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-CideOfSooS- -I Still Exist :/ (and this page has too much yapping)-


(This page is still a W.I.P. Some stuff may be updated and/or retweaked)

(as of 9/29/2024 I will be attempting to clean this place up because it feels messy and contains minor info bystanders don't know about. maybe i'll use carrd and/of neocities more eventually)

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Hello, im that nihilistic/atheistic gay guy who makes stuff like Pico au content and Zerty fanart. I'm a closeted femboy that eats raw eggs for breakfast and worship Pico's School Love Conquers All religiously {real not fake!1!1!1}. Also known as the guy who disliked Tom Fulp changing Hanzou and Cassandra to males >:( (I don't hate Tom Fulp)

I enjoy Newgrounds content and other miscellaneous things; Mostly things like Pico's School, ZertyTv content, Brackenwood, Plants vs Zombies, Transformers, Pizza Tower, and other stuff that'll be mentioned in the byf section.
I have ADHD and constantly think of art and AU/drabble ideas, even though I barely talk about them. I'm lonely irl, but I have besties online I've known for years and don't mind chatting with friendly folks.
I'm an artist that usually posts either traditional pencil and paper or digital. My interests mostly consist of Pico and Zerty content.

(And for anyone who doesn't know, my Pico content is not associated with the fandoms due to bad experiences from 2022-2023. I may say stuff like "I dislike the Pico fandom members", but I'm aware not everyone knows about the stuff that goes on.)

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I may come off as edgy as I'm super depressed and feel my years of my life get worse. I may be prone to venting, both related to online and irl issued. I do not wish to vent a whole lot and it's something I'm still trying to limit.
Even if I am still pessimistic towards my life, I support my friends and others no matter what.

I have some headcanons and AU content for Pico's School, but I don't participate in the Pico's School fandoms, especially the Twitter ones due to drama and controversies I still need to explain.

My favorite ships are Cassandra x Nene, Cassandra x Girlfriend, Pico x Darnell, etc (mostly gay ships. i do tolerate hetero ships from other media, just depends)
Yes, I still hate Picandra or any straight Cass ships with Cassandra. Deal with it, bozos.

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DNI (Do not Interact) (might rename this idk)
Yeah, I'm still one of those people that have the unnecessary DNI list. If you don't want to read this bullshit and just assume I'm a annoying dumb person, you may block me. Also it's fucking long and I hate myself for this
(Note: I might make a separate megathread for more info. Anything marked red is important)

UPDATE 9/29/2024: Just to clarify, do not harass the people below with death threats nor start doxxing attempts regardless of who they are. Even if I still hate content like picandra and stuff from the pico fandom, it remains fictional, and wanting to hurt those who like them on a extreme personal level is going too far.

