Elysian Realm List

ER text for out of game reference.

Created and maintained by TencentDimepiece (SinsOfSeven#3164)

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Table of Contents

  1. Remembrance Sigils
    1. General Sigils
    2. Support Sigils
  2. Support Valkyries
  3. Valkyrie Adjustments
  4. Kalpas Boss Info
  5. Scores per Floor
  6. Signets
    1. Kevin - Deliverance
    2. Eden - Gold
    3. Kalpas - Decimation
    4. Su - Bodhi
    5. Yae Sakura - Setsuna
    6. Mobius - Infinity
    7. Hua - Vicissitude
    8. Aponia - Discipline
    9. Vill-V - Helix
    10. Kosma - Daybreak
    11. Griseo - Stars
    12. Pardofelis - Reverie
    13. Elysia - Ego
      1. Herrscher of Thunder
      2. Herrscher of Reason
      3. Herrscher of Flamescion
      4. Stygian Nymph
      5. Argent Knight: Artemis
      6. Ritual lmayoh
      7. Valkyrie Gloria
      8. Prinzessin der Verurteilung!
      9. Miss Pink Elf♪
      10. Bright Knight: Excelsis
      11. Luna Kindred
      12. Valkyrie Bladestrike
      13. Starchasm Nyx
      14. Infinite Ouroboros
      15. Midnight Absinthe
      16. Violet Executer
      17. Herrscher of Sentience
      18. Sweet 'n' Spicy
      19. Silverwing: N-EX
      20. Dea Anchora
      21. Palatinus Equinox
      22. Spina Astera
      23. Fallen Rosemary
      24. Reverist Calico
      25. Golden Diva
      26. Disciplinary Perdition
      27. Molotov Cherry
      28. Starry Impression
      29. Helical Contraption
      30. Goushinsso Memento
      31. Herrscher of Human: Ego
      32. Herrscher of the Void
      33. Jade Knight
      34. Vermilion Knight: Eclipse
      35. Chrono Navi
      36. Sixth Serenade
      37. Herrscher of Truth
      38. Herrscher of Origin
      39. Herrscher of Finality

General Signets

Kevin Deliverance

Normal Signet of Deliverance

Goblet of the Giver

Ultimate boosts Total DMG by 35% for 5s

+1: Ultimate boosts Total DMG by 42% for 5s.

+2: Ultimate boosts Total DMG by 49% for 5s.

+3: Ultimate boosts Total DMG by 56% for 5s.

Pendant of the Watcher

Ultimate boosts Physical DMG by 30% for 5s.

+1: Ultimate boosts Physical DMG by 36% for 5s.

+2: Ultimate boosts Physical DMG by 42% for 5s.

+3: Ultimate boosts Physical DMG by 48% for 5s.

Brand of the Undead

Ultimate boosts Elemental DMG by 30% for 5s.

+1: Ultimate boosts Elemental DMG by 36% for 5s.

+2: Ultimate boosts Elemental DMG by 42% for 5s.

+3: Ultimate boosts Elemental DMG by 48% for 5s.

Mask of the Predator

Ultimate boosts Physical Breach by 25% for 5s.

+1: Ultimate boosts Physical Breach by 30% for 5s.

+2: Ultimate boosts Physical Breach by 35% for 5s.

+3: Ultimate boosts Physical Breach by 40% for 5s.

Artifact of the Inhibitor

Ultimate boosts Elemental Breach by 20% for 5s.

+1: Ultimate boosts Elemental Breach by 24% for 5s.

+2: Ultimate boosts Elemental Breach by 28% for 5s.

+3: Ultimate boosts Elemental Breach by 32% for 5s.

Rochet of the Pilgrim

Ultimate restores 3 SP per second for 5s.

+1: Ultimate restores 3.5 SP per second for 5s.

+2: Ultimate restores 4 SP per second for 5s.

+3: Ultimate restores 4.5 SP per second for 5s.

Nexus Signet of Deliverance 1

Blade of the Deliverer

Ultimate triggers Final Battle status during which all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance increase by for 5s.
This Signet cannot be upgraded

Enhanced Signet of Deliverance 1

Flock of the Deliverer

Final Battle is also considered burst mode. Total DMG increases by 20% in burst mode.

+1: Final Battle is also considered burst mode. Total DMG increases by 24% in burst mode.

+2: Final Battle is also considered burst mode. Total DMG increases by 28% in burst mode.

+3: Final Battle is also considered burst mode. Total DMG increases by 32% in burst mode.

Crusade of the Deliverer

After 3s into Final Battle, all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance increase by 90% instead of 50%.

+1: After 3s into Final Battle, all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance increase by 108% instead of 50%.

+2: After 3s into Final Battle, all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance increase by 126% instead of 50%.

+3: After 3s into Final Battle, all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance increase by 144% instead of 50%.

Echo of the Deliverer

Duration of Final Battle and all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance are extended to 8s.

+1: Duration of Final Battle and all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance are extended to 9s.

+2: Duration of Final Battle and all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance are extended to 10s.

+3: Duration of Final Battle and all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance are extended to 11s.

Nexus Signet of Deliverance 2

Shadow of the Deliverer

Ultimate or burst mode ATKs hitting enemies 50 times triggers War of Deliverance status during which all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance are active.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Deliverance 2

Dream of the Deliverer

In War of Deliverance, all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance are enhanced by 50%.

+1: In War of Deliverance, all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance are enhanced by 60%.

+2: In War of Deliverance, all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance are enhanced by 70%.

+3: In War of Deliverance, all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Deliverance are enhanced by 80%.

Resolve of the Deliverer

Every hit of Ultimate or burst mode ATKs boosts Total DMG by 0.5% (caps at 50%).

+1: Every hit of Ultimate or burst mode ATKs boosts Total DMG by 0.6% (caps at 60%).

+2: Every hit of Ultimate or burst mode ATKs boosts Total DMG by 0.7% (caps at 70%).

+3: Every hit of Ultimate or burst mode ATKs boosts Total DMG by 0.8% (caps at 80%).

Triumph of the Deliverer

Entering War of Deliverance makes Valkyrie attacks ignore enemy DEF and Elemental Resists for 6s, after which all enemies take 20% bonus Total DMG.

+1: Entering War of Deliverance makes Valkyrie attacks ignore enemy DEF and Elemental Resists for 8s, after which all enemies take 20% bonus Total DMG.

+2: Entering War of Deliverance makes Valkyrie attacks ignore enemy DEF and Elemental Resists for 10s, after which all enemies take 20% bonus Total DMG.

+3: Entering War of Deliverance makes Valkyrie attacks ignore enemy DEF and Elemental Resists for 10s, after which all enemies take 30% bonus Total DMG.

Table of Contents

Eden Gold

Normal Signet of Gold

Recitatif of Eden

Every 10 SP left boosts Total DMG by 3.0%.

+1: Every 10 SP left boosts Total DMG by 3.6%.

+2: Every 10 SP left boosts Total DMG by 4.2%.

+3: Every 10 SP left boosts Total DMG by 4.8%.

Recitatif of Creeks

Every 10 SP left boosts Physical & Elemental DMG by 2.5%.

+1: Every 10 SP left boosts Physical & Elemental DMG by 3.0%.

+2: Every 10 SP left boosts Physical & Elemental DMG by 3.5%.

+3: Every 10 SP left boosts Physical & Elemental DMG by 4.0%.

Recitatif of Birds

Every 10 SP left reduces Total DMG taken by 2.5%.

+1: Every 10 SP left reduces Total DMG taken by 3.0%.

+2: Every 10 SP left reduces Total DMG taken by 3.5%.

+3: Every 10 SP left reduces Total DMG taken by 4.0%.

Recitatif of Fruit Trees

The lower the SP. the more SP can be restored from attack (SP regen boost maxed at 100%).

+1: The lower the SP, the more SP can be restored from attack (SP regen boost maxed at 120%).

+2: The lower the SP, the more SP can be restored from attack (SP regen boost maxed at 140%).

+3: The lower the SP, the more SP can be restored from attack (SP regen boost maxed at 160%).

Recitatif of Good Wine

Restore 1.5 SP per second.

+1: Restore 1.8 SP per second.

+2: Restore 2.1 SP per second.

+3: Restore 2.4 SP per second.

Recitatif of Fine Jade

Initial SP and max SP increase by 30.

+1: Initial SP and max SP increase by 35.

+2: Initial SP and max SP increase by 40.

+3: Initial SP and max SP increase by 45.

Nexus Signet of Gold 1

Aria of Gold

Restoring 100 SP in total triggers 3 Lightning of Aria bolts each dealing 450% ATK of Lightning DMG and inflicting 6s of Intoxicate randomly. Intoxicated enemies take 15% bonus Total DMG.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Gold 1

Aria of Soil

Intoxicated enemies take only 10% bonus Total DMG but it can stack up to 3 times.

+1: Intoxicated enemies take only 10% bonus Total DMG but it can stack up to 4 times.

+2: Intoxicated enemies take only 10% bonus Total DMG but it can stack up to 5 times.

+3: Intoxicated enemies take only 10% bonus Total DMG but it can stack up to 6 times.

Aria of Life

Every hit on an Intoxicated enemy restores 1.0 SP for the Valkyrie.

+1: Every hit on an Intoxicated enemy restores 1.2 SP for the Valkyrie.

+2: Every hit on an Intoxicated enemy restores 1.4 SP for the Valkyrie.

+3: Every hit on an Intoxicated enemy restores 1.6 SP for the Valkyrie.

Aria of Dawn

If the 3 Lightning of Aria bolts hit the same target, Thunder Symphony will be triggered to deal 1200% Lightning DMG in a large area and inflict 3s of Paralyze.

+1: If the 3 Lightning of Aria bolts hit the same target, Thunder Symphony will be triggered to deal 1440% Lightning DMG in a large area and inflict 3s of Paralyze.

+2: If the 3 Lightning of Aria bolts hit the same target, Thunder Symphony will be triggered to deal 1680% Lightning DMG in a large area and inflict 3s of Paralyze.

+3: If the 3 Lightning of Aria bolts hit the same target, Thunder Symphony will be triggered to deal 1920% Lightning DMG in a large area and inflict 3s of Paralyze.

Nexus Signet of Gold 2

Echo of Gold

Consuming SP restores the same charges and triggers Final Echo status during which Total DMG increases 8% (160% max) at the cost of charges equal to the remaining duration per second. Insufficient charges reset the effect and end Final Echo.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Gold 2

Echo of Withered Soil

After lasting over 1s, Final Echo boosts SP cap by 50% and restores 1% SP per second until it ends.

+1: After lasting over 1s, Final Echo boosts SP cap by 50% and restores 1.2% SP per second until it ends.

+2: After lasting over 1s, Final Echo boosts SP cap by 50% and restores 1.4% SP per second until it ends.

+3: After lasting over 1s, Final Echo boosts SP cap by 50% and restores 1.6% SP per second until it ends.

Echo of Shrill Wind

After lasting over 1s, Final Echo deals 300% ATK of Lightning DMG per second until it ends.

+1: After lasting over 1s, Final Echo deals 360% ATK of Lightning DMG per second until it ends.

+2: After lasting over 1s, Final Echo deals 420% ATK of Lightning DMG per second until it ends.

+3: After lasting over 1s, Final Echo deals 480% ATK of Lightning DMG per second until it ends.

Echo of Silent Night

After lasting over 1s, Final Echo reduces the ATK, DEF. and Elemental Resists of enemies nearby by 2% per second (40% max) until it ends.

+1: After lasting over 1s, Final Echo reduces the ATK, DEF. and Elemental Resists of enemies nearby by 2.4% per second (48% max) until it ends.

+2: After lasting over 1s, Final Echo reduces the ATK, DEF. and Elemental Resists of enemies nearby by 2.8% per second (56% max) until it ends.

+3: After lasting over 1s, Final Echo reduces the ATK, DEF. and Elemental Resists of enemies nearby by 3.2% per second (64% max) until it ends.

Table of Contents

Kalpas Decimation

Normal Signet of Decimation

Blade, Grave, and Scar

Every 100 HP loss boosts Total DMG by 1.0%.

+1: Every 100 HP loss boosts Total DMG by 1.2%.

+2: Every 100 HP loss boosts Total DMG by 1.4%.

+3: Every 100 HP loss boosts Total DMG by 1.6%.

Bone, Blood, and Ribbon

Every 100 HP loss boosts Physical & Elemental DMG by 0.8%.

+1: Every 100 HP loss boosts Physical & Elemental DMG by 1.0%.

+2: Every 100 HP loss boosts Physical & Elemental DMG by 1.1%.

+3: Every 100 HP loss boosts Physical & Elemental DMG by 1.3%.

Letter, Maniac, and Ravings

Every 100 HP loss reduces Total DMG taken by 0.8%.

+1: Every 100 HP loss reduces Total DMG taken by 1.0%.

+2: Every 100 HP loss reduces Total DMG taken by 1.1%.

+3: Every 100 HP loss reduces Total DMG taken by 1.3%.

Path, Misfortune, and Written Fate

Max HP increases by 25%.

+1: Max HP increases by 30%.

+2: Max HP increases by 35%.

+3: Max HP increases by 40%.

Desireless, Mindless, and Homeless

Losing HP boosts Total DMG taken by all enemies by 25% for 8s.

+1: Losing HP boosts Total DMG taken by all enemies by 30% for 8s.

+2: Losing HP boosts Total DMG taken by all enemies by 35% for 8s.

+3: Losing HP boosts Total DMG taken by all enemies by 40% for 8s.

God, Me, and the Only

Losing HP restores SP equal to 1.0% of this time's HP loss.

+1: Losing HP restores SP equal to 1.2% of this time's HP loss.

+2: Losing HP restores SP equal to 1.4% of this time's HP loss.

+3: Losing HP restores SP equal to 1.6% of this time's HP loss.

Nexus Signet of Decimation 1

Fight, Struggle, and Decimation

Blood Boil recharges 10 points per second and another 2 points per second for every 100 HP loss. At 1000 points, the next attack depletes the charge and unleashes Blood Boil to deal 1500% ATK of Fire DMG in a large area.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Decimation 1

Inhuman, Unevil, and Ungodly

Losing HP recharges points for Blood Boil. CD: 1s.

+1: Losing HP recharges 250 points for Blood Boil. CD: 1s

+2: Losing HP recharges 300 points for Blood Boil. CD: 1s

+3: Losing HP recharges 350 points for Blood Boil. CD: 1s

Man, Mask, and Contract

Blood Boil deals 60% bonus Total DMG to enemies with a higher HP percentage than the Valkyrie.

+1: Blood Boil deals 72% bonus Total DMG to enemies with a higher HP percentage than the Valkyrie.

+2: Blood Boil deals 84% bonus Total DMG to enemies with a higher HP percentage than the Valkyrie.

+3: Blood Boil deals 96% bonus Total DMG to enemies with a higher HP percentage than the Valkyrie.

Burden, Difficulty, and Calamity

Blood Boil costs 20% current HP and Every 100 HP consumed deals 120% ATK of bonus Fire DMG.

+1: Blood Boil costs 20% current HP and Every 100 HP consumed deals 150% ATK of bonus Fire DMG.

+2: Blood Boil costs 20% current HP and every 100 HP consumed deals 180% ATK of bonus Fire DMG.

+3: Blood Boil costs 20% current HP and every 100 HP consumed deals 210% ATK of bonus Fire DMG.

Nexus Signet of Decimation 2

Soldiers, Scissors, Spoils, and Slaughter

Valkyrie's current HP cannot exceed 18% of her Max HP, and if the HP recovery in combat reaches 0/400/800, the recovery amount increases by of the Bloodboil Armor charges, up to for a single charge. The charge cap is 1800, and each point increases the HP cap by 1.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Decimation 2

Death, Life, Oblivion, and Existence

The Bloodboil Armor charges cap increases by 500. At over 1500 charges, Bloodboil Armor can absorb DMG equal to 1% of its charges.

+1: The Bloodboil Armor charges cap increases by 600. At over 1500 charges, Bloodboil Armor can absorb DMG equal to 1% of its charges.

+2: The Bloodboil Armor charges cap increases by 700. At over 1500 charges, Bloodboil Armor can absorb DMG equal to 1% of its charges.

+3: The Bloodboil Armor charges cap increases by 800. At over 1500 charges, Bloodboil Armor can absorb DMG equal to 1% of its charges.

Hometown, Homeland, Friends, and Acquaintances

The cap of Bloodboil Armor charges increases by 500. At over 1500 charges, Bloodboil Armor grants 25% Physical and Elemental Breach.

+1: The cap of Bloodboil Armor charges increases by 600. At over 1500 charges, Bloodboil Armor grants 25% Physical and Elemental Breach.

+2: The cap of Bloodboil Armor charges increases by 700. At over 1500 charges, Bloodboil Armor grants 25% Physical and Elemental Breach.

+3: The cap of Bloodboil Armor charges increases by 800. At over 1500 charges, Bloodboil Armor grants 25% Physical and Elemental Breach.

Body, Bones, Heart, and Soul

The Bloodboil Armor charges cap increases by 500. When its charges exceed 1500, if it gains HP recovery, when it next deals DMG to enemies, it will have a bonus 800% ATK of adaptive DMG. CD: 5s.

+1: The Bloodboil Armor charges cap increases by 600. When its charges exceed 1500, if it gains HP recovery, when it next deals DMG to enemies, it will have a bonus 800% ATK of adaptive DMG. CD: 5s.

+1: The Bloodboil Armor charges cap increases by 700. When its charges exceed 1500, if it gains HP recovery, when it next deals DMG to enemies, it will have a bonus 800% ATK of adaptive DMG. CD: 5s.

+1: The Bloodboil Armor charges cap increases by 800. When its charges exceed 1500, if it gains HP recovery, when it next deals DMG to enemies, it will have a bonus 800% ATK of adaptive DMG. CD: 5s.

Table of Contents

Su Bodhi

Normal Signet of Bodhi

Motto of Pubbe-Nivasanussati

Combo hits are reset at 150 to boost Total DMG by 55% for 10s.

+1: Combo hits are reset at 150 to boost Total DMG by 66% for 10s.

+2: Combo hits are reset at 150 to boost Total DMG by 77% for 10s.

+3: Combo hits are reset at 150 to boost Total DMG by 88% for 10s.

Motto of Dibba-Cakkhu

Combo hits are reset at 150 to boost Total DMG taken by all enemies by 35% for 10s.

+1: Combo hits are reset at 150 to boost Total DMG taken by all enemies by 42% for 10s.

+2: Combo hits are reset at 150 to boost Total DMG taken by all enemies by 49% for 10s.

+3: Combo hits are reset at 150 to boost Total DMG taken by all enemies by 56% for 10s.

Motto of Dibba-Sota

Combo hits are reset at 150 to reduce Total DMG taken by the Valkyrie by 32% for 10s.

+1: Combo hits are reset at 150 to reduce Total DMG taken by the Valkyrie by 38% for 10s.

+2: Combo hits are reset at 150 to reduce Total DMG taken by the Valkyrie by 45% for 10s.

+3: Combo hits are reset at 150 to reduce Total DMG taken by the Valkyrie by 51% for 10s.

Motto of Ceto-Pariya-Nana

Combo hits are reset at 150 to restore 30 SP.

+1: Combo hits are reset at 150 to restore 36 SP.

+2: Combo hits are reset at 150 to restore 42 SP.

+3: Combo hits are reset at 150 to restore 48 SP.

Motto of Iddhi-Vidha

Combo hits are increased to 60 when below 60. CD: 10s.

+1: Combo hits are increased to 70 when below 70. CD: 10s.

+2: Combo hits are increased to 80 when below 80. CD: 10s.

+3: Combo hits are increased to 90 when below 90. CD: 10s.

Motto of Asavakkhaya

Attacks grant 25 bonus combo hits on hit. CD: 5s.

+1: Attacks grant 30 bonus combo hits on hit. CD: 5s

+2: Attacks grant 35 bonus combo hits on hit. CD: 5s

+3: Attacks grant 40 bonus combo hits on hit. CD: 5s

Nexus Signet of Bodhi 1

Motto of Bodhi

Reaching 60/100/150 combo hits unleashes Karma Wheels around the Valkyrie knocking enemies down and deal 500%/1000%/1600% ATK of adaptive DMG.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Bodhi 1

Maxim of Anitya

Enemies hit by Karma Wheels are unable to recover their shields for 3s.

+1: Enemies hit by Karma Wheels are unable to recover their shields for 4s.

+2: Enemies hit by Karma Wheels are unable to recover their shields for 5s.

+3: Enemies hit by Karma Wheels are unable to recover their shields for 6s.

Maxim of Anatman

The next attack within 8s from an enemy hit by Karma Wheels deals 50% less Total DMG.

+1: The next attack within 8s from an enemy hit by Karma Wheels deals 60% less Total DMG.

+2: The next attack within 8s from an enemy hit by Karma Wheels deals 70% less Total DMG.

+3: The next attack within 8s from an enemy hit by Karma Wheels deals 80% less Total DMG.

Maxim of Santam

Karma Wheels deal 100% bonus DMG to shields and 500% ATK of bonus adaptive DMG to unshielded enemies.

+1: Karma Wheels deal 120% bonus DMG to shields and 600% ATK of bonus adaptive DMG to unshielded enemies.

+2: Karma Wheels deal 140% bonus DMG to shields and 700% ATK of bonus adaptive DMG to unshielded enemies.

+3: Karma Wheels deal 150% bonus DMG to shields and 800% ATK of bonus adaptive DMG to unshielded enemies.

Nexus Signet of Bodhi 2

Dictum of Bodhi

Reaching 60/100/150 combo hits unleashes Bodhi: Eyes Open on a random enemy, dealing 800%/900%/1000% ATK of adaptive DMG and inflicting Trance. Affected enemies contribute 1 bonus combo hit on hit for 3s.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Bodhi 2

Dictum of Anitya

For every debuff on the target enemy, it takes 150% ATK of bonus adaptive DMG when hit by Bodhi: Eyes Open.

+1: For every debuff on the target enemy, it takes 180% ATK of bonus adaptive DMG when hit by Bodhi: Eyes Open.

+2: For every debuff on the target enemy, it takes 210% ATK of bonus adaptive DMG when hit by Bodhi: Eyes Open.

+3: For every debuff on the target enemy, it takes 240% ATK of bonus adaptive DMG when hit by Bodhi: Eyes Open.

Dictum of Anatman

The Bodhi: Eyes Open lasts for 3s longer. For every debuff on the target enemy, it takes 5% bonus Total DMG.

+1: The Bodhi: Eyes Open lasts for 3s longer. For every debuff on the target enemy, it takes 6% bonus Total DMG.

+2: The Bodhi: Eyes Open lasts for 3s longer. For every debuff on the target enemy, it takes 7% bonus Total DMG.

+3: The Bodhi: Eyes Open lasts for 3s longer. For every debuff on the target enemy, it takes 8% bonus Total DMG.

Dictum of Santam

Bodhi: Eyes Open inflicts 3 random debuffs lasting 3s on hit.

+1: Bodhi: Eyes Open inflicts 3 random debuffs lasting 4s on hit.

+2: Bodhi: Eyes Open inflicts 3 random debuffs lasting 5s on hit.

+3: Bodhi: Eyes Open inflicts 3 random debuffs lasting 6s on hit.

