image description Literally perfect.

Eli Clark is a Seer possessing the Great Eye, and this mysterious ability is obviously related to his trusted owl who accompanies him.

Eli is a tall, well-built doll with fair skin, short, brown scruffy hair, thin brown eyebrows, black button eyes cross-stitched with grey thread, and tear-like scars scoring his eyes, which connect over the bridge of his nose in the shape of a W.
He wears a long, ankle-length black robe, a matching hood drawn over his head, a leather belt with two satchels attached to it, faded leather gloves, and pointed black shoes. His entire face, except for the tips of his scars, the tip of his nose, and his mouth, is obscured by a black blindfold with a grey Ouroboros symbol. A tear is visible in his left forearm, showing cotton stuffing. A small, grey screech owl with a left, dull blue button eye, a missing right eye, and a light grey Ouroboros symbol burned into its forehead perches on his right shoulder.

The Seer is an assist-type Survivor who is able to send his owl to protect either himself or his teammates, taking a single hit of the Hunter's of any kind while it is active. He obtains more uses of his owl's protection the more he has close and direct line-of-sight of the Hunter. However, the more hits his owl takes, the slower he vaults, with a decrease of 10%.

External Traits
Observes other Survivors and blocks incoming damage. Continuously staring at the Hunter will grant additional item stacks.
The Seer is accompanied by his trusted owl.
When the match begins, the owl will patrol the map and mark the position of all teammates. When the owl returns, the Seer can order his owl to follow a teammate's scent, find them and grant vision of them. The owl can be ordered to block damage for a period of time at critical moments. When multiple Seers are in a match, the sounds of their Owls make it difficult for them to concentrate. When there are 1/2/3 or more Seer(s) in play, their Owl's damage-blocking duration is reduced to 8/6/4 seconds.
If the Seer or his owl continues to observe the hunter while it commits atrocities, he will gain additional block attempts. The Seer cannot use the Owl to observe while in the Last Effort status.
The Seer's potent ability to anticipate the future enables him to see the hunter's position for 5 seconds after spotting them.
The Seer can see the Hunter's position for 5 seconds when the match begins.
Whenever the Seer's owl blocks damage for himself or a teammate, the speed at which the Seer vaults obstacles is decreased by 10%.

From an early age, Eli could see "visions" and interactions with these visions caused Eli to view the world with an all-new perspective. However, this ability didn't improve his finances and a promise he made to his fiancée forced him to accept the invitation from Oletus Manor. Will his marvelous ability help him overcome his financial difficulties?

Eli found an injured starling, and he took it in and nursed it back to health so it could live through the upcoming winter. However, even after it could fly again it chose to stay with him, and the two fostered a close relationship. With his special ability, he could see that within the starling was an ancient soul, who helped him see more clearly into the future, but only after making an oath to not record or share these "intangible things." Some time later he met and fell in love with a wealthy merchant's daughter named Gertrude. They were soon engaged, and when he saw a prophesy of her father's wheat business that was going to be damaged, he told Gertrude about it. Although this saved the business, it resulted in him breaking his oath and he was punished heavily for it. Writing to his fiancé about his troubles, she replies that there must be some trick to get around the oath and return his abilities, referencing the story of Lleu Llaw Gyffes.
With Gertrude's urging, as well as the return of the voice in his head, he is compelled to go to the Manor and participate.

