you think might be comfy?

Yes, it's comfy. I really like sitting up there. Her fur is short but soft, and she gives off this slightly cold aura that helps me stay cool and helps me relax. As for other guildmates... I've perched on some of their heads from time to time, but Macom is definitely the comfiest. That tuft of wool on his head is like my cotton ball bed, only better. Um... speaking of which, I may or may not have fallen asleep on his head once or twice... Anyway, as for guildmates I haven't perched on yet, but want to try... maybe Nick. He's got a bunch of soft fur on his head, like Macom's wool, and he'd probably feel nice and warm since he's a Fire-type. Next time I see him, maybe I'll ask if he'll let me ride around with him for a bit...

What are some ways you make yourself useful around the guild, besides looking cute n all

C-cute?! W-well, um, thanks... A-anyway, I’ve been trying to find ways to help. Mainly, I decided to start compiling info about dungeons and writing little notebooks and pamphlets and things like that, so we can have some resources for people to check before they face a dungeon. I like being prepared, so I want to make sure everyone else can be prepared too. And despite my... limitations, I can at least still read and write, so this has been working out pretty well. I started doing that sort of work a while back, actually. On a similar note, I also convinced Macom to let me help him with his cartography work as an assistant cartographer. I can help him make maps, consult books for research, things like that. That’s been going well, I think.

Have you tried to build anything since the "slingshot incident"?

Not really... I’ve been procrastinating ever since the incident. I know I told Sneasel I was going to remake the slingshot, and I still plan to do it, but all I’ve done so far is make some doodles and sketches of ideas. I also came up with a name, but it’s kind of lame... y-you want to hear it? Alright... I’ll call it the “Beeshooter”. H-hey, stop laughing! Well... anyway, thanks for reminding me about that. I really should hunker down and get serious about rebuilding the slingshot. It’ll sure come in handy. Even though I keep putting it off, I’m not about to give up on it.


How do you respond to the rumor that you are secretly an amazing painter and keep it from the guild so we don't get our cut of the masterpieces you sell for loads of money?

This again? Someone sneaks into my room and paints a huge mural ONE TIME and everyone keeps insisting that I'm a super talented artist because of it. I'm telling you, if I had any sort of artistic talent I'd be flaunting it as much as I could. I'll try paint something right now to show you that I can't do it. Actually, on second thought, I'd rather not embarrass myself...

Many pokemon seem to sleep better with another pokemon. Who would YOU sleep with?

I don't think that would help me sleep honestly - I'm uhh, not really interested in getting close with someone like that unless I need to. If I HAD to choose someone though... lemme think. The cotton I've been sleeping on is pretty comfortable, and I've seen someone that looks like a sheep with yellow cotton walking around the guild a couple times. That would probably be pretty comfortable to sleep next to.

I hear you've been gambling with a few other guildmons. Any luck? Or did they clean you out?

I'm not good at Orre Hold' Em or whatever they were calling the game, I've never been good at poker in general. I still don't really understand Poke as a currency either so I don't know if we were betting a lot or a little. I didn't do THAT bad I don't think - I mostly broke even unlike Kris... Beast took the majority of the pot home with him, that guy's poker face is fierce. Kiyo ended up pretty well off as well but that's because he kept looking at my cards and then blaming me for 'flashing them'! Who even does that?

Do you sometimes let your tongue out like other smeargles?

If I have been doing that, it's not something I've noticed. I did tend to stick my tongue out when I was focused on something back home though, so I wonder if that's carried over somehow.

Can you change the color of your paint? If so, what's your favorite color to use?

Is that a thing? I'll be honest there's still a lot about being a... Smeargle... that I don't entirely understand yet. I don't mind this shade of green honestly, but if I COULD choose another color, I'd go with some nice shade of blue.


You deliver packages for customers AND deliver bombs to those who disrupt your business. Have you considered combining those two? Can I pay for you to deliver bombs to someone?

Hon, that would fall outside the purview of couriering, and honestly we don't care what y'all send as long as it ain't a bomb.

Does Delibird Deliveries do long distance deliveries?