Table of Contents

Yae Sakura Setsuna

Normal Signet of Setsuna

Bountiful Blossom: Ume

Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill boosts Attack Speed & Move Speed by 40% for 8s.

+1: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill boosts Attack Speed & Move Speed by 48% for 8s.

+2: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill boosts Attack Speed & Move Speed by 56% for 8s.

+3: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill boosts Attack Speed & Move Speed by 64% for 8s.

Bountiful Blossom: Koyo

Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill boosts Total DMG taken by all enemies by 30% for 8s.

+1: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill boosts Total DMG taken by all enemies by 36% for 8s.

+2: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill boosts Total DMG taken by all enemies by 42% for 8s.

+3: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill boosts Total DMG taken by all enemies by 48% for 8s.

Bountiful Blossom: Botan

Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill boosts Total DMG by 40% for 8s.

+1: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill boosts Total DMG by 48% for 8s.

+2: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill boosts Total DMG by 56% for 8s.

+3: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill boosts Total DMG by 64% for 8s.

Bountiful Blossom: Kiku

Ultimate Evasions reset Ultimate Evasion Skill CD.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Bountiful Blossom: Fuji

Ultimate Evasion Skill has 1 more charge and 10% reduced CD.

+1: Ultimate Evasion Skill has 1 more charge and 12% reduced CD.

+2: Ultimate Evasion Skill has 1 more charge and 14% reduced CD.

+3: Ultimate Evasion Skill has 1 more charge and 16% reduced CD.

Bountiful Blossom: Ayame

Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill restores 12.0 bonus SP.

+1: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill restores 15.0 bonus SP.

+2: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill restores 18.0 bonus SP.

+3: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill restores 21.0 bonus SP.

Nexus Signet of Setsuna 1

Setsuna Blade: Sakura ni Maku

Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill 3 times activates Sakura Screen to render all enemies static for 3s, after which they lose HP equal to 40% of the DMG they have received during the duration.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Setsuna 1

Setsuna Blade: Ame-Shiko

Activating Sakura Screen resets Ultimate CD and weapon active CD.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Setsuna Blade: Tsukimi-de Ippai

When Sakura Screen is active, every attack deals 50% ATK of bonus Ice DMG. CD: 0.1s.

+1: When Sakura Screen is active, every attack deals 60% ATK of bonus Ice DMG. CD: 0.1s.

+2: When Sakura Screen is active, every attack deals 70% ATK of bonus Ice DMG. CD: 0.1s.

+3: When Sakura Screen is active, every attack deals 80% ATK of bonus Ice DMG. CD: 0.1s.

Setsuna Blade: Ino-Shika-Cho

When Sakura Screen is active, moving around can pause its duration countdown for up to 3.0s.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Nexus Signet of Setsuna 2

*Setsuna Blade: Yasha

Valkyries enter Isshun status every 10s during which a normal evasion becomes Ultimate Evasion and unleashes Setsuna Blade: Karuma dealing 7x200% ATK of Ice DMG to all enemies.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Setsuna 2

Setsuna Blade: Shinra Bansho

Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill 3 times also induces Setsuna Blade: Karuma and makes it deal 200% bonus Ice DMG on every hit.

+1: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill 3 times also induces Setsuna Blade: Karuma and makes it deal 240% bonus Ice DMG on every hit.

+2: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill 3 times also induces Setsuna Blade: Karuma and makes it deal 280% bonus Ice DMG on every hit.

+3: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill 3 times also induces Setsuna Blade: Karuma and makes it deal 320% bonus Ice DMG on every hit.

Setsuna Blade: Mugenjigoku

Unleashing Setsuna Blade: Karuma reduces Ultimate Evasion Skill's remaining CD by 25%.

+1: Unleashing Setsuna Blade: Karuma reduces Ultimate Evasion Skill's remaining CD by 30%.

+2: Unleashing Setsuna Blade: Karuma reduces Ultimate Evasion Skill's remaining CD by 35%.

+3: Unleashing Setsuna Blade: Karuma reduces Ultimate Evasion Skill's remaining CD by 40%.

Setsuna Blade: Mumyo

Every cast of Setsuna Blade: Karuma makes the next deal 25% bonus Ice DMG on every hit. 8 stacks max.

+1: Every cast of Setsuna Blade: Karuma makes the next deal 30% bonus Ice DMG on every hit. 8 stacks max.

+2: Every cast of Setsuna Blade: Karuma makes the next deal 35% bonus Ice DMG on every hit. 8 stacks max.

+3: Every cast of Setsuna Blade: Karuma makes the next deal 40% bonus Ice DMG on every hit. 8 stacks max.

Table of Contents

Mobius Infinity

Normal Signet of Infinity

Rodent [V]

For every summoned entity, ELF, or Support Valkyrie present, Valkyrie deals 10% bonus Total DMG (5 stacks max).

+1: For every summoned entity, ELF, or Support Valkyrie present, Valkyrie deals 10% bonus Total DMG (7 stacks max).

+2: For every summoned entity, ELF, or Support Valkyrie present, Valkyrie deals 10% bonus Total DMG (9 stacks max).

+3: For every summoned entity, ELF, or Support Valkyrie present, Valkyrie deals 10% bonus Total DMG (12 stacks max).

Entwined [P]

For every summoned entity, ELF, or Support Valkyrie present, enemies take 8% bonus Total DMG (5 stacks max).

+1: For every summoned entity, ELF, or Support Valkyrie present, enemies take 8% bonus Total DMG (7 stacks max).

+2: For every summoned entity, ELF, or Support Valkyrie present, enemies take 8% bonus Total DMG (9 stacks max).

+3: For every summoned entity, ELF, or Support Valkyrie present, enemies take 8% bonus Total DMG (12 stacks max).

Silent [B]

For every summoned entity, ELF, or Support Valkyrie present, Valkyrie takes 8% less Total DMG (5 stacks max).

+1: For every summoned entity, ELF, or Support Valkyrie present, Valkyrie takes 8% less Total DMG (7 stacks max).

+2: For every summoned entity, ELF, or Support Valkyrie present, Valkyrie takes 8% less Total DMG (9 stacks max).

+3: For every summoned entity, ELF, or Support Valkyrie present, Valkyrie takes 8% less Total DMG (12 stacks max).

Lip Poison [E]

Total DMG from summoned entities, ELFs, and Support Valkyries increases by 60%.

+1: Total DMG from summoned entitles, ELFs, and Support Valkyries increases by 72%.

+2: Total DMG from summoned entitles, ELFs, and Support Valkyries increases by 84%.

+3: Total DMG from summoned entitles, ELFs, and Support Valkyries increases by 96%.

Lodging [C]

ELF Ultimates and Support Valkyries' support skills have 20% reduced CD.

+1: ELF Ultimates and Support Valkyries' support skills have 24% reduced CD.

+2: ELF Ultimates and Support Valkyries' support skills have 28% reduced CD.

+3: ELF Ultimates and Support Valkyries' support skills have 32% reduced CD.

Dark Pupil [T]

ELFs restore SP 75% faster.

+1: ELFs restore SP 90% faster.

+2: ELFs restore SP 105% faster.

+3: ELFs restore SP 120% faster.

Nexus Signet of Infinity 1

Infinite [X]

Summoning summoned entities or using ELF Ultimates triggers Mind Sync state which lasts 8s. In Mind Sync, Valkyrie herself, summoned entities, ELFs, and Support Valkyries deal 30% bonus Physical and Elemental DMG. Reset on exiting Mind Sync.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Infinity 1

Dead [X]

For every second in Mind Sync, Valkyrie herself, summoned entities, ELFs, and Support Valkyries deal 10% bonus Total DMG. 5 stacks max. 9 stacks max with any summoned entity present. Reset on exiting Mind Sync.

+1: For every second in Mind Sync, summoned entities, ELFs, and Support Valkyries deal 13% bonus Total DMG, max 5 stacks, if entities summoned by Valkyrie exists on the field, max stack increased to 9. Reset on exiting Mind Sync.

+2: For every second in Mind Sync, summoned entities, ELFs, and Support Valkyries deal 16% bonus Total DMG, if entities summoned by Valkyrie exists on the field, max stack increased to 9. Reset on exiting Mind Sync.

+3: For every second in Mind Sync, summoned entities, ELFs, and Support Valkyries deal 16% bonus Total DMG, if entities summoned by Valkyrie exists on the field, max stack increased to 12. Reset on exiting Mind Sync.

Unknown [X]

Triggering Mind Sync again during Mind Sync reduces the CD of ELF Ultimates and Support Valkyries' support skills by 2s. With any summoned entity present, the CDs are reduced by 2s additionally. This effect can only be triggered once per 4s.

+1: Triggering Mind Sync again during Mind Sync reduces the CD of ELF Ultimates and Support Valkyries' support skills by 2s. With any summoned entity present, the CDs are reduced by 3s additionally. This effect can only be triggered once per 4s.

+2: Triggering Mind Sync again during Mind Sync reduces the CD of ELF Ultimates and Support Valkyries' support skills by 2s. With any summoned entity present, the CDs are reduced by 4s additionally. This effect can only be triggered once per 4s.

+3: Triggering Mind Sync again during Mind Sync reduces the CD of ELF Ultimates and Support Valkyries' support skills by 2s. With any summoned entity present, the CDs are reduced by 5s additionally. This effect can only be triggered once per 4s.

Newborn [X]

Triggering Mind Sync again during Mind Sync no longer resets the duration but extends the duration by 4.0s instead. With any summoned entity present, the duration is extended by 5s additionally.

+1: Triggering Mind Sync again during Mind Sync no longer resets the duration but extends the duration by 4.0s instead. With any summoned entity present, the duration is extended by 6s additionally.

+2: Triggering Mind Sync again during Mind Sync no longer resets the duration but extends the duration by 4.0s instead. With any summoned entity present, the duration is extended by 7s additionally.

+3: Triggering Mind Sync again during Mind Sync no longer resets the duration but extends the duration by 4.0s instead. With any summoned entity present, the duration is extended by 8s additionally.

Nexus Signet of Infinity 2

Infinite [M]

5% transfer progress is built up every second. Reaching 100% induces Sentience Sync for 12s, during which, attacks from summoned entities or ELFs unleash Assault of Ouroboros on each hit and deal 400% ATK of adaptive DMG. CD: 0.8s.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Infinity 2

Sacrificial [M]

When a self-generated summoned entity remains for more than 1s, it increases the duration of Sentience Sync by 1s every second when ifs active, and increases the transfer progress by 15% per second when ifs inactive.

+1: When a self-generated summoned entity remains for more than 1s, it increases the duration of Sentience Sync by 1s every second when it's active, and increases the transfer progress by 20% per second when it's inactive.

+2: When a self-generated summoned entity remains for more than 1s, it increases the duration of Sentience Sync by 1s every second when it's active, and increases the transfer progress by 25% per second when it's inactive.

+3: When a self-generated summoned entity remains for more than 1s, it increases the duration of Sentience Sync by 1s every second when it's active, and increases the transfer progress by 30% per second when it's inactive.

Immortal/Athanasia [M]

When a self-generated summoned entity remains for more than 8s, the physical and elemental DMG it deals increase by 5% per second, up to a maximum of 50% While Sentience Sync is active, Valkyrie will accumulate 50% of the summoned entitys physical and elemental DMG increase, with a cap of 30%.

+1: When a self-generated summoned entity remains for more than 8s, the physical and elemental DMG it deals increase by 5% per second, up to a maximum of 50% While Sentience Sync is active, Valkyrie will accumulate 50% of the summoned entity's physical and elemental DMG increase, with a cap Of 35%.

+1: When a self-generated summoned entity remains for more than 8s, the physical and elemental DMG it deals increase by 5% per second, up to a maximum of 50% While Sentience Sync is active, Valkyrie will accumulate 50% of the summoned entity's physical and elemental DMG increase, with a cap Of 40%.

+1: When a self-generated summoned entity remains for more than 8s, the physical and elemental DMG it deals increase by 5% per second, up to a maximum of 50% While Sentience Sync is active, Valkyrie will accumulate 50% of the summoned entity's physical and elemental DMG increase, with a cap Of 45%.

Collapsed [M]

Each time a summoned entity deals DMG to enemies, the total DMG taken by the enemies increases by 1%, and if Sentience Sync is activated, each ATK dealt by Valkyrie increases the total DMG taken by the enemies by 1%. This effect has a 1s CD and a 30% cap.

+1:Each time a summoned entity deals DMG to enemies, the total DMG taken by the enemies increases by 1.2%, and if Sentience Sync is activated, each ATK dealt by Valkyrie increases the total DMG taken by the enemies by 1.2%. This effect has a 1s CD and a 36% cap.

+2:Each time a summoned entity deals DMG to enemies, the total DMG taken by the enemies increases by 1.4%, and if Sentience Sync is activated, each ATK dealt by Valkyrie increases the total DMG taken by the enemies by 1.4%. This effect has a 1s CD and a 42% cap.

+3:Each time a summoned entity deals DMG to enemies, the total DMG taken by the enemies increases by 1.6%, and if Sentience Sync is activated, each ATK dealt by Valkyrie increases the total DMG taken by the enemies by 1.6%. This effect has a 1s CD and a 48% cap.

Table of Contents

Hua Vicissitude

Normal Signet of Vicissitude

Long Trip

Total DMG increases by 1.0% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+1: Total DMG increases by 1.2% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+2: Total DMG increases by 1.4% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+3: Total DMG increases by 1.6% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

Days Gone

Physical DMG increases by 0.8% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+1: Physical DMG increases by 1.0% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+2: Physical DMG increases by 1.1% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+3: Physical DMG increases by 1.3% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

Dark Garb No More

Elemental DMG increases by 0.8% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+1: Elemental DMG increases by 1.0% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+2: Elemental DMG increases by 1.1% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+3: Elemental DMG increases by 1.3% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

Old Dreams Again

Elemental Breach increases by 0.6% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+1: Elemental Breach increases by 0.7% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+2: Elemental Breach increases by 0.8% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+3: Elemental Breach increases by 1.0% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

Lost and Found

Total DMG taken decreases by 0.8% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+1: Total DMG taken decreases by 1.0% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+2: Total DMG taken decreases by 1.1% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+3: Total DMG taken decreases by 1.3% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

No One to Share

Physical Breach increases by 0.6% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+1: Physical Breach increases by 0.7% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+2: Physical Breach increases by 0.8% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

+3: Physical Breach increases by 1.0% per second. 40 stacks max. Taking DMG reduces 10 stacks.

Nexus Signet of Vicissitude 1

Vivid Vicissitude

Valkyrie obtains 1 stack of Soldier's Resolve per 10 seconds. 6 stacks max. When taking DMG, Soldier's Resolve loses 1 stack to neutralize the DMG and deal adaptive DMG equal to the number of remaining stacks × 650% ATK to surrounding enemies.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Vicissitude 1

Fleeting Fantasy

Valkyrie has 1 initial stack of Soldier's Resolve.

+1: Valkyrie has 2 initial stacks of Soldier's Resolve.

+2: Valkyrie has 3 initial stacks of Soldier's Resolve.

+3: Valkyrie has 4 initial stacks of Soldier's Resolve.

Fallen Flowers

Every stack of Soldier's Resolve grants 1 bonus stack per second to all buffs provided by Normal Signets of Vicissitude.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Forgotten and Forsaken

All buffs provided by Normal Signets of Vicissitude can stack up to 60 times, and at 30 stacks or more, Soldier's Resolve stacks once per 8 seconds.

+1: All buffs provided by Normal Signets of Vicissitude can stack up to 60 times, and at 30 stacks or more, Soldier's Resolve stacks once per 7 seconds.

+2: All buffs provided by Normal Signets of Vicissitude can stack up to 60 times, and at 30 stacks or more, Soldier's Resolve stacks once per 6 seconds.

+3: All buffs provided by Normal Signets of Vicissitude can stack up to 60 times, and at 30 stacks or more, Soldier's Resolve stacks once per 5 seconds.

Nexus Signet of Vicissitude 2

Suffering Mass

Valkyries start with 6 Soldier's Remembrance stacks which boost all buffs from Normal Signets of Vicissitude to full stacks. Taking DMG reduces 1 Soldier's Remembrance stack and grants 0.5s invincibility.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Vicissitude 2

Worldly Troubles

With Soldier's Remembrance stacks, Total DMG increases by 50% of the Total DMG Reduction percentage from all Signets.

+1: With Soldier's Remembrance stacks, Total DMG increases by 60% of the Total DMG Reduction percentage from all Signets.

+2: With Soldier's Remembrance stacks, Total DMG increases by 70% of the Total DMG Reduction percentage from all Signets.

+3: With Soldier's Remembrance stacks, Total DMG increases by 80% of the Total DMG Reduction percentage from all Signets.

Go with the Flow

Absorbing DMG more times extends the invincibility from Soldier's Remembrance. Every time it absorbs DMG extends the invincibility by 0.3s.

+1: Absorbing DMG more times extends the invincibility from Soldier's Remembrance. Every time it absorbs DMG extends the invincibility by 0.35s.

+2: Absorbing DMG more times extends the invincibility from Soldier's Remembrance. Every time it absorbs DMG extends the invincibility by 0.4s.

+3: Absorbing DMG more times extends the invincibility from Soldier's Remembrance. Every time it absorbs DMG extends the invincibility by 0.45s.

Broken Dream

With Soldier's Remembrance stacks, the max stacks of all buffs from Normal Signets of Vicissitude increase by 20. Losing all Soldier's Remembrance stacks reduces the max stacks by 10 but restores 1 Soldier's Remembrance stack. Can only be triggered once every battle.

+1: With Soldier's Remembrance stacks, the max stacks of all buffs from Normal Signets of Vicissitude increase by 20. Losing all Soldier's Remembrance stacks reduces the max stacks by 5 but restores 1 Soldier's Remembrance stack. Can only be triggered once every battle.

+2: With Soldier's Remembrance stacks, the max stacks of all buffs from Normal Signets of Vicissitude increase by 20. Losing all Soldier's Remembrance stacks restores 1 Soldier's Remembrance stack. Can only be triggered once every battle.

+3: With Soldier's Remembrance stacks, the max stacks of all buffs from Normal Signets of Vicissitude increase by 20. Losing all Soldier's Remembrance stacks restores 1 Soldier's Remembrance stack. Can only be triggered 2 times every battle.

Table of Contents

Aponia Discipline

Normal Signet of Discipline

First, No Betrayal

Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Basic ATK's Total DMG increases by 0.3% of Exhortation. Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill reduces 50% Exhortation.

+1: Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Basic ATK's Total DMG increases by 0.36% of Exhortation. Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill reduces 50% Exhortation.

+2: Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Basic ATK's Total DMG increases by 0.42% of Exhortation. Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill reduces 50% Exhortation.

+3: Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Basic ATK's Total DMG increases by 0.48% of Exhortation. Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill reduces 50% Exhortation.

Second, No Deception

Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Valkyrie has Total DMG Reduction equal to 0.3% of Exhortation. Summoning entities reduces 50% Exhortation.

+1: Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Valkyrie has Total DMG Reduction equal to 0.36% of Exhortation. Summoning entities reduces 50% Exhortation.

+2: Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Valkyrie has Total DMG Reduction equal to 0.42% of Exhortation. Summoning entities reduces 50% Exhortation.

+3: Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Valkyrie has Total DMG Reduction equal to 0.48% of Exhortation. Summoning entities reduces 50% Exhortation.

Third, No Brutality

Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Valkyrie has bonus SP regen per second equal to 1% of Exhortation. Reaching 160 combo reduces 50% Exhortation.

+1: Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Valkyrie has bonus SP regen per second equal to 1.2% of Exhortation. Reaching 160 combo reduces 50% Exhortation.

+2: Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Valkyrie has bonus SP regen per second equal to 1.4% of Exhortation. Reaching 160 combo reduces 50% Exhortation.

+3: Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Valkyrie has bonus SP regen per second equal to 1.6% of Exhortation. Reaching 160 combo reduces 50% Exhortation.

Fourth, No Insolence

Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Ultimate's Physical and Elemental DMG increases by 0.3% of of Exhortation. Using weapon skills reduces 50% Exhortation.

+1: Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Ultimate's Physical and Elemental DMG increases by 0.36% of of Exhortation. Using weapon skills reduces 50% Exhortation.

+2: Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Ultimate's Physical and Elemental DMG increases by 0.42% of of Exhortation. Using weapon skills reduces 50% Exhortation.

+3: Exhortation increases by 5 per second and caps at 200. Ultimate's Physical and Elemental DMG increases by 0.48% of of Exhortation. Using weapon skills reduces 50% Exhortation.

Fifth, No Falsehood

Valkyrie starts with 70 bonus Exhortation. Whenever Exhortation is reduced, enemies take 25% bonus Total DMG for 5s. Can be refreshed.

+1: Valkyrie starts with 70 bonus Exhortation. Whenever Exhortation is reduced, enemies take 30% bonus Total DMG for 5s. Can be refreshed.

+2: Valkyrie starts with 70 bonus Exhortation. Whenever Exhortation is reduced, enemies take 35% bonus Total DMG for 5s. Can be refreshed.

+3: Valkyrie starts with 70 bonus Exhortation. Whenever Exhortation is reduced, enemies take 40% bonus Total DMG for 5s. Can be refreshed.

Sixth, No Decadence

Boosts Valkyrie Total DMG by 30% and keeps Exhortation from reducing for 15s upon QTE hitting an enemy. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: Boosts Valkyrie Total DMG by 35% and keeps Exhortation from reducing for 15s upon QTE hitting an enemy. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: Boosts Valkyrie Total DMG by 40% and keeps Exhortation from reducing for 15s upon QTE hitting an enemy. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: Boosts Valkyrie Total DMG by 45% and keeps Exhortation from reducing for 15s upon QTE hitting an enemy. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Nexus Signet of Discipline 1

You Shall Be Subject to Numerous Disciplines

Reaching 120 Exhortation induces Mortification where Valkyrie Total DMG increases by 25% of Exhortation. Also, for every Signet of Discipline unlocked, Valkyrie deals 5% bonus Physical DMG and Elemental DMG.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Discipline 1

You Shall Be Bound by Thy Body

In Mortification, Basic ATK has 30% Physical Breach and Elemental Breach but Ultimate deals 20% less Total DMG.

+1: In Mortification, Basic ATK has 36% Physical Breach and Elemental Breach but Ultimate deals 20% less Total DMG.

+2: In Mortification, Basic ATK has 42% Physical Breach and Elemental Breach but Ultimate deals 20% less Total DMG.

+3: In Mortification, Basic ATK has 48% Physical Breach and Elemental Breach but Ultimate deals 20% less Total DMG.

You Shall Be Committed to Thy Life

Exhortation starts at 40 and won't drop below 40.

+1: Exhortation starts at 50 and won't drop below 50.

+2: Exhortation starts at 60 and won't drop below 60.

+3: Exhortation starts at 70 and won't drop below 70.

You Shall Be Witnessed by Thy Heart

In Mortification, Ultimate deals 40% bonus Total DMG but Basic ATK deals 20% less Physical and Elemental DMG.

+1: In Mortification, Ultimate deals 48% bonus Total DMG but Basic ATK deals 20% less Physical and Elemental DMG.

+2: In Mortification, Ultimate deals 56% bonus Total DMG but Basic ATK deals 20% less Physical and Elemental DMG.

