vivica's lovemail. ~

pomz⠀-⠀sold me cocaine
hi mama. i love you very much and you are very awesome! even though we havent talked as much over the last few days, im really greatful youre my friend. and your moms super cool.. okay? just stop talking about giving birth to me. stupid uke.

mio⠀-⠀mugged me in cosplay
hello papa. you are also very cool! ive known you for longer than that STUPID UKE, i mean pomz, but its okay. i like you both equally! im very happy that we're friends. nobody matches our milgram freak. got pomz pregnant with me. prob. dumb seme.

basement⠀-⠀im dumb shes a lesbian
hi basement. my favourite lesbian. you may be in denial, but its okay! i think youre a bit.. slow. and although everyone makes fun of you for it, i think being slow is a good thing, even if youd probably say something like "id go straight for dazai."

basil⠀-⠀everyone is dead
hey basil. HARUKA IS DEAD. HYUNA IS DEAD. anyway. got me into pokemon again because he said id like spheal. stupid fudanshi. needs to be killed. hey, lets go to heaven together! maybe we'll see haruka.

lilly⠀-⠀gambled my college savings
hi lilly. do you guys know lilly has been there for almost all of the important events in my life? did you know people used to call me and lilly lesbians when we were 10 because we would walk around together at breaktime? did you know that lilly took all my money. me and lilly were calling and fucking ollie starts MOANING DOWN THE PHONE. THIS FAGGOT. hi lilly. miss you. lets go shopping soon.

scarlett⠀-⠀touched my boob once
HATE THIS FAGGOT. "im straight" STOP TRYING TO TOUCH ME. anyway. hate this faggot. mcr fan and saiki k fan.. looks like someone got the bad end of the gene pool. keeps calling me saiki because i have glasses. tried to SIT ON MY LAP and crushed me because of how fucking FAT SHE IS. FATTIE. OBESE. TUBBY. CANT STAND THIS GIRL. GO KISS GERARD WAY.

Pub: 06 Aug 2021 04:44 UTC
Edit: 14 Feb 2025 19:49 UTC
Views: 499