hello my name is march and this is my art directory!

extendedㅤ Q and A + rules sketchbookocscomms

( note: ) this page is designed for mobile users!


class president who holds down odd jobs to stay
afloat. he has psychic powers and loves karaoke !


The town's local handyman, with a knack for fixing more than just
broken things. His knowledge extends beyond the realm of the ordinary…


posessed, & cursed plushie owned by Damien...
his owner who orders him to do his dirty work


son of the devil! devil worshipping, narcissistic bunny
who orders his plushies to serve as his evil minions


Charlies partner in crime! possessed, cursed, and owned
Damien who orders her to kill, and do all his small jobs


son of a mafia boss, and casino owner. he has an inconsistent
relationship with Franz... who owes him and his family money...


strern and strong willed super genius cat
that enjoys chemistry, robotics, and grapes


a gambling addict mathematics teacher who teaches
in order to pay off his endless amount of debt

(pls note: this page is still a work in progress ☆ ~('▽^人))

if you'd like to art trade or collab pls add me on disc @didtism! thank u for looking ! ♡ (。- ω -)

go back?

Pub: 20 Sep 2020 09:59 UTC
Edit: 02 Feb 2025 09:16 UTC
Views: 1366