We sure do, hon! It'll cost y'all a lil'extra, but we got competitive prices and faster service than alternative services! Delilah often deals with those, but y'all's truly ain't a stranger to intercontinental flights.

Lets say you got a date with your crush. How would you dress?

C-crush? Shucks, I-I a-ain't really g-got one... BUT if I did, and he were to ask lil' ol' Debby out, I've got this lovely white'n'frilly dress I got from my momma, she said I oughta only wear it on real special occasions... Wonder if he'd like it...

Why do you know so much human stuff????


How do you fly so well with those little flippers?

It's all about knowin' when to fly, if that makes sense to y'all. Right winds, altitude, all that and more. Short answer, a lifetime of practice, hon.


What's it like being able to fly?




I know you don't talk much, but can you sing? You're a bird, after all.


What's with your team? Are they as dangerous as they seem?



Do you ship? Better yet, do you ship any guildmates?

You betcha! Shipping strangers is lots of fun, since there's no harm and no liability. On the other claw, shipping your friends and acquaintances, for example, the fine folk at the Clover Guild, is far juicier, but a bit morally ambiguous. That's alright, though, cuz I'm a morally ambiguous gal!

There are quite a few other guildmembers who are enthuiastic about cute things too - do you get along with them?

I do! I've never been surrounded by so many like-minded individuals before. Me and Furret get along like two peas in a pod. Put us in a room together and we'll ramble on til the end of time. I met Pikachu recently too, she's super sweet! Me and her get giddy about the same things... Things which will not be disclosed presently!!! Me and Debbie also love to chat, though she's usually too busy to stay for long. Still, from the times we have talked, I get plenty of juicy gossip from around town.
Oh! And how can I forget Cyndaquil! He's such an adorable little tramp. Me and him are like two sides of the same coin; we both obsess over other Pokemon, we both wear our hearts on our sleeves, and we both struggle to keep our hands to ourselves. Of course, his intentions are far more sinister than mine, but still! I can kinda relate. Just a little.

Who is the cutest cutemon? (Hard mode: don't just say "all of them")

What an evil thing to do... Making me choose between the cutemons? I object to this line of questioning and, going along with my personal biases, vote Bean as cutest cutemon! ...Or maybe I should vote Kiyo, just to fuck with him...? Hmm...
If you want a real answer outta me, you'll have to wait until the official Cassie Cutemons Tier List (CCTL) is released, but that's gonna take some time. There's so many Cutemons I haven't met, after all!


-can i touch fluffy?

My lawyer told me to say, "Touch fluffy, get dizzy". I would like to elaborate; you'll be dizzy because I'll be smacking you. Repeatedly.

You've heard stories about Chespin's Ice-type racism, but haven't encountered it firsthand. Does this change your perception of him?

I'm honestly not sure how to feel. Part of me really really doesn't care at all. I'm used to odd looks and distrust, but another part of me is worried he's gonna investigate me up the ass and cause problems. I guess I'm just more wary of him, same as he is of me.

I could kick your ass I bet

Who the fuck said that? Why am I bothering to respond? Whatever. If I find you, I'm kicking your teeth in, and if you don't have teeth, I'm tearing your gums out.

If you could wear any kind of outfit, aside from your current vest and cap, what would it be?

Usually I'm not one for elaborate outfits, but I saw a long black trench coat at a boutique Cassie dragged me into once. That, plus a black field cap... Could be cool. The cap'll cover up my hair, which curls no matter how I cut it, and the coat would cover... Well, everything else.
There's also a traditional outfit I'm supposed to inherit at some point. I'm kind of looking forward to that, though more for the symbolic meaning than the fashion.


As one of the guild members without a partner, how does it affect your day-to-day activities? What would you most want from a partner?

How does it affect my day to day activities? Not much, actually. I've always been somewhat of a loner, and I can't go on difficult missions on my own so I'm stuck with easy ones, but other than that... /shrug. It does make life kinda lonely at times, but it's not like that's something I'm unfamiliar with. (This is off the record, right?)

What would I want most from a partner? Who said I wanted a partner? I'm perfectly fine and happy alone, like I've always been, thank you very much I bet it was Elm I'm gonna kiCK HIS AS-
In all seriousness though, one that compliments me well. Covers my type disadvantages (or vice versa), meshes well with my personality. Someone I could really get along and hang out with outside of missions. Companionship, I guess.

