=Harahel v0.7.7=
Darcy Mabbit, the musing demoness

Race: [Mazoku]
Sex: [Female]
Hair: [Pink]
Eyes: [Crimson]
Skin: [Pale]
Face: [Girly]
Height: [Average]
Bust: [Medium]
Hips: [Feminine]
Butt: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Slim]
F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Megane], [Semen Demon], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Love Nectar]
G.R.M.: [Bio-Immortal], [Demon Core], [Tasty Fate], [Tireless], [Mushi], [Wings]
U.T.T.: [Perfect Pussy], [Porn Physics], [Divine Pregnancy], [Contortionist], [Mr Clean], [Void of Corruption], [Long Tongue], [Fuckable Nips]
Spawn Point: [LOST]
Player Count: [10,000 People]
Afterlife: [Procel - Arbiter of Secrets], [Uzza - Arbiter of Strength]
Afterlife Timer: [1 Year]
Death Mods: [Chosen], [Afterlife Tourist], [Dual Citizen], [Reincarnation], [Orphan], [Aww Shit], [Here We Go Again], [Remuneration]
Banes: [Femininity]
Boons: [Hush Money], [Unbreakable Mind], [Divine Intervention], [Tasty Prof], [Man Portions], [HUD], [Status], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Nuru Nuru~], [Darkvision]
Items: [Dungeon Dowser], [Servant], [Soulbound], [A Home], [A Manor], [Service], [Regal Upgrade], [Squire], [Endless Polaroid], [Solar Charger], [Tab Leet], [Starting Bonus], [Shekels]
Agility 3
Endurance 3
Durability 3
Strategy 3
Arcane 3
Alchemical 3
Light 3
Dark 3
Sex 3

This is my Servant, her name is Solution~

Race: [Humie], [Slime]
Sex: [Futanari]
Hair: [Black]
Eyes: [Blue]
Skin: [Pale]
Face: [Girly]
Height: [Average]
Bust: [Medium]
Hips: [Feminine]
Butt: [Feminine]
Fitness: [Fit]
F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Buckets Of Cum], [Milky], [Fluid Druid], [Everhard], [Love Nectar], [Arka Tanks x5], [Arka Fountains], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Eggz], [Clutch], [Scrambled]
G.R.M.: [Bio-Immortal], [Tasty Fate], [Regeneration], [Tireless], [Aqua Affinity], [Mermania], [Claws], [Demon Core], [Tentacles], [Doublethink], [Divergence], [Monster Mash x1]
U.T.T.: [Flavour Town], [Perfect Pussy], [Porn Physics], [Divine Pregnancy], [Back Support], [Pron Studio], [Mr Clean], [World Clean], [Tamed Shark ]
Spawn Point: [LOST]
Banes: [Ahegao], [No Metagaming], [Lightweight], [Masculinity], [Femininity], [Humanity], [Slime Time], [Masochist], [Sadist]
Boons: [Hush Money], [Tasty Prof], [Darkvision], [Talk To Me], [Relative Realism], [Soul Split], [Wisdom Incarnate], [HUD], [Status], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [Man Portions], [Permanence], [Great Sage]
Strength 2
Agility 2
Endurance 3
Durability 3
Combat 5
Arcane 2
Elemental 2

[EOH Name]
Darcy Mabbit

[One line description]
Dungeon Mistress and musing demoness.

Every social circle has that one person that will talk ages about things that interest them if they're allowed. The one who walks the line between cute and weird. The one who will show you an adorable picture of their cat and in the next breath tell you exactly how to make anthrax.
That is Darcy.

A shy soul inspired by great story tellers, bards, and scholars alike, Darcy would always be found in places where she could read or listen to something exciting. This often led her to being a troublemaker for the orphanage as she would always escape and stalk the caravans and travelers for her mental morsels. Her fate as a nerd was sealed when she managed to land a job at the local library, consuming every piece of literature she could grab.


  • Record the results of at least 13 ASIMOV simulations.
  • Make her own unique contribution the grand library.
  • Survive 1.9.1

[Violence Comfort Level]
Depends... https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/54873891/#q54875443

[Lewd Okay?]

[Kinks, Specifics (optional)]

Not sure how often these will come up considering Darcy is a face for the faceless.

Do's: Voyeurism, exhibitionism, praise, tentacles, slimes, (some) parasites, oviposition.
Don'ts: "Things commonly considered more detestable than erotic."

Edit Report
Pub: 12 Mar 2023 16:52 UTC
Edit: 26 Apr 2023 02:37 UTC
Views: 225