+3: In Mortification, Ultimate deals 64% bonus Total DMG but Basic ATK deals 20% less Physical and Elemental DMG.

Nexus Signet of Discipline 2

You Shall Receive Disciplines' Blessing

Normal Signet of Dicipline grants Exhortation 100% increase per second. When Exhortation exceeds 150, You Shall Know Your Sins" will trigger every 5s around the Valkyrie, dealing 1400% ATK of Adaptive DMG for each enemy hit, for a total of 70% for 10s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Discipline 2

You Shall Punish Evil

Enemies struck by You Shall Know Your Sins two or more times take 40% more Total DMG. 5 SP is restored when these enemies are hit by You Shall Know Your Sins.

+1: Enemies struck by You Shall Know Your Sins two or more times take 45% more Total DMG. 5 SP is restored when these enemies are hit by You Shall Know Your Sins.

+2: Enemies struck by You Shall Know Your Sins two or more times take 50% more Total DMG. 5 SP is restored when these enemies are hit by You Shall Know Your Sins.

+3: Enemies struck by You Shall Know Your Sins two or more times take 55% more Total DMG. 5 SP is restored when these enemies are hit by You Shall Know Your Sins.

You Shall Follow Good

You Shall Know Your Sins' Total DMG dealt increases 40% and increases Physical and Elemental Breach by 0.25% of Exhortation for 6s upon hitting an enemy. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: You Shall Know Your Sins' Total DMG dealt increases 45% and increases Physical and Elemental Breach by 0.25% of Exhortation for 6s upon hitting an enemy. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: You Shall Know Your Sins' Total DMG dealt increases 50% and increases Physical and Elemental Breach by 0.25% of Exhortation for 6s upon hitting an enemy. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: You Shall Know Your Sins' Total DMG dealt increases 55% and increases Physical and Elemental Breach by 0.25% of Exhortation for 6s upon hitting an enemy. Triggering it again resets the duration.

You Shall Answer Prayers

Triggering You Shall Know Your Sins causes the Valkyrie to enter Penance for 8s. In Penance, the Valkyrie takes 30% less Total DMG and deals 40% more Physical and Elemental DMG to enemies. Valkyrie deals 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG to attacking enemies when hit; CD: 5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: Triggering You Shall Know Your Sins causes the Valkyrie to enter Penance for 8s. In Penance, the Valkyrie takes 30% less Total DMG and deals 45% more Physical and Elemental DMG to enemies. Valkyrie deals 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG to attacking enemies when hit; CD: 5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: Triggering You Shall Know Your Sins causes the Valkyrie to enter Penance for 8s. In Penance, the Valkyrie takes 30% less Total DMG and deals 50% more Physical and Elemental DMG to enemies. Valkyrie deals 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG to attacking enemies when hit; CD: 5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: Triggering You Shall Know Your Sins causes the Valkyrie to enter Penance for 8s. In Penance, the Valkyrie takes 30% less Total DMG and deals 55% more Physical and Elemental DMG to enemies. Valkyrie deals 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG to attacking enemies when hit; CD: 5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Table of Contents

Vill-V Helix

Normal Signet of Helix

Act I: Magic

Using a weapon active boosts its Total DMG by 10%. 6 stacks max. Reset at the end of each battle.

+1: Using a weapon active boosts its Total DMG by 12%. 6 stacks max. Reset at the end of each battle.

+2: Using a weapon active boosts its Total DMG by 14%. 6 stacks max. Reset at the end of each battle.

+3: Using a weapon active boosts its Total DMG by 16%. 6 stacks max. Reset at the end of each battle.

Act II: Pendulum

Using a weapon active makes enemies take 20% bonus Total DMG for 4.5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: Using a weapon active makes enemies take 24% bonus Total DMG for 4.5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: Using a weapon active makes enemies take 28% bonus Total DMG for 4.5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: Using a weapon active makes enemies take 32% bonus Total DMG for 4.5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Act III: Conflict

Using a weapon active boosts Valkyrie Total DMG by 20% for 4.5s Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: Using a weapon active boosts Valkyrie Total DMG by 36% for 4.5s Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: Using a weapon active boosts Valkyrie Total DMG by 42% for 4.5s Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: Using a weapon active boosts Valkyrie Total DMG by 48% for 4.5s Triggering it again resets the duration.

Act IV: Spoon

Using a weapon active boosts Physical DMG and Elemental DMG from Charge ATK and Combo ATK by 25% for 4.5s Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: Using a weapon active boosts Physical DMG and Elemental DMG from Charge ATK and Combo ATK by 30% for 4.5s Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: Using a weapon active boosts Physical DMG and Elemental DMG from Charge ATK and Combo ATK by 35% for 4.5s Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: Using a weapon active boosts Physical DMG and Elemental DMG from Charge ATK and Combo ATK by 40% for 4.5s Triggering it again resets the duration.

Act V: Spider Web

Using a weapon active boosts Valkyrie ranged Total DMG by 40% for 4.5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: Using a weapon active boosts Valkyrie ranged Total DMG by 48% for 4.5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: Using a weapon active boosts Valkyrie ranged Total DMG by 56% for 4.5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: Using a weapon active boosts Valkyrie ranged Total DMG by 62% for 4.5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Act VI: Sneer

Using a weapon active restores 12 SP in 5s and reduces its CD by 15%.

+1: Using a weapon active restores 15 SP in 5s and reduces its CD by 15%.

+2: Using a weapon active restores 18 SP in 5s and reduces its CD by 15%.

+3: Using a weapon active restores 20 SP in 5s and reduces its CD by 15%.

Nexus Signet of Helix 1

Interlude: Reversed Spiral

Using a weapon active unleashes Marvellous Magic dealing 3x400% ATK of Physical DMG to enemies in front and making them take 25% bonus Total DMG for 8s. CDL 5s. The DMG is guaranteed to Crit and the weapon active is the DMG source.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Helix 1

Act VII: Half-Closed Door

Marvellous Magic creates 2 extra round blades dealing 2x400% ATK of Physical DMG.

+1: Marvellous Magic creates 2 extra round blades dealing 2x480% ATK of Physical DMG.

+2: Marvellous Magic creates 2 extra round blades dealing 2x560% ATK of Physical DMG.

+3: Marvellous Magic creates 2 extra round blades dealing 2x620% ATK of Physical DMG.

Act VIII: Adorned Chamber

Marvellous Magic costs 20 SP to boost its base Physical DMG by 35% and grants 30% Physical Breach for 6s.

+1: Marvellous Magic costs 20 SP to boost its base Physical DMG by 40% and grants 30% Physical Breach for 6s.

+2: Marvellous Magic costs 20 SP to boost its base Physical DMG by 45% and grants 30% Physical Breach for 6s.

+3: Marvellous Magic costs 20 SP to boost its base Physical DMG by 50% and grants 30% Physical Breach for 6s.

Finale: Broken Truth

Marvellous Magic deals 100% bonus DMG to shields, every cast boosts it's Total DMG by 4% up to 40%.

+1: Marvellous Magic deals 100% bonus DMG to shields, every cast boosts it's Total DMG by 5% up to 50%.

+2: Marvellous Magic deals 100% bonus DMG to shields, every cast boosts it's Total DMG by 6% up to 60%.

+3: Marvellous Magic deals 100% bonus DMG to shields, every cast boosts it's Total DMG by 7% up to 70%.

Nexus Signet of Helix 2

Intermezzo: Holistic Helix

Cast weapon active to place a Special Weapon: No. 4 at a distance in front of Valkyrie. It will detonate 1s later, dealing 1500% ATK of Adaptive DMG, causing a 3s Global Time Fracture, and generating a small Gravitational Field that pulls enemies and deals 100% ATK of Adaptive DMG to them per second for 6s. Only 1 Special Weapon: No. 4 can exist at a time.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Helix 2

Puppetry: Interlacing Cells

Extends Global Time Fracture caused by Special Weapon: No. 4's detonation by 3s. During Global Time Fracture, gain 30% Physical and Elemental Breach.

+1: Extends Global Time Fracture caused by Special Weapon: No. 4's detonation by 3s. During Global Time Fracture, gain 36% Physical and Elemental Breach.

+2: Extends Global Time Fracture caused by Special Weapon: No. 4's detonation by 3s. During Global Time Fracture, gain 42% Physical and Elemental Breach.

+3: Extends Global Time Fracture caused by Special Weapon: No. 4's detonation by 3s. During Global Time Fracture, gain 48% Physical and Elemental Breach.

Drama: Origin of Slumber

During Gravitational Field, enemies take 20% more Total DMG. During Global Time Fracture caused by detonation, enemies take 30% more Total DMG in addition.

+1: During Gravitational Field, enemies take 24% more Total DMG. During Global Time Fracture caused by detonation, enemies take 36% more Total DMG in addition.

+2: During Gravitational Field, enemies take 28% more Total DMG. During Global Time Fracture caused by detonation, enemies take 42% more Total DMG in addition.

+3: During Gravitational Field, enemies take 32% more Total DMG. During Global Time Fracture caused by detonation, enemies take 48% more Total DMG in addition.

Saga: Overlapping Needles

Gravitational Field affects a larger area and gain a stronger pull. DMG-dealing hits deal and extra 500% ATK of Adaptive DMG.

+1: Gravitational Field affects a larger area and gain a stronger pull. DMG-dealing hits deal and extra 600% ATK of Adaptive DMG.

+2: Gravitational Field affects a larger area and gain a stronger pull. DMG-dealing hits deal and extra 700% ATK of Adaptive DMG.

+3: Gravitational Field affects a larger area and gain a stronger pull. DMG-dealing hits deal and extra 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG.

Table of Contents

Kosma Daybreak

Normal Signet of Daybreak

Talons that Desecrate the Santuary

Basic/Combo/Charged ATKs inflict a stack of Rend on hit, each stack dealing 25% ATK of Adaptive DMG per second for 10s. 70 stacks max. Stacking CD: 1s.

+1: Basic/Combo/Charged ATKs inflict a stack of Rend on hit, each stack dealing 25% ATK of Adaptive DMG per second for 10s. 70 stacks max. Stacking CD: 0.9s.

+2: Basic/Combo/Charged ATKs inflict a stack of Rend on hit, each stack dealing 25% ATK of Adaptive DMG per second for 10s. 70 stacks max. Stacking CD: 0.8s.

+3: Basic/Combo/Charged ATKs inflict a stack of Rend on hit, each stack dealing 25% ATK of Adaptive DMG per second for 10s. 70 stacks max. Stacking CD: 0.6s.

Wings that Mask the Sanguine Moon

Ultimate Evasion Skill inflicts 15 stacks of Rend on all enemies, each stack dealing 25% ATK of Adaptive DMG per second for 10s. 70 stacks max. CD: 15s.

+1: Ultimate Evasion Skill inflicts 15 stacks of Rend on all enemies, each stack dealing 25% ATK of Adaptive DMG per second for 10s. 70 stacks max. CD: 13s.

+2: Ultimate Evasion Skill inflicts 15 stacks of Rend on all enemies, each stack dealing 25% ATK of Adaptive DMG per second for 10s. 70 stacks max. CD: 11s.

+3: Ultimate Evasion Skill inflicts 15 stacks of Rend on all enemies, each stack dealing 25% ATK of Adaptive DMG per second for 10s. 70 stacks max. CD: 9s.

Horns the Rip the Bleak Sky

Ultimate inflicts 15 stacks of Rend on all enemies, each stack dealing 25% ATK of Adaptive DMG per second for 10s. 70 stacks max. CD: 15s.

+1: Ultimate inflicts 15 stacks of Rend on all enemies, each stack dealing 25% ATK of Adaptive DMG per second for 10s. 70 stacks max. CD: 11s.

+3: Ultimate inflicts 15 stacks of Rend on all enemies, each stack dealing 25% ATK of Adaptive DMG per second for 10s. 70 stacks max. CD: 9s.

+2: Ultimate inflicts 15 stacks of Rend on all enemies, each stack dealing 25% ATK of Adaptive DMG per second for 10s. 70 stacks max. CD: 13s.

Eyes that Overlook the Vicious Abyss

Each stack of Rend on enemies makes Valkyries deal 10% bonus DMG to their shields.

+1: Each stack of Rend on enemies makes Valkyries deal 12% bonus DMG to their shields.

+2: Each stack of Rend on enemies makes Valkyries deal 14% bonus DMG to their shields.

+3: Each stack of Rend on enemies makes Valkyries deal 16% bonus DMG to their shields.

Breath that Slanders Sulphur

Inflicting Rend on an already affected enemy restores 10 SP. CD: 5s.

+1: Inflicting Rend on an already affected enemy restores 12 SP. CD: 5s.

+2: Inflicting Rend on an already affected enemy restores 14 SP. CD: 5s.

+3: Inflicting Rend on an already affected enemy restores 16 SP. CD: 5s.

Heart that Committed Seven Crimes

Rend lasts 5s longer.

+1: Rend lasts 6s longer.

+2: Rend lasts 7s longer.

+3: Rend lasts 8s longer.

Nexus Signet of Daybreak 1

Daybreak, an Undying Light

Hitting an enemy with 10 or more stacks of Rend triggers Evil's Doom which deals ATK of Adaptive 1500% DMG and 5000% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG against shields. CD: 5s.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Daybreak 1

Unbending Hero

For every stack on any enemy, Valkyries have 1% Physical & Elemental Breach. 25% max.

+1: For every stack on any enemy, Valkyries have 1.2% Physical & Elemental Breach. 30% max.

+2: For every stack on any enemy, Valkyries have 1.4% Physical & Elemental Breach. 35% max.

+3: For every stack on any enemy, Valkyries have 1.6% Physical & Elemental Breach. 40% max.

Undetermined Judgement

Breaking an enemy shield triggers Evil's Doom and Valkyries deal 100% bonus Total DMG to enemies with broken shields.

+1: Breaking an enemy shield triggers Evil's Doom and Valkyries deal 120% bonus Total DMG to enemies with broken shields.

+2: Breaking an enemy shield triggers Evil's Doom and Valkyries deal 140% bonus Total DMG to enemies with broken shields.

+3: Breaking an enemy shield triggers Evil's Doom and Valkyries deal 160% bonus Total DMG to enemies with broken shields.

Unwavering Promise

Rend-inflicted enemies take 80% bonus Total DMG and addition 40% bonus Total DMG with 20 Rend stacks or more.

+1: Rend-inflicted enemies take 100% bonus Total DMG and addition 50% bonus Total DMG with 20 Rend stacks or more.

+2: Rend-inflicted enemies take 120% bonus Total DMG and addition 60% bonus Total DMG with 20 Rend stacks or more.

+3: Rend-inflicted enemies take 140% bonus Total DMG and addition 70% bonus Total DMG with 20 Rend stacks or more.

Nexus Signet of Daybreak 2

Daybreak, Lone Beacon

Rend will also be applied to the Valkyrie. Each stack of Rend makes Valkyrie deal 2% more Total DMG and lose 2 HP per second down to 1 HP.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Daybreak 2

Dawn, Perpetual Wait

While Rended, recovering HP reduces Total DMG taken by 1% each time upto 30%, and losing HP increases Physical and Elemental Breach by 2% each time up to 30%.

+1: While Rended, recovering HP reduces Total DMG taken by 1.2% each time upto 30%, and losing HP increases Physical and Elemental Breach by 2.4% each time up to 36%.

+2: While Rended, recovering HP reduces Total DMG taken by 1.4% each time upto 30%, and losing HP increases Physical and Elemental Breach by 2.8% each time up to 42%.

+3: While Rended, recovering HP reduces Total DMG taken by 1.6% each time upto 30%, and losing HP increases Physical and Elemental Breach by 3.2% each time up to 48%.

Choice, Ensuing Regret

When Combo and Charged ATKs hit, unleash Righteous Retribution once, dealing 3000% ATK of Adaptive DMG to nearby enemies as well as restoring 0.5% of HP for each stack of Rend on Valkyrie. CD: 10s.

+1: When Combo and Charged ATKs hit, unleash Righteous Retribution once, dealing 3600% ATK of Adaptive DMG to nearby enemies as well as restoring 0.5% of HP for each stack of Rend on Valkyrie. CD: 10s.

+2: When Combo and Charged ATKs hit, unleash Righteous Retribution once, dealing 3600% ATK of Adaptive DMG to nearby enemies as well as restoring 0.5% of HP for each stack of Rend on Valkyrie. CD: 10s.

+3: When Combo and Charged ATKs hit, unleash Righteous Retribution once, dealing 3600% ATK of Adaptive DMG to nearby enemies as well as restoring 0.5% of HP for each stack of Rend on Valkyrie. CD: 10s.

Heart, Unshakable Character

Each stack of Rend on Valkyrie makes her deal 1.5% more Physical and Elemental DMG.
+1: Each stack of Rend on Valkyrie makes her deal 1.8% more Physical and Elemental DMG.

+2: Each stack of Rend on Valkyrie makes her deal 2.1% more Physical and Elemental DMG.

+3: Each stack of Rend on Valkyrie makes her deal 2.4% more Physical and Elemental DMG.

Table of Contents

Griseo Stars

Normal Signet of Stars

Red & Hot

Using a weapon active taints enemies nearby with red paint for 8s and makes them take 25% bonus Physical and Elemental DMG (cannot stack). Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: Using a weapon active taints enemies nearby with red paint for 8s and makes them take 30% bonus Physical and Elemental DMG (cannot stack). Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: Using a weapon active taints enemies nearby with red paint for 8s and makes them take 35% bonus Physical and Elemental DMG (cannot stack). Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: Using a weapon active taints enemies nearby with red paint for 8s and makes them take 40% bonus Physical and Elemental DMG (cannot stack). Triggering it again resets the duration.

Blue & Cold

Triggering an Ultimate Evasion Skill taints enemies nearby with blue paint for 8s and reduces their Total DMG and Move Speed by 30%. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: Triggering an Ultimate Evasion Skill taints enemies nearby with blue paint for 8s and reduces their Total DMG and Move Speed by 36%. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: Triggering an Ultimate Evasion Skill taints enemies nearby with blue paint for 8s and reduces their Total DMG and Move Speed by 42%. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: Triggering an Ultimate Evasion Skill taints enemies nearby with blue paint for 8s and reduces their Total DMG and Move Speed by 48%. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Yellow & Warm

Using an Ultimate taints enemies nearby with yellow paint for 8s and makes them take 30% bonus Total DMG. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: Using an Ultimate taints enemies nearby with yellow paint for 8s and makes them take 36% bonus Total DMG. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: Using an Ultimate taints enemies nearby with yellow paint for 8s and makes them take 42% bonus Total DMG. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: Using an Ultimate taints enemies nearby with yellow paint for 8s and makes them take 48% bonus Total DMG. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Black & Dark

Every time an enemy is tainted, Valkyries deals 10% bonus Physical and Elemental DMG for 20s. 6 stacks max.

+1: Every time an enemy is tainted, Valkyries deals 12% bonus Physical and Elemental DMG for 20s. 6 stacks max.

+2: Every time an enemy is tainted, Valkyries deals 14% bonus Physical and Elemental DMG for 20s. 6 stacks max.

+3: Every time an enemy is tainted, Valkyries deals 16% bonus Physical and Elemental DMG for 20s. 6 stacks max.

White & Bright

Every time an enemy is tainted, Valkyrie restores 12 SP. CD: 5s.

+1: Every time an enemy is tainted, Valkyrie restores 14 SP. CD: 5s.

+2: Every time an enemy is tainted, Valkyrie restores 16 SP. CD: 5s.

+3: Every time an enemy is tainted, Valkyrie restores 18 SP. CD: 5s.

Grey & Empty

Enemies stay tainted for 5s longer.

+1: Enemies stay tainted for 6s longer.

+2: Enemies stay tainted for 7s longer.

+3: Enemies stay tainted for 8s longer.

Nexus Signet of Stars 1

Shining Like Stars

When there are enemies tainted with 1/2/3 different paints, Valkyries deal 20%/50%/100% bonus Total DMG to enemies of countering types.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Stars 1

Blooming Like Flowers

When enemies of countered types are tainted with both blue and red paints, Valkyries deal 50% bonus Total DMG to them (cannot stack).

+1: When enemies of countered types are tainted with both blue and red paints, Valkyries deal 60% bonus Total DMG to them.

+2: When enemies of countered types are tainted with both blue and red paints, Valkyries deal 70% bonus Total DMG to them.

+3: When enemies of countered types are tainted with both blue and red paints, Valkyries deal 80% bonus Total DMG to them.

Burning Like Flames

When enemies are tainted with both yellow and red paints, Valkyries have 25% bonus Physical and Elemental Breach against them.

+1: When enemies are tainted with both yellow and red paints, Valkyries have 30% bonus Physical and Elemental Breach against them.

+2: When enemies are tainted with both yellow and red paints, Valkyries have 35% bonus Physical and Elemental Breach against them.

+3: When enemies are tainted with both yellow and red paints, Valkyries have 40% bonus Physical and Elemental Breach against them.

Stretching Like Leaves

When enemies are tainted with both yellow and blue paints, Valkyrie attacks against them deal 3000% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG to enemies within 6 meters. CD: 8s.

+1: When enemies are tainted with both yellow and blue paints, Valkyrie attacks against them deal 3600% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG to enemies within 6 meters. CD: 8s.

+2: When enemies are tainted with both yellow and blue paints, Valkyrie attacks against them deal 4200% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG to enemies within 6 meters. CD: 8s.

+3: When enemies are tainted with both yellow and blue paints, Valkyrie attacks against them deal 4800% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG to enemies within 6 meters. CD: 8s.

Nexus Signet of Stars 2

Faded Stars

When tainted enemies are tainted another color, Blending is triggered, dealing 300% ATK of Adaptive DMG to enemies within 15m and tainting enemies purple, green, or orange based on the Enhanced Signet; CD: 1s. Total DMG increases 15% for each layer of taint, plus an additional 15% for enemies of a countered type.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Stars 2

Petals in the Wind

When red and blue taint triggers Blending, enemies within 8m are dealt 1200%/500% ATK of Adaptive DMG; CD: 3s. Also taints yourself purple for 15s, increasing the effect of red, yellow, and blue taint by 40%. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: When red and blue taint triggers Blending, enemies within 8m are dealt 1200%/500% ATK of Adaptive DMG; CD: 3s. Also taints yourself purple for 15s, increasing the effect of red, yellow, and blue taint by 45%. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: When red and blue taint triggers Blending, enemies within 8m are dealt 1200%/500% ATK of Adaptive DMG; CD: 3s. Also taints yourself purple for 15s, increasing the effect of red, yellow, and blue taint by 50%. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: When red and blue taint triggers Blending, enemies within 8m are dealt 1200%/500% ATK of Adaptive DMG; CD: 3s. Also taints yourself purple for 15s, increasing the effect of red, yellow, and blue taint by 55%. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Fallen Leaves

When yellow and blue taint triggers Blending along with an AoE ATK dealing 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG; CD: 3s. Also taints yourself green for 15s, increasing Total DMG 20% for each taint in Faded Stars. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: When yellow and blue taint triggers Blending along with an AoE ATK dealing 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG; CD: 3s. Also taints yourself green for 15s, increasing Total DMG 25% for each taint in Faded Stars. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: When yellow and blue taint triggers Blending along with an AoE ATK dealing 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG; CD: 3s. Also taints yourself green for 15s, increasing Total DMG 30% for each taint in Faded Stars. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: When yellow and blue taint triggers Blending along with an AoE ATK dealing 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG; CD: 3s. Also taints yourself green for 15s, increasing Total DMG 35% for each taint in Faded Stars. Triggering it again resets the duration.

