
There are a LOT of unsafe/possibly triggering words, remember this is a triggers/DNI list. This was originally formatted for Discord so triggering words will be surrounded by ||

Discord Status Codes

Just a guide on who can talk to us and when
(Lorena is probably the exception to all of these just due to her nature and how long we've known her)

DNI(Do Not Interact) - Do not interact, there is only one person we are stable enough to talk to in this state and we have told this person directly who they are.

DNIUC(Do Not Interact Unless Close) - Here are some people that can talk to us with this up; Chilly System, Loki, Dave, Tommy, Aimsey, Lorena, Taliah, Vintage System, Merlin, and mods in my server. If you do not know if we are close, don't talk to us. Ask when the DNIUC is gone.

IWC(Interact With Caution) - Only a few people can casually talk to us like this and those are the people listed in the DNIUC. Everyone else is allowed to but please just watch what you say and don't get mad if I'm short with you or I say something rude. I most likely do not mean what I say and I am not thinking clearly at all.

IWEC(Interact With Extreme Caution) - This usually means we feel unstable or extremely angry with something. Try to look at the rest of our status to determine which.

If you see us on Do Not Disturb (usually with some sort of lyric as our status) it’s best just to not dm us unless you’re an extremely close friend

If you see the ⚠️ emoji, this is a "please talk to us we need help" code, but only towards the people listed in IWC


Calling host or Taurus "raccoon" instead of raccoons

||Kms|| or ||kys|| jokes

Yelling at Adyn, Finnley, tcsv!Tommy, Rose, Ernest, or Legacy

Fakeclaiming is (for anything really

Mentioning time/our age to host [eg. “I can’t believe it’s been [insert amount of time]” or “I can’t believe you’re almost [insert age]/I can’t believe it’s [blank] many days until your birthday”] (triggers his chronophobia)

Spicy food (eating or smelling it)

The names Jennifer, Blake, Julian, Hunter, Musty, Striker, and Ichor (the last one for Adyn and Taurus especially. The last four also especially for Adyn)

loud sudden noises/bangs (similar to ||guns|| or fireworks)

Topics related to ||drugs||(including ||weed||) and ||alcohol|| without warning

The topic of ||addiction||

Lots of arguing

That one TikTok audio that goes "do you blame yourself?" causes system wide derealization.

Grabbing or poking at my at my sides and lower back

People arguing/too many people talking at once

Ivory soap/citronella candles

The phrase "we need to talk" with no more elaboration

Using the r slur, especially when oke cannot reclaim the slur

Animal ||abuse|| jokes/topics is a trigger for Adyn, Rose, Legacy, EJ, V, Taurus, and tcsv!Tommy

Do not talk about heavy religous topics or ||cults|| around EJ, Lucifer, or Rose

More will be added…


Singlet system fakeclaimers

Endo/Tulpa "systems"

Bodily white systems that use closed names

Toxic fans & antis of any fandom

Toxic shippers


MAPs (aka||pedos||)

Transmed people

Bigots (homophobes, transphobes, racists, ableists, xenophobes, and misogynists)

Meowbahh followers, supporters, and apologists

Dream Team apologists (NOT directed towards factives/fictives in systems)

c!Dream apologists (NOT directed towards fictives in systems)

Autism Speaks supporters

Victim blamers


Fakeclaimers (of anything) without any proper research or who's "evidence" is screenshots/recordings of legit symptoms

System hoppers

People that think unsafe stimboards are funny

People that think ||rape|| jokes are funny

People that make fun of tone tags or purposely use them incorrectly

People that fake disorders and medical conditions

People on subreddits for NSFL (Not Safe For Life) content, making fun of people or mental disorders

People that train dogs with the "Alpha theory"

NSFW age regressors/caregivers

More will be added…

Pub: 17 Mar 2023 13:59 UTC
Edit: 02 Oct 2024 23:28 UTC
Views: 176