Do you have any hobbies you'd like to get into?

I was always a bit of a collector before getting isekai'd, but I haven't found anything good to collect here yet...

What's the best part of swimming?

That's like asking what the best part of breathing is. I don't know if I could give you a straight answer even if I had all day to think on it... I guess maybe the increased degree of motion underwater?

What would you do if you lost your scalchop?

Be very sad, probably. Panic attack. Depressive spiral. I don't want to know. I don't even want to think about losing it. Why would you put that thought into my mind?


Do you think any of the humans in the guild have rubbed off on you at all?

Unfortunately yes, I find my self saying based far too often now and I'm still unsure what it means. If I ever start acting like the Cyndaquil, I'd hope Arceus strikes me down!

Because humons gave you your nickname, have you ever worried one might get hungry and fry you up?

No, they'd have to actually be strong enough kill me first.

How do you feel about having a Pokemon who's the same species as your pre-evolution in the guild? Do you feel a bond with Torchic?

For me, it's hard to even look at Torchic. Instinctively, I feel a great hatred toward my species as a whole. I know she has nothing to do with it and I'd help her if she really needed me to, but it would be a grueling task to suppress my feelings and I'm sure I'd slip up. Although having a Torchic who can use fire on our side might be beneficial.

Is your inability to use fire moves something you keep hidden, or are you upfront with it? What would you do if, say, an oblivious guildmate sought you for advice on using fire moves?

I am very upfront with the fact I can't use fire moves, in fact, it's a blessing that I can't use 'em. If anyone asked me for advice on using fire moves, I'd try to help them, but I could only give guidance from an Aura or generic move use perspective, nothing specific about fire move usage.

Kaz aka Solid Linoone

How aquatinted are you with the guildmons? How often do you visit?

I know them well! I go to the guild everyday to deliver mail, but every second evening or so I go to the guild after my shift to find people to go out with! I particularly love going to the bar to play cards and drink with guild members, I also love to just hang out at the guild and hear about their adventures.

Let's say you got a date with your crush. How would you dress?

Crush!? Unless you mean the soft drink I have no idea what you’re talking about… BUT. If we’re going on a fancy date, I'll wear a bow tie because I’m a fine gentlemon. Do they make tuxedos for long quadrupeds in Capim Town? I’d see if I could wear a fancy tuxedo. Oh man, I bet I’d look like James Bond in Casino royale. She would certainly love it! By “she” I mean, my supposed crush haha, I said I don’t have a crush right? Right… Haha!

How are the benefits at Delibird deliveries?

First of all we have Debby! She’s the best boss you could have and also my best friend! Second, lunches while on break are paid by Delibird Deliveries! Third, we have the benefit of absolutely MOGing Pelipper mail workers, we are stronger, faster, smarter than them. And finally, we have a huge stock of bom- I mean we have a booming market share haha stonks go up!

What's the oddest thing you've delivered?

Cyndaquil is an interesting client, let me just tell you that. He’s been mailing a Nidoqueen under a different name lately, I hope he’s not catfishing her…

Linoone are super fast, but terrible at turning--has this resulted in any big problems while delivering mail?

Yep! I crash into other pokémons a little too often. My worst mistake was crashing full speed into Beast when he was carrying groceries for the Guild… WatchMojo’s top 10 scariest experiences you do not want to live.
But turning is not too big of an issue because I found ways around it! Have you ever watched “Initial D” ? Ok. So basically my other ultra secret name is Takumi. That’s right. I have the most insane inertia drifts in the grass continent. I’m always on the lookout for slippery terrain such as puddles or leaves on the ground. Then when I approach a corner, I weight transfer my long body’s mass to the front by fixing my front paws on the ground and I let my hind legs slide across the ground using my inertia to turn towards the road I want. Then, at the last moment, I start running as fast as possible again to avoid over turning. This is what’s called a ドリフト(dorifto). Eurobeat music pops into my head every time I do it.


Are there any human cowboys you take inspiration from?