A Flame Extinguished

When red and yellow taint triggers Blending you become tainted orange for 15s, triggering Time Fracture for 2.5s and reducing enemy Physical Defense 40% and Elemental Resist 15% for 10s; CD: 7s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+1: When red and yellow taint triggers Blending you become tainted orange for 15s, triggering Time Fracture for 2.5s and reducing enemy Physical Defense 40% and Elemental Resist 15% for 10s; CD: 6.5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+2: When red and yellow taint triggers Blending you become tainted orange for 15s, triggering Time Fracture for 2.5s and reducing enemy Physical Defense 40% and Elemental Resist 15% for 10s; CD: 6s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

+3: When red and yellow taint triggers Blending you become tainted orange for 15s, triggering Time Fracture for 2.5s and reducing enemy Physical Defense 40% and Elemental Resist 15% for 10s; CD: 5.5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Table of Contents

Pardofelis Reverie

Normal Signet of Reverie

Motto of Meow

Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round boost Total DMG by 1%.

+1: Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round boost Total DMG by 1.2%.

+2: Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round boost Total DMG by 1.4%.

+3: Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round boost Total DMG by 1.6%.

Back-Curled Tail

Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round boost Physical and Elemental DMG by 0.8%.

+1: Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round boost Physical and Elemental DMG by 1%.

+2: Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round boost Physical and Elemental DMG by 1.2%.

+3: Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round boost Physical and Elemental DMG by 1.4%.

Neighborhood Chatters

Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round boost max HP by 25 and max SP by 1.

+1: Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round boost max HP by 30 and max SP by 1.2.

+2: Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round boost max HP by 35 and max SP by 1.4.

+3: Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round boost max HP by 40 and max SP by 1.6.

Flexible P&C

Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round restore 1 HP and 0.1 SP. Taking DMG disables this effect for 5s.

+1: Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round restore 1.2 HP and 0.12 SP. Taking DMG disables this effect for 5s.

+2: Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round restore 1.4 HP and 0.14 SP. Taking DMG disables this effect for 5s.

+3: Every 100 Shiny Silvers obtained this round restore 1.6 HP and 0.16 SP. Taking DMG disables this effect for 5s.

Merchant's Philosophy

After finishing each floor, the number of currently owned Shiny Silvers grows by 10% for up to 100 (independent effect).

+1: After finishing each floor, the number of currently owned Shiny Silvers grows by 12% for up to 120 (independent effect).

+2: After finishing each floor, the number of currently owned Shiny Silvers grows by 14% for up to 140 (independent effect).

+3: After finishing each floor, the number of currently owned Shiny Silvers grows by 16% for up to 160 (independent effect).

Shiny & Valuable

Enemy kills grant bonus Shiny Silvers. Non-boss enemies grant 5 each. Boss enemies grant each (independent effect).

+1: Enemy kills grant bonus Shiny Silvers. Non-boss enemies grant 6 each. Boss enemies grant 120 each (independent effect).

+2: Enemy kills grant bonus Shiny Silvers. Non-boss enemies grant 7 each. Boss enemies grant 140 each (independent effect).

+3: Enemy kills grant bonus Shiny Silvers. Non-boss enemies grant 8 each. Boss enemies grant 160 each (independent effect).

Nexus Signet of Reverie 1

Empty Dreams, Self, Set, and Joy

Reaching 500 Shiny Silvers boosts the effects of all Normal Signets of Reverie by 25%. Reaching 1000 boosts the effects by 50% and Physical and Elemental DMG by 60%.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Reverie 1

Improvised Drama

Ultimate Evasion Skills trigger Pardo's Signature Move which deals 500% ATK of Adaptive DMG to enemies nearby. Every 100 Shiny Silvers owned grant 200% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG. CD: 15s.

+1: Ultimate Evasion Skills trigger Pardo's Signature Move which deals 600% ATK of Adaptive DMG to enemies nearby. Every 100 Shiny Silvers owned grant 240% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG. CD: 15s.

+2: Ultimate Evasion Skills trigger Pardo's Signature Move which deals 700% ATK of Adaptive DMG to enemies nearby. Every 100 Shiny Silvers owned grant 280% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG. CD: 15s.

+3: Ultimate Evasion Skills trigger Pardo's Signature Move which deals 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG to enemies nearby. Every 100 Shiny Silvers owned grant 320% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG. CD: 15s.

Setsuna Paw

Ultimates trigger Pardo's Signature Move which deals 500% ATK of Adaptive DMG to enemies nearby. Every 100 Shiny Silvers owned grant 200% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG. CD: 15s.

+1: Ultimates trigger Pardo's Signature Move which deals 600% ATK of Adaptive DMG to enemies nearby. Every 100 Shiny Silvers owned grant 240% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG. CD: 15s.

+2: Ultimates trigger Pardo's Signature Move which deals 700% ATK of Adaptive DMG to enemies nearby. Every 100 Shiny Silvers owned grant 280% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG. CD: 15s.

+3: Ultimates trigger Pardo's Signature Move which deals 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG to enemies nearby. Every 100 Shiny Silvers owned grant 320% ATK of bonus Adaptive DMG. CD: 15s.

This Is Not Where We Die

Valkyries enters with a Good Luck shield. While the shield holds, every 100 Shiny Silvers owned grant 1% Physical and Elemental Breach. The shield can block incoming DMG twice before it breaks, and every 500 Shiny Silvers owned grant one more block.

+1: Valkyries enters with a Good Luck shield. While the shield holds, every 100 Shiny Silvers owned grant 1.2% Physical and Elemental Breach. The shield can block incoming DMG twice before it breaks, and every 500 Shiny Silvers owned grant one more block.

+2: Valkyries enters with a Good Luck shield. While the shield holds, every 100 Shiny Silvers owned grant 1.4% Physical and Elemental Breach. The shield can block incoming DMG twice before it breaks, and every 500 Shiny Silvers owned grant one more block.

+3: Valkyries enters with a Good Luck shield. While the shield holds, every 100 Shiny Silvers owned grant 1.6% Physical and Elemental Breach. The shield can block incoming DMG twice before it breaks, and every 500 Shiny Silvers owned grant one more block.

Nexus Signet of Reverie 2

Empty Illusions, Empty Fantasies

First 2 shop refreshes are free. For every 200 Shiny Silvers spent in the shop, gain 1 stack of VIP Service on leaving the shop floor. A stack increases Total DMG by 20% and lasts 4 floors (the duration of each stack is independent). Can gain 4 stacks at most on a shop visit.

This Signet cannot be upgraded.

Enhanced Signet of Reverie 2

Improv Magic: Zeroing

10% off shop items. A newly gained stack of VIP Service increases Total DMG by another 10%.

+1: 10% off shop items. A newly gained stack of VIP Service increases Total DMG by another 12%.

+2: 10% off shop items. A newly gained stack of VIP Service increases Total DMG by another 14%.

+3: 10% off shop items. A newly gained stack of VIP Service increases Total DMG by another 16%.

Snowy Paw

A newly gained stack of VIP Service lasts for 6 floors. Can gain 1 more stack of VIP Service at most on a shop visit.

+1: A newly gained stack of VIP Service lasts for 6 floors. Can gain 2 more stack of VIP Service at most on a shop visit.

+2: A newly gained stack of VIP Service lasts for 6 floors. Can gain 3 more stack of VIP Service at most on a shop visit.

+3: A newly gained stack of VIP Service lasts for 6 floors. Can gain 4 more stack of VIP Service at most on a shop visit.

My Dreams Will Come True

With 1/2/3 stacks of VIP Service, release Making Money every 15/10/5 seconds in an area around Valkyrie, dealing 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG and making enemies take 50% more Total DMG for 5s. This debuff will diminish to nothing over 5s.

+1: With 1/2/3 stacks of VIP Service, release Making Money every 15/10/5 seconds in an area around Valkyrie, dealing 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG and making enemies take 60% more Total DMG for 5s. This debuff will diminish to nothing over 5s.

+2: With 1/2/3 stacks of VIP Service, release Making Money every 15/10/5 seconds in an area around Valkyrie, dealing 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG and making enemies take 70% more Total DMG for 5s. This debuff will diminish to nothing over 5s.

+3: With 1/2/3 stacks of VIP Service, release Making Money every 15/10/5 seconds in an area around Valkyrie, dealing 800% ATK of Adaptive DMG and making enemies take 80% more Total DMG for 5s. This debuff will diminish to nothing over 5s.

Table of Contents

Exclusive Signets

Signets of Ego

Elysia Ego

Herrscher of Thunder's Exclusive Signet

Divine Penalty

+: In burst mode, Bombard costs 300% Herrscher Charge and every hit deals 800% ATK of bonus Lightning DMG.

In burst mode, Bombard costs 200% Herrscher Charge and every hit deals 400% ATK of bonus Lightning DMG.


+: Tap [ATK] after evasion to connect into Basic ATK Sequence 4. Basic ATK Sequence 4 boosts Total DMG by 40% for 5s. Basic ATK Sequence 5 restores 10 bonus SP.

Tap [ATK] after evasion to connect into Basic ATK Sequence 4. Basic ATK Sequence 4 boosts Total DMG by 40% for 5s.

Hazy Moon

+: Basic ATK Sequence 5 unleashes 3 bolts of thundering sanction each dealing 1200% ATK of Lightning DMG on hit.

Basic ATK Sequence 5 unleashes 3 bolts of thundering sanction each dealing 900% ATK Of Lightning DMG on hit.


+: Max Herrscher Charge doubles and entering burst mode fully restores it. In burst mode, 75 Herrscher Charge is restored per second. Basic ATK Sequence 5 restores 300 bonus Herrscher Charge.

Max Herrscher Charge doubles and entering burst mode fully restores it. In burst mode, 75 Herrscher Charge is restored per second. Basic ATK Sequence 5 restores 100 bonus Herrscher Charge


+: Finisher unleashes 8 bolts of Thundering Sanction, each dealing 900% ATK of Lightning DMG on hit. Every 20 combo hits grant an additional bolt. 12 bolts max.

Finisher unleashes 8 bolts of Thundering Sanction, each dealing 900% ATK of Lightning DMG on hit.

Table of Contents

Herrscher of Reason's Exclusive Signet


+: In non-bike mode, Charged ATKs create 6 hover guns to attack, each dealing 160% ATK of Ice DMG on hit.

In non-bike mode, Charged ATKs create 4 hover guns to attack, each dealing 160% ATK of Ice DMG on hit.


+: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill fully restores Konstruktyom. When Konstruktyom is below 120, any evasion can trigger Ultimate Evasion Skill and additionally restore 10 SP.

Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill fully restores Konstruktyom. When Konstruktyom is below 120, any evasion can trigger Ultimate Evasion Skill.


+: Every hit from hover guns reduces weapon active CD by 0.7s and boosts Total DMG dealt by the weapon active by 3% for 5s. 24 stacks max.

Every hit from hover guns reduces weapon active CD by 0.7s.


+: In bike mode, Charged ATK inflicts a Structural Impact on enemies hit and deals 3000% ATK of Ice DMG.

In bike mode, Charged ATK inflicts a Structural Impact on enemies hit and deals 2250% ATK of Ice DMG.


+: Triggering an Ultimate Evasion by any means inflicts a Structural Impact on enemies hit and deals 5000% ATK of Ice DMG.

Triggering an Ultimate Evasion by any means inflicts a Structural Impact on enemies hit and deals 3750% ATK of Ice DMG.

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Herrscher of Flamescion's Exclusive Signet


+: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill removes Overheat and clears Heat. Ultimate Evasion Skill has one more charge.

Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill removes Overheat and clears Heat.

Tempered Warrior

+: Aerial Combo ATKs reduce Ultimate Evasion Skill CD by 9s. Total DMG taken in midair is reduced by 30%.

Aerial Combo ATKs reduce Ultimate Evasion Skill CD by 9s.


+: For every black hole created by the Herrscher of Flamescion, Valkyrie restores 25 HP per second and deals 30% bonus Total DMG. Barrier HP increases by 25%.

For every black hole created by the Herrscher of Flamescion, Valkyrie restores 25 HP per second and deals 30% bonus Total DMG.


+: When the black hole created by the Herrscher of Flamescion ends, a smaller black hole lasting 5s is generated to deal 400% ATK of Fire DMG per second. CD: 3s.

When a black hole created by the Herrscher of Flamescion ends, a smaller black hole lasting 5s is generated to deal 300% ATK of Fire DMG per second. CD: 3s.


+: The black hole generated by the Herrscher of Flamescion deals 100% bonus Fire DMG. Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill creates an additional black hole.

Black holes generated by the Herrscher of Flamescion deal 75% bonus Fire DMG. Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill creates an additional black hole.

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Stygian Nymph's Exclusive Signet


+: Any mark resonance triggers the effect twice and deals 10% bonus Physical DMG. CD: 5s.

Any mark resonance triggers the effect twice. CD: 5s.

Vulnerable Duality

+: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill reduces Ultimate CD by 40%. At full Veilian ld or Saulian Ego, Charged ATK reduces Ultimate Evasion CD Skill by 20%.

Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill reduces Ultimate CD by 40%.


+: Within 12s after switching between Saule and Veliona, Valkyrie deals 10% bonus Total DMG and resonances of either Sunnebrands or Veilmarks trigger the resonance effects of both marks.

Within 12s after switching between Saule and Veliona, resonances of either Sunnebrands or Veilmarks trigger the resonance effects of both marks.


+: Switching between Saule and Veliona restores full Ultimate Evasion Skill charges. When evading through an enemy and triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill, the enemy takes 10% bonus Total DMG for 6s.

Switching between Saule and Veliona restores full Ultimate Evasion Skill charges.

Might of Duality

+: Casting Ultimate creates a resonance field (up to 3 can be present). Resonances of Sunnebrands or Veilmarks deal 200% ATK of bonus Physical DMG to enemies within the field.

Casting Ultimate creates a resonance field (up to 3 can be present). Resonances of Sunnebrands or Veilmarks deal 160% ATK of bonus Physical DMG to enemies within the field.

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Argent Knight: Artemis's Exclusive Signet

Winter Harvest

+: Enemies recovering from Ice Cell are inflicted with 1 stack of Hypothermia.
Enemies recovering from Ice Cell are inflicted with 1 stack of Hypothermia. Enemies affected by Hypothermia or Ice Cell take 15% bonus Total DMG.

Cold Moon

+: Inflicting Ice Cell also creates a self-centered Frost Ring lasting 6s which deals 180% ATK of Ice DMG per 0.3s to enemies nearby.
Inflicting Ice Cell also creates a self-centered Frost Ring lasting 6s which deals 240% ATK of Ice DG per 0.3s to enemies nearby.

Frost Scythe

+: Tap [ATK] after evasion to hurl Frost Guisarmier which spins for 5s, gathers enemies nearby, and deal 5400% ATK of Ice DMG. CD: 8s.

Tap [ATK] after evasion to hurl Frost Guisarmier which spins for 5s, gathers enemies nearby, and deal 5400% ATK of Ice DMG. CD: 10s.

Uranian Mirror

+: Burst mode costs double SP to maintain. In burst mode, Valkyrie deals 90% bonus Total DMG and every 10 SP consumed further boosts Total DMG by 3% until burst mode ends.

Burst mode consumes 100% more SP and Valkyrie deals 90% bonus Total DMG in burst mode.

Stellar Trials

+: Inflicting Ice Cell also creates a Frost Ring centered around the target lasting 2s which deals 540% ATK of Ice DMG per 0.3s to enemies nearby.

Inflicting Ice Cell also creates a Frost Ring centered around the target lasting 2s which deals 480% ATK of Ice DMG per 0.3s to enemies nearby.

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Ritual lmayoh's Exclusive Signet


+: When a Combo ATK with KE consumed hits, all gun turrets fire a laser beam at the target to deal Combo ATK stacks × 2200% ATK of Physical DMG.

When a Combo ATK with KE consumed hits, all gun turrets fire a laser beam at the target to deal Combo ATK stacks × 1600% ATK of Physical DMG.


+: At full KE, the next Combo ATK consumes all of it to constitute 4 stacks and additionally fire 4 homing missiles dealing 3600% ATK of Physical DMG (double against shields).

At full KE, the next Combo ATK consumes all of it to constitute 4 stacks and additionally fire 4 homing missiles dealing 3600% ATK of Physical DMG.


+: Homing missiles restore 3 SP on hit. Basic ATK Sequence 6 additionally fires 4 homing missiles each dealing 200% ATK of Physical DMG.

Homing missiles restore 2 SP on hit. Basic ATK Sequence 6 additionally fires 4 homing missiles each dealing 200% ATK of Physical DMG.


+: Tap [ATK] after evasion to dash to enemies for an aerial kick, which can be connected into Basic ATK Sequence 4. Basic ATK Sequence 6 restores 200 KE on every hit.

Tap [ATK] after evasion to dash to enemies for an aerial kick, which can be connected into Basic ATK Sequence 4. Basic ATK Sequence 6 restores KE every time it lands.


+: Ultimate replenishes 40 light bullets for every gun turret, boosts their Tech Level by 1 (caps at 3), and increases their firing speed. Each turret restores Tech Level 50 KE per second.

Ultimate replenishes 40 light bullets for every gun turret and boosts their Tech Level by 1 (caps at 3). Each turret restores Tech Level × 30 KE per second.

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Valkyrie Gloria's Exclusive Signet


+: Entering Sprint triggers Stage 2 and until Sprint ends, attacks additionally cost 40 Resolve on hit to deal 2700% ATK of Fire DMG per second.

Entering Sprint triggers Stage 2 and until Sprint ends, attacks cost 40 Resolve more on hit to deal 2000% ATK of Fire DMG per second.


+: The last hit of Charged ATK or Throw ATK inflicts Magnifica Mark on enemies which explodes after a short delay to deal 2000% ATK of Fire DMG.

The last hit of Charged ATK or Throw ATK inflicts Magnifica Mark on enemies which explodes after a short delay to deal 1500% ATK of Fire DMG.


+: Within 3s after casting Ultimate Evasion Skill, Basic ATK Sequence 5 or the last hit of Charged ATK inflicts Magnifica Mark on enemies which explodes after a short delay to deal 1600% ATK of Fire DMG.

Within 3s after performing Ultimate Evasion, Basic ATK Sequence 5 or the last hit of Charged ATK inflicts Magnifica Mark on enemies which explodes after a short delay to deal 1200% ATK of Fire DMG.

Battle Song

+: Weapon actives and Counter Throws deal 270% bonus Total DMG. Hitting an enemy with Charged ATK in Aura Ignis resets weapon active CD.

Weapon actives deal 200% bonus Total DMG. Hitting an enemy with Charged ATK in Aura Ignis resets weapon active CD.


+: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill or detonating Magnifica Mark restores 15 SP and boosts Fire DMG by 15% for 8s.

Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill or detonating Magnifica Mark restores 15 SP.

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Prinzessin der Verurteilung!'s Exclusive Signet

Dark Wings

+: When Ultimate Evasion Skill is triggered, Oz unleashes dark lightning to deal 5600% ATK of Lightning DMG.

When Ultimate Evasion Skill is triggered, Oz unleashes dark lightning to deal 4200% ATK of Lightning DMG.


+: Grants 1 stack of Retribution every 7s. 2 stacks max. QTE consumes 1 stack to create a small lightning field which lasts 2s and deals 4x225% ATK of Lightning DMG per 0.4s to enemies within. Starts with 2 stacks.

Grants 1 stack of Retribution every 7s. 2 stacks max. QTE consumes 1 stack to create a small lightning field which lasts 2s and deals 3x225% ATK of Lightning DMG per 0.4s to enemies within. Starts with 2 stacks.


+: Weapon actives deal 300% bonus Total DMG. Summoning Oz with Charged ATK or casting Ultimate refills 2 weapon active charges.

Weapon actives deal 200% bonus Total DMG. Summoning Oz with Charged ATK or casting Ultimate refills 2 weapon active charges.


+: When hitting an enemy weakspot with a weapon active, Oz unleashes dark lightning to deal 2000% ATK of Lightning DMG and reduces weapon active CD by 50%.

When hitting an enemy weakspot with a weapon active, Oz unleashes dark lightning to deal 2000% ATK of Lightning DMG.


+: During Ultimate, Oz lingers on for Is after the arrow rain. Every 5 hits from Oz on enemies within the Ultimate range summons dark lightning to deal 1500% ATK of Lightning DMG. Every hit of Ultimate deals 125% ATK of Lightning DMG.

During Ultimate, Oz lingers on for 7s after the arrow rain. Every 7 hits from Oz on enemies within the Ultimate range summons dark lightning to deal 1500% ATK of Lightning DMG.

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Miss Pink Elf♪'s Exclusive Signet


+: While Ultimate is active, each ricochet deals 20% ATK of bonus Physical DMG on hit. Every wave of ricochet reduces weapon active's CD by 0.6s.

While Ultimate is active, each ricochet deals 15% ATK of bonus Physical DMG on hit. Every wave of ricochet reduces weapon active's CD by 0.6s.


+: Ultimate lasts 20s longer. While Ultimate is active, a wave of ricochet occurs under Flawless Dome every second. The ricochets triggered in this way only ricochet 3 times but deal 130% ATK of Physical DMG. (DMG Source: Ultimate)

While Ultimate is active, a wave of ricochet occurs under Flawless Dome every second. The ricochets triggered in this way only ricochet 3 times but deal 130% ATK of Physical DMG. (DMG Source: Ultimate)


+: Each Charged Shot: Cupid's Bolt restores 2 SP. While Ultimate is active, Charged Shot: Cupid's Bolt consumes 100% bonus Infatuation and deals 700% ATK of bonus Physical DMG.

While Ultimate is active, Charged Shot: Cupid's Bolt consumes 100% bonus Infatuation and deals 700% ATK of bonus Physical DMG.


+: Using weapon active restores 1 additional Ultimate Evasion charge. Enemies take 35% bonus Total DMG when a Crystalline Seed is attached to them.

Using weapon active restores 1 additional Ultimate Evasion charge. Enemies take 25% bonus Total DMG when a Crystalline Seed is attached to them.


+: Ultimate Evasion Skill has 1 more charge. Infatuation is fully restored when Ultimate Evasion Skill is triggered. If Infatuation drops below 100 after using Charged Shot: Cupid's Bolt, you can consume 1 Ultimate Evasion charge to trigger Ultimate Evasion Skill.

Infatuation is fully restored when Ultimate Evasion Skill is triggered. If Infatuation drops below 100 after using Charged Shot: Cupid's Bolt, you can consume 1 Ultimate Evasion charge to trigger Ultimate Evasion Skill.

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Bright Knight: Excelsis's Exclusive Signet


+: Casting Weapon Active shortens Ultimate CD by 5s. Ultimate grants 5 stacks of Paragon, each of which boosts Total DMG by 4% for 15s.

Ultimate grants 5 stacks of Paragon, each of which boosts Total DMG by 4% for 15s.


+: Triggering Retaliation or Ultimate Evasion boosts Physical DMG by 40% for 8s. If triggered outside Burst mode, Valkyrie gains Iron Body for 8s; if triggered in Burst mode, Valkyrie additionally unleashes a counterattack cross strike before Phantom Cleave to deal 1200% ATK of Physical DMG.

