Debby's Diary


"Ross? Sweet fella, seen him around town and got to talk with him once too. He's got real potential, I just hope he ain't squanderin' it by feelin' so down on himself. See he oughta do somethin' that let's him see the world, and Delibird Deliveries is...[Sales pitch omitted from record]"

Ross Goes Shopping 1&2

Y'all see all sorts in Capim Town. Glad I settled down here because y'all wouldn't believe what some are like. Smeargle leavin' a tail trail (hoot) behind across town and got called a thief by the Kecleons for forgettin' his wallet. Poor fella, all don't seem right with him. I figure he's one of the newcomers like Kaz. Wonder if they know each other, I ain't one to pry into guild business.
Real nice to see him get bailed out by his friends, and he ain't a half bad artist either.

Ross Tries To Sleep

Heard a fair bit of hollerin' from the Clover Guild today while I was passin' by. Wonder if they're havin' trouble strartin' out.
Note to self (Debby ;) ): Get mission delivery contract from the Pelippers so I have an excuse to visit because Kaz never invites me </3

Ross Sleeps...?

Kaz asked me why I ain't an explorer today. I laughed and told him I ain't strong enough to make it out there in mystery dungeons. I don't know why he found that so funny and kept glancin' at the Present storeroom.
Why'd anyone wanna meet strangers that attack you instead of strangers that smile at you? Explorers are weird folk like that.

Ross Tries To Train

First day in Capim Town. Already got a place for the office cleared out, and I can start settin' up my very own business first thing tomorrow!
Honestly speakin' it's a relief gettin' to do what y'all love after all this time. Travelin' is nice and all, but y'all sometimes lose sight of things. I think everyone struggles with stuff like that, but everyone's bound to find themselves eventually.


"Poor thing fights to get a word out most of the time, but if y'all get caught up in one of his rants, there ain't stoppin' him. Went on about a Kaz once, thought he meant my Kaz for half an hour, but apparently there's another where he's from. Hoot! Glad I just smiled and nodded along."

Toge's Recruitment

I heard today that Capim Town's growin' fast, and an entire new guild is formin' there too. Apparently they ain't too well liked by all, odd folks from the rumors I hear. I ought to pay a visit, see if there's any opportunities for an enterprisin' Delibird. More folks means more customers after all!

Storehouse Organization

Hoot! The new office is all ready for the grand openin' tomorrow! Took the best part of the day to get everything organized, just the way I like it. Pops always said that an operation will fall flat the moment y'all forget where the number 2 pencils are, so I made sure there's at least 4 cabinets around the office stocked full with pencils. I don't wanna find out how flat pops meant.


Saw an odd group at the pier today while on flight. Three of the locals were sittin' there and I wasn't going to pay them mind, but one of them started hollerin' to the others about somethin'. Barely managed to find a good spot to land on to see what they were doin' before they got heated. Weren't none of my business, but I went and left a tip to the officers when I saw them breakin' the place up. I really hope it wasn't more than a misunderstandin' between friends or somethin'. Y'all can't get far in life just by yourself.

Wooper gets smashed

Had a bit of an incident today at work. Kaz, the new hire, grabbed the wrong mailbag and made his full round without noticin'! I think he wanted to impress me with how fast he could be, because he sure went to the right houses even with the wrong mail.
Well, we had to scramble to get it all back of course. Went off without a hitch, and no one but the Kecleons complained. They were right enough, but I couldn't have them chew out Kaz when he's just startin' out with Delibird Deliveries, so I made my excuses and took the blame. Y'all can't throw friends under the stampede, and y'all gotta stand up for employees who make honest mistakes. How else will they ever trust y'all?

Pancake Pandemonium

When I made a special delivery to the Clover Guild today, I bumped into Togetic for the first time! A real kind and helpful fella. I heard he works in the storage, and is a really good organizer. I should ask him for help with unpackin' at home, since I never get around to it on my own. Maybe I'll even convince him to help Delibird Deliveries as part-time.
I saw him and a couple friends of his at the cook-off in town later as well. They seemed to be havin' fun, expect Toge looked a little miserable sittin' on the sideline. Don't think he handles crowds well, but he seemed happy to be out with his friends, and ain't that what matters at the end of the day?
Oh! Also I got lucky with a raffle! Ain't sure what to do with a year's supply of Plain Seeds, but I'm sure there's somethin' we can do with them.


Got a letter from Lilac today.
It's been a while since I heard from him, and I ain't surprised to hear he got in a fight with pops again. This time it's real bad, he's comin' down south for a while to let things cool off. Probably the same old argument. It don't feel right that he's gotta deal with that while I'm here livin' my best life, so I oughta make sure he'll feel welcome. Gotta admit, I'm a little nervous. We didn't part on the best of terms, but I told y'all all about it before. Either he's desperate enough to come to me, or he's forgiven me for leavin'. Maybe both, but hopin' for the latter. I'll apologize when we meet regardless, I know he didn't mean the things he said either. It still hurt hearin' my brother say all that. I know we rarely met eye to eye, but we cared for each other when we were hatchlings.
Family is always tricky, I figure. Y'all are stuck with them, and y'all gotta stick by them. Momma made sure we learned that. If y'all can't rely on family, who then? Well, I got Kaz now, but that ain't the case for everyone. He sure don't got family to rely on anymore.
Not yet at least.

Pub: 27 Jun 2023 10:49 UTC
Edit: 06 Sep 2023 19:57 UTC
Views: 553