Accessibility statement

  • All pages can be navigated on a mobile phone
  • All pages are made with a set language
  • All text is aligned without justify
  • All text and backgrounds pass colour contrast tests
  • All font sizes are set with em instead of px
  • All images have alt text, including decorative text that is marked as "null"
  • Site can be navigated at 200% zoom-in and at various screen resolutions
  • A flash warning is given on the landing page.
  • None of the music on my pages are autoplay

To do:

  • Make dark mode CSS that can be toggled on and off on all pages
  • Test the site with a screenreader
  • Test navigation with keyboard only
  • Ability to turn gifs on and off

My goal is to make my website as accessible to as many people as possible, so advice is always appreciated.

Pub: 11 Oct 2023 15:00 UTC
Edit: 20 Nov 2024 15:21 UTC
Views: 593