Not really! Some of the ones from movies and TV are cool, but i've always just liked the concept. I'm glad I have a partner who can at least appreciate that, if not understand what a cowboy is.

Who's lazier? You or Natu?

Probably me. Natu at least puts effort into being lazy. Then again, I'm not sure either of us have been very lazy since I got here... maybe I should change that!

Have you ever burned anything with your tail flame?

Not on purpose. Sometimes I burn the food that Natu and I make, but that's pretty rare nowadays. Back when I first arrived, though? Woof.


How often do guild members pester you for maps and route assistance?

Daily. It is not so much they pester me, it is my job after all.

When and how did you become interested in cartography?

It comes from a history of looking at a simulated globe for literal days on end.

Do you play cards with Lliam regularly?

Not regularly, no.

Have you ever considered letting yourself be shorn to bring in some extra money for the guild? I mean, you don't really need all that wool, right?

I have considered it, but not been convinced of its worth.


-Have you considered getting a side-gig at delibird deliveries?
-Is it uncomfortable to sleep upsidedown?
-Since you're off on your own adventures for the most part, was there ever one where you wished the guild had been with you? (Whether it was something cool they should see or you wish you had a bigger team)


-Do you and Raichu ever sell flowers? If so, do you keep the earnings, or share it to the guild?
-Do you sit with other guildmons in the dining hall? If so, who?
-Minun is a tiny pokemon, but not the tiniest. Do you and Booker get along?


-How's the interior of your chest going?
-Have you considered inviting other tinymons over for a housewarming party?


-Being a Corviknight, you're intimidating to many other Pokemon. Do you find this to be more of a blessing or a curse?
-Do you ever 'Caw'?
-What's some of the stranger things you've seen while standing guard atop the guild?
-Say the line crow
-Ae you familiar with a species of pokemon named "tinkaton"?


-What's cooking in the lab? Anything useful?
-Does any of your alchemy knowledge overlap with cooking knowledge? Beast could use some backup.
-Any progress on alchemizing melatonin? Asking for a friend.


-How do you manage?
-If you self-destruct, will you... Die?


-Are there any human technologies you've attempted to reinvent?
-Who would make a suitable lab partner?


-Do humans scare you?

Not humans themselves, but the circumstances around them do. Why are so many appearing at once all of the sudden? I've heard humans being transported here was stuff of legend but it seems to be getting less and less rare now. Are there other human guilds around the world? Or has every new human been transported into this one local area for some inexplicable reason? I don't think it's random chance, and I fear what greater context of the influx of humans is.

-What's your opinion of the Kecleon group?

I wouldn't be surprised if the Kecleon Group was some sort of company, the fact that they're spread so far and wide, even selling stuff in mystery dungeons feels like it's a part of a business model than some local gig. They're smart merchants, wouldn't get on their bad side.

-How would he feel about humans trying to pet him?

I enjoy pets very much, thank you.


-How many jobs do you complete a week? How many breaks do you take?

As many jobs as I can manage without compromising my exercise or rest. That might sound imposing, but I enjoy testing my technique against ferals.

-Do you have a partner? If not, do you wish you had one?

No, I don't have any partners. Besides the Kernel, I haven't had the time or nerve to make friends with the others. But if I had to pick a partner, I would like it to be the Kernel.

-How is it being a girl? Have you gotten used to it yet?

It's. . . different- I try not to think about it. Most of it is I feel wild mood swings. At first I thought it was just my abrupt arrival, but now I think it might be part of this new body.

-Is the scarf thing just fur? or is there a layer of skin under it?

There's skin there. No nerves and I'm thankful for that.


-Who are the most common return patients at the clinic?
-How do you enjoy your time off? Do you socialize with the guildmons, or gtfo?


-Some scientists believe crabs are the ultimate life forms. Do you have any comment?


Have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of Hazel?

Absolutely, there's no shame on a blunder from time to time, as long as it's not that bad, maybe a mistep on a rocky road, or accidentally triggering a trap, but in my defense she never tells me where she puts them in case a psychic tries reading my mind, and that's fair.

What's your opinion of outlaws?

Some can be good, most are not, but that doesn't mean that they can't change, just that you have to be wary of them.


