Clay Corundum Co.

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Affiliations: /Nasfaqg/
Type: Private Company
Specification: Mining Company, Investment company.
Current leader(s): Alastair Clay
HQ location: Eastern Mountains, The Serene Republic.
Industry: Commodities, Metals and Mining, Financial services.
Products: Corundum gemstones (Sapphires and Rubies), Prospecting services, Investment & Loans.
Subsidiaries/Members: Clay Prospecting & Loans (First-tier subsidiary)
Wealth Level: 4th Level.

A mining company specialized in the mining, processing, and sale of precious gems and metals. The owner, Alastair Clay, discovered a number of rich sapphire mines in the eastern parts of the Serene Republic, which allowed his rise to prominence. Amongst the plutocrats of the Serene Republic, "Clay Sapphires" have become synonymous with wealth and high status.

The Clay Corundum Co. offers prospecting services and loans in exchange for a cut of the profits or a portion of the company to those interested in setting up their own mining companies or starting their own mining operations.


Alastair's Secret
Unbeknownst to anyone, Alastair Clay has discovered a way to make synthetic corundum via a method similar to the Verneuil process. Clay's corundum furnaces need vitubium in order to function, and the gemstones produced by the furnaces have trace amounts of the specific types of vitubium present in them.

Alastair Clay is extremely paranoid over anyone finding his secret. His estate in the eastern mountains of the Serene Republic where he produces his famous gemstones is closely guarded by his elite bodyguard unit, and no one is allowed to enter the premises without Clay's prior consent.

Alastair Clay produces large rubies and sapphires in limited quantities, and mixes them with natural gemstones he mines from the few actually profitable mines he has in the area, as to not make his business look suspicious. He then sells these synthetic gemstones to his unsuspecting customers in the Serene Republic at ludicrously inflated prices.

Edit Report
Pub: 15 Jun 2022 13:04 UTC
Edit: 15 Jun 2022 18:38 UTC
Views: 682