
About Admin DNI/BYF Home

  • Fill in the Google Form to request
    • Form will be closed if requests are closed
    • If you ship has more then 4 people (the max amount you can fill into the form) you can DM me your request instead :)
  • On Mondays i post once and its a mod-pick :D
  • DO NOT submit a ship that goes against a canon sexuality (FEX ship a lesbian with a man)
  • No Proships (Incest, pedophilia, abusive)
    • If I post a proship Please let me know as it was definitely an accident and ill take the post down ASAP
  • Please only submit 2 ships for the same fandom at a time
  • You can add queer/ND etc. headcanons, but please make clear what is canon and what isn't
    • Everything is HC unless stated otherwise!
  • Please dont submit anything other then official content for the picture
  • You can submit multiple times
  • You can submit a ship with a character that has had a different ship posted before
    • Please check if a ship has been posted before though :)
  • No hating on ships i post in the quotes/replies
    • This is a comfort account, spreading any hate on this account will get you blocked.
  • The flags i use are mostly from my flag account (Xenicluvs) or from my flag maker friends (glyphlags and ghostflags among many other lovely creators <3)

Black list

Any request from these media's is immediately deleted!
Real people, Roleplay characters, Danganronpa, South Park, Harry Potter, AOT, Cookie run, omori, FNAF, stranger things, TBHK
Will be updated as I remember others

Pub: 19 Aug 2023 09:29 UTC
Edit: 21 Oct 2023 12:06 UTC
Views: 459