
  • NO:
    • They/She to refer to me.
    • NSFW jokes targetted at me.
    • Interpreting words I say as sexual.
    • Jokes disguised as blatant insults.
    • Tonetags. IF needed, keep them minimal.
    • Venting without permission. Even if close.
    • Treating my parts like entirely seperate people/their source. + Favoring parts.
  • Please ask before taking inspiration off of my work (you are allowed to take light inspo off of anything I post on Pinterest). >_> This also applies to those close to me. Any form of stealing and/or copying what I do is strictly prohibited, as it invokes unwanted paranoia.
  • Don't poke fun at my misspellings, I am likely dyslexic and struggle with both writing and reading (especially larger pieces of text). Please be accommodating!
  • I am very overprotective of my uniqueness & identity. Please do not point out any similarities regarding that aspect of ourselves --it is not something I wish to hear. Despite this, I love meeting people who share the same interests as me! Talk to me about them, please.
  • Yes, I can be full of myself! I don't know what to tell you. This doesn't mean I am incapable of love and respect; I show basic human kindness to strangers, and I love my close ones very, very much. :white_heart: Not the opps, though. I hold a strong disdain for freaks and any of their meatriders. Good day.
Pub: 26 Nov 2021 15:57 UTC
Edit: 27 Aug 2024 07:44 UTC
Views: 303