Letter 1
"To Whom It May Concern"
Dear Aristo,
Hope you're doing well lately!
You have successfully completed all the missions, which is very impressive! In return, let me tell you the story of Brooke Rose, the wife of the Welsh hero, Raven Jefferson. Here are the consequences of breaking her oath: "The betrayed Raven was struck by a spear hurled Grove Pepper, turned into a Falcon, and flew away. Raven's uncle, Giddon, caught up with him and found him perched high in an oak tree. Giddon sang a thanksgiving hymn, led Raven down from the oak tree, and turned him back into a human. After helping Raven recover, they reclaimed the land that was taken over by Grove Pepper and Brooke Rose. Not only that, but Giddon caught up with the fleeing Brooke Rose and turned her into an owl, an owl hated by all the other birds.
Giddon declared the fate of Brooke Rose: "You will no longer dare to show your face in the light, because you will always be hostile to other birds, and whenever they find you, they will show you no mercy...And you will never forget your name - Brooke Rose".[7]
Poor Brooke Rose; that is why we do not encourage breaking an oath, let alone breaking it with your own "hands". I have a small question for you: Do you know the name of my Owl?
Best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Eli Clark
"An Unsent Letter to Home"
Dear Gertrude,
It might be hard for you to imagine, but my fate is sealed.
I am here to seek a way out of the vow I've taken, but the path before me seems to be more strenuous than we've imagined.
I assure you this is not a laughing matter.
For reasons unknown, I feel a disturbance in the air, and the sound of a woman's faint moaning is constantly in my ears. Something tells me I should leave this instant, yet that soft moan freezes my legs.
I glance upon that person I've always trusted, the kind man who is voiceless as I am, but he is attempting to destroy our hope with his very hands.
But not to worry; no matter what lies ahead, I've accepted my fate.
After all, the past is the past, and the future is unknown.
I've paid my debt to grasp the truth that my God has enlightened me.
Best Regards,
Eli Clark
"A Page from Eli Clark's Experiment File"
Serial No. 6-1-1
Name: Eli Clark
(Test Indicators)
1.Cautious (a result of the psychological burden of his "Foresight")
2.Abnormally high self-esteem
3.Desires fame and fortune
(Test Trend)
A so-called "seer" who knows nothing
(Test Results)
1.Overall Evaluation: The first uninvited guest of the Manor. Interestingly, his performance has exceeded expectations.
2.Analysis Summary:
a. Similar to the previous tests, the source of his malicious intent stems from suspicion.
Under duress, the reasonable introduction of "bait" in the form of unequal interests can serve to stimulate, or even enlarge, this malicious intent.
b. This is the first recorded instance of "Foresight." Currently, there are insufficient experimental results to support it and, as such, it cannot be clearly defined. More empirical data is required.
However, based on the test results of Subject 6-1-1, if notions of mysticism (such as the soul of predicting the future) must be involved, the Lakeside Village test site would serve as the best location for stimulating such an ability. With regards to future experimentation, procuring subjects such as 6-1-1 and conducting focused observation in Lakeside Village are advised.
c. The ability to predict the future does not guarantee the ability to alter it. Experimental results for Subject 6-1-1 show that, even when auxiliary circumstances deviate from a probable outcome, the developmental curve of events will eventually approach said outcome. As shown in the first two pages of Subject 6-1-1's behavior during the experiment, he refused to accept the foreseen outcome and made various attempts to change it (including but not limited to removing potential obstructions). Surprisingly, the series of choices he made ultimately resulted in the initial predicted outcome. It is unfortunate that there is only one recorded experiment for Subject 6-1-1, and that the result aligned with the prediction. As the experiment can no longer be repeated, the following conjecture cannot be verified as true: Was Subject 6-1-1 truly unable to alter the future through his own choices, or did the behavior of the other three test subjects decide the final outcome?
As far as this point is concerned, perhaps other would be more willing to view this as akin to the ouroboros.
d. The cheaters who can see the future are the ones who know the least.
This is the most interesting aspect of this set of experiments. When I first saw the test subjects, I would never have deduced that the "seer" would be their own demise, or that the "honest" would defeat the "cheater."
"A Hidden Note Wrapped Around an Owl's Foot"
The birds flutter ever so slowly, the sound of droplets gone from the ear, and the stench of iron frozen in the air.
The particles from my body are dissipating, allowing the fog and wind to pierce through me.
Your figure is disappearing from my sight and the world stops before my eyes. I can feel all of this happening.
But do not grieve me. From the moment my end was foreseen, I learned to accept it, but I still failed to understand...
Why does death creep upon me when I obey God's word? Why does my sight deceive me when I believe in the Seer wholeheartedly?
Now, when the voices in my head quietened, I finally understood why the Gods made me agree to everything.
Gertrude, I promised you wealth and happiness, but everything is in vain beneath the silence.
Desire and truth cannot be conveyed. We do not see much, nor do we know much.
A slow-witted fellow like me only realized it at the end. I could have used another body to fulfill my promise and deceive the Gods as Lugh did.
Eli Clark will forget you forever, and Brooke Rose will remember you anew. And you shall hear the voices I once heard. Lastly,
The prophecy was correct. I should leave now. Goodbye, my dear Gertrude.

