Coined Terms & Alt Flags
Hello! I& made this rentry to put a collection of terms I& have coined, as well as flags I& have made. There was a Carrd for the same thing, but the free version is very limited, and I& couldn't have put all the terms I& have made. As of June 11, 2023, the Carrd has been deleted. Please navigate using the table of contents!
Edit June 28, 2023: Sorry we haven't been updating much!! Mental health stuff happened but we're doing better now! We've made a ton of flags for stuff as well as other terms we haven't put on here yet. It may take us a bit to get everything new on here, though. Tysm for being patient!!
Coined Terms
This is where all the terms the members of The Peristeronic System have coined will go. It will include a definition, flag (if there is one), date of coining, and who exactly created it.
Lapfoxtraxic is a xenogender relating to Lapfox Trax in some way. This can be with the music, art, characters, or other things, as long as it relates to Lapfox Trax. The term was coined some time in late May by an unknown headmate of the PerSysT.
Original flag made by S.A.M.
The flag's colours represent all of the different aliases used under Lapfox Trax, with the final grey stripe representing retired aliases and characters that are not aliases or don't make music. The flag was made June 27, 2023 by S.A.M.
Naknakgender is a gender relating to the Hasbro toy line known as "NakNak" in the early 2000's. The gender itself may feel like it is made up of cubes, like it can stack well, and click, and may have feelings of 2000's nostalgia. It may also have a fluctuating feeling of complexity in it's figurative colour pallette, which is symbolic of how many different and unique NakNak designs there are.
Halloweenpupgender is a xenogender under the faunagender and aesthetigender umbrellas. It is a gender closely related to puppies and Halloween aesthetics, or puppies in Halloween costumes. The gender may feel cute, small yet powerful, energetic, sugary, silly, and spooky.
The term was coined on June 11, 2023, by Cammy. The term was made when pup could not find a combination term of pupgender and halloweencoric, so it made a term xyrself.
Original flag made by Cammy
The flag without the paw, made by Cammy
The colours of the flag were chosen to represent Halloween. The paw symbol was coloured pink due to pink tasting sweet and sugary to Cammy due to his experience with synesthesia.
Beachpupgender is a xenogender relating to puppies, the beach, sunshine, and sunny beach aesthetics. It can also be a gender that feels like a puppy at the beach.
The term was originally coined in 2022 by an unknown headmate (most likely Pineapple), but was officially coined on May 13, 2023, by Pineapple as well.
The original flag made by Pineapple
The flag without the paw, made by Pineapple
The colours of the first flag have two meanings each (except for the purple paw, it only has one), though these definitions do not overlap (though they can, depending on the individual's personal experiences).
- The red symbolizes coral and seashells, as well as feminine genders.
- The yellow symbolizes the sun at the beach, as well as non-binary genders (including genderless, unaligned, xenogender, etc.).
- The lighter yellow symbolizes the sand at the beach, as well as joy and peace (especially that found within their identity).
- The blue symbolizes water (such as the ocean or even drinking water) found at the beach, as well as masculine genders.
- The lighter blue symbolizes the bright sky at the beach, as well as the xenogender community (specifically the creativeness within it).
- The purple paw represents man-made objects (especially puppy toys) that may be found at the beach, which includes (but is not limited to): Towels, beach balls, floaties and other inflatable toys, frisbees, and more.
This term originally had a Carrd page.
Sunscreengender is a xenogender relating to sunscreen. This can be through the smell, texture, sound, and/or look (or taste?). This gender can even be described as feeling like "putting on sunscreen" or just being described as sunscreen itself. The gender may even cause these experiences. For example, when thinking of one's gender, they could start to smell sunscreen. It may also be a mutogender in some cases, where one only experiences a certain gender (possibly including sunscreengender) when wearing, touching, smelling, thinking about, or seeing sunscreen, and possibly other products with a similar texture or smell, such as lotion or soap. The gender may also stimulate certain senses in a similar way sunscreen could (your gender smelling like sunscreen in some way).
The term was made with those with synesthesia in mind, but is not exclusive to them, meaning anyone can use this term as they see fit, even if they are neurotypical.
The term was coined on May 13, 2023 by Pineapple.
The original flag made by Pineapple, finalized by Elliott
- The blue in the flag symbolizes the sky, as well as the sensory stimulation in sunscreen.
- The white symbolizes sunscreen itself, as well as the different ways one can be sunscreengender.
- The different yellows represent the varying intensities of the rays of sunshine, as well as the varying intensities one connects to sunscreengender or just xenogender.
The stripes are not considered "gendered."
This term originally had a Carrd page.
Exclusive Terms
Schizo-spec Terms
Nothign here yet :p
Plural Exclusive/Related
A vidtive is a term for an introject that is sourced in a video. It can be any sort of video, such as an animation, movie, YouTube video, TikTok, etc. It may be an introject of the video itself, or it could be a certain oart of the video that is unique to that video.
NHaetas refers to the inability to distinguish one's age due to being a headmate. This term was meant to be used by nonhuman headmates and sourced headmates, though generally any headmate can use it if the term helps them understand themself.
They could be able to
How certain types of headmates could experience being NHaetas:
- An extranth headmate having an age that cannot be described in human years, or even words. (Example: Frond of our system describes aer age as "sunny and plantlike, which is about 17 in human years, though I'm not actually 17.")
- A fictive headmate experiencing their age as "fictional."
this is still a wip
Vehigenic refers to a headmate or system caused by vehicles or large machines. This could be a xeno-origin, or something else. It may also refer to trauma related to vehicles or large machines.
The term was coined on Jun 14, 2023, by Vincent.
A disabler is a type of headmate that disables certain physical functions in the meatspace. They could completely disable a certain ability, or only slightly. They could be able to disable multiple functions, or only one. This is different than having a headmate with different abilities than the body, because a disabler may still have certain abilties, including ones they disable on others (though some might not).
This term was coined by Itazura on June 2, 2022.
The original flag made by Itazura
The creator of the flag wishes that the colours' meanings be kept private for now.
Sourcamore (Pronounced Source-Amor) is a term that defines an introject in a system that only experiences a certain type of attraction towards sourcemates, exclusively or not (though usually primarily). The term was coined with the defintions of unisexual and soloamare in mind, though a headmate that identifies with this term does not have to be exclusively attracted to only one person, though they still might.
Some examples of how a headmate may experience this identity include, but are not limited to:
- A fictive that was married in their source and only feels romantic attraction to that person(s)
- A factive that is primarily romantically attracted to the person their source person/people was/were/is married to but experiences queerplatonic attraction regularly
- A fictive from a specific source that is primarily or exclusively attracted to sourcemates
This term was coined on May 30, 2023 by an unknown headmate, possibly more than one. The term was made to desribe the experiences with romantic attraction with William and Scott.
The original flag made by Fiona
The flag's colours' meanings are mostly unknown.
Lmao we had a typo here... Also HI its Fi here!! Umm i wanted to say i mostly made the colours as a joke, and YES i did base the colours on william and scott as a joke but they do have real meanings i uh
Red - love, attraction (mostly romantic/sexual but any kind is included within each red stripe)
Black - introjects and disconnect/connection to source
Purple - inclusivity for aspec, mspec les/vincian, abro, etc.
Alt. Flags
-> ![x]wip hold on lmao