Do you think Carrot does overboard with his love of the moon and the sun?

I've seen people worshipping some powerful pokemon, but Carrot? Maybe he's a bit of a zealot about the sun and the moon, but I get it, he's stuck on that middle point being a dusk form, serving both at the same time.

You're quite well traveled. What place do you call home?

Well, I can't say for sure what was my first home, but now the guild is our home, and I'm happy with it, but mayybe in the future I'd like a real house, I've heard that the head houses are the fashion around here.


What does JUSTICE mean to you?

Well, I guess I'd say.... theres no exceptions if its someone close to you committing a crime, you shouldn't just let them get away with it just cause their your friend or family. At least, that's how I've always seen it

Have any skills from the human world translated to the Pokemon world?

I can still tackle like I used to and still restrain others, even if it's a bit awkward now. Still good a questioning, but I'm not sure how effective that'll be in this world kinda most interested in the new things I could do

Are you looking for a partner? Are there any guildmons you'd work alongside?

Maybe, I'm still scooping out the others, trying to see what their like, you know. But if I had to say what kinda traits I want from them, it would be... Someone who's both reliable and not afraid of anything hell they could mean or a bit odd just someone who won't run away when theres trouble.

I heard someone say you used to be a cop, right? Have you been studying how the legal system works in the Pokemon world?

I've looked into it a little. You don't know how relieved I was to find out it's somewhat similar to back home, but I want to get stronger before I try getting involved in stuff like that don't want to be dead weight


As far as you've found, does the pokemon world have any spices that are totally new to you? Is it missing any familiar ones?
Do you use your vines to help you cook, or do you only rely on your hands?
What's the most danger you've ever encountered in your travels?
Do you have any grass-type skills that help with cooking or would they only really be useful for growing ingredients?


What got you into gardening?
Do other dragons make fun of you for not being as tough as them?


Whats the first thing you'd do if you had your own body?

First thing I'd do? Probably drink or eat something, or maybe sleep. Or... maybe give Clara a hug...


How much do you know about the human world?

Well, not very much. Smoke says that his memory is foggy at times, I mean he doesn't even remember his own name. I feel like at times he's purposefully hiding things from me wich is frustrating at times. Even then, what he does tell me is incredibly interesting, & even if I don't have the full picture, from the little bits of trivia that Smoke share with me, human history seems... complicated.


-Do you feel properly appreciated by the guild? You do a lot of heavy lifting, after all.
-How does one get by with hooves? Do you get a lot of help from others?
-Is it fun to have pokemon riding on your back? Or is it annoying?

General Questions

Humons, is there anything from home you miss in particular?

Lliam: Video games...
Kaiji: Not a damn thing. There's nothin' for me back there.
Smoke: Mmmm, I don't know, I feel as if I left something back there, but I can't put my finger on it *(strokes imaginary chin)*
Ross: Taco bell... And coffee. There was this coffee shop I was a regular at, and they had the BEST blueberry muffins...
Smith: Some meat to eat would be better than just fruits and vegetables. (Don't let any of the natives know I said that.) Or, anything that hasn't been on the ground, for that matter...
Chespin: Even if some of the food here is alright, I miss meat. I thought I'd miss air conditioning, but maybe this body handles humidity better than my old one?
Elm: Juicy steaks, meat-packed burritos, and karaage curry. Also, more complex desserts such as tiramisu, baklava and macarons. I’m sure some of the desserts can be made here, but I haven’t been able to find them in Capim. I thought I was gonna miss video games, but surprisingly enough that hasn’t happened yet. Guess the whole “go touch grass” thing had a point.
Booker: The internet was so convenient. I miss it. I miss all my books too. …Yeah, yeah, the guy named Booker likes his books. Haha, yes, very funny. Never heard that one before...
Carrot: I've been here for so long, i can't remember much, but of the things i miss the most, the internet, it was cool to basically have the entire lore of the world and the news on the paw- palm, it's hard to remember how it's said with paws, haha
Gus: My family and friends, of course. How are they handling my absence? Did I completely disappear? Is time equivocal between here and there? I try not to think too much about it. Also, in a weird way, my job. It gave structure to my days.
Charm: Aside from my family... i'm not sure. I will say, I miss how safe it was. The Pokemon world is super exciting and all, but sometimes I wish I had the opportunity to just veg out for a year or two like I could before instead of having to worry about wild animals that can breathe fire getting the wrong idea about a joke. Even black widows look pretty docile in comparison to your average resident of Capim Town...