Once I've actually met them in person, I finally got a better sense of who they were. That person's name was Luchino Diruse—he was kinder and more friendly than I expected. When I first met him in the dining room, he was wearing a washed out white shirt and had a bandage on his head. He was reading the card with the room number and name on the table. He was courteous and didn't make a fuss about the owl on my shoulder as people usually did. He merely greeted me politely and led me to my room.
Another woman named Demi Bourbon arrived at the manor in the afternoon. Dinner was great as Ms. Bourbon was easy to talk to. Mr. Diruse didn't say much, but he would respond or concur at times. He said he was a researcher and came here to collect data.
I could vaguely see scale-like debris and odd scars beneath Mr. Diruse's collar. He realized I was staring and explained with a smile that those were "presents" from his research. He was dignified and cautious, just like a researcher. I couldn't imagine what he had been through for him to be under such peculiar influence. I thought about the ending I once saw, and oddly I couldn't really see Mr. Diruse at the end of the tragedy...
There was another person in the future I saw—that's the fourth one. Perhaps we can await her arrival tomorrow in bliss.
only one.

Character File
Family orgin: Middle Class
Date of birth: October 31st
Age: 21
Sex: Male (I hc him as a transmale though....shhh)
Good at
Enslaving animals

Translation Notes
1.Note that "animal taming" is most likely the correct translation, but it has been called different things such as "Animal Servitude" and "Animal Slaving" depending on when and where his talents are listed. "Animal Domestication" may also be the correct terminology as well.
2."Peddlers" is what it currently states for his dislikes on his birthday/letter profile in-game. It has been previously translated as "Businesspeople", "Merchants", and "Vendors."

Chinese First Anniversary (2019) quote:
"Don't worry, have fun, I'm always watching you."
Deduction Star 2019 quote:
"I have foreseen this!"
Deduction Star 2020 quotes:
1."Shh, God's will is a secret."
2."There's no need to be surprised. I've always looked at the world differently."
3."A promise is everything."
Deduction Star 2021 quotes:
1."There are many things that I never exposed, but that doesn't mean I don't know about them."
2."I was expecting your letter, but it's also unexpected."
3."I can see into the future, but I can't return to the past. All I can do is to live in the moment."
Deduction Star 2022 Best Performance quotes:
1."I expected your support, but I still wish you good luck."
2."Moderate blindness helps you see better."
5th Anniversary Congratulatory Video quote:
"Another year of the happy day is upon us. This day, the fifth anniversary birthday, will be a harmonious, joyful and good day, so you Detectives can rest assured."

Birthday Questions
2021 Birthday questions:
Question 4: "Which of the following items does the Seer dislike?" Answer: "Peddler"
Question 5: "Who sewed the right eye of the Seer's owl?" Answer: "Vandergaw" (which is most likely Gertrude's last name)
2022 Birthday questions:
Question 4: "What condition was Eli's owl in when they first met?" Answer: "Broken wing"
Question 5: "What was the prophecy Eli told Gertrude about?" Answer: "Wheat market"

Luchino Diruse's Experiment Report
Serial No. 6-1-4
Name: Luchino Diruse
(Test Indicators)
2.Moderate Thirst for Knowledge
A wary seeker and the only test subject in this group.
(Test Results)
1.Overall Evaluation:
Subject 6-1-4 is capable of exercising self-control when pursuing knowledge. Perhaps it is this controllable curiosity of his that made him the only "existing" participant in this group.
Subject 6-1-4 remained fully vigilant throughout the experiment on Group 6. Even after Subject 6-0-5 made the sacrifice and threw the situation into absolute chaos, he was able to remain clearheaded and keep his distance from danger.
Something unexpected occurred while dealing with the aftermath of the experiment. On the first night after the experiment ended, Subject 6-1-1 vanished from the processing room, leaving only a puddle of water behind. Subject 6-1-3 vanished the next day and similarly left behind a dark puddle of water. Besides Subject 6-1-4, the other 5 test subjects in the group vanished successively in the next 3 days, including the remains of a test subject who had been confirmed as deceased.
The disappearance of the five test subjects has not been solved, but according to our analysis, the puddle of water left behind at the scene is almost identical in composition to the lake water at this group's test site.
3.Experiment Summary:
The five missing persons from Group 6 have ceased to exist both in terms of vital signs and physical existence. Instead of considering them to have "vanished or gone missing," I prefer to say that "the proof of their existence has been wiped." They have turned into pools of cold water while under multiple layers of surveillance.
Subject 6-1-4 is the only remaining test subject. Perhaps it is due to his moderate curiosity toward the unknown that made the unknown reciprocate with moderate "care." In contrast to his past experience of being bitten by a reptile, I think it taught him how to maintain adequate respect and vigilance.
In the information we previously gathered, the ignorant fishermen spoke confidently about the "mysterious existence" within the lake. I, too, have seen a similar monster, but perhaps I'll be lucky enough to observe and conduct experiments to form a more rigorous theory on it. The disappearance of five test subjects made the experiment almost pointless, so the files for this group have been sealed (perhaps it's better to destroy them). The Group 6 experiment can be restarted by placing Luchino Diruse back at the Lakeside Village test site with other "unique but dangerous" test subjects from other groups.
Will the new Group 6 yield similar results? Can this interesting situation be reproduced? People always fear the unknown, yet they search for a pattern within its mystery, and that is the excitement of experimentation.
Eli's dead :(