Triggering Retaliation or Ultimate Evasion boosts Physical DMG by 25% for 8s. If triggered outside Burst mode, Valkyrie gains Iron Body for 8s; if triggered in Burst mode, Valkyrie additionally unleashes a counterattack cross strike before Phantom Cleave to deal 1200% ATK of Physical DMG.

Holy Lance

+: During Basic ATK SEQ 4, tap [ATK] repeatedly to thrust the lance at enemies in an increasingly violent manner to deal a total of 6000% ATK of Physical DMG, and Valkyrie is immune to frontal and flank attacks. When Valkyrie's SEQ 4 attack reaches its peak, Basic ATK SEQ 5 will be enhanced to deal 4500% ATK of bonus Physical DMG to enemies in a large area.

During Basic ATK SEQ 4, tap [ATK] repeatedly to thrust the lance at enemies in an increasingly violent manner to deal a total of 6000% ATK of Physical DMG, and Valkyrie is immune to frontal and flank attacks. When Valkyrie's SEQ 4 attack reaches its peak, Basic ATK SEQ 5 will be enhanced to deal 3500% ATK of bonus Physical DMG to enemies in a large area.


+: Basic ATK SEQ 5 creates a 3-sec Grav Singularity that pulls in surrounding enemies and deals 2100% ATK of Physical DMG to them. Basic ATK SEQ 4 & 5 and the explosion of the Grav Singularity boost Valkyrie's Total DMG by 3% for 40s (20 stacks max).

Basic ATK SEQ 5 creates a 3-sec Grav Singularity that pulls in surrounding enemies and deals 2100% ATK of Physical DMG to them. Basic ATK SEQ 4 & 5 and the explosion of the Grav Singularity boost Valkyrie's Total DMG by 3% for 40s (15 stacks max).


+: In Burst mode, Weapon Active has 70% shorter CD and can deal 2400% ATK of bonus Physical DMG at the cost of 8 SP. Weapon Active gains 4% Total DMG boost per second, and the boost resets when Burst mode is activated again.

In Burst mode, Weapon Active has 70% shorter CD and can deal 2400% ATK of bonus Physical DMG at the cost of 12 SP. Weapon Active gains 4% Total DMG boost per second, and the boost resets when Burst mode is activated again.

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Luna Kindred's Exclusive Signet


+: Each Charged ATK that consumes Sanguine Mark will enable the next Charged ATK that consumes Sanguine Mark to deal bonus Physical DMG equal to 0.5x the amount of current HP loss.

Every 2 Charged ATKs that consume Sanguine Mark will enable the next Charged ATK that consumes Sanguine Mark to deal bonus Physical DMG equal to 0.5x the amount of current HP loss.


+: Triggered once at below 1% HP to deal Physical DMG equal to 1.5x the amount of current HP loss to surrounding enemies every 0.8s for 6s, during which Valkyrie will not die and restores 5% HP afterward. This effect's triggering chance will be reset after Valkyrie HP rises back to 33%.

Triggered once at below 1% HP to deal Physical DMG equal to 1.5x the amount of current HP loss to surrounding enemies every 0.8s for 4s, during which Valkyrie will not die and restores 5% HP afterward. This effect's triggering chance will be reset after Valkyrie HP rises back to 33%.


+: Lower HP enables higher HP recovery (max boost: 300%). If Valkyrie restores more than 10% HP within a short period of time, all enemies will be impaired for 10s (DEF -40%).

Lower HP enables higher HP recovery (max boost: 300%). If Valkyrie restores more than 10% HP within a short period of time, all enemies will be impaired for 10s (DEF -30%).

Blood Feast

+: Within the next 12s after Ultimate's final hit lands, each Charged ATK deals bonus Physical DMG equal to 1.5x the amount of current HP loss.

Within the next 8s after Ultimate's final hit lands, each Charged ATK deals bonus Physical DMG equal to 1.5x the amount of current HP loss.


+: Each Charged ATK only deals 160% ATK of Physical DMG, but every 4 consecutive Charged ATKs boost the speed of wielding the giant ax. Valkyrie gains a barrier with HP equal to 100% of her Max HP; when Sanguine Mark is below 50, every 3% Valkyrie HP will be converted to 1% barrier HP instead of Sanguine Mark cost.

Each Charged ATK only deals 140% ATK of Physical DMG, but every 4 consecutive Charged ATKs boost the speed of wielding the giant ax. Valkyrie gains a barrier with HP equal to 100% of her Max HP; when Sanguine Mark is below 50, every 3% Valkyrie HP will be converted to 1% barrier HP instead of Sanguine Mark cost.

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Valkyrie Bladestrike's Exclusive Signet


+: Gotamashi Edge deals 15% ATK of bonus Physical DMG. When casting Gotamashi Edge, each EM Reserve point consumed provides 2 bonus blades that can cut through enemies.

When casting Gotamashi Edge, each EM Reserve point consumed provides 2 bonus Edges that can cut through enemies.


+: Gotamashi Edge deals 60% ATK of bonus Physical DMG. Casting Gotamashi Edge consumes all EM Reserves to generate additional penetrating Gotamashi Edges.

Gotamashi Edge deals 40% ATK of bonus Physical DMG. Casting Gotamashi Edge consumes all EM to generate additional penetrating Gotamashi Edges.


+: Increases the Physical DMG dealt by Combo ATK: Blade Flurry by 60%. For every 4 EM Reserves restored, gains a barrier with of her max HP that lasts 3s. Triggering it again resets the barriers HP.

Increases the Physical DMG dealt by Combo ATK: Blade Flurry by 45%. For every 4 EM Reserves restored, gains a barrier with 50% of her max HP that lasts 3s. Triggering it again resets the barrieds HP.


+: For every 4 EM Reserves restored, releases a burst of lightning that deals 1200% ATK of Physical DMG to surrounding enemies.

For every 4 EM Reserves restored, releases a burst of lightning that deals ATK of Physical DMG to surrounding enemies.


+: Can use Ultimate after entering Burst mode for 4s. After using Ultimate again in Burst mode, her Total DMG will be increased by 40% until Burst mode ends.

Can use Ultimate after entering Burst mode for 4s. After using Ultimate again in Burst mode, her Total DMG will be increased by 30% until Burst mode ends.

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Starchasm Nyx's Exclusive Signet


+: In burst mode, every 4 Charged ATKs trigger a frost explosion to deal 1300% bonus Ice DMG. Within the first 8s of burst mode, it only takes 2 Charged ATKs to trigger the explosion.

In burst mode, every 4 Charged ATKs trigger a frost explosion to deal 1000% bonus Ice DMG. Within the first 8s of burst mode, it only takes 2 Charged ATKs to trigger the explosion.


+: In burst mode, every Carmine Gash consumed boosts Total DMG of Ultimate Sequence 2 by 35%. 10 stacks max.

In burst mode, every Carmine Gash consumed boosts Total DMG of Ultimate Sequence 2 by 25%. 10 stacks max.

Abyssal Gaze

+: Ultimate has 60% reduced CD. Nightmare Thorns pass-on DMG increases by 24%.

Ultimate has 35% reduced CD. Nightmare Thorns pass-on DMG increases by 18%.

Cocoon Break

+: In normal mode, consuming 6 Carmine Gashes boosts Ice DMG of Charged ATK by 600% and restores 40 bonus SP. In burst mode, consuming 6 Carmine Gashes restores 40 bonus SP.

In normal mode, consuming 6 Carmine Gashes boosts Ice DMG of Charged ATK by 600% and restores 35 bonus SP. In burst mode, consuming 6 Carmine Gashes restores 35 bonus SP.

Toxic Bath

+: Weapon skill CD is reduced by 50%. Enemies hit by chain claws take 45% bonus Total DMG for 8s.

Weapon skill CD is reduced by 50%. Enemies hit by chain claws take 36% bonus Total DMG for 8s.

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Infinite Ouroboros's Exclusive Signet

Dark Assault

+: Basic/Charged/Combo ATKs deal 50% bonus Lightning DMG. Linked enemies hit by Basic/Charged/Combo ATKs pass on 15% of the DMG to other linked enemies.

Basic/Charged/Combo ATKs deal 40% bonus Lightning DMG. Linked enemies hit by Basic/Charged/Combo ATKs pass on 12% of the DMG to other linked enemies.


+: In submerged mode, enemies in range take 250% ATK of Lightning DMG per 0.25s and take 40% bonus Total DMG for 8s.

In submerged mode, enemies in contact take 200% ATK of Lightning DMG per and take 35% bonus Total DMG for 8s.


+: Exiting submerged mode deals 2000% ATK of AOE Lightning DMG and enemies hit take 35% bonus Combo ATK DMG in the next 8s (independent effect).

Exiting submerged mode deals 1600% ATK of AOE Lightning DMG and enemies hit take 30% bonus Combo ATK DMG in the next 5s (independent effect).

Ill Fortune

+: Ultimate deals 300% bonus Lightning DMG. Every Genesis Seed consumed reduces Ultimate CD by 1s.

Ultimate deals 240% bonus Lightning DMG. Every Genesis Seed consumed reduces Ultimate CD by 0.5s.


+: When Umbra of Ouroboros is active, enemies are struck by lightning once per second and take 800% ATK of Lightning DMG (DMG source: Basic ATK).

When Umbra of Ouroboros is active, enemies are struck by lightning once per second and take 600% ATK of Lightning DMG (DMG source: Basic ATK).

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Midnight Absinthe's Exclusive Signet


+: Feather Arrows, Feather Blades, Feathers, and Night Roamer stacks cap at 30. Night Roamer boosts Fire DMG by 20%.

Feather Arrows, Feather Blades, Feathers, and Night Roamer stacks cap at 30. Night Roamer boosts Fire DMG by 15%.

Wild Hunt

+: The follow-up of Basic ATK Sequence 5 is no longer limited by Night Roamer stacks. Basic ATK Sequence 5 and every hit of the follow-up consume 10 Night Roamer stacks to shoot 5 more arrows, each dealing 180% ATK of Fire DMG.

The follow-up of Basic ATK Sequence 5 is no longer limited by Night Roamer stacks. Basic ATK Sequence 5 and every hit of the follow-up consume 10 Night Roamer stacks to shoot 5 more arrows, each dealing 150% ATK of Fire DMG.


+: Weapon actives restore 30 bonus SP and reduce Ultimate CD by 10s. Can only be triggered once per 8s.

Weapon actives restore 24 bonus SP and reduce Ultimate CD by 10s. Can only be triggered once per 8s.

Raven Plume

+: Ultimate Evasion Skill reduces the ATK of enemies nearby by 75% and makes Valkyrie's attacks deal 35% ATK of bonus Fire DMG for 12s. Ultimate Evasion Skill has one extra charge.

Ultimate Evasion Skill reduces the ATK of enemies nearby by 60% and makes Valkyrie's attacks deal 25% ATK of bonus Fire DMG for 12s. Ultimate Evasion Skill has one extra charge.

Ominous Mist

+: Raven Cloud has a large range and deals 7500% DMG when it explodes. Raven Cloud vaporizes after the explosion.

Raven Cloud has a large range and deals 6500% DMG when it explodes. Raven Cloud vaporizes after the explosion.

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Violet Executer's Exclusive Signet


+: In Fervent state, Total DMG and DMG Reduction increase by 15% and 3% per second respectively for up to 10 stacks. Reset when exiting Fervent state.

In Fervent state, Total DMG increases by 15% per second for up to 10 stacks. Reset when exiting Fervent state.


+: Every 150 combo hits trigger slashing blades to deal 2x1000% ATK of Physical DMG and grant 40% Physical Breach lasting 1s. CD: 5s.

Every combo hits trigger slashing blades to deal 2x1000% ATK of Physical DMG and grant 30% Physical Breach lasting 1s. CD: 5s.


+: Ultimate Evasion Skill resets Fervor drain speed, boosts Physical DMG by 100% for 8s. Casting Feverish Barrage in Fervent state triggers Ultimate Evasion Skill but not Fang Execution.

Ultimate Evasion Skill resets Fervor drain speed, boosts Physical DMG by 80% for 8s. Casting Feverish Barrage in Fervent state triggers Ultimate Evasion Skill but not Fang Execution.


+: Every 50 combo hits reduce Ultimate CD by 18% and restore 5 SP. CD: 2s. Ultimate deal 150% bonus Physical DMG and an additional 3000% ATK of Physical DMG. Blood Tide continuously gathers enemies nearby.

Every combo hits reduce Ultimate CD by 18% and restore 5 SP. CD: 2s. Ultimate deal 100% bonus Physical DMG and an additional 3000% ATK of Physical DMG. Blood Tide continuously gathers enemies nearby.


+: With Polarization Agent consumed, Feverish Barrage deals 3000% ATK of bonus Physical DMG and grants 10% bonus Move Speed for 20s. 6 stacks max.

With Polarization Agent consumed, Feverish Barrage deals ATK of bonus Physical DMG and grants 10% bonus Move Speed for 20s. 6 stacks max.

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Herrscher of Sentience's Exclusive Signet

Dark Plumes

+: Combo ATK restores 1 SP and unleashes a plume attack on hit to deal 150% ATK of Physical DMG and make enemies hit take 30% bonus Total DMG for 5s. CD: 0.5s.

Combo ATK restores 1 SP and unleashes a plume attack on hit to deal 150% ATK of Physical DMG. CD: 0.5s.


+: Sword, spear, and chain blades Combo ATKs restore 300 sword, spear, and chain blades energy respectively and boost Total DMG by 80% for 8s.

Sword, spear, and chain blades Combo ATKs restore sword, spear, and chain blades energy respectively and boost Total DMG by 60% for 8s.


+: Shield: I'm Untouchable absorbs 100% of DMG taken and deals 5000% ATK of Physical DMG to enemies within 8 meters when it ends or resets. The shield's minimum CD is reduced to 8s.

Shield: I'm Untouchable absorbs 100% of DMG taken and deals ATK of Physical DMG to enemies within 8 meters when it ends or resets.


+: In Herrscher Form, Combo ATK: Slashes can have up to 18 slashes. After reaching 7 slashes, every slash deals 750% ATK of bonus Physical DMG.

In Herrscher Form, Combo ATK: Slashes can have up to 18 slashes. After reaching 7 slashes, every slash deals 600% ATK of bonus Physical DMG.


+: Casting Combo ATK summons an illusion (summoned entity) to replicate the attack. In Herrscher Form, the illusion only replicates the slashes each dealing 105% ATK of Physical DMG. The illusion has 500% of the Valkyrie's ATK.

Casting Combo ATK summons an illusion (summoned entity) to replicate the attack. In Herrscher Form, the illusion only replicates the slashes each dealing 105% ATK of Physical DMG. The illusion has 400% of the Valkyrie's ATK.

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Sweet 'n' Spicy's Exclusive Signet


+: Charging speed accelerates and Physical DMG of Charged ATK increases by 20%. My Hands Are Burning stacks faster.

Charging speed accelerates and Physical DMG of Charged ATK increases by 10%. My Hands Are Burning stacks faster.


+: Armor Shredder maxes at 6 stacks and stacks twice each time.

Armor Shredder maxes at 4 stacks and stacks twice each time.


+: Ground Charged ATK can charge up to 4 stages and deal 500% ATK of bonus Physical DMG.

Ground Charged ATK can charge up to 4 stages and deal 400% ATK of bonus Physical DMG.


+: Each charging stage reduces Ultimate CD by 1s. Ultimate and aerial Charged ATK deal 20% bonus Physical DMG to enemies not protected by shields.

Each charging stage reduces Ultimate CD by 0.8s. Ultimate and aerial Charged ATK deal 10% bonus Physical DMG to enemies not protected by shields.


+: Each stage of aerial charging stacks Momentum once up to 6 stacks. Each stack boosts Ultimate DMG by 15% and restores 200 HP. Removed upon Ultimate cast.

Each stage of aerial charging stacks Momentum once up to 6 stacks. Each stack boosts Ultimate DMG by 15%. Removed upon Ultimate cast.

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Silverwing: N-EX's Exclusive Signet

Silver Eagle

+: The last sequence of Basic ATKs restores 2.5 SP and deals 200% of ATK as bonus Ice DMG. With scatter barrier present, Valkyrie deals 40% bonus Ice DMG and the last sequence of Basic ATKs reduces charging CD by 5s.

The last sequence of Basic ATKs restores 2 SP and deals 120% of ATK as bonus Ice DMG. With scatter barrier present, Valkyrie deals 25% bonus Ice DMG and the last sequence of Basic ATKs reduces charging CD by 5s.

Grey Falcon

+: Restores 2.5 SP per second. Scatter barrier enables Combo ATK and each cast grants 1 stack of Repeating Sequence which costs 7 SP and make Combo ATK deal 24% ATK of bonus Ice DMG. 4 stacks max. Stacks are reset when scatter barrier is removed or created.

Restores 2 SP per second. Scatter barrier enables Combo ATK and each cast grants 1 stack of Repeating Sequence which costs 7 SP and make Combo ATK deal 16% ATK of bonus Ice DMG. 4 stacks max. Stacks are reset when scatter barrier is removed or created.

Pale Feathers

+: Attacks restore 75% bonus SP. Ultimate deals 3500% ATK of bonus Ice DMG. On hit, Ultimate boosts Elemental Breach by 10% and Total DMG by 65% for 10s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Attacks restore 50% bonus SP. Ultimate deals 2500% ATK of bonus Ice DMG. On hit, Ultimate boosts Elemental Breach by 10% and Total DMG by 45% for 10s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Phantom Plumes

+: After using support skills, tapping [ATK] triggers QTE. QTE boosts Ice DMG by 30% for 30s. 2 stacks max. Triggering it again resets the duration. Support skills have 10% reduced CDs.

After using support skills, tapping [ATK] triggers QTE. QTE boosts Ice DMG by 20% for 30s. 2 stacks max. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Sharp Eyes

+: For 10s after landing the Ultimate, Basic ATKs deal 45% of ATK as bonus Ice DMG and Valkyrie restores 30 HP plus 4 SP per second. Triggering it again resets the duration.

For 10s after landing the Ultimate, Basic ATKs deal 30% of ATK as bonus Ice DMG and Valkyrie restores 25 HP plus 3 SP per second. Triggering it again resets the duration.

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Dea Anchora's Exclusive Signet


+: Voidstar Anchor and Astral Flares EX cost no SP and restore 3 SP. Every 30 SP restored deals 1200% ATK of Fire DMG to enemies within 10 meters. CD: 6s.

Voidstar Anchor and Astral Flares EX cost no SP and restore 3 SP. Every 30 SP restored deals 800% ATK of Fire DMG to enemies within 10 meters. CD: 6s.


+: Voidstar Anchor, Voidstar Anchor EX, Astral Flares, and Astral Flares EX deal 2800% ATK of Fire DMG to enemies within 8 meters of the target hit, gather them, and restore 50 Astrum. CD: 10s.

Voidstar Anchor, Voidstar Anchor EX, Astral Flares, and Astral Flares EX deal 2000% ATK of Fire DMG to enemies within 8 meters of the target hit, gather them, and restore 50 Astrum. CD: 10s.


+: Voidstar Anchor EX and Astral Flares EX do not suspend Astrum cosumption, but Seirios Ballista doesn't end Astral Harness and clear Astrum. Seirios Ballista costs 65 SP at most and every SP cost deals 70% ATK of Fire DMG.

Voidstar Anchor EX and Astral Flares EX do not suspend Astrum cosumption, but Seirios Ballista doesnt end Astral Harness and clear Astrum. Seirios Ballista costs 65 SP at most.


+: In Astral Harness, all attacks ignite enemies hit and ignited enemies take 25% bonus Total DMG for 10s. If hitting ignited enemies, Seirios Ballista returns extra SP cost (20 max).

In Astral Hamess, all attacks ignite enemies hit and ignited enemies take 25% bonus Total DMG for 10s.


+: Ultimate deals 50% bonus Total DMG. Voidstar Anchor, Voidstar Anchor EX, Astral Flares, and Astral Flares EX boost Valkyrie's Fire DMG by 20% for 5s. Can be refreshed.

Ultimate deals 50% bonus Total DMG.

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Palatinus Equinox's Exclusive Signet


+: The physical DMG of Valkyrie is increased by 40%, and the physical DMG of Elite Thrust is increased by 0.8% for every 1% of HP lost. The physical DMG of Sprint is increased by 0.3%. Each hit reduces HP by 5% and grants 1 SP. Consumes Knight Guardian to restore all ICHOR.

The physical DMG of Valkyrie is increased by 15%, and the physical DMG of Elite Thrust is increased by 0.4% for every 1% of HP lost. The physical DMG of Sprint is increased by 0.2%. Each hit reduces HP by 5% and grants 0.6 SP. Consumes Knight Guardian to restore all ICHOR.

Abyssal Chant

+: The physical DMG of Valkyrie is increased by 60%, the total DMG dealt by the Ultimate is increased by 200%, and the Ultimate Evasion Skill is refreshed twice after the Ultimate is cast.

The physical DMG of Valkyrie is increased by 40%, the total DMG dealt by the Ultimate is increased by 180%, and the Ultimate Evasion Skill is refreshed twice after the Ultimate is cast.


+: Valkyrie's total DMG is increased by 30%, and the last hit of Equinox Severance will shatter the ground and consume Knight Guardian, dealing 1800% of ATK as physical DMG to all enemies and impairing them for 15s, reducing the enemies' DEF by 50%.

Valkyrie's total DMG is increased by 25%, and the last hit of Equinox Severance will shatter the ground and consume Knight Guardian, dealing 1200% of ATK as physical DMG to all enemies and impairing them for 12s, reducing the enemies' DEF by 30%.


+: Valkyrie's physical DMG is increased by 50%, and the total DMG of weapon skills increases by 70%. The first two hits of Equinox Severance restore 3 SP per hit and reduce Ultimate CD by 1s. CD: 20s.

Valkyrie's physical DMG is increased by 50%, and the total DMG of weapon skills increases by 60%. The first two hits of Equinox Severance restore 1 SP per hit and reduce Ultimate CD by 1s. CD: 20s.


+: Valkyrie's total DMG is increased by 50%. Palatinus Equinox is enhanced when switching forms and unleashing the Ultimate. Valkyrie deals 50% more physical DMG for 15s, repeatedly triggering refreshes the duration.

Valkyrie's total DMG is increased by 30%. Palatinus Equinox is enhanced when switching forms and unleashing the Ultimate. Valkyrie deals 30% more physical DMG for 15s, repeatedly triggering refreshes the duration.

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Spina Astera's Exclusive Signet

Wild Flare

+: Each hit of Astral Flare unleashes Astral Flare: Erupt, casting 1 Astral Rend in front that deals 200% of ATK as Fire DMG. Each launch of Astral Rend exits Astral Harness state, restoring 3 SP and 80 Astrum, with a maximum of 8 casts.

Each hit of Astral Flare unleashes Astral Flare: Erupt, casting 1 Astral Rend in front that deals 200% of ATK as Fire DMG. Each cast of Astral Rend exits Astral Harness state, restoring 3 SP and 80 Astrum, with a maximum of 6 casts.

Star Quillon

+: When unleashing Astral Flare: Ignite, and Astral Flare: Combust, the 4th hit of Basic ATK in Astral Harness state deals 500% of ATK as Fire DMG to enemies within 10m, pulls them towards Valkyrie, and increases the total DMG taken by the target by 30%.

