Chrissy's touch thoughts



I do not mind being cuddled with/hidden behind ! Just do ask if I have a friend of mine cuddling with me. And if I ask you to move away, please do so ! I am not being rude to you, so please don't be rude to me.

Please note that if I am sitting in the UT/DR area as I usually am, and I have someone sitting/cuddling with me, chances are they're one of my friends! In this case, please ask first before getting too close and personal.


I do not mind if you want to cuddle/hide, but please don't be too friendly and personal if you're not a friend! It may make me feel kinda awkward.


Please don't cover me, I would like to be able to see myself; my avatars are not the most beautiful in the world, but they are mine, and I would like to be able to see my work. (This does not apply to friends, you can cover me if you so wish !)

If you happen to be someone new and cover me and I don't want to be, I will let you know, or I will move away. I may just readjust myself as well! It all depends.


Really, I am not unfriendly and if you want to sit with me you can! If I happen to move away, it's not anything personal, really.

Also, side note, I do not tolerate sneezing/spitting (from strangers). If I don't know you, do not do it, or I will snap at you. Do it enough, and I will hide you. I have patience, but that patience only goes so far.



Thank you for reading.


Pub: 05 Oct 2023 01:58 UTC
Edit: 15 Sep 2024 10:24 UTC
Views: 170