Native mons, is there anything you've heard about from the humons that interests you?

KFC: I'm curious about something called shounen.
Kris: Someone I met before told me they'd want "Gas-tastin' Cheese Dip" and "an Electric Gutter"..? I have no idea what either of those are, but they must be really cool!
Clara: Smoke likes to tell me legends & myths of great human warriors of his world, my favourite one is Jason & the argonauts.
Wooper: Chespin's told me about how the humans have all kinds of machines, including some that let them fly!
Sneasel: Booker told me humans have got all sorts of martial arts. I’d really love to check them out. I think some of the names he mentioned were karate, kung fu, taekwando, and pro wrestling. He never trained in any of them, so he couldn’t really get too specific about what they’re like, but I wanna learn more. It’s so cool that humans came up with all sorts of ways to train and get stronger and fight with just their bodies, without any powers like we Pokemon do! It kinda inspires me.
Hazel: How they used to move around the world, most pokemon barely move from place to place, even less across the oceans, so i can imagine how connected their world is, to go out and just leave everything behind... it sounds easy when Carrot says it
Beast: Human food, as if it is not obvious. I have installed a suggestion box outside of the kitchen for humans to submit their recipes but alas, they either give me too little information, use immoral ingredients like meat, or are simply one of their vile jokes.
Natu: It's hard to hear something that doesn't. I guessed that would happen considering the telepathy, but it really is fascinating. Sometimes I just listen to Smokey's thoughts for a short while, and i'm lucky if any of them relate to a familiar concept. Did you know that humans have entire industries built around the creative arts? Or that they can record moments in time and share them across the world? Connection Orbs can show you someone in the moment, sure, but imagine what they could do if you could see any moment in time that they'd captured at any moment in your life! The amount of opportunities that could open up from something like that!

Humons, if you could bring back any one thing from the human world for your partner, what would it be?

Lliam: Some action comics I suppose, kyukyukyu~.
Kaiji: Kris would probably want somethin' stupid like a damn maid outfit, so I'd compromise and give him a baseball cap and tell him the humans think it's pretty. We are NOT becoming team prettyboy on my watch.
Smoke: A rather difficult question, but if I had to choose, it would have to be the doll my sister made in my image. I don't remember how it looked like, but I'm sure Clara would apprieciate it regardless of it's quality
Booker: I’d bring over some shonen manga for Sneasel. I know she’d love it. And even though I was never too interested in that genre as a human, reading it together with her would be fun.
Carrot: A carrot, so she knows what it is
Gus: I'd love to have my card collection b- oh, for my partner. Ha. Haha. HAHAHAHAHAHhaha sob
Chespin: Team Cozy's holy grail, and my most sought-after treasure. A real deal, honest-to-god memory foam bed from the human world. It'd be like our cotton bed on steroids! It'd blow Wooper away for sure.
Charm: A gun! No, wait, you said for my partner. Um... maybe a tablet of some sort? Natu kept asking me questions when he first learned about them. I don't know if either of us could use one, though, what with our scaly hands and talons and all.

Humons, if you could evolve, would you?

