HOW TO OBTAIN Dimethyltryptamine(DMT)

How to Extract DMT From Plants

The easiest way to make DMT is to extract it from plants. The most common plant used is Mimosa hostilis root bark, which is readily available online. Most plant sources contain N,N,DMT rather than 5-MeO-DMT or other psychedelic tryptamines. There are other sources that can be used as well, such as Acacia confusa, Psychotria viridis, and much more. Plants that contain DMT

You can run the extraction with simple materials sourced online or at big box stores.

DMT-containing plant material — you can use Mimosa hostilis, Mimosa pudica, Psychotria viridis, or other plant-sources of DMT
A nonpolar solvent — such as naphtha
Distilled water
Sodium hydroxide (lye)
5% distilled white vinegar — can also use muriatic acid
Nitrile gloves
Safety goggles
A pipette or separation funnel— to remove the nonpolar layer that contains the DMT (separation funnels work great too)
Coffee filters
A few glass beakers or jars — never use plastic or metal containers to perform these extractions
A refrigerator and freezer
A coffee grinder or blender
The Process: Simplified
Mix plant material with vinegar and water
Add sodium hydroxide to increase the pH
Add naphtha to separate the DMT portion
Place the solution in the fridge to separate the DMT
Filter and dry the freebase DMT powder
Step-By-Step Process for Extracting DMT From Plants
The basic process of isolating DMT from plant sources is simple and can be done using chemicals that are readily accessible without the need for a lab license. There are many different options for the chemicals used, and more advanced methods of purification like short-path vacuum distillation can make the process more efficient but aren’t entirely necessary.
The following process outlines the simplest method of DMT extraction anybody can follow at home.
The most important point to remember here is that despite being readily available, the chemicals used in this process are very dangerous if used incorrectly:
Lye is caustic and can cause severe chemical burns to the eyes and skin — wear gloves and goggles.
Naphtha and other solvents are highly flammable — ensure the area is well-ventilated and away from sparks or open flames.
Some plants are toxic — always ensure the raw plant material is sourced from a reputable source to avoid extracting the wrong species of plant.
Here’s the step-by-step process for extracting DMT from plants — the simple method:
Step 1: Gently Heat the Plant Material in Water & Vinegar
Starting with your dried plant material, grind it into a fine powder using a blender or coffee grinder.
Next, slowly add 5% distilled white vinegar to the powdered herb (ratio 0.4 mL per gram of dried herb). Alternatively, you can use muriatic acid for this step.
Add near boiling distilled water (90ºC) at a ratio of 3.6 mL water to 1 gram of dried root powder.
Gently heat the solution for about 3 hours, stirring frequently. You can use a double boiler, hot plate, or slow cooker to achieve this. Keep the heat setting on low — it shouldn’t be boiling.
Step 2: Strain to Remove the Plant Material
After a half-hour or so, you can strain the plant material out of the mixture with a cheesecloth or fine strainer. The liquid you’re left with is essentially a tincture of the starting herb material. It will be very dark and have a strong aroma.
Step 3: Basify The Solution
To basify the solution, mix about 5 g of lye (sodium hydroxide) with 100 mL of distilled water. Test the pH to ensure it’s around 12 or 13. You know the pH is above 12 when it goes from a deep purple color to a dark black.
Add the solution to the extraction gradually — it will darken and begin to heat up. Allow the mixture to sit for about 48 hours before moving on to the next step.
Step 4: Filter & Defat The Solution
The defatting process involves “washing” the solution with a nonpolar solvent, such as naphtha (found at camping stores in the form of fuel or Zippo fluid).
Once you add the solvent, give the mixture a stir, a nonpolar phase will gradually start to float to the top of the liquid. Let the mixture sit for 24 hours to allow it to separate completely. Lightly mix the solution together by lightly shaking the jar every few hours. Don’t shake too vigorously, or the solution will emulsify and become much harder to separate.

Over the course of a few hours, the DMT will diffuse from the bottom water layer to the top naphtha layer.

Step 5: Separate the Top DMT-Containing Layer & Rechrystalize
Using a pipette, turkey baster, or separation funnel, separate the clear top layer from the dark bottom layer. The clear top layer is where the DMT is.

Place the solution in the fridge to cool. Chrystals will form at the bottom of the solution, which consists of nearly pure freebase DMT.

You can then pour this mixture through a coffee filter to separate the DMT chrystals from the naphtha. Allow the coffee filters to completely dry in a well-ventilated area to remove the naphtha.

Step 6: Recrystallization & Further Purification
The product you have at this point can be smoked, but it’s a good idea to do separate recrystallization of your product to purify the extract further.

This is done by adding a small amount of naphtha to the powder and gently stirring until everything is dissolved. If it doesn’t dissolve, you may need to heat the solution gently using a double boiler. Be careful here because the naptha will start to evaporate at around 40ºC. Never use an open flame to heat the solution for any reason.

Next, place the solution in the fridge for a few hours, then the freezer for a few more hours.

It’s important to allow the solution to cool gradually by cooling to room temperature, fridge temperature, and then freezer — rather than just going to the freezer directly. You won’t get a good yield if you place the jar directly in the freezer.

After a few hours, the DMT will form new crystals at the bottom of the jar, which will be purer than the first set of crystals you made in step 4.

Filter the crystals from the naphtha with a coffee filter. Spread the powder out on a plate and allow it to dry entirely. Ensure good ventilation so the naphtha can be removed safely as it evaporates from the powder.
Plant Sources of DMT
Acacia maidenii bark — 0.36% N,N,DMT
Acacia simplicifolia bark — 0.86% N,N,DMT
Mimosa hostilis root (bark) — 0.57% N,N,DMT
Psychotria viridis aerial parts — 0.44% N,N,DMT
Desmanthus illinoensis root bark — 0.34% N,N,DMT
Pilocarpus organensis — 1.06% 5-MeO-DMT
Phalaris tuberosa — 0.10$ N,N,DMT, 0.02% 5-MeO-DMT, 0.005% 5-OH-DMT
Phalaris arundinacea — 0.060% N,N,DMT

Pub: 01 Jan 2023 14:59 UTC
Views: 124