When unleashing Astral Flare: Ignite, and Astral Flare: Combust, the 4th hit of Basic ATK in Astral Harness state deals 500% of ATK as Fire DMG to enemies within 10m, pulls them towards Valkyrie, and increases the total DMG taken by the target by 20%.


+: [Astral Flare] hits one more time. When Astral Flare hits the target, its Fire DMG increases by 60% for 5s. This effect can be refreshed.

[Astral Flare] hits one more time. When Astral Flare hits the target, its Fire DMG increases by 40% for 5s. This effect can be refreshed.

Radiant Formation

+: [Astral Flare: Erupt] hits one more time. After unleashing Astral Flare: Erupt, the remaining Ultimate CD reduces by 20% and 300 Astrum is restored.

[Astral Flare: Erupt] hits one more time. After unleashing Astral Flare: Erupt, the remaining Ultimate CD reduces by 10% and 300 Astrum is restored.

Holy Flame

+: Astral Flare deals an additional 500% ATK of Fire DMG to the target for every 6 hits and increases the Fire DMG to the hit target by 30% (independent effect) for 5s. Can be refreshed.

Astral Flare deals an additional 500% ATK of Fire DMG to the target for every 6 hits and increases the Fire DMG to the hit target by 20% (independent effect) for 5s. Can be refreshed.

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Fallen Rosemary's Exclusive Signet

God Eater

+: When God Eater hits, a lightning bolt strikes, dealing 5x170% ATK of Lightning DMG to enemies nearby, and fully recharges Strix.

When God Eater hits, a lightning bolt strikes, dealing 5x100% ATK of Lightning DMG to enemies nearby, and fully recharges Strix.

Soul Siphon

+: In Valfreyja form, Basic ATK siphons extra 50 Disir. It has 2 charges, which reset upon casting God Eater. Ormr Rune deals extra 120% ATK of Lightning DMG. Ulf Rune increases Lightning DMG by 70%.

In Valfreyja form, Basic ATK siphons extra Disir. It has 2 charges, which reset upon casting God Eater. Ormr Rune deals extra 100% ATK of Lightning DMG. Ulf Rune increases Lightning DMG by 50%.


+: In Valfreyja form, Lightning DMG is increased by 60%. After casting Helvegr, Trickster's attack will pull enemies again; After 3s, it will release a blast that deals 2600% ATK of Lightning DMG to nearby enemies, and reconjure Ulf/Ormr/Strix Rune.

In Valfreyja form, Lightning DMG is increased by 40%. After casting Helvegr, Trickster's attack will pull enemies again; After 3s, it will release a blast that deals 2200% ATK of Lightning DMG to nearby enemies, and reconjure Ulf/Ormr/Strix Rune.


+: Using God Eater increases Charged ATK's Total DMG by 120%, reduces Ultimate's CD by 5s, and increases Ultimate's Total DMG by 110% for 10s. Triggering it again resets its duration.

Using God Eater increases Charged ATK's Total DMG by 70%, reduces Ultimate's CD by 5s, and increases Ultimate's Total DMG by for 10s. Triggering it again resets its duration.

Spirit Servants

+: Using God Eater increases Charged ATK's Total DMG by 120%, reduces Ultimate's CD by 5s, and increases Ultimate's Total DMG by 110% for 10s. Triggering it again resets its duration.

Using God Eater increases Charged ATK's Total DMG by 70%, reduces Ultimate's CD by 5s, and increases Ultimate's Total DMG by for 10s. Triggering it again resets its duration.

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Reverist Calico's Exclusive Signet

Hidden Claws

+: When Combo ATK/Paw Barrage/Predation hits, the target drops 10 Shiny Silvers. It has 5 charges, which reset every floor (unaffected by other effects). It also increases Ice DMG by 60% for 10s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

When Combo ATK/Paw Barrage/Predation hits, the target drops 5 Shiny Silvers. It has 5 charges, which reset every floor (unaffected by other effects). It also increases Ice DMG by 45% for 10s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

the Tailpiece

+: Combo ATK deals 1000% more Total DMG. When Combo ATK hits, reduces Megaton Furball's CD bt 4s (CD: 3s).

Combo ATK deals 80% more Total DMG. When Combo ATK hits, reduces Megaton Furball's CD bt 2s (CD: 5s).


+: Paw Barrage/Predation deals 125% more Total DMG. Using Combo ATK reduces Paw Barrage's CD by 3s.

Paw Barrage/Predation deals 100% more Total DMG. Using Combo ATK reduces Paw Barrage's CD by 2s.

Cat's Eye

+: In Runaway state, using Combo ATK/Paw Barrage/Predation increases Total DMG by 25%. It stacks 5 times, and the 5th stack triggers a blast that deals 1500% ATK of Ice DMG within a 12m radius of the caster. Triggering the blast or exiting Runaway state removes all stacks.

In Runaway state, using Combo ATK/Paw Barrage/Predation increases Total DMG by 10%. It stacks 5 times, and exiting Runaway state removes all stacks.


+: Metaton Furball deals 240% more Ice DMG. Runaway state lasts 5s longer.

Metaton Furball deals 180% more Ice DMG. Runaway state lasts 5s longer.

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Golden Diva's Exclusive Signet


+: During Sound of Nature, each note consumed increases Total DMG by 12% with a max stack of 10. This is reset when Sound of Nature ends.

During Sound of Nature, each note consumed increases Total DMG by 8% with a max stack of 10. This is reset when Sound of Nature ends.


+: Ensemble combo sequence is increased by 6. Hurling pistols Total DMG increases 140%.

Ensemble combo sequence is increased by 6. Hurling pistols Total DMG increases 100%.


+: Each Combo ATK grants 1 Charge. At 4 Charge, Basic and Combo ATKs' Total DMG increase by 60% for 15s. Charge consumed on use and cannot be restored during use. Restores 12 SP after use.

Each Combo ATK grants 1 Charge. At 4 Charge, Basic and Combo ATKs' Total DMG increase by 40% for 10s. Charge consumed on use and cannot be restored during use. Restores 12 SP after use.


+: Chord and Variation launch sound waves dealing 550% Lightning DMG. Each wave increases Total DMG reduction by 30% and slightly raises Ignore Interrupt for 10s while restoring 2 or 4 SP respectively. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Chord and Variation launch sound waves dealing 300% Lightning DMG. Each wave increases Total DMG reduction by 30% and slightly raises Ignore Interrupt for 10s while restoring 1 or 3 SP respectively. Triggering it again resets the duration.


+: Hurl pistols when using Ensemble Playing for 12SP and dealing 350% Lightning DMG.

Hurl pistols when using Ensemble Playing for 8SP and dealing 200% Lightning DMG.

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Disciplinary Perdition's Exclusive Signet


+: Aponia gains 40% Total DMG Reduction. In Predictor's Sentence form, Lightning DMG increases 30% every 0.5s for a maximum of 180%. Inhibitor's Adjudication deals an additional 400% Lightning DMG.

Aponia gains 40% Total DMG Reduction. In Predictor's Sentence form, Lightning DMG increases 25% every 0.5s for a maximum of 150%. Inhibitor's Adjudication deals an additional 300% Lightning DMG.


+: Aponia illusory Summoned Entity wherever she does, dealing 385% Lightning DMG every second to surrounding enemies. The illusion's Total DMG increases 100% and restores 12 SP after leaving Predictor's Sentence form.

Aponia illusory Summoned Entity wherever she does, dealing 320% Lightning DMG every second to surrounding enemies. The illusion's Total DMG increases 80% and restores 10 SP after leaving Predictor's Sentence form.


+: In Predictor's Sentence form, Redemption cost per second reduced by 55%; Total DMG dealt by Thunderstorm and Inhibitor's Adjudication increases 70% and count as Ultimates.

In Predictor's Sentence form, Redemption cost per second reduced by 55%; Total DMG dealt by Thunderstorm and Inhibitor's Adjudication increases 60% and count as Ultimates.


+: Restores 12 SP and reduces Ultimate CD by 6s when illusion uses QTE. Increases Ultimate's Total DMG by 60%. Ultimate restores up to 100% Redemption when used.

Restores 12 SP and reduces Ultimate CD by 5s when illusion uses QTE. Increases Ultimate's Total DMG by 50%. Ultimate restores up to 100% Redemption when used.


+: Illusory Summoned Entity will deal Paralyse Trauma alongside DMG. DMG dealt by your Ultimate Evasion Skill increases 120%. Lightning DMG dealt by you or your illusion increases 70%.

Illusory Summoned Entity will deal Paralyse Trauma alongside DMG. DMG dealt by your Ultimate Evasion Skill increases 100%. Lightning DMG dealt by you or your illusion increases 60%.

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Molotov Cherry's Exclusive Signet


+: Physical DMG from Basic ATKs (including Charged ATKs) increase 30% and restore 1 SP on hit. At 150 SP, Ultimate cost increases 50 SP. Total DMG dealt by Ultimate increases by 30%.

Physical DMG from Basic ATKs (including Charged ATKs) increase 20% and restore 1 SP on hit. At 150 SP, Ultimate cost increases 50 SP. Total DMG dealt by Ultimate increases by 20%.


+: In Fervent Mode, surrounding enemies take 25% more Physical DMG; Fervent Juice is consumed 50% faster (cannot stack).

In Fervent Mode, surrounding enemies take 20% more Physical DMG; Fervent Juice is consumed 50% faster (cannot stack).


+: In Fervent Mode, Basic ATKs add 30% ATK of Physical DMG. The last hit of Ultimate adds 300% ATK of Physical DMG.

In Fervent Mode, Basic ATKs add 20% ATK of Physical DMG. The last hit of Ultimate adds 200% ATK of Physical DMG.


+: Charged ATK and Ultimate draw in enemies within a large radius and increase their Total DMG taken by 40% for 8s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Charged ATK and Ultimate draw in enemies within a large radius and increase their Total DMG taken by 30% for 8s. Triggering it again resets the duration.


+: Ultimate CD is reduced 30% and Total DMG dealt is increased 400%. Weapon Active CD is reduced 2s each time Ultimate deals DMG. Strike Back EX is usable during the entirety of Fortress Mode.

Ultimate CD is reduced 30% and Total DMG dealt is increased 300%. Weapon Active CD is reduced 2s each time Ultimate deals DMG. Strike Back EX is usable during the entirety of Fortress Mode.

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Starry Impression's Exclusive Signet

Starry Night

+: Combo ATKs deal an additional 1200% ATK of Physical DMG for every Color Marker consumed. This DMG counts as bleeding DMG. Upon consuming Red, Yellow, or Blue Color Marker, Valkyrie's Weapon Skill, Ultimate, and Ultimate Evasion Skill CDs are reduced 1s. Combo ATKs consuming all Color Markers can be connected into Basic ATK SEQ 3.

Combo ATKs deal an additional 1000% ATK of Physical DMG for every Color Marker consumed. This DMG counts as bleeding DMG. Upon consuming Red, Yellow, or Blue Color Marker, Valkyrie's Weapon Skill, Ultimate, and Ultimate Evasion Skill CDs are reduced 1s. Combo ATKs consuming all Color Markers can be connected into Basic ATK SEQ 3.

River Forest

+: Valkyrie's ATK Speed increases 25% during Ultimate, and SEQ 3 and SEQ 5 of basic ATKs gain an additional Color Marker (same color as would be normally granted). DMG dealt to all enemies during Ultimate increases 20% (cannot stack).

Valkyrie's ATK Speed increases 25% during Ultimate, and SEQ 3 and SEQ 5 of basic ATKs gain an additional Color Marker (same color as would be normally granted). DMG dealt to all enemies during Ultimate increases 10% (cannot stack).


+: Total DMG delt to enemies infliced with Bleed increases 10% for every stack infliced. Combo ATKs grant buffs upon consuming all Color Markers and deal 1000% ATK of Bleed DMG on hit. CD: 0.5s

Total DMG delt to enemies infliced with Bleed increases 8% for every stack infliced. Combo ATKs grant buffs upon consuming all Color Markers and deal 800% ATK of Bleed DMG on hit. CD: 0.5s

Azure Wind

+: Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill grants 3 Color Markers and boosts Total DMG taken by all eneimes by 40% for 20s.

Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill grants 3 Color Markers and boosts Total DMG taken by all eneimes by 30% for 15s.

Cloud Valley

+: Physical DMG increases 40% and SEQ 4 of basic ATKs draw in surrounding enemies within a wide radius.

Physical DMG increases 40% and SEQ 4 of basic ATKs draw in surrounding enemies within a wide radius.

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Helical Contraption's Exclusive Signet


+: Once Loud Armaments is destroyed, enter burst mode. Can summon a Blazing Spiral that lasts for 5s. It will continuously pull enemies and make them take 30% more Total DMG. A Blazing Spiral deals 600% ATK of Fire DMG when created, which increases by 400% ATK for every Loud Armaments destroyed.

Once Loud Armaments is destroyed, enter burst mode. Can summon a Blazing Spiral that lasts for 5s. It will continuously pull enemies and make them take 30% more Total DMG. A Blazing Spiral deals 500% ATK of Fire DMG when created, which increases by 300% ATK for every Loud Armaments destroyed.


+: In Special Weapon: No. 9, Interlude Salute and Evasion deal 60% more Total DMG. Casting Interlude Salue restores 5 SP. Every 3 casts of Interlude Salute refreshes weapon active CD, but exiting the combat vehicle resets the counter.

In Special Weapon: No. 9, Interlude Salute and Evasion deal 50% more Total DMG. Casting Interlude Salue restores 5 SP. Every 3 casts of Interlude Salute refreshes weapon active CD, but exiting the combat vehicle resets the counter.


+: Weapon active deals 30% more Total DMG. In burst mode, casting weapon active restores 25 Chariot Heat Value, Total DMG increases by 40%, and hitting an enemy inflicts Target Lock on all eneimes once; CD: 5s.

Weapon active deals 25% more Total DMG. In burst mode, casting weapon active restores 20 Chariot Heat Value, Total DMG increases by 30%, and hitting an enemy inflicts Target Lock on all eneimes once; CD: 5s.


+: Target Lock becomes an AoE attack and deals 120% ATK more of Fire DMG. If Target Lock hits, Valkyrie deals 30% more Total DMG for 5s. Triggering it again refreshes the duration.

Target Lock becomes an AoE attack and deals 100% ATK more of Fire DMG. If Target Lock hits, Valkyrie deals 30% more Total DMG for 5s. Triggering it again refreshes the duration.


+: Within 15s of entering Special Weapon: No. 9 or Weapon Mode, Valkyrie deals 50% more Fire DMG, and Target Lock hits 1 more time and recovers 0.3 more SP.

Within 15s of entering Special Weapon: No. 9 or Weapon Mode, Valkyrie deals 40% more Fire DMG, and Target Lock hits 1 more time and recovers 0.3 more SP.

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Goushinsso Memento's Exclusive Signet


+: Zankeki deals an extra 200% ATK of Ice DMG in a large area. Each stack of Deep Freeze increases Zankeki's Ice DMG by 1%.

Zankeki deals an extra 100% ATK of Ice DMG in a large area. Each stack of Deep Freeze increases Zankeki's Ice DMG by 1%.


+: Zankeki's rush sequence restores KE to 200 and 1 Ultimate Evasion attempt on hitting an enemy. Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill restores 1000 KE and 7 SP. When KE falls below 0, Ultimate Evasion Skill is auto-triggered.

Zankeki's rush sequence restores KE to 200 and 1 Ultimate Evasion attempt on hitting an enemy. Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill restores 1000 KE. When KE falls below 0, Ultimate Evasion Skill is auto-triggered.

Icy Sakura

+: With 20 stacks of Deep Freeze, Ultimate clears all stacks of Deep Freeze to deal 2000% + number of stacks × 50% ATK of Ice DMG, refresh 3 Ultimate Evasion Skill attempts, and make Zankeki deal 20% bonus Total DMG and consume 600 KE for 10s. Triggering it again refreshes the duration.

With 20 stacks of Deep Freeze, Ultimate clears all stacks of Deep Freeze to deal 1500% + number of stacks × 40% ATK of Ice DMG, refresh 3 Ultimate Evasion Skill attempts, and make Zankeki deal 20% bonus Total DMG and consume 600 KE for 10s. Triggering it again refreshes the duration.

Frozen Cloud

+: Raises the cap on Deep Freeze to 40 stacks. At the start of battle, gain 20 stacks of Deep Freeze and 75 SP. Whenever Deep Freeze stacks are gained or consumed, Total DMG increases by 0.3% untile capping at 60%. Hitting the cap increases Total DMG by another 20%.

Raises the cap on Deep Freeze to 40 stacks. At the start of battle, gain 20 stacks of Deep Freeze and 50 SP. Whenever Deep Freeze stacks are gained or consumed, Total DMG increases by 0.2% untile capping at 40%. Hitting the cap increases Total DMG by another 20%.


+: Triggering Ultimate Evasion or Ultimate Evasion Skill deals 500% of ATK of Ice DMG to nearby enemies. This attack counts as Zankeki and deals an extra 100% ATK of Ice DMG for each exclusive signet owned.

Triggering Ultimate Evasion or Ultimate Evasion Skill deals 300% of ATK of Ice DMG to nearby enemies. This attack counts as Zankeki and deals an extra 100% ATK of Ice DMG for each exclusive signet owned.

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Herrscher of Human: Ego's Exclusive Signet

First Encounter

+: Charged ATKs in Herrscher of Human Form pull eneimes on both sides of the arrow slightly towards the center. Charged ATK deals an additional 1500% ATK of Ice DMG. If a Charged ATK hits more than 10 times, eneimes take 10% more Total DMG from Charged ATKs for every Nexus Signet owned (cannot stack).

Charged ATKs in Herrscher of Human Form pull eneimes on both sides of the arrow slightly towards the center. Charged ATK deals an additional 1200% ATK of Ice DMG. If a Charged ATK hits more than 10 times, eneimes take 10% more Total DMG from Charged ATKs for every Nexus Signet owned (cannot stack).

First Bloom

+: In Herrscher of Origin Form, Ice DMG increases by 100%. In Herrscher of Human Form, using Charge ATKs reduces Ultimate CD by 1s and restores 25 SP.

In Herrscher of Origin Form, Ice DMG increases by 50%. In Herrscher of Human Form, using Charge ATKs reduces Ultimate CD by 1s and restores 20 SP.

First Awakening

+: In Herrscher of Origin Form, triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill restores 400 Herrscher Charge. Charged ATKs and special weapon skill deal an addition 2000% ATK of Ice DMG.

In Herrscher of Origin Form, triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill restores 400 Herrscher Charge. Charged ATKs and special weapon skill deal an addition 1500% ATK of Ice DMG.

First Journey

+: When switching to Herrscher From, increase DMG taken by all enemies by 50% for 5s and gain 4 Pristine Crystals. Charged ATKs in Herrscher of Human Form and Ultimate Evasion Skill in Herrscher of Origin Form will clear all Pristine Crystals to deal 1500% × 4 ATK of Ice DMG.

When switching to Herrscher From, increase DMG taken by all enemies by 40% for 5s and gain 4 Pristine Crystals. Charged ATKs in Herrscher of Human Form and Ultimate Evasion Skill in Herrscher of Origin Form will clear all Pristine Crystals to deal 1200% × 4 ATK of Ice DMG.

First Yearning

+: In Herrscher of Human Form, Charged ATK Speed increases by 30% for 5s after triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill. When using Charged ATK, shooting speed continuously increases, to a maximum of 80%. Move Speed while using Charged ATKs increases by 100%. Resets when Charged ATK ends. When Charged ATK hits, Ultimate Evasion CD decreases by 2.5s and weapon skill CD decreases by 1s. Gain 1 stack of Crystal Ice Mirror for every Charged ATK that hits an enemy. Every stack of Crystal Ice Mirror increases Ice DMG from Charged ATKs by 25%.

In Herrscher of Human Form, Charged ATK Speed increases by 30% for 5s after triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill. When using Charged ATK, shooting speed continuously increases, to a maximum of 80%. Move Speed while using Charged ATKs increases by 100%. Resets when Charged ATK ends. When Charged ATK hits, Ultimate Evasion CD decreases by 2.5s and weapon skill CD decreases by 1s. Gain 1 stack of Crystal Ice Mirror for every Charged ATK that hits an enemy. Every stack of Crystal Ice Mirror increases Ice DMG from Charged ATKs by 10%.

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Herrscher of the Void's Exclusive Signet


+: Aerial explosion triggered after Ultimate ends deals 3000% ATK of Physical DMG. Gain Spatial Silence stacks after summoning Space Core. Triggering aerial explosion will clear all Spatial Silence stacks and deal additional number of Spatial Silence stacks × 200% ATK of Physical DMG while restoring number of Spatial Silence stacks × 5 SP.

Aerial explosion triggered after Ultimate ends deals 2000% ATK of Physical DMG. Gain Spatial Silence stacks after summoning Space Core. Triggering aerial explosion will clear all Spatial Silence stacks and deal additional number of Spatial Silence stacks × 150% ATK of Physical DMG while restoring number of Spatial Silence stacks × 5 SP.


+: Physical DMG dealt by Space Core increases by 80%. Regain 30 Herrscher Charge and gain 30% more Total DMG for 5s upon summoning Space Core. Triggering it again resets the duration. In Herrscher Form, Space Core's area of explosion is expanded and can gather surrounding enemies.

Physical DMG dealt by Space Core increases by 80%. Regain 30 Herrscher Charge and gain 20% more Total DMG for 5s upon summoning Space Core. Triggering it again resets the duration. In Herrscher Form, Space Core's area of explosion is expanded and can gather surrounding enemies.


+: In Herrscher Form, the 3rd SEQ of Basic ATK includes one blow of Charged ATK: Time Tremor that deals 300% ATK of Physical DMG.

In Herrscher Form, the 3rd SEQ of Basic ATK includes one blow of Charged ATK: Time Tremor that deals 200% ATK of Physical DMG.


+: Ultimate Evasion Skill can be triggered even without Ultimate Evasion conditions when there are no enemies along the path of Phase Shuttle. Time-slow area of effect triggered by Ultimate Evasion Skill expands and all enemies in range take 40% more Total DMG for 12s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Ultimate Evasion Skill can be triggered even without Ultimate Evasion conditions when there are no enemies along the path of Phase Shuttle. Time-slow area of effect triggered by Ultimate Evasion Skill expands and all enemies in range take 30% more Total DMG for 12s. Triggering it again resets the duration.


+: Restores 2 SP and reduces CD of Ultimate Evasion Skill, weapon skill, and Ultimate by 6s each when summoning a Space Core. In Herrscher Form, Basic ATKs directly connect to SEQ 3 for a short duration after triggering Ultimate Evasion.

Reduces CD of Ultimate Evasion Skill, weapon skill, and Ultimate by 6s each when summoning a Space Core. In Herrscher Form, Basic ATKs directly connect to SEQ 3 for a short duration after triggering Ultimate Evasion.
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Jade Knight's Exclusive Signet

Great Blade

+: [ATK] will consume an additional 5 Blade Sanction in Sword Array, triggering [Cloud Cutter] 3 times, dealing 240% ATK of Ice DMG to enemies within 3m.

[ATK] will consume an additional 5 Blade Sanction in Sword Array, triggering [Cloud Cutter] 2 times, dealing 200% ATK of Ice DMG to enemies within 3m.