Lliam: Mega Meowstic gooo!!! insert power ranger pose
Chespin: I already did evolve, and it sucked so bad I had to seek out a way to devolve. Ain't a chance in hell I'm going through that again. Being this small has a ton of benefits others overlook, after all.
Elm: I’m evolving for sure. I wanna have actual hands again! But I’m not doing it now, since it would kinda feel like I’m speeding through my childhood.
Booker: Depends. I was lucky enough to be turned into an evolved Pokemon from the beginning (hard to believe I’m fully evolved when I’m this small though). But hypothetically, if I woke up as an unevolved Pokemon, and I preferred that species’ evolved form more than the base form, I would try to evolve. It would feel weird to transform for a second time, sure, but being able to “upgrade” to a better body would be worth it.
Carrot: ... i- kinda did already, but sure, i would evolve again in a hearbeat
Gus: It depends. Dewott is a straight upgrade from Oshawott - taller, TWO SCALCHOPS, etc. Plus I'd love to know what evolving feels like, I bet it's weird. But what if evolving "locks you in" here and prevents you from being able to go home at all? I don't know if I should risk it.
Phanpy: I don't see the point. The giant tusks also look like they'd get in the way. There'd also be the endless comments from Cyndaquil and my ass getting bigger...
Torchic: In a heartbeat. I wouldn't quite have hands, but three claws and arms are better than the wings I'm stuck with currently.
Cyndaquil: I don't know. I could see the benefits in having a larger tool to work with, but sometimes I wonder if the only reason I get away with all of my flirting is because some Pokemon aren't sure how old I am.
Charm: "If?" You underestimate me! I'll do it TWICE before the end of this year, just to show off!

Natives, whats your favorite food from the Pokemon World?

Sneasel: Tropical fruit! I can’t get enough of that stuff... even though I’m a meat-eater. See, we didn’t have anything tropical back home on the Island, obviously, cuz it was all cold and frozen there. So it’s new and exciting, y’know? That’s why I like it.
Hazel: Berry salad, i'm not sure where i learned to prepare it, but it's simply delicious, and i love it, Carrot also likes it but he says it would taste better with cream, we have yet to test his theory
KFC: There is this stew Lucario used to make, it was really spicy and if you ate too much it would give you colon pain, but it was so good, that it was worth it. I know all the ingredients to make it, but I've never been able to successfully replicate it.
Kiyo: Octillery. Doesn't matter how.
Cassie: It used to be a good Pecha Milkshake, but Kiyo made Octillery dumplings once... Now I'm not sure!
Clara: Leppa berries 100%. Not so much for the taste (I practically eat anything), but because they're the only things that keep me up some days, & if what Smoke told me about the existance of gods is somewhat true, then these berries may as well be proof of their existance
Beast: Before coming to the guild I would deviate from my frugality and purchase Fromage aux Feuille Précieuse for myself, which I still believe is best enjoyed by itself.
Wooper: Is it cheating to say Blue Gummis? Because I love those things.
Natu: Roasted Kricketune. They're rare around here, but their antennae are ridiculously crunchy. The best parts by far, though the arms are good too!
Amelia: Ganlon-berry and Starly pie. The ingredients were a bit rare, but my family would always make some for the autumn festivals back home.

Everyone: as Phanpy’s team may have mentioned, Wigglytuff’s Guild offers “exclusive items” that are designed for specific Pokemon families (note that an item assigned to one species actually gives its benefit to every member of its evolutionary line). Assuming your species has an item available, which one would you most like to obtain?

