
I stand there frozen in sight
what i saw? a pile of gore
a pile of bone and flesh
and those creatures were fucking eating it
eating it like if it were some sort of feast
it was so fucking disgusting
but i couldnt stand there
i had to fight
so i fought
and i could slowly feel my whole entire body go weak with every kick and punch
but i kept going. no matter how weak i was getting
and to be honest, i would be dead if evie didnt save me
and im greatful for that
but im worried for her now
theyve started to act werid now, i dont blame her. it was a terrible sight
yet the others dont beileve us.. its getting on my nerve
with all that edvince they still dont want beileve a crumb of what we said!
some objects are just plain stupid

Pub: 15 Oct 2022 19:37 UTC
Views: 73