1. His profile from the Anniversary Tales Collection Booklet, obtained from the Second Anniversary Event:
Sometimes magical powers can't simply change one's life, or else Eli wouldn't have come to the manor in desperation. (The Seer entered the Manor on November 15, 2018.)
2. Eli's Chinese name originally mis-translated to Anna Gilman.
3. The design on Eli's blindfold, an ouroboros, symbolizes the infinite cycle of birth and death.
4. Eli's owl also has the same marking on its forehead.
5. Eli's owl is either an Eurasian Eagle-Owl or a Great Horned Owl.
6. He is interested in occultism and has talent for astronomy and animal servitude.
7. Strangely, 2 of Eli's deduction names (Nostalgia and Silence) are the names of the costumes of different characters (Coordinator and Hell Ember respectively).
8. He is 1 of only 4 characters to be accompanied by an animal in matches alongside Murro, Victor Grantz, and Ann.
9. He was the first character with an animal companion to be released.
10. During the hourly fireworks show for the Spring Festival 2020 event, Eli was one of only two Survivors who the fireworks would not appear for, with the other being The Mind's Eye.
11. Not only does Eli have an entire hair model, but he has eyes modelled underneath some of his costumes, too.
12. His hair is reflected in his Dynamic Portrait.
13. The official doll for Seer in his Dress Up without blindfold, is confirmed color eyes are maybe pale turquoise or powder blue.
14. He appears in all three episodes of the stage play series produced in Japan. He was played by Chiba Mizuki, who also performed theme songs for all three episodes. His theme song for the first episode, Diagnosis, has been used at other events unrelated to the stage play. He recorded a version of it in Chinese as well. He is one of the featured characters in the third episode, alongside Mary. His Lunar Phase costume appears in the mirror world of that episode, and his Night Owl costume appears in the second episode.
15. According to the Official Identity V Museum he is 176 cm tall (5'9)
16. Before Season 20, His Owl's Protection Duration is 15/10/5 seconds. It got nerfed to 8/6/4 (if there is 1/2/3 Seer(s) in game) after the season started.

Character statistics
Running Speed: 3.8 m/s
Walking Speed: 2.11 m/s
Crouch Walking Speed: 1.14 m/s
Crawling Speed: 0.44 m/s
Duration of decoding Cipher Machines: 81.0 sec
Regressed decoding progress from electric shock: 1.0%
Duration of inability to decode from electric shock: 2.0 sec
Time spent opening Exit Gate: 18.0 sec
Time spent dropping pallets: 0.73 sec
Time spent vaulting over pallets at high speed: 1.17 sec
Time spent vaulting over pallets at medium speed: 1.63 sec
Time spent vaulting over pallets at low speed: 2.07 sec
Time spent vaulting over windows at high speed: 0.87 sec
Time spent vaulting over windows at low speed: 1.27 sec
Time spent going through chests: 10.0 sec
Time spent healing injured Survivors: 15.0 sec
Time spent being healed by others: 15.0 sec
Self-healing time after knockdown: 30.0 sec
Duration of footprint: 4.0 sec
Duration of speed boost after being hit: 2.0 sec
Duration of struggle while being held up: 16.0 sec
Rocket Chair countdown time: 60.0 sec
Time spent being rescued from Rocket Chairs: 1.0 sec