  • If you support Ramen-Noodiles [aka xxcasxpicolover123xx/RayRayRaynbow/wendll/PopRoxx/RaynbowFrick/RaynbowFuck/raymondpasta/c4zz1n0.] (I still don't like his potrayals of Cassandra that caused influences and his past actions, including the questionable stuff he's saying and doing today with his attitude. At this point in my life idk if i'd consider him "problematic" cuz him being a comshipper is debatable. He's one of those Big Name Fans, y'know the type that caused certain influences that are the majority. Just to be clear, I do not see Noodiles as inhumane unlike what my detractors think; he's still a human and I even empathize with him in some aspects. He was formally friends with uncleregz who's a toxic individual, but the fact that it lasted up until September 2024 is something. Will update with links later)
  • Noodiles and/or UncleRegz supporters (long ass examples: HighPoweredArt, RedstyP, VoidEyedPanda, benzbt, Echoname2, Hattsoff, StormyDew, Nasadotexe, hattsworth, nnovasaur/talontavern, 0n4i2c6, Ihvlostmymind, .v4lkyri3, lehcarlegacy, etc etc im not gonna name all of them here that'll take too long; you can always ask me)
  • Support pedophiles/lolicon (this is super easy to NOT do)
  • No picandra shippers or like any kind of hetero ship with Cassandra, including those who depict her as a cismale or cis(het) female and following anyone that makes/likes picandra content, especially catfight (I know some fans may go up to me and say "hey actually Noodiles' Cassandra is bisexual/genderfluid" or "Cass is a gay male" but idc.) (I will say that it's ironic noodiles gave his Cass (red apple iirc) the intersex label despite what the lore says. oh right, can't forget it's only good when he does it. yes I know about the ligma update thing and lore changes; don't care cuz they're virtually the same)
  • Dislike Zerty content (I already know I'm cringe, don't remind me. I LOVE ZERTY CONTENT!!!)
  • If you're a proshipper
  • Homophobia, transphobia, intersexphobia and/or hate lgbtqia+ and enbys in general (If I made any mistakes please correct me)
  • ex friends from 2020 (depends; may make exceptions)
  • If you follow ClunkyDot/Gazoline6725/SuspectedLavi/KittySoda (manipulated and gaslighted me in 2022 to early 2023. It's complicated at the moment as they confessed that they and Edge did manipulate me, but I still have to talk with them and make a document)
  • Follow UNCLEREGZ/777EDDGE/DEISMOKE/skeletalundead (He manipulated and gaslighted me like CkunkyDot. he's also someone with double standards and unpleasant to be around. I admit that I haven't described him well to some people publicly, and was even prone to include annoying typing quirks that looked stupid (he mocked one of those comments I made, which was fair). Still trying to work on that callout)
  • CherrySteinz/CassieBee (I'm neutral, but at the same time not really. Just another picandra fan with questionable posts and possibly supports uncleregz. tbh I have no real grudge towards them, especially in 2024)
  • Cassandrascapybara/nenessealplush/nenestoenails/piperhatesyuu/art1f1c1ally_fl4v0red (When I made this in 2022-2023, it was because she was rude (once said she hated half her mutuals and said she would outlive them all), hypocritical (said she hates noodiles; yet followed him), and acted like those entitled fandom microcelebrities. Some people back then made up stuff about me harassing and bullying her, even though I only said I didn't like her because of her previous rudeness and hypocrisy. I admit that I should've added more context on that on Twitter post where I said I didn't support her anymore, cuz at that time I lost access to my phone for a bit and couldn't follow it up. She may have apologized for some of her mistakes, I'm not sure cuz I live under a rock)
  • Appmer followers can go fuck themselves :skull:
  • Kuzuuzuu (Nothing personal, I still like the way they make art and making consistent postings)
  • Hisangelicvoice/funkihisani/whateverthefuckshecallsherself (a minor who liked nsfw and made nsfw on a alt. she would backtrack on stuff she caused, pretends to think lewd and suggestive art doesn't have sexual themes, lied about her age, etc. Yes, I'll admit that she was my inspiration cuz my au depictions of Pico are what most people would call cringe. But even I had some suspicions towards her even before she was exposed)
  • TerminalRepo (creator of FNF Rivals which is based off Pico's Cat Fight, supports Noodiles. don't like the influences, but I do acknowledge the talent and art)
  • minuspal/minus8 (self-admitted pedophile. I hate people defending him just because of the art style looking good)
  • deadlandddah
  • BenzBT (Yes I'm aware that some of their picandra art is frontpaged along with others; I cannot deny the art looking good enough to be frontpaged tho. I will also make exceptions for not blocking to those who just like their art at face value or don't know)

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thin ice

  • People I used to know 2020 (Some of you are fine, some of you aren't)
  • Transformers Bayverse fans who think the rebooted movies and Transformers One are shit >:(
  • Cassandra kins who are being too serious about the kin part (People taking kinning in general very seriously fall here too)
  • Anyone who agrees with the "separate art from artist" saying, just depends on who is saying it
  • Hazbin Hotel/VivziePop fans (some exceptions can be made depending on who it is)
  • You actively like to hate on Friday Night Funkin' (The base game; I have my dislikes with fnf though so I may make exceptions)
  • Anyone that says Hanzou is a male (Idc what Tom Fulp says they are still non binary damn it! wish he didn't change that :()
  • MindChamber (he supports Noodiles and once said Pico was 13 in Pico's School in 2022 that led to wikis changing a lot; I have no personal vendetta towards him and I understand he just wants to support everyone because he has a life)
  • FunkinHS (yeah yeah me doing trivial nitpicking about cassandra being feminine girly girl. Nothing personal, I like the art and concepts)

