basic dni, pro/comship, under 15, DSMP/QSMP fans, NSFW Accs, Anti neos/xenogender, support/are m-spec "gays"/"lesbians", kodocon, NFT/Crypto, passionorange shippers, annoying orange haters/hsrs, Claim to love POSTAL more than me. SH/ED twt, sp twt, pjsk twt (friends are exceptions), dsmp/mcyt twt, weird people in general, endo systems, xenophobes, SNIPERSPY + SCOUTSPY SHIPPERS , post "thinspo" , support joe hawley , hate on other people's music tastes , Say you like Glushur more than me, WAYLON X EDDIE AND MILES X WALRIDER SHIPPERS, sexualize postal dude

A lot of us have typing quirks (ask for translation), We are mentally and physically disabled, we have schizophrenia autism visual snow syndrome and more, please use tone indicators , we can be very rude due to mental conditions (not an excuse, just a explanation), We are bodily a minor, we rant about our interests a lot and very protective and defensive about what we like or believe in, we ship Glushur (MilesxEddie)

Pub: 04 Aug 2023 03:46 UTC
Edit: 23 Feb 2024 07:09 UTC
Views: 776