Suo or Arthur . . 8teen he / oath / king + @ agender man aroace bigay pan .ᐟ ➴ sys alter protector ; rational soother
host ; symptom holder
Introject of

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Despite everything, you´ve come so far; I´m proud of you and I´m so glad to have been part of your journey. But I promise you it doesn´t end here, for I will remain by your side so we can both continue to grow hand in hand, together. You´re not alone.

You are much more than your past, much more than every fault you see in yourself. You, just the way you are right now, are beautiful; you have the means to shine brighter than anyone else, never forget that; you deserve this love, all our love, your heart is good.

You and your heart of gold. The love you hold for people is something so precious, something so dear, that sometimes I wish I could hold it too. The warmth within your heart makes you unique, beautiful, so please don´t hide that from the world.

A princess unlike any other. You are a precious ray of light, gentle, caring; you are the essence of love. Don´t let those from outside, even your own brain, difuse who you truly are. Your love isn´t wrong, your love is all I adore.

My little baby, my ball of happiness. The world is cruel to those who are pure, and I won´t let them have their way with you. You don´t have to change for anyone, your happiness is only defined by you. Keep being a silly baby, that´s the Tsuki I love.

Your softness is a gift, your gentleness is your bravery. Your heart is the most noble in this world, I don´t have a doubt. You are dedicated to those you love, willing to give up your own life; and you can be sure I, too, am for you. I´m eternally devoted to you.

Ever so brave, so kind, so selfless. From the moment I first met you, I had no doubts you were divine, for only someone as compassionate as you could ever hold such a sacred heart. And you don´t have to fight alone anymore, I am here now.

My sweetest, dearest knight. I can say with confidence that my heart has and will always belong to you, no matter the distance between us. I would wait a million years if it meant a mere moment by your side, and you can rest assured that you´re all I want, my prince.

You already know you´ve always been my favorite~ but it´s not an exaggeration to say that you´re still everything I´ve ever wanted. Your gentleness makes you shine so beautifully that my heart is still as captivated by it as it´s always been. I will forever keep on loving you.

We found each other during such difficult times and, despite it all, we´ve come out victorious from every hardship we´ve ever had to face. We´ve been so close and loved each other so much that I can assure you our bond is stronger than anything else. We will make it together.


Pub: 22 Jan 2024 12:27 UTC
Edit: 30 Mar 2024 13:36 UTC
Views: 164