Seer Tips
As seer
Seer can provide a powerful assistance to decoders such as Mechanic or The Mind's Eye as decoders often struggle at kiting due to lack of kiting abilities or the negative trait affecting kiting ability.
Seer is also a powerful survivor to assist rescuers like Mercenary or Coordinator with a successful rescue. This is especially powerful if the hunter excels at chair guarding even if that hunter is Seer's counter play.
If the hunter is Seer's counter play such as Guard 26, send the owl to the rescued survivor. If Seer counters them such as Violinist, send the owl to the rescuer. If not countered by or counters Seer at all such as Photographer, either way works.
Seer takes a long time to accumulate an owl from looking at the hunter. Try to look at the hunter all the time to accumulate owl as every second counts.
However don't be too greedy with owls. You may ended up running into walls or obstacles and give the hunter free hit. Remember parts of the maps or swiftly turning the camera to the front and back to avoid this from happening.
Remember that Seer's owl cannot prevent damage from some sort such as Wax Artist's wax burn damage, Photographer's camera and real world collision and the wall destruction damage in The Red Church map.
However with Wax Artist, you may still want to use the owl as Wax Artist can swiftly double hit you with the burn damage and the regular attack.
Seer mainly counters double hitting hunters and/or fast-chasing hunters such as Naiad, "Undead", Evil Reptilian etc. This is due to the owl meant for protecting any source of damage. Chasing Seer when he has an owl will only create more distance.
On the same condition, if Seer doesn't have an owl, Seer may struggle to obtain an owl as he is now forced to create more distance without an owl.
Because of this, it is situational whether who counters who if the hunter is fast-chasing hunter with the exception of if the hunter also excels at chair guarding.
In Tarot Mode, Seer makes up an excellent Squire as he is likely to be around the opponent Knight all the time, allowing to obtain a lot of owls.
However if the hunter has very high focus on catching up survivors, Seer may be countered by this instead as either he won't be able to catch up Knight and King or Seer won't be able to send the owls to the King fast enough.
Have someone who can be around King all the time such as Batter or Toy Merchant to conpensate this.
After protecting survivors multiple times with the owl, avoid being pursued especially when you run out of owls as you'll vault obstacles at an incredibly slow speed. It can be even slower than Mechanic and The Mind's Eye.
Avoid having multiple Seers within a single match. The penalty that comes with it heavily hinders Seer's power.
However you can use this tactic in Tarot Mode to hinder the opponent Seer's power but take note that your Seer's power will be hindered as well.
It is not recommended to have Tide Turner persona as Seer fits better for assisting while decoding than going in for rescue.
This is also for avoiding being pursued.
Instead, bring Broken Windows persona to compensate the obstacle vaulting speed debuff.
However bringing one can give Seer an oportunity for game changing if he has an owl.
Against Seer
Seer is weak against low damage attacks those don't trigger attack cooldown such as Guard 26 anad Sculptor as this will make the owl usage not worth the 10% obstacles vaulting speed debuff.
This is not the case in Crystal Ball Tarot Mode as Seer in that mode gains a buff that any amount of damage below full hit damage won't affect the owl.
In Tarot Mode, hunters like Naiad and The Breaking Wheel are proven to be powerful not just for countering Seer, but also overall in Tarot Mode.
However there may be another Squire picking the counter play of the hunter instead.
Hunters like The Breaking Wheel heavily relies on player's skill to actually be powerful. Make sure that you can handle the difficulty of the hunter's abilities before going with a difficult hunter.
Try to catch Seer up as fast as you can. Seer may not be able to accumulate an owl fast enough to protect himself.
This is still important if he already has an owl as this forces him to use one, not having more or have less for protecting other survivors.
It is recommended to bring the Berserker persona to remedy the attack cooldown when you attack the owl while guarding the chair.
This is specially important if your hunter has lengthy attack cooldown time or doesn't have any ability to deal damage without trigger attack cooldown like "Nightmare" and Photographer.
Seer's owl can be the great game changer in late game as Detention persona cannot penetrate the owl at all. Make sure that Seer doesn't have any owl left in late game.
If you have to hunt Seer in late game, use the 3rd tactic.

Seer Abilities Change in Other Game Modes
Duo Hunters No change
Blackjack There will be no initial Owl, but the speed of accumulating rage is greatly increased to 8%/second, that is, you can get a Owl in 12.5 seconds
Tarot The Owls storage is reduced to 2. The charging duration for the owl is increased by 20 seconds upon obtaining 3 owls.
Crystal Ball Mode The Owl's observation time is reduced to 15 seconds and grants immunity to skills that deal less damage than normal attacks. After having 3 owls, the charging duration for the owl is increased by 20 seconds.

Poor Brooke Rose; that is why we do not encourage breaking an oath, let alone breaking it with your own "hands".