Booker: I heard of one for a Ribombee, but it isn’t on that list... it’s called a Pollen Bow. Apparently it gives you good luck, and you’ll find more Kecleon shops in dungeons if you wear it. I’m not sure if that really works, but it sounds interesting. Also, I heard a description of how it looks, and it sounds really cute. I-I’m not sure I’d actually wear it, though. Especially not in public... Sneasel wouldn’t be able to stop teasing me.
Sneasel: That Ruin Armlet sounds awesome! I mean, the name is just plain cool, but also, it actually heals me when I get hit with a Fighting-type move?! Those are my biggest weakness, obviously, so it’d be super useful to have that armlet! I’ve gotta figure out how to get my claws on one...
Lliam: I think I would take the Lunar Veil because it would be useful if my team also benefits with my buff moves.
Smith: I've heard about a “Skorupi Bow”. Weird name... supposedly, if an enemy attacks me, then the bow will “trap” them in place, and prevent them from moving from a certain spot. That'd certainly be useful for dealing with winged Pokemon, they wouldn't be able to fly in and out of my range anymore. I fight best at point blank range anyway, so forcing an opponent to engage me in close quarters... to be honest, it sounds really exciting. I don't know what this bow looks like, but Furret would love to see me wear it, I'm sure...
Furret: Apparently, there's such a thing as a “Sentret Ruff”! Sounds really fancy! Ohh, I can already picture just how refined and noble that would look on me, haha... I wonder how it would look on him...? A-anyways... from what I've heard, it's supposed to make me faster when it's cloudy outside! I don't know how that works, but it sounds pretty cool! Although, I'm pretty fast already, and I wouldn't wanna run too fast and leave my little buddy behind. I always forget that he isn't as energetic as me, haha!
Clara: As much as i'd like to take enhancing items that boost my attack or defense, Smoke & I came to the conclusion that bypassing ghosts' natural intangibility with the Emit Ring would be extremely beneficial
Elm: Unlucky Sash's ability to conver Ghost-type damage into healing sounds cool. Not only because it covers a weakness, but because it would allow me to hit myself to heal. Too bad that Will-o-Wisp isn't a Ghost-type move, otherwise it would allow me to set myself on fire to regenerate! Now that would be a sight.
Chespin: I heard about something called a Chespin Scarf. Apparently it perks you up a little if you get hurt? I don't really want to get hurt, but I often find myself protecting Wooper. Maybe it could help out? I'm honestly more interested in how soft it is. If it's made especially for other Chespin, it must be really nice to have.
Wooper: There's something called a "Quag Torc." Chespin says it's some kind of ring. I could maybe wrap it around one of my gills, or my tail if it's large enough. It's supposed to make Grass-based attacks heal the wearer! Could you imagine that? I could get hit, and all Chespin would have to do is shoot one of those awesome Solarbeams at me!!
Charm: A Kindle Scarf, 100%! What? It's for Charmeleon, not Charmander? ...well, I can change that!
Natu: A Lively Scarf to match Charm's Kindle one. I don't know how it'd work, but I can try to trim it or make it into a tie or something.
Nick: Some of these items really raise questions about how they were acquired. I'm seeing a lot of hair, fangs, claws...tails? How would you-do you just-? Whatever. Anyway, I think I'd probably go with the Vulpix Tag. Apparently, it decreases how much moves hurt by a bit somehow, which seems like it would be helpful.
Amelia: Those aren't just aren't just available to that fraud and his merry little band of loons and con-mons, you know. They're just really expensive otherwise. But a Glare Sash would be useful, as both Nick and I are weak to the ground type.

If a ship had 26 sheep & 10 goats, how old is the ship's captain?

Booker: What? I... that... w-what? S-sorry, but that question... doesn’t make sense, does it? There’s not enough info to know the captain’s age, right?
Sneasel: Uh... 36.
Gus: Old enough to know better.
Nick: Well, that depends. I'd think they would be pretty old, to not only own a ship, but also so much livestock. But then again, they could just be hired by the owner of the ship, or could be transporting the livestock for other people, or just have gotten suddenly wealthy somehow, which would all push them towards the younger ages. They could've also gotten to this point through nepotism... Hm.
Amelia: What's a sheep?
Cyndaquil: For a man to need that many animals to satisfy his urges, he must be at the peak of his sexual appetite. I'll go with 20.
Charm: Thirty-six!
Natu: This is a trick question and I won't entertain it. (Thirty-six.)

Pair or More Questions


Kris & Kiyo

-Can you double team me?

Kris: K-Kiyo, here's the information for that lawyer I was talking about...
Kiyo: Great. They can reduce my murder charge to monslaughter.

Lliam & KFC:

How different are human auras from other pokemons? Is it the same for you 2? Can you feel your own aura's "uniqueness"?

Humans have harder textures of aura compared to pokemon. Texture of an individual's aura is immutable (unless you evolve) and identical to another individual of the same species, so Lliam and KFC's aura have the texture of Human's and Combusken's aura respectively. Additionally, the humans tend to have unstable aura but I believe that is because the humans I have seen have all been transformed into pokemon. I can feel my aura's own differences like how you can identify yourself in a mirror from others. Aura users tend to have aura that is more balanced since they are manually controlling it, so if you ever want to identify an Aura user they will be leaking less aura but they aura that they do leak will be denser than that of a non-user.

Kiyo's Gang

Tell me about a job you pulled that went wrong.
Comic strip

Pub: 29 May 2023 09:52 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2024 07:28 UTC
Views: 3398