+: [Wild Swords] and [Heart Piercer] deal an additional 1000% ATK of Ice DMG. [Heart Piercer] draws in enemies when triggererd. [Heart Piercer] will be unleashed automatically when Blade Sanction reaches 0. When casting [Cloud Cutter] enter [Cloud Cut] mode for 8s. Each hit of [Cloud Cutter] increases [Cloud Cutter] and [Heart Piercer]'s Ice DMG increase by 1.2% (120% Max). Triggering it again resets the duration.

[Wild Swords] and [Heart Piercer] deal an additional 800% ATK of Ice DMG. [Heart Piercer] draws in enemies when triggererd. [Heart Piercer] will be unleashed automatically when Blade Sanction reaches 0. When casting [Cloud Cutter] enter [Cloud Cut] mode for 8s. Each hit of [Cloud Cutter] increases [Cloud Cutter] and [Heart Piercer]'s Ice DMG increase by 1.2% (120% Max). Triggering it again resets the duration.

Smoky Waft

+: Blade Sanction built up by Basic ATKs increases by 100%. Restore 10 SP when [Bolt Slash] strikes an enemy. Special Combo [Back Wind Slash] deals an additional 150% ATK of Ice DMG.

Blade Sanction built up by Basic ATKs increases by 100%. Restore 8 SP when [Bolt Slash] strikes an enemy. Special Combo [Back Wind Slash] deals an additional 100% ATK of Ice DMG.


+: [ULT]during Sword Array triggers [Bolt Slash], dealing an additional 500% ATK of Ice DMG. Back Wind Slash restores an addtional 10 SP.

[ULT]during Sword Array triggers [Bolt Slash], dealing an additional 500% ATK of Ice DMG. Back Wind Slash restores an addtional 10 SP.

Jade Moon

+: Ultimate deals additional 3000% ATK of Ice DMG. Back Wind Slash reduces Ultimate CD by 8s. After casting Ultimate, Bolt Slash will not consume Blade Sanction and Ice DMG dealt increases by 50% for 5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Ultimate deals additional 2500% ATK of Ice DMG. Back Wind Slash reduces Ultimate CD by 8s. After casting Ultimate, Bolt Slash will not consume Blade Sanction and Ice DMG dealt increases by 40% for 5s. Triggering it again resets the duration.
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Vermilion Knight: Eclipse's Exclusive Signet

Fiery Mind

+: Each hit of Ultimate deals an extra 800% ATK of Fire DMG. Casting Ultimate costs 10% HP, but if HP is below 18%, it is restored to 18%. Ultimate is cast faster and only it's SEQ 1 is performed, which will auto-connect into it's SEQ 2 whenever having been performed 4 times.

Each hit of Ultimate deals an extra 600% ATK of Fire DMG. Casting Ultimate costs 10% HP, but if HP is below 18%, it is restored to 18%. Ultimate is cast faster and only it's SEQ 1 is performed, which will auto-connect into it's SEQ 2 whenever having been performed 4 times.

Burning Flow

+: Evasion can be connected into Guren Flash. Guren Flash is cast faster and restores 20 SP. Within 10s of triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill, Total DMG increases by 60%. Triggering again refreshes it's duration.

Evasion can be connected into Guren Flash. Guren Flash is cast faster and restores 20 SP. Within 10s of triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill, Total DMG increases by 40%. Triggering again refreshes it's duration.


+: Charged ATK is cast faster, deals 120% more Fire DMG, and produces less Heat. - note 66% less heat.

Charged ATK is cast faster, deals 80% more Fire DMG, and produces less Heat.- note 66% less heat.

Sharp Flames

+: Charged ATK's Schielhau deals an extra 800 + 1000% ATK of Fire DMG. Charged ATK SEQ 1 pulls surrounding enemies, CD: 3s.

Charged ATK's Schielhau deals an extra 600 + 800% ATK of Fire DMG. Charged ATK SEQ 1 pulls surrounding enemies, CD: 3s.

Wild Flare

+: When losing HP or casting Charged ATK, inflict Vulnerability on all enemies, which makes them receive 10% more Fire DMG for 10s. It can stack 5 times and has a CD of 0.5s. It also shortens the user's weapon active CD by 5s.

When losing HP or casting Charged ATK, inflict Vulnerability on all enemies, which makes them receive 10% more Fire DMG for 10s. It can stack 5 times and has a CD of 0.5s. It also shortens the user's weapon active CD by 3s.
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Chrono Navi's Exclusive Signet


+: On hit, α/β/γ Chakram generates 1 Splitting Chakram, which deals 190% ATK of Fire DMG and can ricochet 2 times (including ricocheting off the user). CD: 0.2s.

On hit, α/β/γ Chakram generates 1 Splitting Chakram, which deals 150% ATK of Fire DMG and can ricochet 2 times (including ricocheting off the user). CD: 0.2s.


+: Deal 120% more ignite DMG, and 20% more Fire DMG to ignited enemies. Casting Ultimate refills KE. The fire ring contracts after spreading, pulling enemies while dealing 2000% ATK of Fire DMG to them.

Deal 120% more ignite DMG, and 20% more Fire DMG to ignited enemies. Casting Ultimate refills KE. The fire ring contracts after spreading, pulling enemies while dealing 1600% ATK of Fire DMG to them.

Time Crystal

+: When chakram hits, gain 1 stack of Info Plus, which increases chakram's Fire DMG by 6%. It lasts 8s and can stack 40 times. Triggering it again refreshes it's duration.

When chakram hits, gain 1 stack of Info Plus, which increases chakram's Fire DMG by 5%. It lasts 8s and can stack 40 times. Triggering it again refreshes it's duration.


+: α/β/γ chakram deals an extra 120% ATK of Fire DMG. When knocking back 1 γ chakram unit, 2 β chakram units will be launched alongside it. On hit, α/β chakram unit restores 2 SP.

α/β/γ chakram deals an extra 100% ATK of Fire DMG. When knocking back 1 γ chakram unit, 2 β chakram units will be launched alongside it. On hit, α/β chakram unit restores 2 SP.

Final Dream

+: When knocking back chakram with Basic ATK of weapon skill Counterattack Order, 1 Splitting Chakram will be launched alongside it, which deals 190% ATK of Fire DMG and can ricochet 3 times (including ricocheting off the user).

When knocking back chakram with Basic ATK of weapon skill Counterattack Order, 1 Splitting Chakram will be launched alongside it, which deals 150% ATK of Fire DMG and can ricochet 3 times (including ricocheting off the user).
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Sixth Serenade's Exclusive Signet

Nocturnal Tides

+: Max Nachtsicht is increased to 1,200. When casting Combo ATK successively, each cast increases Total DMG by 20% for 5 times at most. This also increases ATK Speed. After 2 or more casts, gain 1 stack of Graduation before Combo ATK ends.

Max Nachtsicht is increased to 1,200. When casting Combo ATK successively, each cast increases Total DMG by 15%. 5 stacks max. This also increases ATK Speed. After 2 or more casts, gain 1 stack of Graduation before Combo ATK ends./

Raven Eye

+: When the Raven Cross Zone is created after using Ultimate, a Raven Feather Storm is generated within range for 6s, dealing 3 x 500% ATK of Ice DMG per second and pulling in nearby enemies.

When the Raven Cross Zone is created after using Ultimate, a Raven Feather Storm is generated within range for 6s, dealing 3 x 400% ATK of Ice DMG per second and pulling in nearby enemies.


+: Each Combo ATK hit deals additional 100% ATK of Ice DMG. When you have 0/1/2 stacks of Graduation, lose 500/1,000/1,500 HP respectively, then recover the lost HP within the next 5s. With 2 stacks of Graduation, gain 15% Total DMG Reduction while recovering; This effect can stack (minimum HP loss is 1).

Each Combo ATK hit deals additional 80% ATK of Ice DMG. When you have 0/1/2 stacks of Graduation, lose 500/1,000/1,500 HP respectively, then recover the lost HP within the next 5s. With 2 stacks of Graduation, gain 10% Total DMG Reduction while recovering; This effect can stack (minimum HP loss is 1).


Blessing of Tragedy +: Reduces Ultimate CD by 50%. Increases Raven form's duration by 6s and Ultimate's Total DMG by 50% after Ultimate. Increases Nachtsicht recovered per second in Raven form by 150.

Reduces Ultimate CD by 40%. Increases Raven form's duration by 5s and Ultimate's Total DMG by 40% after Ultimate. Increases Nachtsicht recovered per second in Raven form by 150.


+: In Raven form, deal 30% more Ice DMG and gain 1 stack of Graduation.

In Raven form, deal 20% more Ice DMG and gain 1 stack of Graduation.
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Herrscher of Truth's Exclusive Signet


+: In Continuation form, weapon active's attack time is increased to 5s, during which she recovers 20 Mech Propulsion per second. Casting Combo ATK refreshes weapon active CD.

In Continuation form, weapon active's attack time is increased to 5s, during which she recovers 10 Mech Propulsion per second. Casting Combo ATK refreshes weapon active CD.


+: In Continuation form, Combo ATK pulls nearby enemies. While casting weapon active, small missiles are fired continuously, each dealing 150% ATK of Ice DMG as weapon active damage. Enemies hit by them receive 20% more Total DMG for 15s. Triggering it again refreshes its duration.

In Continuation form, Combo ATK pulls nearby enemies. While casting weapon active, small missiles are fired continuously, each dealing 120% ATK of Ice DMG as weapon active damage. Enemies hit by them receive 10% more Total DMG for 15s. Triggering it again refreshes its duration.

Genuine Solution

+: After casting Ultimate, leave the Mecha as it flies into enemies and self-destructs, dealing 5000% ATK of Ice DMG over a large area as Ultimate damage. In Continuation form, Ultimate CD is reduced by 50%.

After casting Ultimate, leave the Mecha as it flies into enemies and self-destructs, dealing 4000% ATK of Ice DMG over a large area as Ultimate damage. In Continuation form, Ultimate CD is reduced by 50%.

Intellect Core

+: After casting Ultimate, leave the Mecha as it flies into enemies and creates 3 additional explosions, each dealing 2500% ATK of Ice DMG as Ultimate damage. Recover 35 SP after casting Ultimate.

After casting Ultimate, leave the Mecha as it flies into enemies and creates 3 additional explosions, each dealing 2000% ATK of Ice DMG as Ultimate damage. Recover 30 SP after casting Ultimate.


+: Weapon active and Ultimate deal 50% more Total DMG. In Continuation form, if weapon active, Combo ATK, or Ultimate hits an IMG-type Nihilus Seed whose current phase has below 40% HP, this phase is insta-killed.

Weapon active and Ultimate deal 40% more Total DMG. In Continuation form, if weapon active, Combo ATK, or Ultimate hits an IMG-type Nihilus Seed whose current phase has below 40% HP, this phase is insta-killed.
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Herrscher of Origin's Exclusive Signet

Lethal Smite

+: Stacking Twisted Origin grants 1 charge. At 2 charges, Malice Expunged consumes all charges to deal 1000% ATK of bonus Lightning DMG, gather enemies in a large area, and make enemies hit take 30% bonus Lightning DMG for 10s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Stacking Twisted Origin grants 1 charge. At 2 charges, Malice Expunged consumes all charges to deal 800% ATK of bonus Lightning DMG, gather enemies in a large area, and make enemies hit take 20% bonus Lightning DMG for 10s. Triggering it again resets the duration.


+: Malice Expunged deals 15 x 200% ATK of bonus Lightning DMG. When triggered, it reduces weapon active CD by 2s and increases Valkyrie's Total DMG by 40% for 10s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

Malice Expunged deals 15 x 150% ATK of bonus Lightning DMG. When triggered, it reduces weapon active CD by 2s and increases Valkyrie's Total DMG by 30% for 10s. Triggering it again resets the duration.


+: Ultimate's CD reduces by 30% and it deals 100% bonus Total DMG. If it kills an enemy, Valkyrie recovers 5 SP per second for 7s. Triggering it again refreshes its duration.

Ultimate's CD reduces by 20% and it deals 80% bonus Total DMG. If it kills an enemy, Valkyrie recovers 5 SP per second for 7s. Triggering it again refreshes its duration.


+: Ultimate can slash up to 8 more times and deal an extra 500% ATK of Lightning DMG.

Ultimate can slash up to 8 more times and deal 400% ATK of bonus Lightning DMG.


+: Stacking Twisted Origin boosts Total DMG from Basic ATK and Combo ATK by 25% for 8s (5 stacks max), reduces weapon active CD by 3s, and grants 3s of Iron Body plus 80% DMG reduction.

Stacking Twisted Origin grants 1 charge. At 2 charges, Malice Expunged consumes all charges to deal 800% ATK of bonus Lightning DMG, gather enemies in a large area, and make enemies hit take 20% bonus Lightning DMG for 10s. Triggering it again resets the duration.
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Herrscher of Finality's Exclusive Signet

High Flames

+: In Time Flint stance, enemies hit by Combo ATK take 35% more Total DMG for 10s. Triggering it again refreshes its duration. In Moon Blade stance, Combo ATK performs an extra AoE slash dealing 1600% ATK of Fire DMG.

In Time Flint stance, enemies hit by Combo ATK take 25% more Total DMG for 10s. Triggering it again refreshes its duration. In Moon Blade stance, Combo ATK performs an extra AoE slash dealing 1300% ATK of Fire DMG.


+: Casting weapon active or Basic ATK reduces Ultimate CD by 1.2s and grants 1 stack of Perpetual Rift (disabled in Absolute Time Fracture), each stack boosting Ultimate Fire DMG by 25%. 12 stacks max. With Perpetual Rift stacks, character restores 2.5 SP per second. All stacks are removed when Ultimate ends.

Casting weapon active or Basic ATK reduces Ultimate CD by 1.2s and grants 1 stack of Perpetual Rift (disabled in Absolute Time Fracture), each stack boosting Ultimate Fire DMG by 20%. 12 stacks max. With Perpetual Rift stacks, character restores 2 SP per second. All stacks are removed when Ultimate ends.


+: In Finale stance, Combo ATK triggers Ultimate Evasion Skill. Absolute Time Fracture boosts character's Fire DMG by 15% and make enemies take 30% bonus Total DMG for 40s. Triggering it again resets the duration.

In Finale stance, Combo ATK triggers Ultimate Evasion Skill. Absolute Time Fracture boosts character's Fire DMG by 15% and make enemies take 25% bonus Total DMG for 30s. Triggering it again resets the duration.


+: After triggering Absolute Time Fracture, Combo ATK deals 35% bonus Fire DMG for 30s, and each cast restores 5 Descent (7 times max). Triggering it again resets the duration and the count. Absolute Time Fracture has 50% reduced CD. Enemies take 600% bonus Fire DMG from Combo ATK in Finale stance (cannot stack).

After triggering Absolute Time Fracture, Combo ATK deals 30% bonus Fire DMG for 30s, and each cast restores 5 Descent (7 times max). Triggering it again resets the duration and the count. Absolute Time Fracture has 50% reduced CD. Enemies take 450% bonus Fire DMG from Combo ATK in Finale stance (cannot stack).

Final Moon

+: Character deals 50% bonus Total DMG. Ultimate unleashes an extra shockwave dealing 7500% ATK of Fire DMG as Ultimate DMG. After using support skills, tapping [ATK] triggers character's QTE.

Character deals 40% bonus Total DMG. Ultimate unleashes an extra shockwave dealing 6000% ATK of Fire DMG as Ultimate DMG. After using support skills, tapping [ATK] triggers character's QTE.
Table of Contents

Valkyrie Adjustments

All Valkyries

◆ Valkyries stats and skills are adjusted to lvl. 80 equivalent.

Applies only to the skills available for her rank.
Herrscher of Thunder

◆ No death immunity in burst anymore.

Casting a weapon active outside burst mode resets Ultimate CD.

Casting a weapon active in burst mode increases Total DMG 35% for 15s. Can be reset.

Herrscher of Reason

◆ No death immunity in burst anymore.

Herrscher of Flamescion

◆ My Body, A Beacon's HP regen is not limited by stage effects.

◆ When the barrier breaks, Valkyrie restores 60% max HP and becomes invincible for 3s. CD: 30s.

Stygian Nymph

◆ --

Argent Knight: Artemis

◆ --

Ritual lmayoh

◆ Up to 4 turrets can be deployed.

Valkyrie Gloria

◆ --

Prinzessin der Verurteilung!

◆ Valkyrie has higher Ignore Interrupt.

Miss Pink Elf♪

◆ Candle's Fragrance's CD is 45s now; during Ultimate, Valkyrie is immune to frontal & flank attacks while casting Charged Shot: Cupid's Bolt.

◆ Flame-Chasing Destiny: Extra chance to choose Signet of Ego when each round of challenge begins.

Bright Knight: Excelsis

◆ Giuoco's Serenity's regen effect is not limited by stage effects.

◆ Cannot be deployed when Bright Knight: Excelsis is on the support team.

Luna Kindred

◆ Charged ATK animation changed; gains Iron Body during Charged ATKs.

◆ Soul Drinker's regen effect is not limited by stage effects.

Valkyrie Bladestrike

◆ A landing Combo ATK (Blade Flurry) also grants EM Reserve.

Starchasm Nyx

◆ Sequence 4 of Basic ATK restores 2 Carmine Gashes. In burst mode, Valkyrie restores 1 Carmine Gash per 1.6s and 3% HP per second.

◆ In burst mode, Charged ATKs inflict Nightmare Thorns on up to 5 enemies.

Infinite Ouroboros

◆ Normal evasions can also trigger Ultimate Evasion Skill. Exiting submerged mode grants a shield to block 3 hits.

◆ Flame-Chasing Destiny: Extra chance to choose Signet of Ego when each round of challenge begins.

Midnight Absinthe

◆ Passive effect is replaced by: every 5 stacks of Night Roamer increase Valkyrie's Fire DMG by 5%. Night Roamer effects can last.

◆ On hit, Sequence 2 of Charged ATK restores 50 HP for every 5 Feather Arrows, Feather Blades, and Feathers recovered.

◆ Only one Raven Cloud can be present. Summoning again will clear the existing one.

Violet Executer

◆ Every 50 combo hits restore 200 HP. CD: 2s. When not in Fervent state, Fervor restores by 50 per second. In normal state, Charged ATK and Feverish Barrage enjoy Adamance.

◆ Total DMG taken reduces by 30%. Fervent state grants bonus Ignore Interrupt.

◆ When removing 150 combo hits, Motto series skills grant a Polarization Agent (caps at 3) which enables Feverish Barrage regardless of combo hits. Polarization Agents can be consumed on hit to deal 750% ATK of bonus Physical DMG. Tap [ATK] repeatedly to chain Feverish Barrage at the cost of 1 Polarization Agent per cast.

Herrscher of Sentience

◆ Weapon switch in normal form and Combo ATK in Herrscher form restore 2% max HP on hit. CD: 0.5s.

◆ Herrscher Form grants 70% Total DMG Reduction.

Sweet 'n' Spicy

◆ Charging enjoys Adamance. Charged ATK impairs enemies hit and lower their DEF by 50% for 10s (can be refreshed).

◆ Thrust Punch, Upward Thrust, and Downward Slam stack Armor Shredder. Aerial Charged ATK gathers enemies in a larger range.

◆ Ultimate becomes Elysian Realm-tailored with the same SP cost and CD. It starts with charged uppercuts dealing 1000%+3x150% ATK of Physical DMG and knocking enemies airborne, followed by a landing slam dealing 1000% ATK of Physical DMG and also knocking enemies airborne. When cast in mid-air, Ultimate starts with a ground slam dealing 600% ATK of Physical DMG.

Dea Anchora

◆ Voidstar Anchor & Astral Flares cost 12 SP instead.

Silverwing: N-EX

◆ QTE creates a scatter barrier which enables enhanced bullets passing through to deal AoE DMG.

Palatinus Equinox

◆ The Ultimate Evasion Skill has 1 more charge.

◆ Obtains a shield at the beginning of each battle, which can resist 20% of Max HP + 25% of current HP lost HP DMG for 15s. Total DMG taken during the shields duration is reduced by 80%, including indirect DMG. Triggering the Ultimate Evasion Skill refreshes the shield, grants Knight Guardian, and restores 25% of Max HP. If HP is less than 20% of Max HP, an extra 25% of Max HP is recovered.

Spina Astera

◆ Gains 600 inital Astrum in battle, reduces total DMG by 30%, and enjoys Adamance during Charged ATKs.

◆ Grants invincibility During Astral Flare: Erupt.

◆ Restores 40 HP per second in Astral Harness state.

Fallen Rosemary

◆ Ulf Rune and Ormr Rune have a larger area of effect.

◆ God Eater grants 50% Total DMG Reduction for 15s. Triggering it again resets it's duration.

◆ Valfreyja form increases Total DMG by 50%.

◆ Inflicts 50% less Paralyze Trauma.

Reverist Calico

◆ Start with extra 500 Shiny Silvers (unaffected by other effects).

◆ Shop selling prices reduced by 20%

◆ Flame-Chasing Destiny: Extra chance to choose Signet of Ego when each round of challenge begins.

◆ Cannot be deployed when Reverist Calico is on the support team.

Golden Diva

◆ --

◆ Flame-Chasing Destiny: Extra chance to choose Signet of Ego when each round of challenge begins.

Disciplinary Perdition

◆ When in conviction form, Aponia will call an illusory summoned entity to pray on her behalf. 200% bonus lightning DMG will be dealt during basic attacks to all enemies on the field while restoring 25 Redemption. CD:0.5s. When redemption reaches 100/180 or QTE is ready to use, using weapon active will cause the illusion to use QTE, dealing 1200% lightning DMG ( as qte hitting enemy) and restoring 600 HP. Only one illusion can be in play at a time and disappears when in predictors sentence form.

◆ Valkyrie’s move speed increases 30% and Evasion skill becomes available in predictors sentence form.

◆ Flame-Chasing Destiny: Extra chance to choose Signet of Ego when each round of challenge begins.

Molotov Cherry

◆ In Fervent Mode, Basic and Charged ATKs inflict 1 Bleed Trauma, while Ultimate inflicts 12 Bleed Trauma.

◆ Entering battle or Fervent Mode generates a shield that absorbs DMG equal to 50% of the Valkyrie's Max HP for 10s. Regenerating shield restarts status and duration. While the shield is up, reduce Total DMG taken by 30%. Crit Rate increases 50% during which Ultimate Evasion no longer grants a force field.

◆ When Pink or Blue Energy increases, the other energy increases the same amount.

◆ In normal mode, the Valkyrie's Basic ATK begins from the fourth hit.

◆ The Augment Core is activated upon entering battle.

◆ Ultimate's last hit deals an additional 600% ATK of Physical DMG.

◆ Weapon Active grants Iron Body for 1s.

Starry Impression

◆ All Signet of Stars taint duration is extended for 8s.

◆ Any evasion can be conneced into Basic ATK SEQ 3. 300 HP is restored when the Ultimate Evasion Skill is triggered. Incoming DMG is reduced by 50%

◆ Slight increase to Ignore Interupt during Ultimate.

◆ Flame-Chasing Destiny: Extra chance to choose Signet of Ego when each round of challenge begins.

Helical Contraption

◆ Reduces Ultimate CD by 35%. While the combat vehicle Special Weapon: No. 9 is in Weapon Mode, Total DMG Reduction is increased by 30%.