Skin Descriptions
S Tiers
Night Owl: Seek help from this night traveler. Perhaps he can help you escape the Darkwoods.
Unyielding Devotion: He once flew up to the sky and asked God for a reward. Yet God disliked how he flew with him as equals, so God poured gold into his eyes and bound his wings with thorns. Despite the injustice, he wasn't disheartened by the tragedy, as his unyielding devotion to freedom will never fade.
A Tiers
Experienced Huntsman: After the adventurous Huntsman returned to his hometown, he could never feel at ease. Together with his companion, War Falcon, he kept watch over the familiar yet strange village.
Final Honor: After a horrible riot, the region he guarded was in decline. Yet despite the notoriety, he insisted on sending out this secret letter.
Lunar Phase: "The blood moon brings destruction" was his revelation on the night before the moon dissipates.
Poisonfeather: No one's motive is completely pure. Even the seemingly harmless feathers may contain lethal poison.
Recluse: Law of survival in the dark - endure the most unbearable loneliness in the world.
Surveyor: The admirers call it the Nether, while the opponents call it the Abyss. To the Surveyor, this is how the indiscernible manipulate people's mind, so that the admirers become strong and the opponents shrink in fear. The erosion of the mind and engraving of the flesh through art is nothing but another one of their hobbies.
"White": The night is gone, and here is where we begin.
B Tiers
Avar's Follower: When the warhorses that represent torture began marching, he realized that he had chosen the wrong leader.
Bailiff: If evil thoughts are never manifested, can we pretend that kindness will last forever?
Binder:Symptom: Restlessness
Note: Contact with animals causes restlessness, and even if you place him in a straitjacket, you'll have to watch out for his escape attempts at all times. After being transferred to the institution, the anxiety became more intense.
Citizen of Athens: The city is like a toy box for the gods, beautifully designed to trap us like puppets.
Future Sight: Sir, I've foreseen our destiny. We'll never meet each other again once we part...
Judge: We call the end of days for a caterpillar transformation into a butterfly.
Lifted: Through the mask, he saw emptiness and darkness.
Longing Tiger: Legend has it he couldn't completely become human because he can't bear mugwort and garlic.
New Year Prophecy: A New Year Prophecy has been foretold: Beware, beware. Terror cometh, for the rise of the mythic beast!
Nightfire: Those beyond the restraint of rules also need faith. Instead of being the beacon for the people, he chose to become the light of the few.
"Scarlet Finch": I see through the darkness, yet I cannot escape the net of death.
Shepherd: Everyone is like lost sheep insisting on walking their path.
Verdant Bard: As endless stories come pouring out from the Bard and his harp, the music notes hop joyously atop the branches.
C Tiers
Divine Light: No one has seen the divine light, but everyone thinks the light is white.
Matte Yellow: Put away the dazzling reflection and sneak up to the target from behind.
Twilight Red: Instead of continuing to run when twilight falls, sit down and enjoy these last images of beauty.<-

Accsessory Descriptions
Holy Body: This is where the victims call home with pain steeling their sanity.
Telescope: Science may lend a hand in predicting destiny.

Beta Development Notes
Fortune teller outfit → Seer. I thought this draft was discarded before, but it was dug out and iterated later? The character added in the mid-term originally brought a little owl representing wisdom, which also has a hairstyle setting.
image description ik it's bad.Shhhhh

Design Notes
People think of prophets as mysterious women, reminiscent of (Can put this word here), but the design attempts have not worked well. So we changed to a more casual look and designed a person who lived alone away from the crowd. Our clothes wrapped in uncut fabrics reflect this more than our social clothes. Owls have different meanings in mythology around the world. We chose the symbol of wisdom in Greek mythology to match the prophet's profession.

Refrence Sheet
image description
image description

Some extra stuff I'd like to add!
Eli is moderately blind and shares his vision with Brooke Rose.
("Moderate blindness helps you see better.")
One of his eyes was most likely sewn onto Brooke by Gertrude.
("Eli became blind "After revealing the future to them who shall not know it." Due to his ability, him and his owl share a contact that allows him to see and know his surroundings.")
I'd imagine his eyes are really sensitive after breaking the oath, and that's why he wears the blindfold.
("my apologies. I don't do well with sunlight so i brought sunglasses with me. do you have a pair as well?")
IT IS 12 AM. oh my god

A great resource! https://www.reddit.com/r/IdentityV/comments/o6srjv/eli_clarks_backstory_theories_sources_untangling/

Pub: 24 Aug 2023 07:16 UTC
Edit: 18 Sep 2023 17:29 UTC
Views: 100