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Before you follow

  • i have adhd and may act like an idiot sometimes. sorry
  • I hate my fucking life UGH :twerks:
  • i am a HATER!! i am an extremely opinionated person depending what it is (like me hating picandra, fandom stuff, etc). i can be civil sometimes tho and will acknowledge facts
  • i may reclaim gay slurs like faggot and such. if you don't like me saying those in a conversation between us let me know.
  • I HATE the Pico fandom (if it wasn't already obvious). My content I create related to Pico are AU related like Love Conquers All. Current canon for fnf/pico info is not associated unless stated otherwise (doesn't mean I completely hate the devs nor the games). My continued distain for those fandom is due to past and current dramas, forced positivities, people being toxic, double standards and even being gaslighting and manipulated by a few people over my potrayal of certain pico characters. I will touch upon those topics in a document.
  • i kinda hate my quirky personality I give off, espescially the occasional typing quirks. It comes off as rude and/or annoying to others depending on context. i try to be cool and funny, but i'm really cringe. hope i'm not too rude
  • I'm biracial/mixed (black and white lol)
  • may get philosophical at times (only when I'm in a super depressed mood)
  • May not always be active. I can either be busy, doing something work related, or doing nothing cuz I'm bored; which leads to me not posting consistently. for example i could post 3 drawings in a day, other times i go radio silent for half a month. I'm currently trying to be more active for my friends, but I also don't want to be terminally online.
  • at intervals I tend to do nothing in general due to boredom and my mental health, but I'm still available for talks
  • selectively mute irl cuz i hate my ugly robot voice :'(
  • on/off suicidal thoughts, nothing serious as of now
  • I really love Damien from Pico's Cousin 2 <3 (i luv making au stuff with him and cassandra so they both not evil ^^)
  • i don't have a lot of friends, and I don't want to be super popular. Never want to be a microcelebrity again but who knows. I love my friends from online who've been with me for years and new followers!
  • i mostly post art on newgrounds and instagram, but may also post on tumblr and DeviantArt
  • I have some on and off relationships with other media (undertale, deltarune (STILL LOVE IT :D), brackenwood, transformers, plants vs zombies, madness combat, halo)
  • I don't like 343 industries >:(
  • cam get nostalgic at times; not gonna let it get to me all the time
  • Idk if I consider myself a kinner, but I don't mind others who do as long as they don't take things too far
  • I may be gay but don't ask to date me plz. I'm sticking with having friends
  • I genuinely believe in the Free the Nipple movement and I know breasts aren't inherently sexual. This is why I sometimes draw Cassandra shirtless (she has no boobs lol!). I'll put in notices for those who don't know on instagram before they swipe to see the drawing
  • Self deprecation is recurring and I apologize in advance
  • I want the Studio Series 66 Overload, but those DAMN scalpers keep me from getting him :'( Maybe a ko that scales will do (EDIT 9/30/2024: HE'S GETTING REISSUED FOR TARGET NEXT YEAR LES GOOO!!!!)
  • I'm antipicandra, but I don't condone stuff like personally dming hate message spam, making weird proship edits, death threats, etc.
  • Please have your real age in bio and don't lie about your age to me; I make suggestive content and don't want underage people following me
  • I may not show it much but I LOVE some Aqua Teen Hunger Force LOL
  • Not all my dislikes are on the dni list. May do a mega thread but dear satan i don't know if i should even do that. you're free to ask what other stuff I don't like for clarafication
  • I'm not going to block all my friends if they happen to like anyone or thing that's related to my dni list. maybe they don't know or only like their art and nothing else. It's already trivial enough for me to have a dni list, and I don't want to end genuine friendships over stuff like that.
  • I'm hoping to improve myself despite my flaws and pettiness towards specific fictional stuff
  • If you managed to read all of my yapping and blabbering, you deserve a brownie :)

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•To do list

Write and publish my document about the two ex friends who manipulated me during my time in the pico fandom. Also includes my flaws and mistakes I've made

Make more info known about my Pico au stuff and post make art related to it

get better at typing and writing fanfic drabbles related to my Pico au's cuz I feel mediocre :'(

be more active with friends and continue posting art

Pub: 09 Mar 2022 21:22 UTC
Edit: 19 Jan 2025 02:35 UTC
Views: 875