◆ A hit inflicts Target Lock once, dealing 100% ATK of Fire DMG and restoring 1 SP and 15 Weapon Heat Value of Chariot Heat Value. CD: 1s.

◆ Casting weapon active does not require SP. Weapon Mode attacks and Interlude Salute count as weapon actives. Casting Ultimate refreshes weapon active CD.

◆ Recover another 6 SP per second in Weapon Mode.

◆ Flame-Chasing Destiny: Extra chance to choose Signet of Ego when each round of challenge begins.

Goushinsso Memento

◆ Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill increases Elemental DMG by 30% for 8s. Triggering it again refreshes the duration.

◆ Can connect into Basic ATK SEQ 5 after evasion. Ultimate Evasion Skill will not generate White Shadow but can be triggered 1 more time. During Combo ATK, gain Iron Body and take 80% less Total DMG. Landing Zankeki grants 1 stack of Deep Freeze and triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill grants 10 stacks of Deep Freeze. 30 stacks max. Recovering 300 HP upon defeating an enemy.

◆ Flame-Chasing Destiny: Extra chance to choose Signet of Ego when each round of challenge begins.

Herrscher of Human: Ego

◆ When Normal Signets are choosen, their level increases by 1.

◆ No longer immune to death in Herrscher of Origin Form, gain 50% Total DMG Reduction instead.

◆ Gain Adamance and Iron Body when casting Charged ATKs.

◆ Restore 100% of HP and gain Invincibility for 3s when taking fatal DMG. Can only be triggered once in each battle.

◆ Waltz of the Stars counts as weapon skill in Herrscher of Origin Form.

◆ In Herrscher of Human Form, Charged ATKs inflict 2 Rime Trauma on targets. In Herrscher of Origin Form, Charged ATKs inflict 10 Rime Trauma on targets.

◆ Gain additional 25 SP when battle begins.

◆ Flame-Chasing Destiny: Extra chance to choose Signet of Ego when each round of challenge begins.

Herrscher of the Void

◆ Take 30% less Total DMG in Herrscher Form.

◆ Herrscher Charge does not decrease when unleashing Ultimate. Gain 1 additional aerial explosion that deals 2000% ATK of Physical DMG which counts as Ultimate DMG when Ultimate ends. This ATK is guaranteed to be a Critical hit.

◆ Area of effect of Ultimate Evasion Skill triggered by Phase Shuttle increased.

◆ Charged ATK: Time Tremor's ATK range increased.

◆ Initial Herrscher Charge increased by 240.

Jade Knight

◆ During Sword Array, Jade Knight's Ultimate Evasion is triggered when Ultimate Evasion charge is full. This then triggers [Back Wind Slash].

◆ Her Ultimate restores all Blade Sanction.

◆ Gain 50% Total DMG Reduction.

Vermilion Knight: Eclipse

◆ When Might of An-Utu of Shuhadaku of Uriel is equipped by Vermilion Knight, weapon actives are cast faster, Guren Flash connects into weapon active faster, and max Charge is increased to 4. With 3/4 Charge, weapon actives deal and extra 1000%/2100% ATK of Fire DMG.

◆ While equipping Shuhadaku of Uriel, with no less than 2 Charges, weapon active SEQ 2 can be cast; with 3/4 Charge, weapon active SEQ 2 deals an extra 1500%/3000% ATK of Fire DMG. After use, Vermilion Knight no longer suffers lower DMG and decreasing SP.

◆ You can hold ATK during Ultimate and Charged ATK to connect into Charged ATK.

◆ Guren Flash restores 1 Ultimate Charge on hit.

◆ Each hit of Ultimate, Charged ATK, and Guren Flash adds an extra 9 to combo hit counter.

◆ The time when Ultimate clears Overload is moved forward to when it is cast.

Chrono Navi

◆ Valkyrie deals 150% more ignite DMG.

◆ Valkyrie deals 50% more Total DMG.

Sixth Serenade

◆ Removes the immobilization from Ultimate and the delayed death effect from 3 stacks of Raven Marks.

◆ Basic ATK restores 200% more Nachtsicht.

◆ Combo ATK deals additional 500% ATK of Ice DMG.

◆ After obtaining the exclusive Signet, meet conditions to gain Graduation stacks, whose number will enhance Combo ATK accordingly:

1 stack: Small feather storms are created along the path of Combo ATK, dealing 6 x 400% ATK of Ice DMG, and briefly pulling in nearby enemies.
2 stacks: Enhanced feather storms are created along the path of Combo ATK, dealing 10 x 300% ATK of Ice DMG, pulling in nearby enemies over a larger radius.

Herrscher of Truth

◆ All weapons are unlocked in the beginning.

◆ Ultimate enters a 5s CD after entering Continuation form. Casting Ultimate Evasion Skill, Combo ATK, or weapon active in Continuation form allows the next Ultimate ATK to deal an additional 1000% ATK of Ice DMG. Another type of weapon will also be unlocked after Continuation form ends. This effect can be triggered up to 3 times during each Continuation form.

◆ Casting Ultimate in Continuation form resets Return Brake CD.

◆ Casting Combo ATK in Continuation form recovers 200 HP for herself.

◆ Total DMG increases by 30% in Extremum and Continuation forms.

Herrscher of Origin

◆ Valkyrie's stats and skill levels are adjusted to Lv. 80.

◆ Valkyrie deals 20% bonus Total DMG.%

◆ Valkyrie restores 1 extra charge every 6 seconds. Sheathing or evading consumes charges to boost Mind Body Insight, and sheathing during Basic ATK improves Ignore Interrupt and grants 50% Total DMG Reduction.

◆ Kills restore 100 HP.

◆ Regressive Origin: Moment's CD reduced to 1s.

Herrscher of Finality

◆ Valkyrie stats and skill level are adjusted to Lv. 80 equivalent.

◆ During Basic ATKs, valkyrie takes 30% less Total DMG, has higher Ignore Interrupt, and deals 40% more DMG in mid-air.

◆ Grants 2 initial Time Wave.

◆In Time Flint stance, Combo ATK gathers enemies.

◆ Casting Combo ATK restores 450 HP.

Table of Contents

Remembrance Sigils

General Sigils

Misc. Sigils

The MOTH Insignia

Reduces Total DMG taken by 25% and restores 15% HP after battle.

Home Lost

Grants 3 portal resets but locks Remembrance Sigil and Support Valkyrie.

False Hope

Valkyrie receives 50% less Total DMG when debuffed.

Tin Flask

Take 30% less Total DMG. Max HP increased by 500.

Ruined Legacy

Grants 30 bonus initial SP but consumes 10% current HP after battle.

Key of the Deep

Max HP increases by 300; Max SP increases by 40.

Table of Contents

Flame-Chaser Sigils 2★


Portals carrying Signets of Deliverance appear more often; Signets of Deliverance offer Ultimate buffs.

Gold Goblet

Portals carrying Signets of Gold appear more often; Signets of Gold offer SP buffs.

Mad King's Mask

Portals carrying Signets of Decimation appear more often; Signets of Decimation offer low HP buffs.

Light as a Bodhi Leaf

Portals carrying Signets of Bodhi appear more often; Signets of Bodhi offer combo buffs.


Portals carrying Signets of Setsuna appear more often; Signets of Setsuna offer evasion buffs.

Forbidden Seed

Portals carrying Signets of Infinity appear more often; Signets of Infinity offer summoned entity buffs.


Portals carrying Signets of Vicissitude appear more often; Signets of Vicissitude offer no-damage buffs.

Crystal Rose

Portals carrying Signets Ego of appear more often; Signets of Ego offer special buffs.

Veil of Tears

Portals carrying Signets Discipline of appear more often; Signets of Discipline offer restriction buffs.

Pseudo Miracle

Portals carrying Signets Helix of appear more often; Signets of Helix offer weapon buffs.

Fragile Friend

Portals carrying Signets Daybreak of appear more often; Signets of Daybreak offer shield-breaker buffs.

Rainbow of Absence

Portals carrying Signets Stars of appear more often; Signets of Stars offer type counter buffs.

Feast of Emptiness

Portals carrying Signets Reverie of appear more often; Signets of Reverie offer Shiny Silver buffs.

Table of Contents

Flame-Chaser Sigils 3★

Thorny Crown

Can choose another Signet of Ego (ineffective when worn by Flame-Chasers) when a run begins. Portals carrying Signets of Ego will not appear after 1F. Remembrance Sigil and support Valkyries cannot be swapped. The number of options when choosing a Signet is reduced to 2. Every Signet owned increases Total DMG bonus by 10% and reduces max HP by 1000.

Abandoned - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Deliverance signet.

When the Signets of [Blade of the Deliverer] are active, defeating an enemy reduces the Ultimate CD by 20% once over 10s;
When the Signets of [Shadow of the Deliverer] are active, the number of combo hits required to enter War of Deliverance is reduced from 50 to 45.

Good Old Days - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Signet of Gold.

When the Signets of [Aria of Gold] are active, consuming 50 SP or more in one go drops an SP Pack that restores 10 SP;
When the Signets of [Echo of Gold] are active, consuming SP restores 20 Final Echo charges once every 10s.

Shattered Shackles - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Signet of Decimation.

When the Signets of [Fight, Struggle and Decimation] are active, become immune to most debuffs at below 33% HP and interruption at below 20% HP;
When the Signets of [Soldiers, Scissors, Spoils and Slaughter] are active, raises max Bloodboil Armor charges by 300.

Heavy as a Million Lives - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Signet of Bodhi.

When the Signets of [Motto of Bodhi] are active, combo count will not be reset and the first hit grants extra 50 combo hits;
When the Signets of [Dictum of Bodhi] are active, hitting enemies in a Trance grants extra 8 combo hits once every 15s.

Stained Sakura - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Signet of Setsuna.

When the Signets of [Setsuna Blade: Sakura ni Maku] are active, every time Sakura Screen is triggered, it's DMG conversion ration increases by 10%;
When the Signets of [Setsuna Blade: Yasha] are active, the CD of Isshun status is reduced from 10s to 8.5s.

The First Scale - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Signet of Infinity.

When the Signets of [Infinite [X]] are active, every time a battle starts, activate Mind Sync for 8s;
When the Signets of [Infinite [M]] are active, the transfer progress of Sentience Sync status increases by 3% per second.

Resolve - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Vicissitude signet.

When the Signets of [Vivid Vicissitude] are active, Soldier's Resolve starts with 1 more stack and grants temporary invincibility when blocking DMG;
When the Signets of [Suffering Masses] are active, the invincibility from blocking DMG is prolonged to 0.6s.

Proof of Good and Evil - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Discipline signet.

When the Signets of [You Shall Be Subject to Numerous Disciplines] are active and Exhortation reaches 100, Nexus Signet's effects will be triggered;
When the Signets of [You Shall Receive Disciplines' Blessing] are active, their Total DMG cap is raised from 70% to 100%.

Faraway Ship - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Helix signet.

When the Signets of [Interlude: Reversed Spiral] are active, if enemies are hit by a weapon active, they take 20% bonus physical DMG for 6s;

Ravenous Gully - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Daybreak signet.

When the Signets of [Undying Light] are active, DMG against shielded enemies is increased by 25%;

Grey-scale Rainbow - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Stars signet.

When the Signets of [Shining like Stars] are active, if an enemy is tainted red, yellow, and blue at the same time, enemies stay tainted for an extra 2.5s;
When the Signets of [Faded Stars] are active, tainted enemies will taint nearby enemies with the same colors after 1s of thier defeat

Nine Lives - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Reverie signet.

When the Signets of [Empty Dreams, Self, Set, and Joy] are active, the amount of Silver needed to trigger the Nexus Signet effect is reduced by 200;

Table of Contents

Support Sigils

Flame-Chaser Sigils 4★

DMG increases with Deep Sequence difficulty and the number of floors reached. Charge 600.

It Will Be Written - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Signet of Deliverance.

All Back to Zero: The enemy with the highest HP becomes icebound for 10 hits, this executes non-boss enemies while causing bosses massive HP loss.
Charging: Gain 200 Charge for every Ultimate use. CD: 10s.

Dreamful Gold - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Signet of Gold.

Aria of Brilliance: Expands Eden's Stage, causing HP loss to surrounding enemies while increasing deployed Valkyrie's Total DMG by 50% for 10s.
Charging: Gain 50 Charge for every 20 SP recovered in combat. CD 2s.

An Old Pal's Legacy - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Signet of Decimation.

Divine Flames, Divine Wrath, and Divine Transformation: Increases deployed Valkyries max HP by 1000 for 10s. This skill permanently raises max HP by 50 with each use, for a maximum of 500 HP.
Charging: Gain 100 Charge for each enemy defeated.

Empty like Shala - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Signet of Bodhi.

Life and Death: A special skill that increases Valkyrie ATK (speed?) and Move Speed by 20% for. It then causes massive HP loss for all enemies based on the DMG Valkyrie dealt during this time and knocks them down.
Charging: Gain 60 Charge for every 150 combo hits.

Tsukimi Himiko - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Signet of Setsuna.

Setsuna Blade: Matsunitsuru: Unleash Chrono Slash, which causes massive HP loss for all enemies, then consecutive HP loss and a 4s Time Lock.
Charging: Gain 120 Charge for every Ultimate Evasion Skill triggered CD: 6s.

Boundless Logos -Grants 1 extra level when choosing a Signet of Infinity.

Miniature [X]: Creates an effigy to taunt enemies for 10s. The effigy is Soul Linked to enemies so that 30% of the DMG it takes is passed onto all enemies, or 60% if there are more than 2 enemies on the field.
Charging: Gain 100 Charge when casting ELF Ultimate or summoning entities. CD: 4s

Hometown - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a signet of Vicissitude.

Fleeting Moment: Become invincible and increase total DMG by 20% for 8s. Invincibility is extended by 2s if HP is below 30%.
Charging: Gain 20 Charge per second in combat. Unable to recover Charge for 5s after receiving DMG

Because of You

Pristine Bless: Reset all portal on field, If there are less than 4 Signets of Ego, one of the portals will become an Exclusive Signet Portal.
Charging: Gain 100 Charge for every floor cleared (unavailable in Flame-Chasers' Trials).

Boundless Feeling - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a signet of Discipline.

You Shall Be Tested by Untold Sufferings: Pulls in enemies and calls waves of Rain and Light to pour down, each causing HP loss for 10s. Rain of Light's DMG increases by 30% with each use, caps at 120%, and resets after exiting stage.
Charging: Gain 30 Charge per second in combat.

Falling in Past Light - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a signet of Helix .

Prologue: Surprise: Places a bomb that causes massive HP loss to all enemies.
Charging: Gain 120 Charge for every Weapon Active use. CD: 6s

Out of Reach - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a signet of Daybreak.

Abyss that Engulfs All Evil: Launches a vortex that pulls in enemies, the vortex causes multiple HP loss per second and stacks Rend every 0.5s for 10s.
Charging: Gain 20 Charge per second in combat if an enemy is nearby and 10 additional Charge if there are more than 2 enemies nearby.

The Lonely Moon - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a signet of Stars.

Hugging Like Friends: Creates a phantom studio enemy. Valkyries deal 30% more Total DMG to countering-type enemies in the tainted area. Also triggers a paint explosion that cause HP loss and taints enemies with all unlocked paint colors when exiting the field.
Charging: Gain 150 charges for tacking down countered-type enemies, 50 for countering types, and 100 for other types.

Awakening - Grants 1 extra level when choosing a signet of Reverie.

Money Makes Money: Summon a slot machine at the end of non-shop stages. Each lever-pull costs 100 Silver for a random prize. If you win 999 Shiny Silvers, the slot machine will explode and cannot be resummoned.
Charging: Gain 600 Charge after Clearing a Floor.

Table of Contents

Support Valkyrie Skills

(DMG Decays in Flame-Chasers' Trials, Shallow Sequence, and Deep Sequence below Inferno difficulty).

Valkyrie Chariot (VC)

Black Hole | CD: 30s.

Summons Valkyrie Chariot which unleashes a Black Hole that lasts 10s, sucking in enemies and causing Bleed. The ranged physical DMG taken by the sucked in enemies is increased by 27%, the the total damage dealt is reduced by 50%, the Ignore Interrupt is significantly reduced, and the enemies are stunned for 6s after the Black Hole vanishes.

Divine Prayer (DP)

Divine Retribution | CD: 40s

Triggers Time Fracture for 12s, during which, Falling Thunder is triggered every 2s, dealing 100% ATK of Lightning DMG to all enemies and impairing them, and DEF is reduced by 80% for 5s.

Snowy Sniper (SS)

Arctic Snow | CD: 60s

Summons Snowy Sniper to inflict 18 Rime Trauma to all enemies and increasing their physical DMG taken by 35% for 12s. Deals 150% of ATK as Ice DMG after the freeze ends.

Lightning Empress (LE)

Lightning Charge | CD: 40s

Lightning Empress restores 50 SP for the deployed Valkyrie.

Vermilion Knight: Eclipse (VK)

Ravaging Flame | CD: 60s

Summons Vermilion Knight: Eclipse, with a devastating ATK that deals a total of 2650% ATK of Fire DMG + 350% ATK of Physical DMG. She then unleashes Might of An-Utu, dealing 2600% ATK of Fire DMG and inflicting 20% Fire Vulnerability on the target enemies for 10s.

Bright Knight: Excelsis (BK)

Knightly Bulwark | CD: 30s

Summons Bright Knight: Excelsis, who swings her lance and unleashes her Ultimate, dealing 930% ATK of Physical DMG, and blocking all incoming attacks temporarily.

Azure Empyrea (AE)

Empyrean Sunder | CD: 50s

Summons Azure Empyrea, who gathers enemies and deals 1500% ATK of Fire DMG to all enemies, Enemies hit by that attack take 30% bonus Elemental DMG for 15s. Valkyrie regains 1 SP per second, gain greater Ignore Interrupt, and gain 16% Elemental Breach.

Blood Rose (BR)

Blood Boost | CD: 40s

The Blood Rose reduces the HP of the deployed Valkyrie by 30%, and increases the Total DMG dealt by the Valkyrie by 60% for 10s.

Haxxor Bunny (HB)

Star Destroyer | CD: 40s

Summons Haxxor Bunny, whose presence increases Valkyrie's Total DMG by 12%. She performs a carpet bombing for Is, dealing of ATK as Ice DMG and increasing Valkyrie's Ice DMG by 15% for 15s. Triggering it again resets its duration. It also sends Valkyrie into Tracking mode, which increases Total DMG by 10% for 15s. Bombed enemies' Move Speed is reduced by 40.0% for 5s.

Midnight Absinthe (MA)

Nightbird's Call | CD: 60s

Summons Midnight Absinthe, whose presence increases Valkyrie's Fire DMG by 20%. Her assault deals 6x150% ATK of Fire DMG. She then shoots an explosive arrow at the ground, dealing 300% ATK of Fire DMG on hit and 700% ATK of Fire DMG to surrounding enemies by exploding, which also increases the team's Fire DMG by 30% for 18s. She simultaneously creates a Raven Cloud that lasts 18s over the battlefield. If the team damages the enemies in the cloud, the cloud explodes 1s later to deal 600% of ATK as Fire DMG.

Reverist Calico (RC)

All Paws on Deck | CD: 50s

Summons Reverist Calico to deal 2100% ATK of Ice DMG, increase. Total DMG for deployed Valkyries by 10% for 16s, and restore 3 SP for deployed Valkyries. When she is present, deployed Valkyries deal 25% bonus Total DMG against frozen enemies.

Starlit Astrologos (SA)

Eight Formations | CD: 50s

Deploy a formation with a whirling tornado, gathering enemies at the tornado eye dealing 20x160% ATK of Physical DMG in total. Reduces incoming DMG 20% and increases Ignore Interrupt for 15s. Increases deployed Valkyries Physical DMG by 25% for 18s. When she is present, Physical DMG dealt by deployed Valkyries Ultimate and Burst mode increases by 15%.

Stygian Nymph (SN)

Chthonic Fury | CD: 30s

Summon Stygian Nymph to inflict Quantum Implosion on QUA enemies once, pull and immobilize enemies for 4s, deal 1000% + 7 × 100% ATK of Physical DMG, trigger a 2s Global Time Fracture, and increase Valkyrie's Total DMG by 15% for 15s.

Fallen Rosemary (FR)

God Hunter | CD: 45s

Summon Fallen Rosemary's Garmr to attack, gather surrounding enemies, and deal 600% ATK of Lightning DMG. Add 10 Paralyse Trauma and increase Valkyrie Elemental DMG by 25% for 20s.

Table of Contents

Boss Info


  • Zenith Decimation

Kalpas enters Active Honkai Reaction Form, obtaining buffs based on the two Signets you own most.

Player Signet Adapation Name Kalpas Adaptation
Kevin - Deliverance Pathless Entering Frenzy stuns enemies and boosts self DMG throughout the battle.
Eden - Gold Useless Casting skills inflicts Ignite Trauma and ignites enemies at full charge to reduce their HP, SP and suspend regen.
Kalpas - Decimation Restless Drastically accelerates Fury build-up and boosts attack DMG based on HP lost.
Su - Bodhi Knowledgeless Enters Frenzy at low HP, obtains a shield and restores HP.
Yae Sakura - Setsuna Thoughtless Accelerates Kalpas' stomping speed in Active Honkai Reaction and grants him Time Slow/Time Fracture immunity during Active Honkai Reaction.
Mobius - Infinity Tasteless Periodically summons Ghost of Decimation to aid in battle. While Ghost of Decimation is present, Kalplas takes no DMG.
Hua - Vicissitude Powerless Obtains a shield after having taking no DMG for a duration. Entering Frenzy resets the sheild. (Hit shield)
Aponia - Discipline Hinderless When Kaplas stomps, Pillars of Oblivion deal DMG. With Pillars of Oblivion present, Kalpas deals more DMG and takes less DMG.
Vill-V - Helix Careless Obtains Iron Body periodically, which is removed after blocking DMG from weapon skills.
Kosma - Daybreak Hopeless Skills inflict Anguish, which can be reset by Ultimate Evasions.
Griseo - Stars Sightless Summons falling stars continuously to attack. (Small)
Pardofelis - Reverie Penniless Summons meteorites periodically to attack. (Large)
Elysia - Ego Nameless Frenzy will not end without interruption, and some skills create Seething Pool terrain.

Table of Contents

Scores per Floor

Floor Void Shroud Inferno Submergence Abstinence Corruption Finality
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 200 300 350 400 450 500 550
2 400 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
3 600 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 1650
4 1200 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 3300
5 1400 2100 2450 2800 3150 3500 3850
6 1600 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 4400
7 2000 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
8 2800 4200 4900 5600 6300 7000 7700
9 3000 4500 5250 6000 6750 7500 8250
10 3200 4800 5600 6400 7200 8000 8800
11 3600 5400 6300 7200 8100 9000 9900
12 4800 7200 8400 9600 10800 12000 13200
13 5000 7500 8750 10000 11250 12500 13750
14 5400 8100 9450 10800 12150 13500 14850
15 6000 9000 10500 12000 13500 15000 16500
16 6200 9300 10850 12400 13950 15500 17050
17 8000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000
18 8800 13200 15400 17600 19800 22000 24200

Table of Contents


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Pub: 10 Dec 2021 03:13 UTC
Edit: 16 Feb 2023 10:48 UTC
Views: 14964