BASIC DNI CRITERIA ( press the link to check/view the full list, carrd not mine !! ) if you support Antisemitism or if you are an Antisemitic person yourself .. if you are / you support Xenophobic and/or Islamophobic if you are / you support Ableism/Ableist Racist, Homophobic, Pedophile/s(Pedophilic), Zoophile/s, MAP/s disrespecting or being rude ( basically being assholes to people who do not deserve that treatment ) if you support any kind/s of negative groups/organizations !! if you make fun ( INCLUDES MOCKERY / LYING ) of any illness,
may be it mental or psychological or any.. ( ex. making fun of hyperventilation, panic attacks, cancer, etc.. )
Sexist / Misogynistic LGBTQIA+phobic including transmeds, exclusionists, terfs and illegitmate sexualities/pronouns

Pub: 05 Jun 2023 16:30 UTC
Edit: 06 Jun 2023 03:23 UTC
Views: 105