The Fairy Festival

The Fairy Festival is a uniquely greater Anykarian religious festival that celebrates three fairy deities present in the traditional Anykarian, Ninisani, and Mujigae pantheons. While all of these pantheons recognize each other's deities as being part of their great pantheon, there is very little integration and trans branch worship largely due to the way the deities are worshipped in each pantheon being totally different. For example, the Ninisani gods are seen as the creators of their own respective people and ethnicities while the traditional Anykarian view is that there is no creator deity, rather that the Kami are part of nature and that the creator was one instructed by the Kami, Tazumi Riku. For Mujigae, it's even more complex given that they are influenced by Ninisani, Anykarian, and local beliefs all at once so that the distinction is rather muddy. They for example, do not believe in the creation myth of Ninisanism but rather that of Anykarianism. But on the other hand, they incorporate Ninisani beliefs about gods being active figures in the lives of their worshippers with many of the Kami of the Anykarian pantheon along with their local gods. It is thus amazing in this confusing mix of theology that the celebration of three fairy deities, one from each of the Pantheons, is a festival that is not only practiced by each but is conducted the same by each.

It perhaps is a reflect of all of their combined natures as Fairies and the cross-cultural interactions between priests and monks of these deities that led to the development of this festival. It also stands to reason that the worshippers of Seffyna, Pomu Rainpuff and Eli Conifer found the similarities in their deities and formed a syncretic relationship through them. Either way, we are not certain when the festival was first celebrated, with some accounts dating it back to 300 VTE, but the most accepted year is 454 VTE, when it was recorded officially in the documents of the Kingdom of Mujigae. It appears from that date on, the festival has been held on May 1st for three days. Each one of these days is dedicated to one of the divine trio, based on seniority. The first to Eli Conifer, the second to Seffyna and the third to Pomu Rainpuff.

The festivity is always held within a heavily wooded area or a place where nature can be at its finest. A pond is also essential for the festival as well, as will be described later as is a flower meadow. One of the great myths about this festival that seems to be true is that Pomu herself ensures that it can be celebrated by making sure the weather is always warm enough and that it never snows or frosts during the festival. This is particular remarkable in considering that Mujigae is a rather cold place itself, but sure enough, as far as we know, it has always been warm enough in the Kingdom to be held. Some say that Seffyna and Eli play their own parts in this anamoly as well, but with all myths, we cannot be certain.

The typical dress of the men, women and children that attend the festival is that of gnomes for the men and forest or flower fairies for the women. Every man wears a Phrygian hat and each women a flower crown. Another tradition is for the attendees too fast for a week before the festival, in order to be purified by it.

The festival starts with the Day of Eli Conifer, which celebrates the Flower Fairy and her aspects. The playing of the flute, the gathering of flowers and the naturally the mischievous and chaotic behavior surround this day. As with all days, bathing in the pond is essential for the cleaning of the soul and enlightenment and women are expected to act like "yanderes". The smoking of Poppy seeds and eating of psychedelics are considered to be essential to the day's experience. At the end of Eli's day, a wicker man is set alight in honor of the "Fairy of Fire". On this day, the cutest young girl is given the title of "Child of Eli".

The second day, Seffyna's day is a day centered around singing, dancing and mischief. It is also a day which is famous for the amount of screaming that takes place on it, and that is something considering that all days have a great amount of screaming already. But this screaming comes from the pranks set off, mostly against women and children in an attempt to make them as loud as Seffyna. The day is arguably the least insane of the three days, considering the lack of narcotics used, all things considered. But is that really the case when Mechaffyna, the evil form of Seffyna is also venerated and is the common form the men take in their torture of the women, who are supposed to be Seffyna. The most beautiful young woman who sings before everyone is crowned "Child of Seffyna" while the most insane male is called the "Child of Mechaffyna".

The final day is Pomu's and given that Pomu is considered the most chaotic of the three, it should be no surprise that this day is the wildest. The smoking of Pomuleaf, and the ingestion of PomuPower energy juice ensure the insanity of this day. It is not uncommon to see actual anger enduced rages come during this day, of Pomu's own energy likely, that result in fights. But it is also a beautiful day, with concerts with wotoge chants, the embracement of unity and of general fun and mischief. One interesting part of this day is women will dress up like Eli Conifer and be chased by men dressed like Pomu because of Pomu's love of maids. When the day is done, the Woman who performed the most like Pomu in a concert is crowned "Daughter of Pomu."

When it is all said and done, edifices of all three fairies and brought in front of everyone and 20 minutes of prayers and venerations of them are held under the moonlight, asking for the protection of nature, their love and a good harvest.

While some circumstances vary based on location, it is remarkable that the general rules of this festival are held to be the same across three vastly different religions and realms. It is a true symbol of unity and despite the chaos, one of the festivals that many in these realms look forward too each year.

Pub: 14 Aug 2022 15:57 UTC
Views: 356