From the Desmarais Plantation

"Massa, Ise done all of the pickin' i cans today! Lookee at me fingers, they be bleeding from th-"
Whip cracks "Now that be enough talkin' from you Treerrat. Get! You 'ear, back to work before I flay ya!" shouted François Desmarais, the son of the owner Pierre Desmarais.

Across the 20 acres was 100 treerrats all picking the golden plant, Cotton, for their master. Such was the way of life for many of these treerrats. Inside the plantation house, Mrs. Desmarais was cooking her finest apple ringo pie for the guests that had arrived at the manor. It was their friends, the Marzianos. Inside the dining room, a conversation was under way.

"say Pierre, how is your sister Lucilla? Haven't heard from her in quite the time come to think of it." said Luigi Marziano
"Lucy? Well, I reckon based on the last letter she sent that she went over yonder to the Republic of Zeta with her husband. Ain't hear much for around say 2 weeks."

The smell of the apple pie fills the room as Marie Desmarais enters the room and says with her twang "Oh my, this apple by is just lovely. The best for our friends."
The couple smiles at her and Edna Marziano says "My dear, you have to tell me your secret recipe."
The pie is sat on the table and Marie laughs "Ah, afraid I cannot haha, it is a family secret!"

A bunch of laughs are shared as they all dig in. As night comes, the slaves return to their shacks for the night. Adolfus, the one complaining starts talking with some of the other Treerrats.

"Well wed mader better t'day than yester'dy. I shain't think Massa is pleased with our work br'thers." said Adolfus
"I love me massa, he is very kindly to us." said Cornleius
"Risu bless our massa!" said the third one, Lucius.
"RISU BLESS OUR MASSA!" they all shouted.

About 15 minutes later, the door opens. It's Louis Brute, the infamous foreman with his infamous tool of punishment, "Ole Screamer", a whip that he rubs salt on the end to increase the pain.
"Silence le Treerrats! You caused much too noise earlier and I heard curses towards your master. It is time for correction" Cracks his whips
"Now tells me, which one of you wants it first..."
Gasping for air, the Treerrats look at each other before Adolfus agrees "Massa louis, lays it on mes."
"hahahaha, Good, I will spare the other two. C'mhere boy!"

Outside, Louis whips Adolfus until his back is bleeding profusely. The salt brings him to tears and Louis then starts kicking him around saying "Youse like making that rackett now? HUH?"
"nonoononono massa louis forgiwe me."
Louis grabs him and pulls him to his face saying "You best be not doing that no more you dumbass treerrat." he then throws him to the grow. "NOW GET BACK TO YOUR SHANTY BEFORE I KILLS YA."

Adolfus runs away, he pissed himself in fear and when he returned was in tears but had nothing but good things to say about Louis, saying he was gentle with him. The squirrels loved their master and all of his nice friends. They were truly mindbroken, but such was the life a treerrat on the plantation was it not?

Pub: 24 Nov 2022 16:21 UTC
Edit: 24 Nov 2022 16:43 UTC
Views: 124